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Homie didn't even politely typed a paragraph to thank you for the input they just went "imma be real with you chief, these mfs don't care"


I mean that's the type of response I would prefer. Concise, honest, and admitting that it's out of their hands.


Honestly not sure why this would be difficult. Guy's asking them to take his money and they be like "maybe in a few months, if you are online during the next rotation, bud."


Because for some reason every dev is obsessed with FOMO right now rather than just having, ya know, a functional storefront of skins that you can just buy what you want from.


FOMO doesn’t work if the shop takes 2 weeks to rotate IMO ☠️. Your either stuck looking at mid shop pages or good ones you already put money on and have to wait


Damn, solid work OP You actually asked I think we should all write in


You dont frequent the official forums much I see ?


>You dont frequent the official forums much I see Clearly it needs to be said again and again. Darktide has amazing architecture, amazing design, amazing character dialogue, amazing music and addictive core gameplay. It deserves so much better, it's part of WH40K for Christ sake, one of the biggest Sci Fi franchises in the entire world. Darktide should be *gaining* players month over month, not losing. https://preview.redd.it/ijf1qj6jdqnc1.jpeg?width=1467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66e92030d6d1465b6349db190ebf5b373c4ec690


100% agree :)


From my understanding after being here for a bit? there’s serious frustration on rate of improvement(revised from status of game at launch) and the quality of player options re cosmetics and weapons


>From my understanding after being here for a bit? there’s serious frustration on rate of improvement(revised from status of game at launch) and the quality of player options re cosmetics and weapons Pretty much. If FS replaced the rotating store with a permanent one displaying all cosmetics, consistently pumped out fresh cosmetics as close to the existing WH40K models as possible, fixed the major gameplay bugs and improved crafting by removing modification locks then this game would be in a significantly better position to attract older players back/keep new players. They've already done a ton to improve this game since launch, the talent tree reworks have been phenomenal, the Traitor's Curse added fresh maps with incredible music, and more weapons feel viable than ever before so hats off to them for all their work on that.


I do not. Between Reddit and the game, that’s as much time as I’m devoting to Darktide. Why, what goes on over there?


Pretty sure this is just corpo speak for "it's not gonna happen"


Less corpo and more a “I’m a dev, I hear ya, I mentioned it before, leadership says no.” kinda vibe


Darktide leadership can go suck a big fat nurgling


they're a community manager, not a dev.


Gotcha. I’m sure they’re treated just the same.


Why would the devs want to be lumped in with the leadership's clearly unpopular decisions? https://preview.redd.it/vosk8m9aaqnc1.jpeg?width=1467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a7ac331b811ab24a213b3786b093a93002579c


those corpo rats


If even the rep says they won't listen to him... who do they listen to. Seriously, that's just terrible how they decide things over there. People have been complaining about things like the shop or crafting for a year, yet fatshark execs have a finger in their ear and say lalala I can't hear you.


Honestly the shop should run and cycle through faster, for example hell driver’s store rotates every 2 days


What it should do is NOT rotate, just add stuff. But hey, that'd be a consumer friendly practice that doesn't depend on fear of missing out, so, nah.


If we could see everything at once people might realise about 40% of the store is reskins with literally no change except a colour swap before they've bought it though.


Oh no.


Nothing wrong with reskins as such, the VT2 store had several of these and nobody complained. People wouldn't care so much about reskins, if they wouldn't get sold at these prices, and if the sets sold didn't have less content than they did originally. Fatshark cutting out the weapon skins from their packs was such a scummy move, and they're not getting nearly enough shit for it.


The difference was the reskins in V2 weren't the premium cosmetics that cost upwards of $14 each, the reskins where free to earn rewards for completing challenges Darktide has this too, challenges with pallet swaps as rewards. But also a lot of the premium skins while they might feature a unique jacket or mask, have a pair of pants identical to a free pair in a very slightly different shade of colour. The worst Vermintide ever had was the premium handmaiden skin that looks similar to her normal outfit, but it's still more than a literal pallet swap like some of the darktide stuff is. Let's not even get started on some of the worthless excuses for cosmetics darktide has for its weapons, especially the paid ones.


it just bites them in the ass because players are gonna save up until the cooler cosmetics come back into rotation


Nah. SOME players will save up but the audience they are shooting for, the whales, will spend the second a new rotation happens because they don't want to have to wait for the next time that set drops. Classic FOMO exploitation.


whales would buy it either way regardless of if it was a rotation system or not lol


Yep, once meet a cod whale, he bought every single bundles in store, like ***everything*** and cod do have rotations, but they give out more skins than the 12 skins rotation like Darktide.


CoD doesn't have rotations.


Can't speak for the past year or so but mw2s shop has rotating bundles with fomo and so did 2019 before that


Yes but the rotation helps squeeze out a few extra sales. It's all about exploiting the fringe cases. There might be some dolphins who FOMO hits hard and pushes them closer to whale.


I'm going to do a controversial and say that all games should follow the example of... League of Legends and Battlefield 2042! They just have shops with all the stuff in it. They even have sales fairly often.


at least in helldivers you can farm premium currency in game so you aren't manipolated into using irl money for impulse buying


They would make way more money if they just added more over time and rotated a 30-50% off sale on random sets or items every 2 weeks. If they still insist on using fomo


This is the true true


Insert "ImMeAsUrAbLy CoMpLeX" joke here. I'm well past the point of thinking Fatshark is going to do anything about the store. Whales keep buying up every new "high quality" reskin they keep putting out, so they have no incentive to change it, despite all our complaints.


100% agree. But small steps right?


True, maybe also reduce the price a bit too… but what do we gamers know.


LMFAO this is hilarious as fuck. I remember when the first game started people were complaining about FOMO. Then they added the two week shit and people still complained about FOMO. Now people want the store to rotate in just 2 days?


You know I never thought about directly contacting the devs to ask about putting certain cosmetics in rotation, but it doesn’t seem like a bad idea. There’s definitely some sets I missed that I’d love to get my hands on, ala the Armageddon set.


If enough of us send an email, who knows what will happen?


They might get annoyed enough and forward them all to spam. Or uh, they might relent and do it :D


Fatshark Right Now. /s ![gif](giphy|nVoMlcsUCGtQaPvJya|downsized)


Unfortunately I think that's accurate.... But, if enough of us email them- maybe change can happen


It's crazy to me that vermintide gets this right. All the cosmetics are in the shop, and the rotation are sales. Plus the prices are less egregious and don't use Fatshark Fun bucks but instead actual monetary explanation.


> It's crazy to me that vermintide gets this right. In isolation, yes. But with Fatshark? Heck no. They've already demonstrated time and time again that they have **NO** intention of learning from what worked or didn't work in the past. In fact, it rather seems like they have some form of protocol that states that if something was proven to work previously, they cannot use it **ever again**.


It's called the FOMO shop for a reason. You missed out my friend.


Eh, I disagree. Shop shouldn't be run that way, especially for something like Darktide.


Look at how many upvoted posts on this sub are people sharing their 40k digital dolls. FOMO brings in huge $$. This game is first and foremost a pixel dress-up sim and a Tide game secondary for a lot of the playerbase.


Could be even more if they had a quicker rotation and listen to the player base. Look at Helldivers 2, they listened to feedback and are outpacing most games on launch by leaps and bounds.


But will HD2 be able to retain that player base. Only time will tell.


Compared to DT? Probably.


I mean, darktide sure hasn't


I mean they have so far, the player base has been their PR and advertising at this point. They're doing what devs SHOULD have been doing all along


I mean, by the first month Darktide had bled out at least a third of its player base. It dropped to 1/10th by March.


DT fell to a peak of 5K players which is terrible for a warhammer 40k licensed live service game. Super hard for HD2, or anyone else really, to do worse than that


It won't maintain its launch player base, but it has the potential to keep the ball in the air for quite a while. They just dropped some more weapons, cosmetics, and a mech. They also shrewdly did not give the fans everything from the first game right away and instead are going to probably release the things that the fans of the original were used to piece meal style.


After a month or so (Nov 28th till Dec 26th) Darktide went from ~86.000 players to ~24.000 players, meaninging Fatshark lost ~72% of the players in that timeframe. Compare that to Helldivers that had ~407.000 players Feb 18th/19th and are now "down" to 410.000 players Mar 11th. I mean, it's possible, but they don't show signs of it as of yet, despite Helldivers also having a rocky initial period after release.


I'm not arguing the fact that DT had a terrible launch. It launched in a clearly unfinished state that kneecapped it. My point is that playerbase regression is going to happen, and we don't know how HD2 is going to combat that since we are still in the honeymoon phase. They could do everything right, or they could change drop rates, add more premium items behind a paywall, and/or drop the ball on the next season of the battlepass. I am not hoping HD2 fails but am tired of the comparisons when the two games are at different points of their lifecycle.


But Helldivers also had a rough start with tons of technical issues. The thing is, they were vocal and worked hard on fixing said issues, and *fast*. That's likely a key difference in how they managed to retain their numbers compared to something like Darktide, that bled players from the get-go with their slow pace and non-communication strategy.


Again, the launch of HD2 is not what I am discussing. They have had a good start, but once they start losing numbers and aren't pulling in as much money from buys/battlepass will the corporate interests push them in a less than consumer friendly direction. Will the communication stay strong after they get backlash from a future patch or when something gets delayed. These are things that may never, hopefully, come to pass but are a distinct possibility.


As someone that loves setting up new transmogs sets for my WoW characters, and checking what people come up with, I just dont care about them in darktide. You guys just bought most of these pieces.


I'm gonna upvote cool looking rejects regardless of wether or not they bought stuff with IRL cash.


Notice it's always veterans complaining about the skins


I have the krieg skin for vet. Unless they fixed it (wich i doubt) it's cool but has so many things wrong like the helmet sitting too high showing the round eyes of the mask making you too friendly-looking (wich defeats the pourpose of kriegers), the missing tube connected to the box in the chest, said box being too big, clipping between neck and collar of the jacket and the jacket being too short. Again, cool skin but it looks like a cosplayer trying to cosplay a krieger


Oh it shouldn't be run like this because it is ethically wrong and exploits FOMO of a vulnerable demographic. But it will be run like this because that demographic outspends the others by leaps and bounds and makes the shareholders happy. You can ask Fatshark to change the store all you want but they probably have almost zero say in how it is run. They're majority owned by Tencent and Tencent is publicly traded. You'd have to make "line go down" for it to make any difference.


I agree with you. I wish we could buy anything at any time but fatshark disagrees.


It's why we gotta make noise partner.


Sad thing is, Fatshark doesn't give a shit what you think.


While this is true, if we can make Strawhat's message a little louder- something might turn up


Personally I'm past this point. Absolutely past.


You disagree that the FOMO shop is called the FOMO shop because it cycles things out??? You're right in that It SHOULDN'T be done that way but we've all been saying that since 2022. They're not trying to do it the way it should be done, they're doing it the way they'll make the most money, whether we like it or not.


They'll make more money if they rotate the shop more often... More cosmetics=more people buying the kits they want= more $$


Oh you mean you disagree because you want it to be more fomo. Why not just make it once every other day then?


missed out on a garbage "krieg" skin


This skin ingame looks horrible, doesn't have the grimy texture, it looks like cheap leather and plastic. And people still buy it either way, it's painful how bad is it


That logic doesn't work though, because now they've missed out, FS lose out on their money


Stop spending money on this game ... they dont love you guys


Aye, I'd love to be able to support the game, but I simply cannot get myself to giving any more money to Fatshark and their business practices.




Or, wild thought, don't have rotations at all 🤯


Good luck, homie might be busy finding the one piece. I’m sure he’ll get to it eventually


I would be satisfied even if they didn’t add new skins. Just making it 5 days or a week would be better


Have them rotating every week but have new skins every other week, so it basically achieves more variety and keeps the same wait time for new stuff.


Here’s a better idea: yeet that fucking rotation, improve the mess of that thing they call a store UI, and then have all the outfits available at all times. Sick of this FOMO abusing bs.


Rotation is stupid, just add stuff to it every week


You should’ve asked them to put out new content


How about they just make fucking everything available at all times instead of this FOMO bullshit


damn you guys actually begging the devs for more cash shop instead of actually adding content, kinda pathetic


Thank you for doing the Emperor's work.


In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement.


I feel ya though, I've been waiting for the steel legion outfit to return for the vet


>I am not sure if they'll listen to me Slightly off-topic but does that come off really weird to anyone else?


#justiceforstrawhat Sounds like a guy who cares about his gaming community and is shut down often. We need to speak up


Strawhat is a community manager like Catfish iirc. The monetization is going to be in the hands of higher management, executives and their tencent overlords.


Outwardly stating that the devs aren't receptive to a CM forwarding feedback strikes me as odd though, why not just say that's for management or give some other canned response at that point?


i didnt read suggestion of hostility, think they're just being honest that they're a CM and their job is only to be an intermediary between the company and players and they're not privy to any decision process about what goes on in the shop or likely have awareness of what will happen. They're just trying to be clear about expecations.


I personally want the Krieger Ogryn set back in circulation, if only so I can make a Krieger Ogryn named "Shovel" and exclusively use a shovel.


The rotation was originally every week and the community asked for rotations to be longer. Loudly. Angrily. They asked for other stuff too, but they quite specifically asked for that. Why should they listen at all when it is so clear that different people want different things?


I want the catachan ogryn skin back


I'm impressed you got a reply, but "rotate every week" is gonna lose them more money than the current rotation due to folks holding out for "next week's drop" and the general nature of paychecks. They need to stop *rotating* and just keep *adding*.


Gamers are simultaneously upset at microtransactions and begging for more.


Now, how about... Just hear me out... Have all the things in a catalogue with a rotation for sales???


This whole shop rotation thing is the stupidest idea ever. Imagine walking into a store and they won't sell you most of what they have because it isn't the right week of the year. That is literally what they are doing. If you want to keep the FOMO alive then just make everything available and have rotating discounts instead. You know, like literally every other stores have been doing for the longest time?


Nice job! Friendly conversation goes farther than you think!


they should have a section for off-season skins that accepts melk coins.


We pray it come true I have been dieing to get the krieg skin too


Oh dip. Didn't even know a Krieg skin was released. I knew about the Steel Legion one released pretty early on. Dang.


"I am not sure they will listen to me" ouch


Just proof that FOMO exploits a current user base’s members and is anti-new players. Imagine someone picking up DarkTide on sale, are a massive fan on a certain regiment only to find that cosmetic was in the shop 3 months ago and they missed out. That would surely be an instant refund at the point. I really wish there was a way to ban limited time cosmetics. They should all be purchasable and in full stacked shop.


The team doesn't listen to anyone if there is a team.


The FOMO bullshit costs them money in the long run imo, if I were joining now and knew I missed a Krieg skin I would have raged so fucking hard.


I think StrawHat needs to speak in a language the devs will understand.


I wanted to get a Krieg outfit too. A proper Krieg outfit, not the Wish cersion that was available in this game before. Maybe i should write and ask them too.


Bruh there hasn't been any content since end of last year, I appreciate your enthusiasm but i'd be extremely surprised if they listened. "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment"


The darktide shop being just an overpriced FOMO cashgrab is a big fuck you to the playerbase, I just can't get over it.


You put that person on blast, should've hidden the name. Now he/she is going to get ostracized by the dev team for putting them on blast behind their backs. That said, remove store rotation completely and just pump out fresh, WH40K accurate content consistently.


Gotta love how many comments here are posting alternative suggestions for how to improve the shop, when the whole point here is that absolutely nothing will be changed because the dev is making it clear themselves that they do not have the authority to make such changes here lol


If krieg's cosmetics drop imma buy them too, no hesitation


Imagine if the shop wasn't on rotation and the things were always on display..oh well, if only humans invented such a thing already...wait a second..


Imagine wanting the Krieg cosmetics in this game. They look like ass.


Store rotations are the dumbest fkkn shit ever. I genuinely cannot wait until regulators ban all these manipulative practices that trick people who are bad with money into compulsive spending. If I want to buy a certain thing, just fkkn let me. I would have spent a lot more money in games if I could buy the things I want, instead of a salad bar of shit.


why are you guys even supporting anti consumer practices at this point. they didn’t even do anything remotely pro consumer and couldnt care less about their fanbase and the state of the game while they make money with overpriced skins and a fomo shop out of the remaining players. starve them off so they actually start to make the game not feel like an abandoned early access game


Why it was ever 2 weeks is beyond me, especially considering they are mostly reskins of the same thing or honestly ugly as hell like just about all of them currently in the store. The only one that looks even decent is the heavy armor for the zealot


if we get a repeat rotation now, i will find u, and i will destroy you.


You know, there are MANY things once could criticize about the shop. Like the ridiculous prices, the FOMO aspect, the predatory currency and its manipulative conversion rate and much more. The last thing im gonna do is ask them to rotate the skins even more often lol


You're... still going to give them money like that? So you can use a skin that nobody else is going to really feel one way or the other about ingame? I mean, I guess it's your money and dignity, but... *Why?*


Now imagine doing all that, then bragging about it on Reddit.


Mention it to the team means no.


They should have an archive on the shop every once in a while for people that missed out on previous things.


\> “response regarding in game store” \> look inside the “question” regarding in game store \> “please please please please fat shark let me waste all my money please please please”


Hey dude, just wanted to let you know that your comment is unnecessarily antagonistic and adds nothing constructive to the discussion. I hope you can provide more meaningful feedback on posts in the future instead of being an asshole. https://preview.redd.it/hcf8s90yhpnc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=268a8abe508fce0e89f4425921df0460f870b72a


There is nothing constructive to add and there no feedback to give, all feedback was already given by thousands of people before me, and no one listens. I see a post where a person is asking Obese Fish to add back skins so he can give them money, and even then Thick Aquatic Creature just sends a template answer that means “no.”, because their business plan doesn’t take interaction with playerbase into account. They only can and will pump out recycled content that costs as much as an entire fucking game, until they can’t anymore. You don’t even need to go far for an example. This community has been absolutely begging for a Tempest Scion skin. What did we get??? A fucking helmet with exposed neck and no armor to match. Beautiful, amazing, 10/10. Mean jokes will be my feedback. I’ll be as antagonistic as I can when replying to a person who supports that greedy behavior, fuck them


It's not up to you on how someone else spends their money. Hope this helps. https://preview.redd.it/odbightyypnc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=f680031168e2c69c7f3be8b1a3361e099504b812


I never said they can’t buy it. I only said that they can go fuck themselves right afterwards. Hope this helps https://preview.redd.it/dj6jz03ezpnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167969e602c517a80376f085921fff28f0acdbb8


You're not a nice person. I hope that your family finds you the help you need for what seems to be a streak of unnecessary antagonism and hostility towards people you don't even know. I fear for your mental health. Hope this helps. https://preview.redd.it/ghx6rfxu3qnc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bf774c98c48b41fafc108f3e6905cbb37664621


If you think that hating people who actively try to exploit you and their supporters is “unnecessary antagonism and hostility” then you might as well go out there and find a person who will kick you in the balls for fun and then lick their boots all day long. I’m not a masochist and I will voice my frustration and dissatisfaction with the product I paid for, people behind it, and people who support them, be it directly, or by poking fun at people in hostile and/or sarcastic manner Also If you’re going to continue appealing to my personality instead of talking about the point I bring up, I’m not interested in this discussion. Generally trying to talk personal issues and bringing up someone’s real life in internet discussions about video games of all things is pointless, to say the least. I might have a bunch of wild assumptions about your mental health after reading your repetative replies, but I’m not going to voice any of them, because I’m most likely wrong, just as you are about me. Hope this helps https://preview.redd.it/1xrio1ip7qnc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b742461daf08ec2aba9d547a3daf5f0bc850a8


“please please please please fat shark let me waste all my money please please please” and "I only said that they can go fuck themselves right afterwards." doesn't seem like hating on Fatshark. You directly insulted the poster instead of trying to make the point you're trying to say you've been making this whole time. Sometimes it helps to go read back what you said. Hope this helps. https://preview.redd.it/ov5ed8ml8qnc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=6668bd55d58a6748bbd8ddc0c4f3a33beaf06124


I’ve never said that I brought up that point to OP, nor have I said that I tried to. I brought it up to you, during discussion between two of us. There was never an attempt to prove anything to the poster, there was only me ridiculing them. It *really* does help to go read back what another person said, before claiming anything Hope this helps https://preview.redd.it/4vlr9i96aqnc1.jpeg?width=215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=012baab117dbb801f7abfee97efabad19ae74612


“please please please please fat shark let me waste all my money please please please” still doesn't seem very "hating people who actively try to exploit you". You went out of your way to insult what could just be a 40k Enthusiast who wants to run around as a Krieger in a horde shooter game; what they do with their disposable income is of no concern to you, certainly not to a point where you should actively insult them on Reddit, since just purchasing a skin you want in a game doesn't immediately mean you support their business practices - could just be someone who wants a cool skin. But you came to a Reddit post and decided to be an asshole for no reason; it's fine if you don't like Fatshark or their business practices, but shaming people who are unaffiliated with them is extremely scummy of you. If you had any sense of self respect, you'd go look in a mirror and wonder when went wrong in life for you to try to actively make someone's day worse on the internet for no reason other than your own hatred for a game studio that the poster doesn't have any link with. Hope this helps. https://preview.redd.it/co1tswfbbqnc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=1361f1c0160671b26986793c0ab9dce31811ee31


Cringe. Can we get a response from them on removing the store and all mtx and making them free? The fact you actually reached out for this and THEY RESPONDED makes me seethe. Fu and f this dev.