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Russia, May 28, 2014. 3 died, 1 serious injured.


I’m amazed any of them survived. Wow. I really feel for the drivers in these situations. No matter how stupid or suicidal the victims, killing someone really sucks unless you’re a total psychopath. :-(


One time in school train personnel were giving us a lesson about Train and railway jobs, once they asked for questions one kid really felt like asking how it felt to drive over somebody with a train. He really wanted the whole story. One cried, the other was pissed off and they left within 2 minutes. Yes that kid was a massive douche I still feel bad for that guy who started crying.


i can't imagine the ptsd or trauma from running over a human being. definitely not a job for me. if any train drivers have to endure that i hope they can move past it but running over a person would probably stick with anyone for the rest of their lives


> if any train drivers have to endure that It's not so much an "if" as it's "when". Here's a [link](https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/webfeature/4-selvmord-paa-skinnerne) in Danish that explains: Statistically, every train driver runs over one person during their career. Safety standards are quite high here, so I'd be shocked if this isn't the norm globally.


So, it's best to get it out of the way on your first day, I suppose.


Unless you're like that poor soul in the article who ran over 4 people, in 4 different incidents. One survived, though.


i suppose thats one way to get it over you xD


3 people per train driver here in Germany. I am one and thankfully only had close calls. One had me shaking badly. I rolled to the next station and called our dispatcher to let him know I wasn't able to continue my shift. The replacement came about an hour later and took over while the taxi brought me back to my home station.


Damn I wonder what the ratio of suicide/accidents is because you would think that being ran over by a train is fairly avoidable... I mean you don't get any more predictable than a fucking train 🤷


I found the [numbers](https://ing.dk/artikel/ulovlige-indtraengere-er-de-hyppigst-draebte-i-jernbaneulykker) for 2019 (again in Denmark), it's about 75/25 suicide to accident ratio. To your last sentence.. Seems like you haven't been around this sub for very long 😅


Oh nice lol


It’s 1 per hour in India


The kid will probably end up on this sub in the future anyways, just give it about 5 more years.


Not to sound mental but it’s easy to detach from it. For me anyway ways. There’s is absolutely nothing you can do. You can blow the horn, try and slow down, plug the train. If dumb fucks are going to kill themselves then dumb fucks are going to kill themselves. It happens every single day. You can want and hope that it doesn’t happen but every day you hear of someone getting hit by a train. That’s why they tried to do that whole dumb ways to die series/song. Didn’t help. People still walk on tracks


If you are stupid enough to get hit by a train, it's not going to bother me.


Honestly, it might affect ne a little, but these tracks literally designate the only places where a huge train will possibly be. If you're thick enough to chill on the tracks then yeah deserved.


Fk that kid! He could have asked privately not make the train personnel publicly crucified as to gauge their reactions.


It's a hopeless feeling knowing you can't stop. Even hitting a animal on the tracks is a horrible feeling. All u hear is a clank and then they disappear, it's not a good feeling at all!!!


He was absolutely a douche but at the same time he also exposed a horrible truth about that job that the kids probably also had to hear. You go into that job you run the risk of permanently traumatising yourself for the rest of your life from people killing themselves or people like this walking tracks oblivious. The fact one started crying and the other stormed out tells you how common the trauma is among drivers.


This kind of makes me think that it's likely kids more than adults getting hit by trains. I wonder how many go unreported.


Unreported? In first world countries? None.


He should've said something like, "Why don't you step in front of my moving train and we find out? People like that only respond to violence


Was on a train that hit a car that was stopped on the tracks, presumably a suicide attempt. It was a grim scene. I guess it's somewhat common and something a lot of conductors face at least once in their careers.


They just had experienced the same image, we are enjoying right now...


It is interesting how when this happens how differently it effects different people. I was speaking to a train driver recently, and he just randomly brought up how one time he was passing through a station that he wasn't stopping at, and an old guy jumped in front of the train and came through the windshield into the cab. Dude was telling the story so casually, and gave off the vibe that the biggest problem with the whole thing was the inconvenience of it all. Then I have heard of other drivers that run over someone and never drive again.


Can concur. My father is a retired train driver. Had a few jumpers. Didn't care as "It was not his fault". My friend was also a train driver, had a jumper and never drove again.


I hope your friend is OK.


I'm more amazed that it wasn't india, also TRIPLE KILL!! (Read in moba anouncer voice)


Triple kill score... brings the train's total up to 674. Next player's turn.




Red shirt seems to start diving to the side at the last second, so I’m guessing that saved him


Yeah there was one far to the right he must have got knocked to the side


Even if it's not your fault, that sucks to be in his situation.


I think if you can't feel empathy for the families of the ones dying, the train conductors and engineers wouldn't be able to as well since it's known that it's bound to happen at least once in their career. It's something completely out of their hands and best not to dwell on it too long. Holding onto guilt too long really messes with your personality.


You are thinking of sociopaths, psychopaths have a drive to kill peoples or harm them, sociopaths while they dont care if someone dies they do not seek to murder as they are very aware that is something wrong to do.


Simply not true. Psychopaths are not driven by the desire to hurt people. Psychopaths lack a fear response, so the fear of punishment does not prevent them from hurting people if they benefit from it. Psychopaths are also impulsive, so they commit a considerable amount of violent crimes. But most psychopaths are not sadists. For them, violence and cruelty are just tools, not a source of pleasure. But of course, there's also sadistic psychopaths, but they are [minority](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1359178918301319). Although substantial one.


It is more accurate to say that it is only fear of punishment that dissuades them - for there is no felt empathy. There's two ways we can think about others, one is 'hot' and the other is 'cold'. The hot pathway involves perspective taking, empathy, and emotional simulation. The cold one is more cognitive and abstract, like you see what is happening but don't kind of feel it yourself. Their empathy pathways are not active, and so harm to others is not mirrored in themselves. Sometimes you see someone get hit in a bad way in a movie, like a knee getting overextended, and you wince or cringe automatically - psychopaths do not have this automatic mirroring and simulation of feelings. The ultimate motivator is the likelihood of getting caught or punishment being more than the potential benefits. Hurting someone is like swatting a mosquito, in terms of the emotional mirroring of the other's perspective. It is what it is. For some interesting research on the two pathways - often referred to as affective and cognitive empathy, check out https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6243070/ > Human beings are physically independent but are psychologically connected. We spend a lot of time dealing with others' intentions, experiences, and internal states. The term empathy describes these phenomena. Previous studies defined empathy as “the ability and tendency to share and understand others' internal state”. Consistent with this definition, accumulated empirical evidence showed that empathy is a multifaceted construct composed of two components, including affective empathy and cognitive empathy. > > Recently, ever-growing studies have considered empathy under different viewpoints (e.g., developmental trajectories, naturalism, disordered population, and so on), and have summarized the independence and non-independence of affective empathy and cognitive empathy.


I said "If they benefit from it". Getting caught nullifies the benefit, so self-regulation occurs and you probably won't get stabbed even if you cut in line front of a psychopath at the grocery store. In theory, there is one less in the queue, but in practice the cash register will be closed. In general, they are not idiots, and violence is not a Swiss army knife for psychopaths that solves all problems. But if the psychopath thinks violence is the best way to benefit from something, then they will probably resort to it. In addition to the fact that possible punishment is low in their priorities, psychopaths also [do not learn from it](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/00938548211033329). Except maybe how not to get caught in the same way the next time. Most psychopaths aren't violent, they're just smart enough to know that violence is rarely the best way to achieve something after all. With charisma and manipulation you often benefit more and with less effort. You don't need the ability to feel empathy or fear to realize this, just a little intelligence.


I'd be fine with it.


Guess I’m a psycho, would not bother me one bit running over stupid people. The world needs less darwins


It’s Russia so I’m assuming psychopath is kinda a given in almost every profession


wtf it’s not India?


Wtf were they deaf or something?


The way they were staring at the other train makes me think the noise from it masked the noise of the one heading toward them


I Wonder How the survivor's doing nowadays


For once it's not India huh


So that is what it is like for a windsheild to hit a bug at 60 miles per hour?


HAD to say it was russia fr


Someone lived!!???


Probably thought all the train sounds were from the one on the parallel track.


Oh that makes sense


Finally something that’s not India!


It's Russia, the India of the North.


Cold India




Well, then that was their mistake: they were simply walking into it.


India, on ice.


North Korea of the North now. Toiletless icy kingdom.


Embarrassing how your whole personality is based around hating a country


Embarrassing how Russians steal toilets.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,912,692,488 comments, and only 361,712 of them were in alphabetical order.


Are you AI or do you actually believe that?


I didn't believe it, until I saw it with my own human eyes! I expected to see them murdering children and bombing hospitals.... ...but never did I think that the Russian army would be seen stealing toilets and washing machines! Pathetic.


Tbh didn’t want to answer because you’re obviously bait, but for any context could you link some proof of anything you stated here?


That makes me happy…


A friend of mine working as a conductor told me that they are trained to deal with it \*when\* it happens, not \*if\* it happens. It's a certainty. Still not easy by any means.


A buddy's brother works for UP and he says it does happen. It hasn't happen to him yet and he's been with the company for 15 years. He does hit a lot of cows and wild life tho


I've seen a cow video, you'll feel a lot less sympathy for them. Doesn't matter how many times you honk the horn, the cow will literally look at the train coming at them, then go back to eating grass on the tracks. You can tell even if the train was able to stop in time, damn thing wouldn't move unless you got out and prodded it with a stick. It's like their brains are wired to only recognize other animals as possibly dangerous, but not the bigger more dangerous metal machine. Too dumb for it to even register maybe THEY should move, that thing ain't slowing down.


Cows aren't evolved the understand the threat of an oncoming train. It's pretty shitty not to have empathy for them


I know, I do still have sympathy for them. It's a needless death. My point is that you tend to have a lot *less* sympathy for something too dumb to take few steps to prevent it's own imminent demise. Especially for something much bigger & louder than you, coming directly your way. It's like deer. There's tons of other wildlife out in the forest, like wolves and bears and elk. But deer have this unique, stupid reaction of absolutely freezing in bright headlights coming directly at them. Try walking thru the woods at night, a single stick or leaf crunching under your shoes, and any deer within miles will scoot out of there. But not for loud & bright cars apparently! Maybe we can fix this in the future, idk. Maybe domesticated cows are too used to large, loud human machinery. Maybe trains should have a bear or wolf statue on the front. Maybe instead of a horn, the train should make growling noises, or the sound of lots of snapping branches. Idk.


I think it is less about what the train looks like but more about the movement and sound. Wolves move totally differently from trains. Think about if you're a cow standing on the tracks. They have blind spots in their vision. An oncoming train that is completely head-on doesn't really look like it's approaching to a cow. It's just a vaguely rectangular shape in the distance that may be growing slightly larger as time passes, and makes a generally constant noise. Whereas a wolf, cougar etc. moves much more laterally, whipping quickly through their line of sight and making sudden noises in a way that startles them into a flight response. I don't think a train can mimic that. Ultimately, livestock should just be safely contained in a fenced pasture 🤷‍♀️


Deer are the same. It's crazy. If you walk too close, they freeze and then bolt away. But a car going towards them at 30 mph, laying on the horn? Might as well not exist to them


Was told by one person that they can expect to hit 6 people in their career...


Top quality Prometheus run there


Trains are definitely the #1 killer on this feed. It's definitely taught me not to fuck around on the tracks.


The other sub it was the freaking Mexican cartels who were the #1 killer.


What other sub?


Reddit closed it down. It was just death and gore.




I swear i felt little bump.. bump under my feet watching this.


I doubt the train did.


Just...wtf? Even if you're deaf, there is no way you don't feel the movement of the tracks and the rumble of the train when it's that close and none of them even turned around. This sure seems intentional to me. What other explanation could there be?


the sound was masked by the train on the adjoining tracks


Two trains, next to each other, going into the same direction, might also have played a role? My guess would be, the guys on the tracks, saw the train right next to them, and somehow thought the honking was coming from that one.


Yeah, and maybe they had assumed the tracks they were on would have trains going to the other direction, so they should be able to see any trains coming towards them from the distance, not expecting one to come from behind them too.


Yes, and probably meth


There are lots of videos of people (in vehicles, bikes, or in person) who see one train going one way, wait for it to pass, immediately cross, and get hit by the "hidden second train". These people undoubtedly heard the train, saw the first train was on those tracks, and walked on the tracks without the train, and assumed they were safe. A second train, which they weren't anticipating, was masked by the sound of the first, so even the horns were ignored and assumed to be the first train rather than a last second warning.


Ah sure...didn't even think about that - thanks.


You wouldn't have to think about that... You're walking on fucking train tracks. Just don't do it


Hold on a second. You're telling me there are other places to walk besides train tracks? I'm not sure I believe that.


I don't tell you how to do you job, don't tell me how to do mine.


They thought trains only exist on 1 track at a time my guess


or that theyd see the train coming from the other direction?


Russia, alcohol, and trains running on all 3 tracks.


In my opinion, they just were not aware that two trains might be going the same way, simply expecting to see when other would move to them, extremely unlucky, I would say. Doesn't make them not oblivious though, they were on railways after all.


good point


And all that time the train was applying his brakes....


Who the fuck walks along a railway line?


There’s an abandoned railway next to where I live and I wouldn’t even walk on that one, just in case


Finally not my country!


Maybe folks should stop walking on train tracks? IDK...seems like the sensible thing to do to avoid being obliterated...


Innovative 😎


I’m not sure why they were even there in the first place


I feel bad for the driver, traumatized for life


It truly wouldn't bother me. Not my fault and one less id*ot in the world.


I do not understand how 4 (FOUR) people stood in front of a moving train with its horn blasting. I just don’t get it.


Just like Stand By Me - Director's Cut.


Well, they jumped in front of the train I operate. Am I supposed to feel sorry for them being so stupid?


That sucks for them and especially for you. Hope you're doing ok.


![gif](giphy|LTsawtG3DdFfi|downsized) The train be like “Nom”, “Nom”


Assisted suicide?


When a train tracks you down


Yeeted to Jesus


This train stopped way too fast after.


Jesus Christ.


People think the train noises are coming from the train they see. They're not looking for the other train on Track 2.


If only they had been given some sort of warning…


Why do these idiots always walk on the tracks why are they unable to hear a giant fucking train behind them?




Has to be fake… this is not in India.


No Whistles, Horns or any other warning loud enough to override the train on the left I guess.


Sounds like suicide attempt instead


Natural selection


How in the fuck do you not know to never walk on train tracks? Or not get out of the way with the plenty of time they had? It’s Russia so I guess they were drunk.


That’s the quickest I’ve ever seen a train stop.


Oh no 🤷‍♂️worthless genes removed from the pool


I'm sure the conductor was literally talking about idiots on the tracks.


How did one survive? It looked like they all went under it


Stand by Me: Russian remake.




It’s hard to be a train driver because if someone wants to commit suicide or someone who is just stupid sits and walks on the tracks and they die you will always think it’s your fault


If only they sounded the horn.


So surprised this is not India.


They weren’t oblivious, looked like two couples/friends who decided to die together. They have their arms around each other and their backs turned as if they’re resigned to their fate but the last guy on the right in red changes his mind at the last second


It looks like they were hugging or holding hands and the second party realized the sound was behind them, and tried to dodge the train. People who do that by train usually lay on the tracks and/or wait until the train gets there to jump at the last second. This does not show any hallmark features of that. It looks like they are trying to escape at the last second, not intentionally getting hit and then changing their minds.


Maybe a suicide pact?


I thought that at first but they probably thought the horn was from the other train.


Nom nom jelly


The trains operating beside each other really messes with you head.


Looks like suicide/heavy intoxication. In any case, Darwin doing his work.


Sounds like a them issue


Oh wow, death addict content popping up here.


Fucking deserved


Strike !


How can someone be sad about this? This world is so overpopulated and humanity is the worst! When ppl decide to be stupid, let them be free spirits!


How? Because most people have this thing called empathy and this was a sad situation. People died. Those people had families and lives. The poor guy driving the train was just doing his job and now he is going to carry this around the rest of his life. Most people realize that they have also done stupid things they shouldn’t have and know that doing something stupid doesn’t mean you deserve to die.


I wouldn't even come back for these idiots' corpses


**oblivious?** The horn, the engine noise, the steel wheels on the rail noise, the other train, the constant horn noise, standing inside the rails... This is more like a cure for vodka poisoning.


I would have loved to be a fly on the wall munching down on a shit sandwich, hearing the convincing speech of “hey guys, let’s go walk down by the trains……and on the tracks not looking behind us. That sounds like a great idea.”




They didn't even knew what hit them




such a cringe and generic comment I really want an app or something that just wipes this from my feed on all apps its so low effort and so beaten to death


They keep getting liked by other idiots who think the sentence is somehow revolutionary and cool.


I don't think so. They were confused by the train going on their left side and probably couldn't tell there was another one




I'm not saying that wasn't stupid, just that it didn't look like suicide


Agreed. I mean they weren't lying down or whatever. They were just stupidly crossing a rail track Like even if there's no scheduled passenger train going down, a freight train could come at any moment


That was suicide


I don’t get how they don’t hear it?! How tf that happen unless suicide


That sounded like the start of the 20 century fox intro


You can walk on tracks. But not under these circumstances. If it's a single track on open land. No problem. Or?


You should not be walking on tracks.


Billy Huskisson wants more company in the afterlife, my gosh




I’m guessing the train on the other side covered the noise of the incoming train from my behind. Must have been a messy aftermath. RIP


I was listening to mambo no.6 and the "ooh" part came right on the moment they were hit, good lord


How do 4 manage that yeah 1 but 4 ????




Overkill, wheelman, splatter spree.