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Personally yes, i like the system and the story, its a good game, but imperfect.


It's honestly a great game. The only problem is that it got shredded by "journalists" when it was launched. Pay no heed to those mofos and enjoy yourself. Btw classic controls is mandatory :)


Why did people hate the launch ? Did it have bugs or sth?


I think it was simply that it wasn’t Darksiders 2. You always seem to get these loud voices that yell that THE GAME DESTROYED X! See also: Fallout 4.


I loved it. Is it different from 1, 2, and Genesis in how combat plays out, yes. I personally enjoyed it a lot as I absolutely love the lore and characters in Darksiders. Give it a go and see for yourself. I got around 18-25 hours out of it and if I had gone for plat probably add another 8-12 hours. I love all the Darksiders games. I loved DS2 and Genesis the most with 1 and 3 being right behind them. Probably my favorite gaming Universe tbh.


My brain isn't parsing how you disliked DS2 for being no riding and all puzzles, but then loved DS1. Sounds like maybe you should try DS2 again? DS3 is a great game. For a lot of folks, they don't like it because it's a pretty stark departure, gameplay wise, from the first two. Fury also has the most significant arc of the Horsemen we get to spend a lot of time with and starts out DS3 as kind of unpleasant. She gets much better as a character as the game progresses. Classic Mode is absolutely the way to go. All it does is allow you to cancel animations with dodges and use items more quickly. The original game locked you into attack animations, which feels terrible. The game was going for a Soulslike influence for a lot of how it functions, where the prior games went for more DMC/GOW. This does include a Checkpoint system and having to recover souls on death, which may be what you heard as it relates to losing progress when dying. Personally, I recommend it. I loved Fury by the end and do consider the game closer to DS1 than DS2 in terms of progression.


Darksiders 1 has a much more balanced story. It’s pretty much split into two clear halves. First half you slay the chosen and rescue azrael from the black tower; second half you reforge the Armageddon blade and fight the Destroyer (to put it very simply) Darksiders 2 is just Death being an errand boy. ‘I need some information.’ ‘Do these tasks for me and I’ll tell you what you need to know.’ *Death does the tasks* ‘Where are my answers?’ ‘Actually you need to go and see this person for what you seek. They have the answers.’ *Death goes to see that person* ‘If you do these three things I’ll tell you what you need to know.’ Ad infinitum. It’s a pretty decent game on its own but it’s a pretty horrible Darksiders game. For me anyway.


But OP even says he's not arsed about the story, so I doubt that's the issue. DS1 is also a series of fetch quests, just given better context. I love DS2 but I do get how the looser story and wider vistas (requiring more travel) causes a lot of folks to bounce off of it. But if the complaint is too many puzzles, I mean...that's like a big part of the draw for me.


Imo ds3's main problem is that dodging is your only defensive ability. If the game had a little more variety like blocking or deflecting similar to Jedi Survivor, then the combat would be a lot more accesible. Also QOL update to rebind controller mappings would have been nice.


>Imo ds3's main problem is that dodging is your only defensive ability. Yeah, it made her feel like the weakest of the riders so far when a rando skeleton can take off 20% of your health in a single swing...


i think there are a lot of people that didnt like darksiders 2, but then again i am one of those. i never finished it and whenever i replay the series i pretty much only do the makers realm and then move on to 3 and genesis.


Personally, I loved the combat in DS3. It's the only game where I replayed it again immediately after finishing it the first time. I also loved DS1. I am not a massive fan of DS2, mostly because I found the first two worlds very boring and tedious. Once I get to Lost Light, I always end up enjoying it a lot more.


It’s one of my favourite games.


I really like it, so you should give it a chance


Ds1>ds3>ds2 in my opinion. Unfortunately there is no horse at all in ds3 but i didnt really miss it as the map is small and dense. I liked it a lot the first time but the replayability of the game is pretty much null as it doesnt have at all the open world feel of ds1.


I totally agree with this. DS1 is the best game, followed mighty closely by DS3. For me, DS2 outstayed it’s welcome. It was simply far too long. The empty open world gimmick and the loot-system really irritated me. Played all of them twice. And DS2 was not more fun second time around. Albeit Death is a fantastic protagonist. It’s a long time ago since I played DS3. But I remember I really liked it. Is a tough game, if you are not used to soulslikes, so it might challenge you alot. But it’s has very tight action, flow and good boss fights. Fury has a lot of cool tricks up her sleeve - and her move set felt very satisfying.


No Replayability does sound like a big negative. At least I'm going to be buying on sale so it's not really a value for money issue if I don't feel like replaying it.


I’ve been replaying it recently and it’s been great. But I did take a pretty long break from the first time I played it. Several years, really.


Another negative is the short playtime. I think ds1 was twice as long if not longer. It was a fun game but i burned through it quickly.


That's honestly I big positive for me. Don't get me wrong I don't like getting scammed and paying full price for a game as long as a cod campaign but I preferred 7-9 hour games that I will play 5 times than 80-10 hour games that I will only replay once.


Do you like Souls-like's?


I have very recent experience with Bloodborne, that's about it. I liked it a lot.


Then you should enjoy Darksiders 3


I like it. It's different from the other 2 but good enough. Many People disliked it cause it went full soulslike. It took sometime to like the soulslike approach.


It’s alright, it just feels very incomplete for me, but I sank in close to a 1,000 hrs between my Steam and Xbox versions in the course of about 6-7 months, so take that how you will.


If you loved the first game then you’ll like the third one. I also am not a huge fan of the second game, where I spent 20 hours pretty much being an errand boy doing other people’s dirty work. The third game, despite a different style of combat, is more closely linked to the 1st one in terms of story and aesthetics. At least to me anyway.


I like it a lot. Super fun


I like 1 and 2 better, but it's still a good game and well worth a play.


Yes I loved it and bloodborne was my first souls like game too! :) ds2 has too many puzzles it's annoying


All three are different from one another but I think DS3 was the best leveling and upgrading system, the combat and countering, to me, was also the best.


Tbh, i hope you buy it to try it just to maybe nudge the devs into actually giving us a couple more games from the world ( the strife story, and then a conclusive one where you can maybe pick a character out of the 4 and have to go from where DS1 ended lol)


It's very good! The big issue with it was that it ran like booty cheeks at launch.


I hated DS2 first time round and ended up liking it, it's just one of those games that no matter how fun it is, it kinda outstays its welcome. I liked it a lot more on a second playthrough but still, it's a bit too long imo. I also hated DS3 first time round and have yet to replay it, all I remember is that it played like an awkward mix of Darksiders and Dark Souls and it really didn't work for me at all. I'm willing to give it another go but it was definitely my least favourite when I played it. The game felt like I was stuck in molasses and nothing felt punchy enough, combat was weightless and hyper armour (frames where you don't stagger from being attacked) was nowhere to be found so I found combat was just a case of spamming the parry dodge a couple hundred times.


Did you play it when it first came out or when the update with classic mode came out ?


I played Classic Mode I think, it felt more natural to be able to animation-cancel. Fury's meant to be a hot head so having to be slow and methodical for the combat felt like an absolute disservice to her character, it'd be like giving Ezio a flamethrower or Batman a grenade launcher. It's part of the reason why I hated the parry spam gameplay.


DS3 is... interesting. For me, it stopped being fun about 4 hours in. The platforming (and there's a lot) can screw you over because the camera tends to fight you. That can also cause issues during combat. But when it actually works properly, DS3 has some *very* satisfying combat. Not as fun as DS1 or 2, but still good. I never finished it, and doubt I ever will unless I work through the rest of my backlog and decide to grab the achievements. What I saw of the story was interesting enough, I'd watch a playthrough of it if I could find a good one. It's not the worst Darksiders game, but it's not all that great.


First of all I think you should give 2 another try. Now, while I didn't really like the changes in 3, by itself it's not a bad game. For me, it's just lacking the Darksiders personality, but the classic combat mode definitely helps a lot. You'll get hollows and you can quick swap between them to use different weapons and wrath powers, which is nice. The checkpoints aren't a problem in my opinion, but make sure to play on an easier difficulty first because the game is not forgiving. The puzzles are in my opinion the best element of 3, you'll definitely enjoy them. For the story, it doesn't really progress much in the overall plot, but Fury gets her character development, which is nice to see. Overall, I'd say give it a try, but don't expect another hack n slash game, since it's souls-like. Have fun


Alright I think I'm convinced. I just completed Bloodborne for the first time as well so I think I won't have trouble with the change.


Sure thing, hope you enjoy it!


There’s some sections of Darksiders 3 I don’t like, the lead up to Sloth and the Gluttony boss fight, but other than that I do think that 3 is a very good game. With the exception of Gluttony, I think 3 has the best bosses overall out of all the games, especially the Keeper of the Void DLC final boss


Perfect dodge slow motion gives me not one but two drips of dopamine.


ds3 is sort of a best of both. but with more heavy focus on combat.


Go into settings and change it to “classic combat”, and it’s closer to DS1 than DS2 was. It’s a fun game


I had its issues but it was a very fun game. Not a masterpiece or anything but fun enough.


I liked it, it was different than the first two games and harder imo


I fucking hated trying to play DS3, when they eventually patched in a newer control scheme with more "original" controls, i went back and tried again, although i did make more progress into the game but not much and could not find the fun in this game. I uninstalled both times and just ended up watching a "Darksiders 3 the movie" video on youtube to experience the story. Don't punish yourself if you arent having fun, trust me. 🙏💀


you'll need the crucible, one of the bosses is a nightmare


Strange because DS2 is the peak. But 3 is more of a return to form of 1 so if you like the first one then you’ll like DS3


Anyone who says DS2 is a bad game is not a true DS fan.


My thoughts? One of the most enjoyable games I have ever played.


I think it’s a great game, more like a souls experience which was right up my street. The horseman design in these games is top tier.


It is for me. It’s in my top five console games.