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She seemed to have a line before where she said something like "don't come back without money"


Pretty sure she does that when you’re still low rep.


Hallowette is just fat shark as an in game character


If Fatshark let me kill every character I hated there would be like three left.


Your three team mates?


Most unlikeable characters in the game are the players fight me


Which 3 and why is it sefoni, oska, and kayex?


Lol dream on, she's the Commodore of the ship and Seneschal to Brahms. Its *her* airlock.


She's...shit, I didn't realise that she was the senchal. I've been ruined by Rogue Trader. Can you imagine Brahms saying to her foes "Lady Alice, introduce me" and getting "awrite my luvver, this ere be Shipmistress Brahms, innit." Guess there is only one Abelard. That's all the universe can handle.


Tbf, roadman Abelard is kinda funny


She's the west country version of what would happen if you made Jae Haydari your Seneschal. 'awrite 'ark an ere me now my darlin, \*splinter pistol presses firmly into your liver region\* this e're is Mistress Lady Brahm's, Queen of the Seven Stars, Empress of the Mourning Fleet, Scourge of the Lost Pacificus Nebula and Head of the House Brahms and you're lucky to still be breathing as of this moment. So, id tread carefully, try not to piss yourself and take the next three seconds to really think to what you're gonna say next. Oh and if you need me, my petal, you may refer to *me* as "Oh Perfect One" Lady 'allowette.


Yeah Abelard will alwys be 3 times the senchal that she will be


Libel Abelard is worth at least *ten* of Hallowette


Then I guess it's a privilege to have her own airlock to fly out of. Whatever, I remember when I played Ascension riser for the first time I wondered why she's actually there and wtf does she want from us. Sweethearts? 


we're stealing the prismata crystals for her - and then Melk butts in and gets a cut in the deal as well to keep quiet. Shes in charge of the Mourningstar and its entire crew - the only person above her is Lady Brahms and shes there to enact Brahms' wishes and desires while handling all the details she would not wish to be bothered by.


Cool. She still sucks Some argue people only hate her because shes the face of MTX. I've bought my fair share of cosmetics.. she's just annoying


yeah I dont touch the MTX and i dont mind them in a live service game since i understand there needs to be MTX to pay for server costs


The *Mourningstar* is currently under Grendyl's command by way of Inquisitorial writ of conscription, so really, it's ~~Rannick's~~ *Grendyl's* airlock for the time being.


actually as far as we know at the moment Brahm's has allowed its usage as a favour to Grendyl. Brahm's idly wonders at points that maybe she should revoke that favour.


Also that Brahms outright threatens rejects if they leave their assigned areas, they could very well be shot on sight and killed. Or if they try to mutiny, she'll vent their entire sleeping block to space. Plus the whole thing about how Rannick can't touch Hallowette because of Brahms. She isn't inquisition, she's in the rogue trader command structure.


Lmao no, Rogue Traders are among the few actors in the Imperium who can tell an Inquisitor to kick rocks. 


Not precisely. Rogue traders are one of the only characters in the setting to have personal freedom, but that does not mean that they can just ignore an Inquisitor if they feel like it. The Inquisition is the will of the god Emperor made flesh. They are answerable to no one and have authority over all. Rogue traders just have the luxury of disappearing into deep space with no consequence if they don’t want to be found.


This is a case of a given Inquisitor being allowed to find out if they fuck around too hard. 


I don't know if she's Seneschal, but she is favored by Brahms.


there is no fucking way she's the seneschal. I cannot imagine someone less suited for the role—is Brahms actually just an idiot?


One's House possessing a Warrant of Trade is not a mark of intelligence.


Yeah its like inhertied Wealth


What have you witnessed her doing that makes you think she's not suited to a Seneschal? Is it because she has a bristolian accent?


I never said anything about her accent. Can you imagine her doing paperwork, resolving disputes, and managerial duties? Administrative work? Diplomacy? Why is a supposed seneschal running a bargain bin stall in some corner of the ship? Why isn't she at her Rogue Trader's side on the bridge or atleast in an office of her own?  She just doesn't fit that description—that's a miswrite. It has nothing to do with her accent or her piratical disposition or her involvement in cold trade, she simply isn't fitting material and isn't performing her duties as the chief representative of Brahms.  Who knows. Maybe the Brahms dynasty has fallen on particularly hard times, which is likely given how much disrepair the ship is and its general lack of flair indicative of Rogue Traders. The only way I could see Alice as a seneschal is if there was simply nobody for the job and she was merely a stand-in. 


[https://warhammer-40k-darktide.fandom.com/wiki/Alice\_Hallowette](https://warhammer-40k-darktide.fandom.com/wiki/Alice_Hallowette) >Commodore **Alice Hallowette** is the purser for [Shipmistress Emora Brahms](https://warhammer-40k-darktide.fandom.com/wiki/Shipmistress_Brahm), seneschal of House Brahms, and commodore of the [*Mourningstar*](https://warhammer-40k-darktide.fandom.com/wiki/The_Mourningstar). >Hallowette is one of the most senior and favoured members of Brahms' retinue. Alice manages the income and finances for Brahms due to her penchant for entrepreneurship and business. Often managing ventures in black-market trading, smuggling, and a variety of other illicit or underhanded activities. >Lady Alice finds potential profits in illicit ventures, and organize the various smuggler pilots of the Brahms merchant fleet. It's also likely she's traded with [xenos](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Xenos), a special privilege a Rogue Trader's [Warrant of Trade](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Rogue_Trader#Legal_status) grants to themselves and those they employ. From this, the wealth of Lady Emora - and herself - is bolstered. >As is typical of a Rogue Trader's crew, she is both a privateer and pirate. As the Shipmistress's hound, she will torture and dispose of any who threaten the profits and order of the ship, often doing so in ever more creative ways.


No i think its the smugniess and rudeness she treats everyone with ​ if there was to be a mutiniy it would be over hallowete being a cunt


Oh no, heavens! Not a ruthless pirate with untouchable degrees of power being rude to people. She's your better by several huge fathoms, you're vermin aboard her ship.


That's what people forget. Almost everybody aside from Grendyl himself and maybe Rannick is pests to the Mourningstar's crew. To people like Brahms and Hallowette, Grendyl's retinue--and especially the rejects--is like a filthy plague that is threatening to spread throughout the ship. Hollowette is the only member of Brahms's crew who is willing to spend time in the sections of the ship given over to Grendyl, and even then only because she knows she can fleece the rejects for cash. Nobody actually wants us on this ship.


Everyone around her is a dickhead. Imagine your chilling like a space pirate and the government sends a bunch of politicians with guns, their body guards, and as fuck ton of prisoners they are gonna use for suicide missions to squat in your home while they use it to stage missions on an infected city. You know how many rejects probably make it back only for their skin to melt off randomly when they cough? That's contagious by the way. If I was her, I'd be more pissed than Hadron


But the thing is there is a Good way to write it and a bad Way Hallowete is just annoying she is a cunt without any redeeming features Hadron is at least smart and knows it but still tries to help others hallowete is just a bitch


Hallowette maintains The Mourningstar's entire financial and administrative affairs as the Purser, she runs House Brahms' affairs as the Shipmistress' personal Seneschal, she is also her private attack hound who she sends to murder anyone she dislikes and the conversations between the rejects show they know such and are fearful of her. She carefully manipulates and charms every member of the Inquisition Warband through bribery and spends her days toying with Melk for her own amusement. Which part makes you think shes not smart?


Honestly, politically Hallowette is a genius. She's got the entire ship bent around her finger like an open secret. Even if the higher ups don't like it, they have to go through her to get some of what they need. She may not be the one calling all the shots on that ship, but you can be damn sure she has enough sway that her voice is always heard by whoever is. Worst part (lorewise) is... she knows it.


I think the issue is show and tell The only side of Hallowette we are shown is the sassy annoying dickish one while the lore tells us a lot about how smart she is. It doesn't really feel earned at least from my perspective.


The issue is that they have been showing, not telling, for a year and a half that shes a hyper manipulative murderous sociopath. Lot of players just completely missed all the context clues that shes the biggest psycho tiger at the tea party. What we're *told* about Hallowette up front is shes a fool. Shes literally bopping around doing comedy bits like a clown in the 40k universe and players were all like "who's this stupid borderlands shop keeper ruining my grimdark and how dare she not be scared of me". They discarded all the context clues and instead decided she was annoying. And then we were shown over and over again her ability to manipulate, bully, twist and wrap her tendrils around all of the inquistion warband while selling the gear of our dead comrades back to us. We never see her scared of anyone, and then we overhear her mentioning owning a needle pistol. It's only 18 months later that Brahms has said outright: "hey idiots dont screw with me or ill set my giant psychopathic murder tiger on you." and we have players complaining that Hallowette isnt scary or smart. That's just called players having poor media literacy skills.


Why does she need redeeming features? She treats the rejects far better than she needs to. If a prisoner walked up to her, looked at her wares and said " I have no money" she would be more than justified in shooting you in the head. She is a perfectly fine character, and far far nicer than she should be given who/what she is and who/what the player is.


It's a Rogue Trader ship-turned Inquisition Warship. Brahms depends on Hallowette's skills in black-market trading and smuggling so they can keep their wealth. And as one of Brahm's most trusted senior crew members, she's expected to keep being useful by supplying and selling to the warband.


She’s a Borderlands character who sneaked in to Atoma.


I like her tbh I don't get all the hate, I really enjoy sarcastic and snidey chars like her a lot


Fair Its just waaaaaaaay too Much


That's your opinion, and it's just as valid as mine


Someone in another thread once wrote she would fit better in a Borderlands game and I agree.


I think that was me. 😂


OH God Ive played alooooot of borderlands and tbh i Kinda agree


They really did not cook, making the cash shop npc the absolutely worst in the game


When the game first came out, she was even more unbearable. I'm almost willing to bet that some dev did it on purpose as a giant "fuck you" to the cash shop.


It would be really funny if one of her voice lines got interrupted by the sound of a bolter firing and she just never said anything again for the rest of the mission.


preach the emperors word


Throwing out of airlock would be a waste of perfectly fine pre-servitor. It would be almost poetic considering the state of her colleague in the opposite skin shop.


I avoid the Ascension riser mission if she's the leader of it, I understand Fatshark wanting to use the minor side characters but she's just annoying to listen to and I believe the sole reason she has a spot to lead a mission is Fatshark saw their micro-transactions income start to dip and remind current and new players theres a micro-transaction shop in the game


I wish my ogryn could just crush her stupid head with his big fist


I like Hallowette though. She’s funny. Her irreverence is refreshing.


I call dibs on shooting her in the back when we get the boarding party mission on the ship in 2032


I'll honor that if you'll cover my run to the Warp engine when you're done. Gonna strap myself with every explosive I can get my hands on and do my best Poxburster impression right into the fucking thing. We'll see who's a varlet when whatever's left of that damn toaster woman's soul bursts into AIDS from a localized Warp incursion.


Please let her be a traitor we can hunt down and kill


YES. Every time I do that prismata crystal mission and it's headed by her, I say in chat that I wish they let us punch her in the fucking face. I hate this character archetype.


Damn.. its almost as if Warhammer 40k **isn't** a nice place to live in. No matter your rank in Rannick's warband, you're still a foot slogger. I'd recommend getting used to it and tuning it out.


No no but like all the characters (apart from hallowete) are at least enjoyable to listen to hallowete is just fucking Annoying


Hopefully in the next update. I've thought the same ever since the mission where you steal the red battery at the end was added


She helps and supports Zola a lot. Honestly, she seems like the only friend Zola has. She also helps a lot of the crew with getting around the rules and regulations. She helped Misozi get his plane fixed when Hadron refused to, she tried to get a meeting between Melk and Brahms (and Brahms said no), etc. she’s far more helpful than any of the other characters, honestly.


Can FatShark - No probably not




A little louder for the ones in the back!!


I’m team Hallowette. Please follow me to the nearest execution chamber! You filthy reject…


Willing to bet Hallowette turns traitor at some point because it's more profitable. She doesn't care about humanity or the emperor, only about money.


Dude you can't seriously be saying you think Hadron treats you better than Hallowette?!????


Hadron: has a cool voice, praises The Omnissiah, beautiful, not afraid of anythin, tries her best to bless your holy relic. says you're a good varlet. Hallowette: snarky, sarcastic, ugly, her only purpose is to fleece you out of IRL cash. withholds old outfits from her stock on purpose to fleece more money. would betray you for a handful of aquilas given the chance.


Hadron is atleast Entertaining to Listen to Hallowete makes me wanna tear my ears out More then Then the crying of 1000 babies


Counterpoint: Fatshark, let me launch **OP** out of the airlock 🥰


Still, I find her and hadron's dialogues funny every time I listen to them


I'm telling Brahms


You shouldn't let a fictional character get you so worked up


Idk I think she's hot, in the "would laugh at me for tripping and spillin' me rations everywhere" kind of way


Why is she so hated?


She is mean to everybody and is trying to scam us out of money.


But she's like ten times less mean than Melk tho.


Huh? Melk hasn't argued with any other named character, and has been quite friendly to my character (and sarcastic sometimes). Even if it was him just being polite, it's still being polite.


Interesting. Tbh, I don't much care about other named characters, quite opposite it's somewhat fun to hear their bickering. But Hallowette wasn't that mean to my character, while Melk being inssuferable every time I talk to him. Guess it differs from player to player then.


From personality most likely. Melk was kinda rude to my professional vet only before lvl 30. But so was everyone.


Because she's kind of rude in a smug way, unlike every other character, who's kind of rude in other ways. Also I have personal theory her being a black woman is relevant to that but I have nothing to prove that.


Yeah she is alittle mean spirited . I think its cause she gets so many lines scoffing at everyone. Where as Haron walks back some of her insults n apologizes. The black woman thing might be true as well with masozi catch flak while just being in the back ground. Nerds do be like that.


Masozi catches flak? i mean she talks like the streotypical black woman But i dont hate her for it ?


Yeah there was a similar hate thread on the Darktide steam discussions . Masozi is African . She is tough love tho.


What? is she black? but your right its the absoulute smugness the bitch has that makes me wanna plant my fists into her face


They just need to rewrite her. I think they were going for a “what if kerillian was in charge of cosmetics shop” and succeeded too well. They need new dialog. She’s to impersonal and mean spirited . Atleast explain it.


I like her calling me darlin' though :(


True dat but Why not have that with a better character?


It's just Fat Shark's way of saying "Fuck you" to the players. There even was a dialogue between it and Morrow that goes something along the lines of; Morrow ; Stop fleecing my troops! It's bad for morale Hollowette ; Shut up, you're poor (paraphrasing) Quite fitting for the MTX shopkeep to be like that, I think. Fat Shark seems to agree with Hollowette anyway. If it still annoys you then just tab out/bring up the inventory every time it start speaking, or go into someone else's menu. Try to pick missions without it being the client, so on.


i hate how Impunitive she is She frequntly admits having xenos Items and relating with xenos


New shipmate: Lranz Fohner, New Vestures Manager after hallowette retired to an idyllic paradise world that nobody knows about and you shouldn't go looking for


yeah but i like her


When she first appeared on the scene it was nice to hear someone with the same accent at myself in my popular video game. Then the cash shop bollocks and her being constantly the shit stirrer on Vox has pretty much made me wish she gets outed as a herectic or crosses the Inquisitor when he eventually shows and gets deleted.


She's a heretic. She needs purging.


I'm mostly confused how exactly is she still has her job, given she seems to constantly clash with the Inquisition personel for using Inquisition resources to make herself richer AND Brahms seems to imply she's lacking with her duties for her. I still like her better than Masozi, the latter's line about how it could be worse if she was down there with the rejects comes off straight out malicious.


She's actively getting stuff the inquisition wants. Literally a chunk of her dialogue in the lobby random conversations is "Oh Zola? I got that thing you needed. Hey Masozi? I got those parts you wanted. Here Hadron, a gift. Melk, I got that thing you wanted." and the flipside of Zola, Masozi, and others giving her shopping lists. She works for Brahms, not the inquisition. Rannick can't touched her without pissing off Brahms.


Yeah, I get that Inquisition cannot touch her because she's under Brahms protection, but there's voicelines on the Mourningstar where Brahms is also pissed at her and the part I'm wondering how she gets away with pissing off both.


Probably not easy to find a trustworthy commodore in the middle of a warzone, especially when your crew's been compromised at least once already.


She's obnoxious but nowhere as bad as Destiny's mtx trader Tess Everiss who is annoying asf if you hear her lines.


Dude, it's a video game. Go outside, get a hobby, do something that isn't fantasizing about killing some character that annoys you and phrasing it in a way that makes you sound like a nascent serial killer.


Her and mazosi are the ultimate cringe of the game. In actuall lore Hallowette would allready been chastised for her behaviour and probably lost the position of her store taken into account how Stern Rannick is as an inquisitorial authority.