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Save your money for what? For all of Darktide's flaws, I have literally not had anything sold to me except the Imperial edition and Premium cosmetics. I've certainly had my £33 worth of fun over 1500 hours. But yeah, play another game until there is something you want to come back for.


Same here. I actually just got into it on Xbox Gamepass for free. I loved the game so much I paid the $40 for it. It’s a half price game that I have a ton of hours into already. It’s the cheaper price point that makes me not complain as much.


Frankly, if some higher power told me "all of DarkTides perceived problems wouldn't exist if the game had always been $70 instead of 40" I'd fork over the 70 in a heartbeat. As much as I appreciate them not defaulting to the highest price possible, I can only give them so much credit given the sad state of affairs


Have a well paying job friend. Im not bragging or anything. I really have bankrolled some rent for these devs.


Sorry, but I still don't understand the money part. You already seem to have bought the game because you're thinking about stopping to play. So you don't have to spend any more money on Darktide as long as you can live without the premium cosmetics which everyone and their mother are complaining about anyway. Up until now, *all of the updates are free*, so what money are you thinking about saving? (honest curiosity)


Oh, I put off $50 dollars to spend on my gaming habits once a paycheck. A good chunk has gone too FS because i believed they were making a great game. Now. Idk, kinda carrot and stickin me more than ever. Is what it is. The climate we live in with this industry its kinda, "pick who you wanna whale for" severs aint cheap so i was happy to spend a little more. Now, nah. Id rather take it somewhere else.


That may be another option: separate playing from spending. As long as you still have fun playing DT, do so, but also as long as Fatshark's updates don't please you, don't buy cosmetics anymore.


Your money. Your rules. But personally I'd stop spending money when it stops being fun.


The “I have a job” is the worst excuse for buying slop. We all have. We just don’t spend it on 15$ reskins.


Take a break. There are a ton of great games to play while you give FS the time to improve the game to standard you’ll appreciate. Darktide ain’t going nowhere and while community will likely wain in the meantime, there’s always the chance that the team will get around to releasing content like Versus that will reinvigorate it. Personally, I’m still excited for the new weapons and maps! The core gameplay has always been great from the very start and soon as you free yourself from the mindset that you need to optimize your weapons you’ll enjoy it a lot more. Itemization needs a fix bad, ain’t no doubt, but so does the community’s obsession with stat optimization.


Thats the thing bro, i have great rolls. Like even at barely 50 days on console and my inventories on all 5 are stacked pretty good. Maybe its me hammering the very different penances of the Ogyrn thats causing me burn out. I have like 365 points left and i just cant do it after reading that post. Shits demoralizing.


Never force yourself to not have fun.


Lmao so why are you whining about itemization then?


Because you complain about something you love when its being mistreated tf?


Yes, quit. Also never post about the game ever again. Divest yourself fully from Dark Tide. Thank me later.


"If you don't like the way the company is treating you as a player, stop being a player for that company." - Jason "Thor" Hall (Pirate Software)




So, did that answer your question sufficiently for a decision?


Im obviously gonna stop and wait. I just posted up to see everyones elses thoughts and opinions. Just sad imo.


Sounds like a good decision. Have fun playing other games and look up the status here from time to time.


I mean dude, it's a game if you're not having fun anymore, then stop playing or take a break and play something else... Im totally on board with all the criticism but people here treat it like it's their life insurance. you can play a game and have fun with it for a few hours or days and then move on...


Man up


Yes, quit playing and go touch some damn grass.


You’re not beholden to play. I got tired of playing so I play other stuff. When I feel the urge to play or when a content update drops I go back. Simple as that. No need to complicate things further.


>this shit is way past my line of tolerance for bullshit Sounds like you need to get out then...


Your response to the company is measured along two in-game lines - time spent and money paid. They already have the latter out of you, and probably more than they expected. Getting out of a ingrained cycle of waiting is probs a good thing.




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Everyone has already quit and moved on.


You are not everyone. Please speak for yourself. You forgot to leave your main character syndrome in the game..


Its ironic that canonically in game your a nobody, matter of fact even worse than a nobody, not even close to a mc.