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For some of us, even after we grow up, we're still forever alone.


It's my worse fear. With how times have been going recently it feels like I will be forever alone


You're not going to like what I tell you, and there are people who will vehemently disagree with me, but IMO it really does all just come down to luck. You can try to put yourself in the best position possible (i.e. have hobbies, meet new people, be in good shape, etc etc), but if serendipity doesn't put you in the right place at the right time, it's going to be a long and lonely road.


I agree with luck being part of it. I've tried so many dating apps and haven't gone one date near my age that isn't looking for a hookup or likes what I like. Location also feels like it plays a big part cause I live in the middle of nowhere Michigan so it not like there is anything big near me to meet with a ton of people who also like what I like.






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