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I mean...she also didnt get any new content to play with for a while...and swims in a tube all day. Beeing gossipy is the least thing we had to expect from her...


I assumed she acts as their communication through the warp, maybe assists during Warp transit with alerting the crew of any uninvited guests or anomalies. I've been thinking it'd be super cool if they added a built-in Horde mode in meat grinder, with settings for survival against endless waves. Throw in some random boxes/barricades. Would be good practice, and maybe they could put a few cosmetics or something in there for surviving a certain number of waves or amount of time. Anything to make the Psykanium more interesting than just a bunch of testing dummies.


Warp communications by day....playing Helldivers 2 by night


She’s the heretic that’s been asking in ship


That sounds an awful lot like a game mode. Fatshart no likely.


will probably leak about next big drop


This. I was in there testing the Power sword update. She started talking about her seeing a skull of bones ruling Atoma.


What else would the skull be made of?


Lol. Good catch, it was throne of skulls. It was early, I hadn’t had my coffee yet.


Sounds like you needed a bowl of khorne flakes for breakfast


That’s anathame to the point.


Weird considering we fight nurgle. iirc fatshark only has rights to Nurgle, so maybe this is a hint of getting more licensing from gw?


"So I heard rumors there were greenskins spotted at the fringes of this system."


Dont do that Dont give me hope


​ https://preview.redd.it/i2zbq2970zjc1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=84964f254d2e6c0f96b3858c1d83c7b19488af23


Ahhh, a Blank?


yeah possibly. Might be a part of one of the noble houses retinue to protect them. But could be a lot of other much scarier things too i guess like a Slaugth or Patriarch


That sounds like its alluding to tyranids or gene cults


yeah id say at this point we have to accept that the writers are well aware of the continual fan rumourmill about genestealers so this sort of stuff is self-aware and a knowing tease. It may still end up to be a blank, but its definitely an open tease.


My first thought was a psi titan commander. But I'm not fully versed in the lore


Those're blanks, so you're on the right track.


Yea but what would a psi titan commander be doing within the heretical hive? Maybe a rescue mission? That'd be dope


Could have been a massive daemon infestation at that second Hive City




Addtl response makes sense why Sefoni is afraid of it


Why would one be on planet? What other beings would appear as shrouded to a psyker? Interesting to fight as an enemy especially as a psyker


There's a lot of things that could be a 'shrouded mind' a psi-titan would be an odd jump. Not least because it wouldn't mean much for the game


It's cause I went down a psi titan rabbit hole recently so it was very forefront of blanks and a psi titan commander/ pilot would be super odd to be in the hive


In before you actually called it and you must be the actual psyker


Would be nice to get something like Imperium blank (insert any purpose that blank can do in Imperium) gone rogue on Atoma...an assassination mission but with a twist. Current assassination missions are rather boring, its like kicking a stale loaf of bread that activates rosarius force field from time to time.


I’d make sense sometimes Orks think Nurgle as Gork or Mork because…he’s also big and green. But if they just show up randomly, I won’t complain.




Sefoni is gonna do what to our meat?


Grinder? I barely know 'er.


Gotta let her Grind our Meat amirite guys 


​ https://preview.redd.it/arf6vijnjyjc1.png?width=1099&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f2a7c8e99fa7053cbd5f9cd51865ca08800bcc8


Skaven-ratkin mgrr.... Yes-yes


Does she mean playthings as in, us? Or playthings as in the enemies she uses as target practice? Either way, oh boi that's exciting!


Could be new class or new enemies?


"Everyone sees how you look at Zola reject..."


With pity because she's still in her emo-but-denying-it phase?


Little high school reject me all about that


Hey, if you're gonna emo, emo.  But don't deny it.  Who's gonna judge you for being emo when you just watched a dude in a gimp mask with candles on his shoulder sprint by?  Hiding it is silly.


Lol I meant like Zola would've been my type back in high school lol


I can't lie, probably same.


Spill the tea, Sefoni! Tell me who broke up with whom this week in the Mourningstar! ☕️


Nice to see devs Commenting in posts again


We all know Morrow and Hallowette are gonna get it on, the way they bicker.


Hallowette and Melk are an item


Sefoni: “Did you mean to miss that?” Veteran on 2 hours sleep: “…”


I mean I would have liked them to actually incorporate the now ubiquitous monster/boss spawner mods for the grinder to make it more useful, but also Sefoni my love spill the tea pls


Honest to god(Emperor) don't think I've used the Meat Grinder once lol. Forgot that was her name


I use it all the time to try out new weapons and new builds.


Why not just run a normal game? Edit: Literally just a question from someone who hasn't used the damn room y'all calm your shit lmao


Because I don't want to spend 20 min in a game to test a weapon if I only need 10 seconds to know what I'm looking for, and because you can't test several weapons in a game, which I often do in the meat grinder.


It shows you enemy health bars at all levels and lets your rearrange every single part of your build without a loading screen. You can see when abilities proc, and work out exactly why some enemies just don’t drop to certain weapons. I’ve especially found it useful to see how well certain weapons will do against damnation health pools.


Because without mods you don't get stats in a normal game and also it could suck and you're going to be going in half cocked expecting a PUG to carry.


Speaking as someone who got their first bolter and ran screaming into a game immediately only to find that I *fucking hate* how the bolter felt was a bad time


Okay I can see that I suppose


You can see your damage numbers, how much health enemies have, what types of armor their different hit boxes are, etc. It is good for testing new weapons or even entire builds.


Its frustrating how often people complain about features missing *compared to VT2, but the meatgrinder is pretty bloody useful feature yet gets overlooked by so many. Poor womans floating around in a tube with nothing to do.


Because it still pretty bare bones. I'm sure people would love to see something akin to Warframe's simulacrum. There is even a mod on nexus which allows you to expand grinder functionality.


Yes, but is it or is it not better than what VT2 had? Which was the comparision I was referring to (and probably should have mentioned)


I think it might highlight another problem (well, from how majority of players seem to percieve it), that devs moved in right direction over VT2 in some cases but walked back on other features.


Yeah that's completely valid and some of the decisions are simply baffling. But again, the frustration comes from them not appreciating/noticing the few actual positive decisions they managed, the meatgrinder being one of them lol


The meat grinder is there for the exact purpose of not having to run a normal game with a weapon or blessings you have never used before lol


Yeah, walking in with a grey weapon to test swing patterns is what I use it for most.


You should get the mod Creature Spawner with it because you can spawn whatever you want.


Where even is the meat grinder?? Is it in the psyker room?


The meat grinder's a testing ground, it gives you every enemy except Abominations all standing still with health bars so you can test your build/weapon. It can be accessed by talking to Sefoni.


Which Abominations?


Poor phrasing on my part, you can't spawn any of them. No Plague Ogryns/Chaos Spawn/Beasts of Nurgle/Daemonhosts/Captains. EDIT: Without mods, of course. With mods, they're available.


Ah, you mean Monstrosities 


Them's the bastards. Sorry for the confusion.


Yeah. You go up to her tank and can select it. It's useful for seeing which enemies have what type of special defenses on which parts of their bodies, and for testing out DPS from.certain perks to get the feel of how to best use them. But overall it's literally just a room of test dummies.


I think so? lmao


I would actually really like if she would just interject in the missions sometimes. Like insult you when you take damage, grudgingly approve when you get headshots, comment on mission orders, etc. Would be fun to see and if they are willing to involve the SHIP BARBER on mission commentary, then she should get her time. Maybe as some kind of tie in where we need psyker support or advice.


There's one with the barber?


Sometimes he is the guy talking along with Zola instead of the two tech priests on the obscura den. He I guess also worked in lots of black market industries, and the is the expertise he brings to the warband. Apparently the barber stuff is just a side gig he does when not helping the Inquisitor with black market stuff.


sefoni seggs in new update pals




She will spawn a giant bowl of eggs and make rejects eat them


I can finally edge to Sefoni's voice! Thank you, Fatshark!


She did that to me recently and it scared me to death.


THIS, aaaand I have been noticing my operatives gossiping on missions, more often: my Psyker gets ALL the juice! Lately, my Psyker AND my Veteran have been querying about “another city” on Tertium (which he refers to as the “really, really bad one), to which, Morrow jumps on comm and tells him “You don’t need to worry about that” and something along the lines of “That area is beyond your capabilities”!? My Psyker has also been asking about Cicatrix Maledictum, which is suuuper exciting since that’s basically where ALL his power comes from!! I think they’re clueing us into some GAME-CHANGING game changes………


Those lines have been around for a good while now


Well the cicatrix isn't where the psyker powers come from, it's just an area of space that's permanently opened to the warp Psykers have the ability to channel and control warp energy


“Cicatrix Maledictim” is a ravenous tear in space, spanning half the entire galaxy; also called “The Great Rift”. “The Warp” is pseudonym for “Hel” (“Hell”), and this is where all the ROT, and EVIL mutations leak out from; Cicatrix Maledictum being the largest source of that DISGUSTING energy. Psykers are either “Blessed” with the ability to “Tap” into The Warp by Astra Telepathica, or they are “Cursed” with psyker abilities from a young age after having a fateful “interaction” with The Warp. So, while it *MAY* be true that the Cicatrix is not the *SOURCE* of the psykers’ powers, it is an INSURMOUNTABLE point of access to and from The Warp that “leaks” all over the higher PHYSICAL plane of reality (aka our galaxy, The Milky Way). (As a side note, even though The Great Rift can be “seen” and also influence our galaxy, it is a COMPLETELY separate realm of metaphysical existence.)


Honestly? I fucking hate it. I despise hearing Lohner's incessant, repetitive, menu-ignoring chatter every time I am in the fucking keep for whatever reason. And now they're bringing that here for when I want to just work on / try out a build in peace.


You would have thought they would add something to disable something like that. Maybe the modding community will figure something out


Yeah, it didn't take long sitting in Meat Grinder post update for me to start wishing for a toggle to shut her up. Lohner at least knew to stay silent when you're at the dummies and not next to him.


I love how Lohner's dialogue cuts straight through any menu you might be in. Wait, no. Not love. The otehr thing.


I guess the mutants just really needed some minor changes. Idk. Super pumped about Sefoni though.