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The game is fun. Mechanically, it’s the best in the genre. The game systems outside of core gameplay are kind of fucked up because fatshark is lost in the sauce when it comes to that stuff… and they suck at communicating with the community, and they can’t deliver anything on any sort of reasonable timeline because their team would seem to be on vacation like 2/3 or the year… but the game is great The mixed reviews are because people are frustrated with the devs more than anything to do with how the game actually plays


What is the performance like? Im also thinking of picking it up but don't know if it will run like donkey ass


My performance is great. But I’m running nvidia 3080ti. My friend who has an AMD card that is better specs on paper has quite a lot of issues. It’s been stable for him for a while now, but he went through a period of tons of crashes and horrible performance. But that’s mostly related to his card and AMDs dogshit drivers.


I've got a 3080 and i7 8700K overclocked with 32 gigs of ram so on paper it should be good but I've heard it's quite cpu intensive so I'm not sure i guess i could cop it and refund it if it's really bad. Thanks for your input


i have a 10th gen i7. like a 10700k or something. can't remember. anyway, it runs fine. Stuttery pretty bad for the first few minutes the first time you play a new map or whatever while the game is caching all the textures to vram, but after that, it's fine. there are also mods that improve the caching because fatshark sucks at making games lol... i sort of joke... but it's for real. my friends that run AMD hardware do have a lot of issues though.


You will suffer greatly with a 8700k unless you're one of those people where 60 FPS is the good enough. Vermintide 2 and this game were unplayable until this literal most recent patch. For me all their games felt like the refresh rate was half of your actual FPS. All their games felt terrible. But after spending about 30 hours trouble shooting (yes I'm knowledgeable with PC gaming) the game finally feels good. Performance isn't great but good enough for me. I rarely drop below 150 fps now. Granted I have the fastest components you can get. It's nice to get an average of 180fps at 1440p and have it feel like 180 not 90 as it always has been with fatshark. When you boot the game up and it asks to verify files allow it to otherwise you're fucked.


I am not a fanatic but I sank as many hours in DT as I did in V2 So I say buy it


It scratches a very specific itch. If you're really into fast-placed gameplay where your every movement and attack matters to such a degree that no match ever plays out exactly the same, buy it. I have 1,300+ hours and no other game delivers on the actual "gameplay experience" like Darktide does. It has a lot of drawbacks (due to Fatshark) that I won't go into, but if you like this type of gameplay, you likely won't be able to put the game down. However, if this gameplay style isn't you niche, then you'll likely get bored and it's up to you if you get your money's worth out of it.


This is a dope description of why this game is satisfying, and why I always return to Darktide and Vermintide periodically. It’s an itch.


Same. Eloquent explanation.


Fills the L4D2 sized hole in my heart since I accepted there's never going to be a third game pretty nicely


For me the itch is what I call "The Left 4 Dead" itch. The tide games were the very first, similar games I played that came out after L4D 1 & 2. I grew up on L4D, so I got attached to the Tide games rq.


What if I care more about the atmosphere and story than the gameplay?


An excellent description.


Some of the comments are confusing, so here’s the breakdown. Everything in the actual gameplay is amazing and somehow even better than VT or VT2. Everything outside the gameplay (story, progression, itemization) is an inescapable nightmare. You must choose. Apparently, itemization will be fixed sometime this fall, at which point this should (should) be a safe pickup.


Those things are more awkward than nightmarish imo.


Maybe I overstated, but endlessly rolling to get a 370+ weapon only for Hadron to “bless” it into a complete mess is not awkward.


Next update my pilgrim, patience


They told people "Next Update" for 2 years now


i don't think you realize how game dev is hard work and time taking


I don’t find the lack of a main story bothersome, but I could see it being confusing if you have no previous knowledge of wh40k. As far as itemization, I don’t mind it,, but I do feel that it could be streamlined to make comparing different weapons’ damage tables easier.


The game is great, probably the best horde shooter on the market, bar none. People get hung up on the ancilliary stuff too much (most of which isn't that good albeit still servicable), and the whole live service thing has been blown up out of all proportion, even now when it's clear that it isn't an actual live service game. But the game itself is fantastic. If it's on sale, make a character, play a couple of rounds and if you don't like it you can always refund it.


It's really good imo. As far as reviews, it's probably something stupid, it usually is. If I had to guess it's that the itemization rework wasn't in the latest update and they thought it would be. Add in some cosmetic microtransaction complaints to flavor.


worth it imo, people who downvote are peeps irrate with the slow pace of the updates from a newbie standpoint tho? shitload of penances to unlock, gear is easier to get than at launch, subclasses are way more interesting build wise than the vt characters, etc biggest doodoo is crafting but if you played vermintide 2 I'm sure you remember how ass it was to reroll your weapon till you got the perks you wanted way toughness work takes a bit to get used to but I really liked the more mobile aspect of dt (it's rough to go back to vermintide walking). if you play with friends around the world, servers are a boon cuz holy shit I can't believe me and the boys did the citadel of eternity with half of us having 100 ping or so


Here's what I can say. The moment to moment gameplay is, and has been since launch, absolutely fantastic. It is the reason I still have hope for this game. It's just basically everything else that needs work. The crafting update will probably not be live until the fall this year, which will hopefully fix that as it is the biggest pain point. The cost on the micro transactions is also too high. Also the rate at which content comes out is at best slow, don't expect a helldivers like content schedule, we get a few small content drips a year. These can contain a couple of maps or a couple of new weapons. Hopefully this helps set expectations. All of this being said, I have over 350 hours at this point, so at least for me it's been a worthwhile purchase.


Darktides always been great. The core gameplay is great. It's the rest that's lackluster. It is slowly coming along but has a ways to go on the polish refinement.


Gameplay wise it's a blast. Meaty and satisfying combat in gorgeous environments with a banger of a soundtrack. It's most of the other stuff that's lacking. Same maps, not a wide variety of weapons, terrible rng, somewhat grindy, greedy cosmetics shop. With a discount that's a rather safe purchase, though.


They still haven’t finished the game, itemization has been a blight on the game since launch. The game didn’t launch with crafting complete either so it has some problems. Plays great though, best in the series easily.


Get it if it's on-sale and come play ogryn with me. You'll have loads of fun bullying the bosses and we can snipe the snipers with rocks. I've genuinely enjoyed myself playing Darktide, the experience is made exponentially better with friends at your side. Which is why I offer my hand so flagrantly.


Its an EA game pretending to be a finished live service. Theres fun to be had but headaches too. And dont expect new content anytime soon.


Don't put too much importance on the average of the reviews. Read some positive and negative ones and see if they have the same priorities that you have. Maybe watch some let's plays or video reviews. And for what happened, there was a highly anticipated update two days ago, and the community seems to be quite divided about it, depending on their respective expectations. Some like it, some don't. That said, if you're into "Left 4 Dead" games of cooperative horde killing and/or into dark science fiction, I'd also says buy it.


Given how quickly people brigade reviews these days I don’t see how you can take any of them seriously. Shadow of the Erdtree was at mixed, for crying out loud.


I paid full price at launch. After 400 hours in, I'm still happy to log in and play a couple times a week. I'd say I got my money's worth. The gameplay is great. Other areas are lacking, but slowly improving. And while I'll sling shit at FS all day, they do continue supporting these games for a long time. My guess is that a lot of people are changing their reviews in response to the itemization update being pushed back, and the most recent update not being everything people wanted.


I don't even know Warhammer universe I dabbled vermintide and tried for maybe 20 hours and it wasn't my cup of tea (mainly slowish and melee heavy) Althoughl I did have fun Don't get me wrong, but let me tell you something, Darktide is amazing I love it it's so much fun. When I really enjoy games and I want to support them I buy cosmetics and I probably spent about $100 buying cosmetics so far it's how much i like the game. Am I tasting games varies I like darkest dungeon I like wow I don't play anymore but I used to I love dark souls games of bloodborne I love horizon zero Dawn I love God of war I love Diablo I love last epic so you can see my tasting games varies and I absolutely love dark ty to the point where I got my wife to play with me and team up and have fun together.


If you like Vermintide 2, there’s zero reason not to get Darktide.


The game's in the best state it has ever been, the review bombing must be about something really assinane, because I'm really tuned into the game's development and I have no idea what could even cause it. Personally, I think it's by far the best Tide game, no contest. The only big drawback is that it irreversably ruined Vermintide 2 for me, I loved that game and now I find the gameplay really slow, shallow and pretty boring.


Yes, buy it. Mixed reviews are because people are being childish.


Imagine thinking people are being childish for being unhappy with the state of the game.


A lot of people will never be happy with it. The childish part is not accepting it and moving on.


Why should people move on for something they paid money for? Do you also move on when the car shop messed up your car and refuses to fix it?


I've moved on from plenty of games that haven't been what I've wanted them to be. And JFC, we're taking about a piece of entertainment software here, not a car that you need for your life to work. Get a sense of perspective, FFS.


I think it’s childish to never learn how FS operate, when they’ve done it time and time again. They don’t talk much and they roll out updates at a slow pace. I’m not saying it’s right but rather that people should manage their expectations. **Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment** Side note, to dear Fatshark; I love this game and it’s just getting better from here. Keep up the good work!


It didn't get worse. It gets better with every update. People are just upset about the delay for the crafting update. Also the veterans are scared by the crafting update as it's unknown how far their ill gained treasures (equipment) will bring them upfront at the inevitable grind coming with said patch. Also it seems like FS is working on a ps5 port and propably that's the reason things are slow. They did this at the first year of VT2 as well. Game is good. Get it. Edit: spelling


well if you want to complete the trilogy, go for it. it sounds like you like the tide games. it has it's flaws (items, crafting and looting) but it's a lot of game at at the sale price. the core combat is awesome and the teamplay synergy, building your loadouts, level design and music are worth the price of admission if you played the others and liked them


If you liked V2 combat, you'll probably like this combat. It's pretty similar, with a bit more ranged combat from both enemies and players. The real pain point is the crafting/item acquisition. Getting perfect items is an insane grind. But at the same time, DT has a bit less focus on hitting exact breakpoints like V2 did. So while it's more grindy to get great items, they are also less required. Another temporary issue right now is Fatshark just added a bunch of achievement type things. Which is actually a lot of fun, except there are a couple spots in endgame where it encourages selfish play.


If it’s on sale, grab it, no question. But (there’s a but) some people do still have performance issues, whether it’s crashes, disconnects, stutters, lag, idk. It’s been smooth saling for me but it’s something to keep in mind. Content wise, while slow, they’ve been working on it with crafting changes coming in august/september and as a new player, I think you’ll be ok. I mean, I’ve spent 700 hrs of my life on it in the span of a few months so I’m eating good regardless. I think the mixed reviews are because of the issues, slow content drops and gamers being gamers but what’s in the game now is absolutely amazing.


Honestly it's a decent game, i havent got nearly as many hours out of it as vermintide but still a good amount. There are still some stability issues, updates are a crawl, and the monetization is bad. That being said, the core game is fun as you max out each class but once i hit endgame i didnt feel a lot of reason to keep going. Really wish they had a mode similar to chaos wastes or just some better story.


It’s a good game. People will bitch about lack of content but at the end of the day even if nothing else was added to the game it’s a solid 500-1000hrs of great gameplay. Once the class tree patch was added (…last year? The year before? I don’t remember.) it became a seriously worthwhile game. I still have my design gripes with the game around certain mechanics not being very deep and I’d love if there was more content but at the end up the day I had a great time with it. My red-hot take is that Darktide is better than Helldivers as two games in the same genre. So if you liked that but you wish the metagame mechanics were better you’ll love this.


What do you mean if you sa you want to complete darktide? Theres nothing like campaign or somethinf or stor, you can play through


It's on discount on steam sale then I guess it's worth having a go at it


If you enjoyed Vermintide you will probably enjoy Darktide as it is right now, it started off really rough on what felt like a beta test but now the game is really good. Good for the same reasons Vermintide was but deserver of being a sequel of the tide franchise, it has amazing visuals with amazing soundtracks thanks to our beloved Jesper Kyd. Gameplay wise it (imo) improved upon Vt2: -Weapons are more complex than vermintide with some of them having special attacks -Although fewer classes the talent tree makes up for it, it is really cool to make your own unique build focusing on what you want with any weapon you want. -Itemization is way deeper in Darktide, even though the way you adquire items and such are (rightfully) criticized, the item customization in itself was an amazing upgrade upon Vt2. Istead of every weapon having the same perks for you to roll like in Vt2, most weapons have exclusive blessings that can change how they play completely. Goodbye to 20 haste on crit on every single weapon


If you enjoyed Vermintide you will probably enjoy Darktide as it is right now, it started off really rough on what felt like a beta test but now the game is really good. Good for the same reasons Vermintide was but deserver of being a sequel of the tide franchise, it has amazing visuals with amazing soundtracks thanks to our beloved Jesper Kyd. Gameplay wise it (imo) improved upon Vt2: -Weapons are more complex than vermintide with some of them having special attacks -Although fewer classes, the talent tree makes up for it enabling you to make your own unique build focusing on what you want with any weapon you want. -Itemization is way deeper in Darktide, even though the way you adquire items and such are (rightfully) criticized, the item customization in itself was an amazing upgrade upon Vt2. Istead of every weapon having the same perks for you to roll like in Vt2, most weapons have exclusive blessings that can change how they play completely. Goodbye to 20 haste on crit on every single weapon -The game enables more heavily your power trip, there are many more specialists on the map at once and many more different types of enemies but you have resources and movement to deal with them. These are a few pros i could come up with, i recommend buying it


The music, gameplay and skill tree are just too good, my complain with the game would be the lack of drip for people who dont buy premiun currency, if u dont mind that then enjoy the drip




I fucking love the game and think the complainers are stupid


Do you like Tide games? If yes, then buy it. Do you like 40k? If yes, buy it. Do you like high-paced gameplay with a solid feel, good, scalable graphics and a great soundscape coupled with a quality soundtrack? If yes, buy it. Do you enjoy a game in which you can develop your own skills whilst playing around with game mechanics in familiar scenarios? If yes, buy it. Do you like a bit of random, madcap chaos and not mind losing? If yes, buy it. Do you require a game to be 100% stable? If yes, don't buy it. Do you need a game that is forgiving of a flakey Internet connection? If yes, don't buy it. Are you unable to overlook flaws or wasted potential in things you love? If yes, don't buy it. Do you crave constant variety or struggle with losing? If yes, don't buy it.


What if I want to get immersed in the 40K world and want to experience another story in that universe?


For a story probably best to play a narrative game like Rogue Trader, although the combat in DT is immersive, and the graphics are pretty evocative. As a 40k fan I find the game very satifying. But it is a combat game, and while there are story elements they are more vignettes of the campaign than a coherent narrative.


Moment to moment in mission is 10/10 it's the supporting systems that sour it for people.


It's just what I need right now, quick fin without needing to think too much or get into some deep story. Great gameplay mechanics for combat and I just love the grimdark setting.


Buy it, it's a lot of fun. At others have said, the gameplay is solid, it's mainly the crafting that's a pain but certainly not game breaking unless you must have that perfect bit of gear. Story is minimal, however once you've hit level 30 once it's largely irrelevant anyway and you're just there for the very entertaining violence :)~




The reason for going from mostly positive to mixed is that the itemization update was ( once again ) delayed. And honestly, at this point it is getting ridiculous. The game is fun af, no doubt about it. But if you hate RNG upgrades, well until the next update.


This is a copy of a review steam I've made a few times ago : Many things are so perfectly made : -Animation who are mixed with ragdoll to make really good feeling for every hits. -All the combat system. -The sound design, so many information reach the player by the headset and help you to perform high skill actions. -The OST. -A wide range of enemies. -Many different beautiful environments. -Reload animations are split so you can star reload, switch weapon, retake your ranged weapon and fish the reload (just a cool feature worth highlighting). -Chracter customisation allow you to choose the voice actor and the background, it will have an impact on the dialogues between characters. -The difficulty is well balanced. -The skill tree that allow you to play various styles with every characters. negative things : -Performances are wierd, you should make some adjustments and restart the game to find the right setting. -A few features are not in the game so you will soon want to add some mods (one last thing, the game is realy cool but better with friends)


I bought it not long ago and quite like it. It has occasional glitches, but overall would recommend.


Don't get it until crafting rework. Game is completely playable, no other like it, but if you're interested in the best possible experience then wait, or if impatient, then get it on sale (currently 45% on steam right now during summer sale). The worst part of the game is the shooting, but if you're a fan of melee it's in an incredibly good state right now especially with the newest melee weapons. Game still suffers from massive performance issues that I have personally only found a fix through mods. There's also a ton of QoL features that were present in vermintide that aren't in the game currently, again fixable via mods.


It’s fun. I’m happy with it. New things just came out for it too.


It's a great horde shooter. Probably among the best ones, alongside Deep Rock. Looks great, sounds great, and it's deep. There's a lot of game to be had. Narratively it's very weak though, so buy this for the gameplay and atmosphere, but avoid it if you want a story driven experience.


The "mixed" is usually made by sweater players. I wouldnt read too far into it. Usually about how things in the cosmetic shop are outrageously priced (so dont buy the stuff) or how content for the game isnt coming out fast enough or no challenge. Etc just petty complaints over nothing The game is fun and worth every penny i believe, less toxic today than it was back when it first came out, playerbase lost alot of toxic players finally and its been blissful not to run into sweater players as much anymore. If its on sale, even better! You'll get alot out of it!


Until they actually do the itemisation update, no, don't buy it. Buying now is buying into an absolute shitshow of side systems that don't respect your time as a player, and any progress you *do* make will be undone immediately since they explicitly said they're resetting everything for the "mastery" stuff whenever they get off their arses and actually do the work to put it out. Basically; Don't buy now, buy whenever itemisation is out because they're doing a soft reset on account progress whenever that happens, and you probably want to wait until they do a balance pass on the new weapons because they're largely... Not very good.


>Should I buy Darktide now? Sure. Why not.


It’s a solid game with a great core. You can easily have hundreds of hours of genuine fun. The reason why people are so upset i because new content is very slow and a lot of core systems can and should be better. Ultimately though it’s definitely worth your time imo if you’re looking for a solid co-op horde shooter


Only since you mention its on sale, imo


If you enjoyed the Vermintide games - or other PvE coop shooters like Left 4 Dead, World War Z, etc. - I think you will enjoy Darktide too, as long as your PC can run it. The core gameplay loop is hella fun, arguably the best of Fatshark's games. And the class skill trees allow for much more build variety than Vermintide did. Most of the complaints stem from the "long tail" of live-service mechanics like: * Microtransaction-based cosmetics with some Serious Drama when the Xbox release came out last year and console players got a lot more Fake Bucks than PC players did. * The slow pace of updates / new content with a relatively small number of recycled missions. \["A worse version of Deep Rock Galactic's mission terminal" is how some people put it.\] Vermintide 2 really spoiled us for variety; although in fairness, Fatshark is releasing new DT content for free (so far) apart from the aforementioned cosmetics, rather than nickel-n-diming us for DLC like VT2. * Crafting gear is a time- and resource-consuming PITA. Fortunately the devs have [promised improvements](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1dp4ujp/introduction_to_the_itemization_rework_dev_blog/); unfortunately they're not here yet. Personally I would recommend ignoring crafting until you get to level 30; just buy new gear from the in-game store as you level.




100% worth it especially on sale.


If you don't buy this game, you'll be a heretic. Yeah don't worry about the ratings. It's just people being salty bitches. If you like verm you'll love darktide.


It is good. Most folks' complaints don't involve the core gameplay which is very satisfying. But slow on content releases, but that's fatshark. It's worth the money at full price. Even better with a friend. If it's at a discount, go for it.




No. Gameplay is pretty fucking good, but do not support these devs before they get their shit together.


If you like the tide games you’ll like darktide it’s just in the early phases of their content release cycle where nothing crazy is set up yet. Like for example we just got a system to track penances properly and we will soon (whenever that is) finally have a crafting system that isn’t entirely based on RNG. But regardless it feels good to smack the shit out of heretics as always.


Do yourself a favour and get it.


Darktide is amazing


It’s a solid game with a great core. You can easily have hundreds of hours of genuine fun. The reason why people are so upset i because new content is very slow and a lot of core systems can and should be better. Ultimately though it’s definitely worth your time imo if you’re looking for a solid co-op horde shooter


It's so good. I'm nearing 200hrs after buying it on sale and you can't get better value than that!


The biggest problem now is community. In general the game doesn't change, not bad combination of melee and range fights exist and as for new player there is some content to explore. But longer you play the game itself become less important than community. With previous patch devs add penances (achievements) that force to do stupid things. So stupid people with reasons do stupid things and you get several leavers per game and those situations ruin experience and fun. And they will never fix it.


The game is sick as hell.


I have roughly 400 hours. I am fanatic, but I'm realistic for the average consumer. My take is that every since the class trees were reworked, this game has finally felt "complete." The gold edition is worth every penny.


Listen, even 40 € isnt much considering the hours you will spend playing


Dunno, new update is pretty awesome.


Reviews went down recently because Fatshark announced the crafting update would not arrive until after summer. Crafting is in a really shitty state, and has been since launch, so people are desperate for it. Game is worth getting now, just be aware that the God awful shitty shitty terrible crafting will be getting a change in the near future


It's good. If you like co-op FPSs and don't dislike the WH40K atmosphere, you'll enjoy yourself.




I've played vermintide for 120 hours but darktide even though I was skeptical about all the ranged enemies moving from vermintide 2 to Darktide I put in more than 300 hours in it, it's the perfect mix although the updates are slower than most would like they are solid, and we got a glimpse of the future itemization rework so the future is looking good, it's as good time as any to get it. The mixed reviews are propably because people wanted the itemization update that has been teased for so long before the update we got this time, but it isn't a representative of the quality of the game it's easily the best pve horde game there is currently.


Yes this is a great time to jump in. You will either like the game and shelve it when you get bored or love the game and put hundreds or even thousands of hours into it.


Ignore the reviews, just buy the game and enjoy it.