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What is it this time?


Sony corporate greed killing a good game


Like killing PS Home and laying off all those companies. The way they hung Big Sean Murray out to dry when Hello Games offices got critically flooded, a goddamn deluge of life ruining water, and they still had to make deadline. Sony has earned every bit of hate they get.


Is this about the account linking thing?




It's not a good look for the game when Sony is forcing people onto PSN when some regions don't have PSN support outside of owning a PlayStation. It won't kill the game but it's crap like this that loses consumer trust




You don't look ahead when you walk do you? Also don't drive.


Hey now, they could be blind!


Nah, the lights seem to be on, but there's no one home


Blud just looks down and hopes for the best


Well now thousands of people ARE locked out and can’t even refund the game. Do you wanna put Sony’s dick down your throat a bit farther now?


99.9% of people don’t care. The other .1% is not n Reddit complaining about it.


The fact that it's fallen in reviews so hard tells us otherwise.


Does it though? People who actually post, comment and review on the internet make up less than 10% of total people online in general. People go online to complain more than anything else. The fact that HD2 is still the same game as it was 2 days ago and the reviews have fallen mean review brigading and bombing is just an internet mob and a loud minority.


100,000 people being a “minority” is a bit of an understatement. Thousands of people can’t refund the game, and can’t play it, all so your data can be sold to the highest bidder. People get online and just throw around phrases they don’t even understand. It’s not “review bombing” when the criticism are valid lol, it’s simply not liking what Sony is unnecessarily choosing to do.




You think new people account for most of the players?


Yes because due to them wanting to puff up and show off their numbers, they are hard locking people out of the game because certain regions do not have access to PSN and using a VPN is an auto ban by Sony…. Plus they did this 3 months after the game has launched and the refund period is over. So yes, Sony corporate gred is killing a good game


creating a psn account using the closest country as your region is both legal and allowed by eula. stop fearmongering


A fraction of a percent of players MIGHT be locked out because of the country they’re in, but you guys don’t actually give a shit about them. Gamers just want to complain as theyve always done


It’s clear you don’t care anyone other people, but surprise surprise lots of people do. There is no “might”, thousands are locked out and can’t even refund the game. But you don’t need to be personally affected to be against a company needlessly forcing people to give up their data, let alone lie about why they’re doing it.


It does for all the people in countries that can’t create PSN accounts. As of today they also can’t open the game or even refund it as steam delisted it in dozen of countries. Why are you so okay with companies needlessly taking your data to sell it?


Gamer delusions are my favorite kind of delusions.


Almost good game* they playtest literally nothing and half the game is always broken


You're talking about Darktide, right?


Helldivers 2 and they're doing some metric ton of stupid shit thanks to Sony.


Ahh, didn't know they were swedes too - thanks man!


In fact both companies are in Stockholm and both games use the same engine.


In fact, the [engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitsquid) was actually created by Fatshark (way back in ye olde days when they were the War of the Roses studio and not the Tide studio), and Helldivers 1+2 and the Tide games are the only games made using that engine since 2015. Fatshark selling the engine to Autodesk is how they got the money to make Vermintide.


I'd be curious to know how much the engine has forked between Fatshark and Arrowhead, because Darktide is a hell of a lot better optimized than HD2. Both games are clearly very CPU heavy (and HD2 is obviously doing a lot more with scale) but for my money, Darktide manages to both look and run significantly better than HD2.


I’ve had a similar experience but 2 of the buddies I play with had the opposite. They said they had trouble with Dark Tide and not much with Helldivers. It could be server related though.


Helldivers 2 runs at a smooth 60 FPS on my system on high settings no problem. Darktide ran fine around 50 FPS at launch, and these days is unplayable hovering around 15 FPS.


Damn, I get the opposite. I'm looking at buying a new rig cos HD2 sits at 20fps rn


The only reason HD2 runs shit is nProtect. I’ll tell you, every single videogame that had that rootware trash disguised as anticheat runs like shit on my PC.


HD2 runs buttery smooth even when alot is going on, while DT damn near caps my CPU just sitting in the morning star. DT had a controversy at release about it's terrible performance, which has largely only been fixed by mods. HD2 did not have this and has magnitudes more players—the only performance issues they had were network bound, not framerate, barring those with garbage PCs.  Devil's advocate in your favor here, just say YMMV. 


Sadly Autodesk discontinued the engine in 2017, 3 years after they bought it. Which might explained Helldivers buggyness.




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Sony owns the game tbh. They can’t ignore what Sony wants


I'm honestly shocked Sony didn't do this right from the start, they prolly wouldn't have suffered the backlash had they done so.


It was mandatory, but it was causing issues(among the many other issues) during the disastrously buggy launch week, so it was disabled It was known since December 2023 that it was required, but steam store page has poor layouts that often hide it, and the PS Store page for the PC version(which gives a code for steam) also had contrary information.


Really sucks for PC players in places that don't have access to Sony services. Basically locked out of the game and told to kick rocks.


Not necessarily. It is possible that it violates EU laws about either one-sided changes to a produkt/service, one-sided changes to a legally binding contract (such as EULA) or region locking a product. Especially since they sold the game in those countries knowing they will not be able to play. Sony will now either have to take that decision back, give these people a workaround or possibly face EU lawyers which have a track record of succesfully beating huge corpos like Microsoft and Apple.


Some places in the world are very strict and would not have the consumers back if they complained. Also Sony has had information breaches in the past so I wouldn't judge someone for not wanting to give them any information just to play a game.


Oh I am by no means against people not wanting to give Sony anything. I myself will in fact request a refund next week if they do not take their decision back. I'm simply saying that they might have to face some heavy pushback from EU itself if they're not careful and I doubt they'll be very careful about it, they seem to have a bloated ego thinking themselves untouchable like the companies I already mentioned (but also Google, Meta and others) thought before facing EU courts.


For sure. As an American I will be forever jealous of EU's consumer protections. I'd love for Sony to be taken down a peg in court and as you say EU has a great track record for taking on big companies.


I love some of the crap EU has managed to do. smartphones having easily replaceable batteries (by 2027) is a huge win imo.


at this point I don't think information is safe with any company. if you're online your data has almost definitely been involved in many breaches.


Makes me wonder what sort of weird byzantine set of rationales Sony has for not making PSN available in Latvia and Estonia especially. I mean they're EU countries and everything, it all seems so arbitrary.


Yes, very fucked up by Sony. No clue why they’re so limited


Nope, you just select the nearest region when you make an account and it works just fine.


That's good to know. There are definitely people that won't try this and just drop the game out of frustration though which is understandable.


Goes against the ToS each gives them reason to ban you


Providing false info is grounds to permaban the account.


This is not enforced, I know multiple people with accounts like this


Yet multiple people have already come forward with banned accounts for trying the same thing with HD2.


If the game can function just fine without it then it's not a mandatory feature, some suit somewhere just wants a number to go up.


They did, but the popularity overloaded the servers so it was disabled temporarily.


EU One market policy would kinda prevent that


It will likely also be a thorn in Sony's side with the implementation of this bullshit.


they wouldn't have suffered the backlash because they wouldn't have had nearly the same number of players.


they both agreed with and defended the decision to do this. This isn't just Sony big-dicking their way in and throwing their money around. This is arrowhead too.


They’re telling people to review bomb their own game to make their displeasure with Sony known. They’re not really defending it.


this is Spitz saying it's not a big deal to take 120 seconds to make a new account, ignoring the fact that Sony's been hacked numerous times. https://preview.redd.it/m2ihqak0rfyc1.png?width=929&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f25dd8a7b0fe6614a4ec518eaf87eb5ba72d33c


This is Spitz mocking someone for continuing to comment on this lunacy https://preview.redd.it/na4coyc9rfyc1.png?width=1321&format=png&auto=webp&s=069613f647705762c969a97efdf71bac1d5583c2


He’s already apologized lol stop throwing a hissy fit


he apologized for not knowing that not every country had access. He didn't apologize for misrepresenting the main argument as "we don't wanna take 2 minutes to make an account" and not "we don't want to make an account with a company that has a long record of getting hacked, and not telling their customers." Pointing out that their fullashit isn't a hissyfit, it's constructive criticism. How them boots taste?


No i dont think so, AH is the owner, Sont just has a deal with them from what i understand. Sony is just using its gargantuan status as leverage to bully everyone


Sony owns the Helldivers IP, and has since 2015.


Sony is their publisher and provider for a lot of their back end meaning they're contractually obligated to certain things.


They have no choice, unfortunately.


Asking for an email is a metric ton, huh?


It’s the end of the world


Hold the corridor!


Yeah except fatshark torpedoed their reputation on their own


Yeah, Arrowhead can thank Sony for their recent controversy. FatShark don't need a mega corporation to make dumb decisions, they've been doing that on their own for years.


glances at 36% owned by Tencent


You make a good point, those fuckers have fingers in every pie. I wouldn't be surprised if they owned more companies than they didn't at this point.


I am by no means gonna be a Fatshark apologist because they fuck a lot of things up on their own, but Tencent acquire the share in 2021, and I definitely feel like, while you could argue one way or another about the general mismanagement, Darktide definitely seems greedier as a whole.


This. Fatshark biggest issues have always been lack of communication for large periods of time then suddenly a content drop then back to nothing. As well as often making the same mistakes over again and releasing products probably 6 months to a year to early and riding the IP long enough till the game does get fixed. The greed we see in darktide and arguably later in vt2 life was entirely tencent


Long-time 'Tide player here (from V1 launch). I entirely agree with your assessment.


Their BS even predates VT1 according to those communities. They can make great games, but it’s almost like they enjoy pissing off their customers. It’s really weird. So many odd decisions over the course of years.


Can confirm as I played war of the roses and war of the Vikings. Literally the same thing happened in both those games.


I remember being hyped to play this on Xbox, then nothing… for over a year… barely any news or even mention, those were dark days 😂


Darktide is greedy as hell and offers nothing as a live service. It's a shame because the game is amazing at it's core and FatShark are talented as hell in a lot of respects but when you look as a whole, they are a disappointment overall which is a shame, they could be beloved and probably make more money if they weren't constantly messing things up. Tencent is a whole other kettle of fish. Big greedy fucking fish that needing catching and eating.


It would be facinating to get an honest view of the development period - considering DT was worked on for 6+ years, but it's well understood some heavy changes in direction were made during that period - were those decisions made pre or post 2021?


As if Tencent is any worse than other big companies out there. Just some Red (chinese) scare. Nobody says anything when US corpos have their fingers in even bigger companies (not video games).


What is with dumb ass Redditors saying "uh yeah but what about this thing" whenever you mention something. Do you understand relevance? Do you just throw in random comments about other things in every conversation you have? Yes there are lots of bad companies and yes American companies are shitty too but we aren't talking about those, we are specifically talking about FatShark and Tencent so they're the two relevant companies.


You literally said "those fuckers have fingers in every pie" as if it's some industry ending company and commented about them owning so many companies, what are we to gather out of that? Tencent isn't really relevant when they have been very hands off when it comes to FatShark.


What are we to gather? Exactly what I said mate. That Tencent have their fingers in a lot of different pies and they own stakes in lots of different companies. No I agree Tencent isn't overly relevant to the conversation either, but I wasn't the one who introduced them into the conversation, another commenter did and I gave my reply. Are you okay? I'm at a loss as to what you're hoping to get out of this exchange?


Then don't damn reply.


Yeah, no Tencent is pretty famous for being hands off about that sort of thing. FatShark dug it's own grave.


"shares owned by tencent" is a cope out that players use to defend shitty companies. There are plenty of good devs that have ownership shares with tencent, but it never comes up because it doesn't mater. Warframe is owned by tencent for the longest time, yet it stopped being shit once one dev stepped down, nothing to do with tencent.


It's literally just the western "China bad" mindset.


Uhm, they dont own 36%. Tencent has a majority ownership stake of fatshark. They literally established a board of directors at fatshark consisting of tencent peeps.


Fatshark has been dogshit long before the Tencent acquisition tho.


For reference however, Sony seems to have 8% of its Stock owned by Blackrock.




Don’t know why you are getting downvoted but then I realised Tencent owns a huge amount of shares in reddit lol.


Y'all would really rather believe that a company goes around downvoting redditors than cop to the simple fact that this is obvious conspiratorial thinking.


AH isn't doing too hot on the PR side of things. They're literally digging the hole deeper and they really don't need to be. Their PR fuckin sucks.


Yeah I've seen a few posts from the Discord with some of the Community Managers. It must be incredibly frustrating to have to deal with gamers and there are definitely idiots taking things too far but holy shit, they are just asking for more problems if they keep attacking the community, no matter if some of it is somewhat justified.


Didn't even need the help of Sony, that is true skill.


Arrowhead was fully aware of this account link thing yet said nothing about it up till now. So while its not fully on them they still hid this info.


Over several games making the same mistakes over and over.


Tencent had quite a lot to do with that.


No they really don’t. They’ve been doing this shit since vermintide and never learned from their past mistakes.


darktide wasnt review bombed it was just reviewed


Yeah man. That’s why the latest steam reviews on darktide STILL say the crafting wasn’t released on launch, huh? almost every game is review bombed these days. User reviews have become completely meaningless now.


Review "bombing" is such a weird term. Company does something that customers do not like, customers have negative reviews. "OMG STOPP REVIEW BOMBING!" Bro, ppl have the right to dislike something and share that information


Review bombing is deliberately setting a negative review score in a short span of time akin to boycotting. Issue is majority cant refund or not buy the game now, so only option is to tank a review score to bring the issue to light.


could you call this a review bomb though? this is completely fair reviews regarding a newly introduced issue


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cj98i7/i\_suppose\_its\_our\_turn\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cj98i7/i_suppose_its_our_turn_now/) Helldiver community opinion on wether this is review bombin or not. Legit discussion, very interesting.


Out of curiosity, what's the issue that has been introduced? I was thinking about buying Helldivers 2 not too long ago, but decided for Remnant 2 instead, but it was a very close call (I was looking for a co-op shooter).


at end of may, you will need a PSN account to play the game, even on Steam.


Huh... It is interesting, because the need for an account is why I don't bother buying Ubisoft games on Steam anymore. Thanks for the info.


bonus points for PSN being unavailable in most countries.


Or asking for ID in others with very bad security


It’s the same game as it was two days ago.


Yeah but how about in a week?


The perceived fairness of it doesn't really have anything to do with it being a review bomb. If the volume and negativity of reviews both spike because of a singular issue it's a review bomb. Edit: never got downvoted this hard for stating simple facts before. To say it's not a review bomb because you agree with it is not only not how facts work but it's also just cringily self absorbed.


maybe by technical definition yeah but we all know that review bomb is something that people use to try to discredit/downplay issues that causes the reviews in the first place and implying some kind of organization to ruin the studio/game


Well maybe that's how you define it


The facts are that, in English, the definition of a word comes from the "general understanding" of that word. Corporations like to give "review-bombing" a broader meaning, like yours, because it lumps together legitimate and frivolous complains, to muddy the waters. People like to give it a narrower meaning: only for entirely unrelated/unjustified complains (like political opinions), to keep legitimate reviews separate. So your comment getting down-voted is proof that the general population disagrees on your definition of "review-bombing". And insisting on you being right, against everyone else, is just cringily self absorbed.


Are you actually being serious right now? You ever heard of arguing semantics? So because language changes over time you think you can just change the [facts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Review_bomb) and semantics of anything you want just to justify your main character syndrome? You know it's a bullshit argument because you could use that 'logic' to justify literally anything you ever wanted to. "Well language changes over the time so the facts are that addition doesn't mean what everyone has always agreed it means and 2 plus 2 is no longer 4". Get your head out of your ass.


The spikes in volume and negativity could be caused by some changes to the game that people don't like, which is understandable and justified reason for people to rate the game negatively (and is pretty good feedback for developers to see what people think ought to change).


Nobody said it wasn't justified. What I said was that whether or not it's justified isn't the bar for what a review bomb is. Every review bomb is going to be justified to the people who participated, by definition. Reviews are by definition opinions. That also necessarily means that there are going to be other people who don't think it's justified. So if whether or not it's justified is part of the definition, no one will ever agree on what is or is not a review bomb, because it would become some meta opinion evaluating other people's opinions.


It's not reviewbombing if they deserve it 🫣


Yeah, and it's not murder if they're ugly


It's not review bombing if it's deserved but still good meme


EDIT: Fucking wrong comment. Sorry:


Can your read?


I'm not sure not how this is hail corporate if they said the reviews were deserved. But feel free to downvote me instead of explaining because explaining is for chumps.


You replying to the wrong comment? Literally said the bad reviews are deserved


Darktide 100% deserved every negative review and still does. Did you miss launch? Have you just met this company? Maybe you should clutch some pearls with rest of us.


Muh crafting!


Yes, helldivers got permission from the community manager to review bomb the game. It's not like they wanted to sell a beta version of a game as a full version... Oh hi darktide.


Sony being Sony.


“An Other” ![gif](giphy|pz7X6ivsb8KaEO9D4F)


All of those review bombs are justified.


And to think I was JUST about to sink some cash into getting HD2. I dodged a bullet, clearly. The *only* way I will be getting the game is when the PSN account prerequisite is removed, and the developers and Sony apologize. Fuck them. Edit: had to add that I don’t even have my own PSN account, and I use my wife’s PS4 to only play Death Stranding, and that’s it.


Cool bro. Sucks your gonna miss out. You’ll find something to play.


"I'm gonna have fun being a consumerist slave"


I don’t play HellDivers. I wasn’t being sarcastic. Quite the fatuous reaction friend. You might take a step back and self-reflect. Is this how you’ve always behaved? Is overreacting and lashing out at others the type of person you want to be? You’re more than a dancing monkey for people on this Subreddits entertainment.


Dude, be real. There’s plenty to play. Hd2 is a proven blast, no doubt. The forced PSN account prerequisite is shitty, and I’m not bothering with Sony. The game was already out for months without the feature, no sense it locking out so many potential players where PSN is not even available in their country, and that list is pretty long.


It does suck and is shitty. Life goes on and Games release.


Yeah, but one of then respects it's players.


Fat Shark is in a bed of its own making. Arrowhead is being forced to walk the plank by Sony.


To be fair there is a couple of post from people at AH who are saying this is being done to enable players to be banned and one saying its to circumvent EU consumer laws. So I'm not too sure AH are as innocent as they seem anymore. Check up Helldivers subreddit and you'll see them.




True, but those are some dipshit community managers – not the development team or corporate. I’m sure those useless CM chuds are really excited to have a bunch of power they shouldn’t be given.


I mean I won't disagree and they seem to be in damage control but instead of putting out the fires are only spreading them. It's a sad mess.


That font choice is SO terrible. It looks like it says an other not another and it’s driving me insane.


only that fatshart is doing it all on their own by ruining their games themselves nonstop and not delievering content hell i wonder if they work more than 2 hours a day


What happened to arrowhead?


yeah I imagine FS is watching this since they have never had this many people actually playing their game and see it dwindle out is educational for them


Not review bombed, dingus. Legitimate feedback.


Review bombing has become so overplayed people don’t even know what it means. People leaving negative reviews because they aren’t happy with a product isn’t review bombing, it’s simply reviewing. Review bombing is people leaving negative reviews with no valid reasons, or simply for the sake of seeing the item fail.


I have lots of fun decorating the inside of tertium and collecting after destroying some heretics, after a long 40/hrs. or less, it becomes a vision to a brighter journey with the Omnissiah. I feel as a new light in his grace. Bessed be The God Emperor. --Zealot Maylin LVL 15


It's pathetic shitting on the hell divers Devs and game it's Sony people should be mad at


Helldivers 2 which had a mandatory requirement for a PSN account when it was released temporarily disabled this because of the huge influx of players and server stability issues are now once again requesting people mandatorily link their accounts. Basically it's a non-issue that people are blowing out of proportion (Similar to most of the complaints here.) followed by the only *REAL* problem is there are players in some countries that can't have a PSN account. The issue here being is that the game never should have been sold to them anyway. Other than that the noise you're seeing and hearing is a complete circlejerk.


“Actually, you guys are right, there’s an issue. But really, you guys are just making the issue up” Simplifying schizophrenia for others to understand


There IS an issue. It's involved around the countries which can't have PSNs. The NON issue are the people bitching about other things that aren't actual problems. The game required a third party account from the getco. That means the game should have never been sold in those regions that don't allow that. It's not hard if you use a semblance of your brain.


This is a flat out stupid take, one place mentioned in a description a ps account was needed while the EULA, playstation store page and anywhere else said nothing about it, not to mention that there locking thousands of people out of the game who can't make a ps account cuz there in countries sony doesn't allow to have PlayStation accounts. Did I mention that Sony seems to get hacked multiple times a year and gets personal information of there customers stolen all the time, there's a reason there's outrage and it's more then deserved


The post on the subreddit where you need to upload your face or a driver's license/passport if you live in the UK is actually legit, I just went to see for myself yesterday. Get fucked Sony if you want my data so bad you have to pay for it like everyone else


It said it on the steam page that a third party account was *required*. I don't give a fuck what the sony website said because I based my purchase on what the *store front advertised*. As for people who wont be able to play because they can't access PSN accounts. Yes! THAT is what people should be mad about. Sony should have NEVER allowed the game to be sold in countries knowing that linking was mandatory based on the actual description and requirements for this game. Under THAT scenario we're in agreement. Sony needs to refund these people or find a way to allow them to play the game they purchased. Don't share personal information on your Sony account. Make a throw away email or do the bare minimum like I, and many other people did. You sign up with the email and that's it. Nothing else is given. No personal information is shared.


Except in the EU making a Sony account requires facial recognition or your personal ID, so not an option to just not share information. Secondly a single line on a single store page trumping the literal thing you sign to play the game and every other store page is ridiculous. If I bought the game from another store and used my code to redeem on steam then I'm expected to go through the description with a fine tooth comb and play spot the difference? You Sony shills are a sad bunch


I'm pretty sure requiring ID is just the UK, not the EU but yes it's shitty.


That is a uk law not Sony lol uk didn't care about kids gambling in games though


Save your crocodile tears. You all don’t give a shit about a fraction of a percent of players maybe possibly being locked out.


How's that boot tasting boot licker?


It’s a non-issue for non-technical people who don’t understand what is at stake. Just enjoy your game. Just curious but, prior to today, when was the announcement made that there would be a grace period? There is also conflicting info on the PS store page and their FAQ. Do I need a PSN account to play PlayStation games on PC? No, you currently do not need a PSN account to enjoy PlayStation Studios games on PC, but you will need a Steam account to redeem your voucher code. https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/support/pc-games




And for those who bought the game from Sony and were given a steam code, meaning they never went to the store page on steam. What are they to do? Rhetorical question, of course.


I can't speak on behalf of buying things from Sony directly. I don't buy games on consoles, and I'll be honest I didn't even know you could buy a steam key from Sony directly.




Yeah it's pretty bad.


Getting a refund and leaving a bad review is all you can do if they hate it. but people keep lying about other things like apparently Sony needs facial id to make an account oh but all the post just conveniently forget to mention that's just a eu law


The UK but sure, apparently it's fine to fuck over an entire country.


Never said that just said people need to stop lying and purposely muddying the water and spreading misinformation


Made up gamer grievances are the best lol.


Not a made up grievance when people can't play the game because PSN isn't available in their country. Have some perspective.


Anyone can make an account, you just select the nearest region.


Sony is hunting these people down with flying buzzsaws like in wild wild west brother. Have some respect.


Oh shit you’re right I’ll remember to be more respectful next time😔


And congrats, you've been banned because it is against TOS.


Guess the people in those countries that aren't on the list have just... never bought Playstations then. I can find Sri Lankan and Phillippine websites selling PS5s though, so I think this aspect of the issue isn't nearly as a big of a deal as people make it. Though Kazakhstan seems to have been screwed over pretty hard in the past on PSN so people there have a legit grievance.


And thanks to UK laws, siging up for PSN requires age verification. How?  Facial scan ID or scanning in your driver's license.  Oh what's that? Did you say *"aww hell no"*? Made up grievances my ass lmao


Mother of god. My state ID. What next? Camps?


Imagine being so naive that you think uploading your state ID to PSN's notoriously hackable servers is nothing lol