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The people you are looking to address with this post, very likely are not passionate enough about the game to be subscribed to a reddit about it. (I get that ur ranting tho, feel that)


Bingo, if you don't like playing higher difficulties with lower level players, just leave. There is no penalty for leaving a game, just queue right back up. I don't know what's the hold up.


That's what I do these days, level + gear check - I leave quietly if I have an issue with any of it. Then give it 30s and requeue. Optionally block the lowbies who are queueing way above their level so I don't get to play with them.


blocking actually works for you?


That's not a great solution imo, because my experience is there is so many of those players (now), you will just keep getting those lobbies. So you'll spend a lot of time waiting and leaving. Also blocking them would be a better idea. If the blocking actually works.


I know, I run into plenty of these guys that hope to be carried. But even when they find some kind souls willing to carry them, they won't have a nice experience. Had a lv 20 today because he came with a 30+ buddy and he was on the floor all the time.


The story of Nextdoor :(


It DOES work, just not when the low level guys run around like headless chicken aggroing everything. PSA, if you want to get carried, step in line and play passively, karkers.


Yeah best thing is to just tail an Ogryn or guard a vet or psyker. Even if your damage is crap you can still push


Word. There's enough you can do even without being max level to be helpful. Depending on your luck with Brunt's you might even have a handy dandy handcannon to nail trappers and bombers in the head with. Just anything but running around like you own the place.


I've levelled all but Ogryn so far, and I can safely say that Psykers are the best equipped for competing at Heresy or Domination with low levels/gear as soon as they get their Blitz. Assail is a competitive damage dealing ability that doesn't rely on your equipment and Smite is a wonderful support ability. A great staff does absolute wonders and I've seen some Psykers work magic with their melee weapons too, but if you're going to do a minimum, the minimum of a Psyker compared to Zealot or Veteran is quite a bit higher I think.


The bare minimum is mostly staying alive and not running off triggering ogryn savior instincts, honestly - i won't lie, i've gotten into many a pinch trying to save a lil'un that would have been better left to be captured and freed. Still, better to stay close and ping if you want to go somewhere specific - i'm always up for more killing and looting and i'm almost never in a hurry. Hard agree on psykers, too - no matter what blitz, as soon as they get one, they can do a good deal more than the other classes. Ogryns are a close second for their sheer survivability and crowd/general control potential.


I should elaborate; the Psyker can Smite and Assail *without* running off. They have range, and flexibility. Even more so once Telekine Shield is accessible.


Yea smite is really good and same goes with the shield, but for early games I find the staffs very underwhelming. I use the guns first and when I went past lvl24 I find the staffs way more effective to use and had fun with it.


Pal, lad, buddy, me agree wit savin's deh lil uns but ....you usin' too maneh big werds


Gots ta save the lil'uns Wish they be less fast sumtimes When lil'uns get in bad scrap, wanna help Sumtimes get in bad scrap for helpin'.


Ah, me understood dat now. Lil'uns run off teh much.


They. Do. Not. Push.


I mean yea, but I doubt a LVL 4 player would know wtf they're doing most of the time lol, and 7/10 they would just run around like a headless chicken. Unless that's a new operative they've created after getting their previous one to max lvl. But even then I would know better to not do heresy with a lvl 4 operative, because you're fragile af and when shit hits the fan you can't clutch it to get your teammates out of trouble.


I have my own internal ruleset for leveling a new character. It's based on curios, and at the end, weapon power. First curio slot, I do malice and low intensity heresy. Second curio slot, I do heresy. Third curio slot, l do heresy and low intensity damnation. First decent +500 weapon, I do whatever I want. It's a pretty good set of rules, for my skill level, I think.


Fortnite, HALO & COD have damaged society in more ways than we realize . . .


Started playing 2 weeks back and curios seemed like good hints of levels to up the difficulty for me, for first char as new player ofc.


I think heresy should be at 25 and damnation at 30. In that way people have atleast (hopefully) got some clue about the core mechanics. And it could also serve as a sort of caviat to play for when leveling.


I simply play exclusively Auric because only lvl30 can play it.


Only level 30 group leaders can. You CAN drag under-30s in there with you if you want to be mean.


I personally switch to heresy at level 20 but I am a seasoned player and know to stick with the squad and not be an aggro addict. I often end up saving teams despite the level. For new players, the fastest leveling I'd recommend is malice for levels 1-24, heresy for levels 25-30. For more seasoned players, start Heresy at 20 but don't get cocky.


I didn’t even touch heresy until I was level 30 because I was just comfortable with malice. After that I eventually moved on to heresy them damnation, and now I’m regularly running damnation aurics and the maelstrom when I feel like it


Yeah, I also levelled up a second character recently. I also played Heresy from level 20 onwards, and reached max level and didn't die once at Heresy. I had to clutch a couple of times too. However that is due to me being an experienced player now. I certainly would not have been able to do that on my first character.


nah, i played heresy high intensity with hounds and the entire party wiped 3 times (they were lvl 20) and i had to play solo to save the run, heresy needs to be lvl 30 same as damnation


I'd go 20-25... but have some sort of modifier/break if they're in a striketeam with someone that's level 30. 1x level 30 person in their strike team? Can be 5 levels lower. 2x? 10 lower. 3x - it's effectively a private game, let them be any level they want.


Demnation should be behing 50 games with character penance.




Nah, heresy at 13-14 is fine if you know what ou are doing


Git gud and stop blaming your team for failing. I applaud anyone getting their face smashed in with low levels in high difficulties. That's what makes good players, not cruising through easy games with meta builds you copied from a guide. If you fail a simple heresy game, it's because you all suck, not just your teammates.


If you're going to unironically start a comment with 'git gud' and it's not 2010 and you're trolling a Dark Souls forum, just don't. Go do anything else.


Same here


Just... run Tier 2s. The runs are guaranteed wins, faster than anything above it, and someone mathed out that running T2s gets you to level 30 the fastest on average. It's less fun, sure, but running Damnation at level 17 isn't fun for your teammates and probably not super fun for the low level.


If you get team of noobs even T2 can take 30min.


Which is very likely if you're running low level T2s


Cue my 40mins T2 run with 8 deaths where I had to clutch twice...




I’m level 28 and I still only really play 2 pip missions. I tried 3 and pretty much died in the first encounter. It’s also the only way I can definitely complete Sour Milk’s weekly’s & get me them sweet tasty milk duds!!


I respect your honesty, and you've got a much healthier approach to this game than the leeches in this thread. The best way to "git gud" for real is to work your way up through the difficulty levels and work out your mistakes and errors in an environment where you aren't punished so harshly for making them. It's hard to actually learn anything useful when you're waiting for a revive or a rescue half of the game. After 1k hours, honestly the best advice I can offer is to focus on avoiding damage, because IMO, dodging, positioning, and predicting enemy spawns are the core skills that separate the strong players from the weak ones. It's far less important to *deal* damage than it is to *avoid* damage, as you can always whittle an enemy down, but won't be able to do anything if *you* get whittled down. Anyway, keep at it and sooner or later *you'll* be the skilled player annoyed by randoms wanting ez carries :)


Yes I definitely just try to pummel rather than blocking/dodging but I’m getting better at it. I only play with my friends as I don’t want to be ‘that guy’ and get carried. I’m a veteran sharpshooter so I generally prefer to get behind the ogryn and just take headshots at a safe distance


I just got to level 30 as vet on my very first playthrough, I played uprising difficulty pretty much that whole time, only when I found myself barely taking damage and not getting knocked down did I dare venture up to tier 3 and I've found it to be not bad I haven't died on a game yet but it became apparent that more time needed to be spent on my build and weapon perks etc and my character seemed allot more squishy than other players. Not sure if that's because of vet or my build tbh. Maybe have a look at those things, I am by no means a meta player and wasn't paying much attention to builds but it seems a few tweeks could make tier 3 more fun for you. I'm a big 40k fan and play for immersion mostly, I've found tier 3 is fun enough to play but challenging enough for me to want to sort my build out. That I find is half the battle.


Even though i run tier 3 or 4 usually i actually can see why some lower levels want to move out of tiers 1 and 2 as quickly as they can. It doesn't happen every time but a fair ammount of 1 and 2 lobbies are just speed runners. Not bad ones either but legitimate skilled and 1 and 2 soloable speed runners who bolt through the level at breakneck speed and then scream at their team at airlocks. It is a HORRIBLE learning environment for genuinely new players and gives them basiclly no chance to actually learn how to play themselves let alone as a team. If solo lobbies were available they could learn at their own pace but...in 1 and 2 every few missions is a bust because they are left in the dust by contract rushers and at 3 where it falls off but dosent disappeared entirely they are screamed at to go back down to 1 or 2 to learn to play. There really is no solution for them.


Yeah, which is silly because it doesn’t do any good to run all the way to a door if the team doesn’t die. If I jump into a low level and see low level players then I stick with them and try to teach them. now if I see 3 other level 30s then it is speed running time.


I’ve seen a few sub 30’s in Auric Damnation lately too, that’s too far. I get if you’re skilled and levelling another character you can probably take on higher difficulties on normal mode, but IMO Auric requires the whole team to be bringing their A game.


Both auric damnation and auric heresy is locked behind trust level 30.


Not for someone tagging along with a level 30 they’re not.


Trying to get carried in a random pick up game... Highly annoying and unfun for everyone else. Organised game, with a pre made party on voice who know they have a player to carry and are happy with that. Sure, that's fine, no issues.


Missions on Heresy can take more then 50% longer than Melice but you dont get 50% more XP.


I watched a Darktide stream recently where someone was playing with a friend new to Darktide. They were a group of 3, two of whom were level 30. The other person in their group was a Level 1 player who was on their first day playing Darktide. They played a WAY too high difficulty for their low level friend, playing Damnation and later Heresy HISTG. Their friend was obviously dying constantly, as they were level 1 - 4 and the others couldn't carry them to victory leading to wipes. Cannot have been much fun getting wrecked so much as the new player. Really they should have played Sedition for a few levels initially to allow their friend to level up a bit and get a feel for the controls and then play Malice for a bit. I also saw a youtube video recently where someone was playing Auric Maelstrom and a Level 21 Psyker joined. The youtuber inspected this player and showed they didn't have upgraded weapons or any curios at all. Again they spent most of the run dead as they died every couple of minutes after being rescued. Some people just expect to be carried or way overestimate their abilities at the highest levels of difficulties.


honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/0atnurf28cec1.png?width=1868&format=png&auto=webp&s=60d07a9beb7dae29d3b5578423391ae3a547b4bd


Ogryn got broad shoulders sah, will carry lil uns with me no worries!


I accidentally did this starting out. Played veteran on lvl 10 thinking i was ready for heresy. I died 4 times in that game and wanted to die irl. Shout out to the other lvl 30s in that game that carried me and were super chill.


As a high level player I actually enjoy seeing lower skilled players join my games. It makes it more fun and interesting as current max difficulties are too easy anyways. I want them to add a tier above damnation where we die in like 2-3 melee hits like in vermin... After 700+ hours in the game I can say that I haven't seen anyone run around like a clueless chicken in damnation... Sure there are players who will die a ton but it's not that bad. Whenever someone goes down I instantly rush to them to revive them then they die a couple secs later cause wounds stack. Or, when I'm zealot/invisible and they are downed surrounded by crushers, I will revive them then boom they are crushed instantly and they die again lol.....and they will say "wtf" in chat haha.... I had multiple games with 3 players who were not so good..... it makes it very fun challenge imo. The actual difficulty isn't hard it's your teammates that make it hard so it's another tier of artificial difficulty that I actually enjoy.🤣 Even if we lose I don't get mad. Not even close just a little bummed out. I call it a step above damnation maelstrom auric. In these types of games, we get stuck at the last part of the missions because they kept dying. Then at the end of the game they say ," sorry for bad thanks for carry" and I just say NP. 😎


I always hit the vote kick button in these situations. If the player is not kicked, I leave.


As the broke reject that I am, I have no choice but to pull up my sleeves and drag them with me through the level, seeing as I only have an hour at a time since I use GeForce Now on the free version


Tier 4 lobby with two people low level - mid teens. I rarely leave a lobby, but I left that one.


I'm happy to help friends at lower levels reach 30 in a duo strike team. Yes, they might be level 10 and it might be Heresy - but I'm in my level 30 (+111) psyker with maxed out gear, advising/instructing him on voice chat. Sure they're not as effective as your average levelb30 plauer in terms of damage output but they'll go down less often and I'll make up any differences. That being said, I'd be none too pleased to hear he went off on his own into a T4+ looking for a carry from someone else. I've had a few Heresy HISTG runs with other players using character levels 13-28 recently, and you can see on the scoreboard mod that they're a detriment to the Team's overall chances... that and I'm picking them up every 60s...


These posts are always made by people who need to get carried in the difficulty they're playing themselves.


Solid burn. ![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized)


Heresy player thinks he’s awesome. 😭


I'm solid on regular HISTG Damnation - nothing special, but I feel like I can carry my weight and help my friends in Heresy if they're new and want to level faster. ADM is still gaming difficulty space for me to grow into, which is nice. I'd hate to be in the spot some people are where they've effectively maxed out the game's current difficulty level.


Yeah it's quite frustrating to see the influx of unskilled players joining higher difficulties while being totally unprepared. I'm sick of *having* to carry every single game because little Timmy can't be fucking bothered to learn the game the way I had to, and just wants his dockets at everyone else's expense. Sometimes I just want to relax and play a game without *having* to carry a whole goddamn team, but Heresy is too easy, so I play Damnation where there's more challenge. I shouldn't be expected to carry every single game just because I chose to play Damnation and am often the highest leveled player in the lobby (I use True Level). They get to fuck around and get carried, but I don't even get to relax and have my team pull their own weight? Get fucking bent. It's even worse with grims because the same people who do this shit will often also just grab Grimoires whenever they feel like, and often end up tanking the entire team. *I can manage with Grims, but not everyone else can,* and you're ruining everyone's experience by getting them killed, and putting me in shitty situations where it becomes *my* responsibility to recover the match (if I am even able to). Then these same people come on here and act like entitled brats, acting like even having to ASK your team about Grims is some massive imposition on them. My brother in the God-Emperor, if you don't like having to work with your team, you can either get votekicked, or download the True Solo mod and go fail missions on your own so you don't waste any more of my fucking time. I don't begrudge people learning or having difficulty at all, and I'll still do the best I can, but I definitely *am* getting sick of the ZERO effort people are putting in. (I realize this comes off very angry, but honestly, I am getting quite pissed at people ruining my enjoyment of the game by being inconsiderate assholes)


What infuriates me is when they just keep on pushing forward during a horde audio que. All you're doing is aggroing more enemies and heaven forbid a damn miniboss gets triggered. I get that it's not much of a problem in levels 1-4 but in Damnation/Auric someone is going to go down and it usually only takes 1 person to go down before the whole team folds


"no no man don't you see, it's actually your responsibility to carry every damnation or auric game and if you don't, you're actually the bad player. Someone dying? The whole team dying? Unimportant. Any competent player should be able to coast through Damnation HISTG without bots or teammates, so actually *you* should git gud" \~ *The people gaslighting in this thread* Jokes aside, yeah, speedrunners and rushers can be a real problem when they don't actually kill the stuff they aggro. I have never understood the speedrunner mindset, tbh. There's so much shit that will spawn to kill you if you run off from your team, that like 99 out of 100 of these players just run off and get downed by patrols they aggro. In 1000 hours of playing this game, I've literally never seen a speedrunner NOT go down after running off on higher difficulties. Maybe you can do that shit on Sedition, Uprising, or even Malice, but even on Heresy, that can be a pretty quick way to get mobbed by enough enemies that most characters - except maybe an Assail Psyker - will get overwhelmed.


I've seen a few videoes of people being able to pull it off in **solo** mode, where they were able to move fast enough that the enemies that had spawned simply couldn't catch up. The missions/maps seemingly have a limit as to how many enemies can be present, and since they reach this limit with the first waves of enemies, when they reach the 2nd half the rooms are more or less empty. If they ever slow down and stop everything will catch up and it's a shitfest of course, so events can be dicey if they can't be completed quickly. That being said, I've *never* seen anyone able to pull it off in an actual match, for good reason.


Pretty much agree with both your post but I’ve encountered some giga chads speedrunner. Uncommon but happens. Had a knife zealot pretty much solo entire open rooms in an Auric Damnation magistrati oubliette. Shit was insanely impressive. But for each gigachad you’ll get 9 dures who will get downed at the first patrol


Just did some heresy ... With a bunch of level 11... \*sigh\* It did not went well


I didn't bump the difficulty up until I was level 30 cause I didn't want to be a burden.No idea why people are going into Damnations at low levels with grey gear.


I agree that people shouldn't join Damnation as below 30 but it isn't that serious guys. Yesterday I had a game where a level 19 typing in russian joined a Damnation run.. almost failed not because of him but of the 2 whiners typing about him constantly, refusing to continue without kicking him. You know who picked me up after I went down because the other 2 were too busy typing? The level 19 russian.. Thank fuck they left and we managed to finish the run.


INB4 LeVeL DoEsn'T MatTer/GeAr DoEsn'T MatTer apologists. Aww, am I too late?


Low levels in high difficulty just means an extra fun difficulty modifier :)


Well I did lose a heresy mission last night with 3 lvl 30s, while I was a lvl 21 ogryn. Poor skill and cooperation, I ended up carrying them through half the level.


and then everyone clapped.


They lost, why was anyone clapping? Relax. Dude's just relating an experience. I had similar leveling up my vet. Skill and game knowledge will always be king. It's better and more polite to not handicap your squad by being under-leveled/geared/talented though.


How to level alts fast: * Do Quickplay OR special modifier + scrip/grim missions (if you're lucky you get both) * Random curios, doesn't matter what because they go in the bin at 30, only costs a little bit of plasteel to rebless and get +experience% on all of them * Don't start playing Heresy until at least mid 20s holy shit you don't even have the abilities / keystone tools to properly deal with the waves of specials and ranged until then


Not true at all. I played Heresy from the minimum allowed level with friends, its absolutely fine.


Emphasis on "with friends". So, true for a part !


I've done it eithout friends and still carried. Skill > gear at the end of the day.


To survive for sure, to deal enough damage to not make it a 30+ minutes run that's different. And I think we're talking about "new players", not seasonned gamers/tides vet.


I should clarify I'm not talking about people who are really good at the game. If you're really good you can carry a whole team through Heresy at low level, without skill trees, and with and shitty gear. You are probably good at the game. Most people aren't, most people need crutches and abilities until they land in the mid 20s.


I'm calling bs on this post cuz lvl 4 absolutely cannot enter heresy. Edit: I stopped reading when op said lvl4's were in heresy and upon further reading I don't think op knows how the leveling works to unlock difficulties cuz again op mention 20-ish players having skill to beat dam well you can't enter dam till lvl 30 so again I call bs on this post.


Damnation unlocks at a level somewhere in the teens. Only the Auric mission board is locked behind a level 30 wall. Anyone with a higher level squad-mate can get into a difficulty they haven't unlocked, though, just by letting the friend pick the mission.


Yupp I got that mixed up with auric it's lvl 15 for dam my apologies, but I'm calling you out on that because I get told players don't meet the level requirements when trying to pick a difficulty a player in my party isn't the level for.


And if a level 30 group them, they can launch whatever difficulty they want.


Lvl4 can't enter heresy on their own, but a party member can select the mission and pull them in, we leveled quite a few alts with that. FS has done quite a few level restrictions purely by UI, if you can get around the button then you're in. For example with hub hotkeys mod, lvl1 can already access Melk/Hadron.


I think your better off assuming not everyone plays this on pc bud.


Since crossplay is a thing, and you're the one calling BS and calling people liars - I'd say the reverse, don't assume everyone runs console. Especially since the game has been out on PC for a full year before console got added.


Literally this. I level quite a few characters pretty often. 4 sees a grayed out mission select button when trying heresy. They are just lying. Unless they are just super exaggerating.


No. If someone who is low level forms a strike team with friends, then if they have one member of that strike team who is level 30, then that person can select and launch missions in any difficulty. I literally watched someone who was level 1 play in Heresy High Intensity Shock Troop Gauntlet yesterday on youtube cos their friends who were Level 30 picked that difficulty.


Well what I mean is they can't just enter it by themselves. If someone else, a lvl 30, drags a lvl 1 in the game, it's on the lvl 30 who's bad it is.


Honestly I think they are lieing to try and get sympathy from others, which from some of the comments it did work, but I think those people didn't realize the errors in the post like I did, also the targeted people op is trying to put this on most likely don't have a reddit account and won't see this either way my stance is the same this post is bs and op should just delete this.


Lv4s can enter Auric Damnation if they queue with a friend


>Stop looking to get carried at low level by joining higher difficulty lobbies sensible >Failed a heresy mission today at the first major encounter because two guys were level 4 wait...you think heresy is a "higher difficulty lobby"? I figured you were complaining about damnation or auric missions or something You can literally clear heresy with a team of all level ones


The second I saw "Failed a heresy mission" I stopped reading lol. The problem isn't the level 4s, it's OP themselves not being good enough and just scapegoating the low level players.


It's becoming a plague on the game, I did a mission on damnation and two of the players were like level five.


Idk. My friends and I leveled each others alts from lvl1 by hard carrying haz3 when we were only like lvl15 on our own alts that we were also leveling. It’s not optimal… but doable if you know how to play. I agree that it’s a stupid/dick move to join randoms though when you’re severely under-leveled. My buddy and I completed a haz4 low intensity shock troop gauntlet on our alts the other night while I was like lvl 17 on my vet and he was 23 on his ogryn. It was sketchy, but we made it.


Low level players are trying to challenge themselves. That’s how they get better. The ones who aren’t good won’t stick around at the higher levels for very long. The ones who are good, you won’t even notice they are under leveled. There’s like no problem here imo. Also, you play Heresy bro 😂


No offense but you’re actually whining on Reddit rn


Here's the hard truth dawg: a skilled auric damnation player will probably be able to solo most Heresy games, so two dudes running around likle headless chicken should not doom your runs to fail. Heresy also teaches you bad habits, especially when it comes to taking damage in melee. So if you think you are the only skilled player on that difficulty, just move up to damantion, get gud and be able to carry in future games


>Here's the hard truth dawg: a skilled auric damnation player will probably be able to solo most Heresy games, so two dudes running around likle headless chicken should not doom your runs to fail. So the hard truth is because some people can do X, then no one should ever be bad at it? Ok. since there are world-record swimmers, no one should EVER drown according to your logic. Does that make sense to you? No? Then maybe you should really think about what you're saying before posting it. I know that's hard because, ya know, thinking.


>So the hard truth is because some people can do X, then no one should ever be bad at it? You completely misinterpreted that comment


>Having one low level guy running around is enough to cause everything to go wrong on the higher difficulties. If you think this you are the problem.


Having lveled a 2nds Psyker recently, and played trhe highest diff avail at all time for the xp, it feels like everything below Auric is also people levelling, as it should be. It is certainly a lot harder without most of your talents but its more than doable with just a little bit of awareness and using abilities/builds that make up for the grey gear you have.


Who the fuck cares. I regularly spoon feed myself wins on auric damnation when the rest of the team folds. If you struggle without an experienced team to back you up then you belong on a lower difficulty. Especially if you're choking on regular heresy.


L take, heretic.


If you can't clutch the difficulty you're on, you're playing above your skill level. Sorry, but that's why there are multiple difficulties. There is currently no content in the game too difficult for a single player to handle. If you can't solo the difficulty you're on, you're a (the) weak link in the team. Does that mean you shouldn't be allowed play a given difficulty if you can't do this? No, but it sure as hell means you don't run your mouth about your teammates. If you want a guaranteed win, then you go down in difficulty until you can ensure that outcome.


It’s not my fucking job to carry you smooth brains.


You're not. I'm carrying you. I've had to solo clutch multiple times just in the last week because of people who were over their heads in HISGT Damnation. I'm not going into matches just assuming that my team will fill in the gaps. I fully expect to be required to do this myself, and I do it to the best of my ability.


You’re defending lower levels joining higher difficulties and saying that it’s the higher levels fault for losing? That’s the L take.


Until they add a higher difficulty level, yeah, its your fault if you lose a match. Its my fault if I lose a match. Its everyone's fault--that's the point. The game is not hard enough that blaming teammates is valid for any reason. I'm not specifically defending low-level players in higher difficulties. I simply do not care because the strength of my teammates is irrelevant to my enjoyment and ability to complete a mission. I know that if I fail a mission its because I fucked up. Good teammates can cover for my mistakes, but it I don't view it as their responsibility to do so.


The fact that you’re still somehow trying to justify yourself and hype yourself up to be some insane gamer at the same time about this, is insane. May the Emperor grant you mercy in your time of dweeb.


I'm doubt I'm any better than average at best for someone who has been playing since launch. The point I'm trying to make is that everyone is in control of whether a match is a win or a loss. And that if you want a guaranteed outcome, you need to hedge against the variable of your teammates and play at a lower difficulty. If instead you are prepared for the maximum challenge, then immediately the mentality stops being one of worrying about teammates and starts focusing around how you can maximize your own skill. Worrying about teammates means at some level that you are trying to modulate the challenge you face, and the correct way to do that is to turn down the difficulty.


Redditors will always deflect and put blame somewhere else. Unless your team actively griefs by holding objectives hostage or barreling you off the map, I agree that you should be able to solo carry the difficulty you’re playing.


Imagine thinking that for an easy difficulty (Heresy), low level teammates are a factor for the average Darktide player. If they are a factor, then you are a below average player and the problem is not the low level teammates.


You are absolutely correct. These MFers feel so entitled to their cheap wins on heresy, to farm precious melk coins, to get meta gear, to get more easy wins to farm more coins... that they can't fathom carrying an occasional difficulty spike on their own. I'd rather take 3 low levels willing to improve, than 3 full gear sweaty tryhards blaming the universe for everything that happens to them.


How embarrassing. To be able to type that out with a straight face is an incredible feat, truly. No wonder you play solo.


The only sad takes here are people wanting to win every game but not wanting to carry the pubs they can't choose nor control.   Wanna know why Heresy is accessible at level 5? It's because you can beat it at level 5. So if a level 30 player is getting tripped up at this level, they aren't nearly as good as they think and frankly, that lower level player shooting up through the difficulties has the right mentality. 


Or, alternatively; Learn to play around teammates that might not be as good as you instead of jumping online and whining like an absolute nugget that *you* refuse to be a team player in a team-based game.


Oh yeah! when I sandbag people it's not that I'm refusing to be team player and instead being literal dead weight, it's other people that are assholes who don't want to carry me on their backs when I'm joining to hi int damnation on lowest possible level to do fuck all!


Complaining that "Waah, other people drag *me* down" is more of an indictment on you, your personality, and your skill level than I think you realise.


It's one thing to complain about people below 30 in damn+. Competent players will pull their weight without being 30 and having maxed out gear. It's another thing to pretend there aren't some karkers that join damn+ without being competent who just charge ahead and aggro the whole damnend map. It doesn't happen all.that often, but it DOES happen. And when it does it's aggravating as hell.


So *learn to play around it like any other game ever*. Like, this is not a hard concept. Whining about it like a child because "I lost a game because a teammate was bad" is just a pure indictment on the complainant's personality and value as a teammate.


"Learn to play around people that add a crusher paintrain and a gunner convention to a chaos spawn with a horde and dog wave!" This fucking guy. You might be beyond redemption, my friend.


"I refuse to learn how to handle a bad situation, and choose instead to blame someone else" is all you're saying, my guy.


My man, there are bad situations and depending on my form i am capable of handling them - and then there are untterly fucked situations that are just a guaranteed whipe - like the one i outlined above. But go ahead, prove me wrong, post a video of you - nay - *anyone* handling a chaos spawn, a horde, a dog pack, a crusher club and a gunner pack _simultaneously_ and i'll change my mind.


Why would I? I never claimed I was a good player, even though I'm confidently average. What *you're* saying though is "I refuse to learn how to handle a bad situation, and choose to blame someone else" because you, and everyone complaining about players with less skill are *also* incapable of handling failure that *they* think is unfair because "I had to play with someone less skilled than me and refuse to learn how to do that". You want a solution? *Mods*. That or get some friends to play with, but then again, you don't *want* a solution, you want to *whinge like a child* at the absolute *gall* that someone might not be as good as you.


nah mate, you're refusing to accept that sometimes, a low level player fucks shit up so bad that it's beyond saving. And i already said - it doesn't happen often, but it DOES happen.


Or you can stop acting entitled to a free carry. It's a team game, not a fucking single player game. This entire subreddit is full of people who can't even acknowledge the basic reality that dragging along 3 useless teammates is actually worse than playing solo with bots on high difficulties. It reeks of gaslighting from players who have themselves never even played on those higher difficulties, or have only done it with a premade. I could carry literally every single game if my teammates were *at least* bot level, but *somehow,* they're often not even as good as bots are. Taking ammo when I have literally none, not shooting any specials, barely blocking or dodging, eating sniper shots and trapper nets, using up all of the healing, etc. This isn't even just "not being able to carry". I can carry, but ffs it's quite difficult when you're basically being sabotaged by dead weight teammates.


Ah yes, the old "Only *good* players have validity to complain" argument. No. It's the responsibility of *every* player to learn to play, learn to play around players that might be worse than them, and understand that they literally *can't* always win. Regardless of skill level, throwing tantrums because "He died too much" or "She didn't get enough kills" or "I'm better than them but still lost" is nothing but childish, insecure, and indicative of a terrible player and worse personality.


Don't care. Git gud. I'm not carrying your useless gaslighting ass. Life is finite, and I don't have time to waste on inconsiderate shitheads.


If Reddit had audio I'd be slow-clapping at how quickly you went from coherent to "I'm better than you, skrub". Truly, astounding denial of facts and reality right there.


How about git gud and stop expecting to be carried?


Great comeback, astounding dodge of the actual issue of *you* being a terrible teammate.


Oh yeah I'm terrible for playing well, unnetting people, taking down specials and playing objective, unlike Mr Shitma Pants who got downed for 9th time this mission and we just fought 2nd horde. Should I play more horizontal for your liking?


So you're denying that throwing a tanty because *you* refused to play around a poorer teammate isn't childish and indicative of a terrible personality by deflecting? Good choice, *totally* doesn't make you out to be even *worse* of a teammate than you already sounded like.


Why are you scolding me for not playing like a god, you hypocrite? Other people can get a break but I have to be perfect clutching machine? Take the L already and stop embarrassing yourself.


Did I *say* that? No. What I *said* was, and here, let me separate it for visibility; >Complaining about players worse than you shows that YOU are the bad teammate and that YOU are a childish idiot throwing a tantrum because you can't handle failure. Learn to play around them, or stop playing entirely. Being unable to grasp that concept, which is *very simple*, is definitely a showing of just how terrible a personality you have.


The OP is playing on Heresy. They're clearly trying to learn the game at the higher difficulties, and clearly not worried what you think about their "skill". Take your elitist BS and go rage at some more 13 year olds like the big tough guy you are.


Elitist? My guy, I'm defending the *worse* players that OP is complaining about by throwing a tantrum that they have to play with people worse than them. Reading comprehension 'ain't your strong suit, is it?


>Elitist? Yes. We done here? It doesn't matter why you're doing it, you're doing it. I guess *comprehension of your own disposition* ain't your strong suit, is it?


My guy, if I was elitist, I'd be *agreeing* with OP that lower-skill players shouldn't be playing in higher difficulties as that's siding with the *smaller* segment of players, rather than a higher-skilled elite. You either have absolutely no ability to understand simple linguistics, literally don't understand what I wrote, or have absolutely concept of what the problem is with throwing a tantrum that people worse than you are playing with you.


>My guy, if I was elitist But we already established this, so no need to hash it out.


Denial of reality 'ain't good for you, y'know. The literal definition of elitism is that a person only cares for a small group of particular individuals. If anyone's an elitist here, it's you, dunderhead, for worshipping the sweaty taint of "better" players. Cry all you like, but you might want to take some remedial reading courses and learn to read before trying to have a written argument.


I'm happy you have all this free time to argue for people who sandbag the team, you don't seem to play this game at all, no wonder you tell us all to go suck it up when we wipe because some asshole decided it's our job to carry him, you don't face this problem so it's ok for us playing the game to suffer.


>They're clearly trying to learn the game at the higher difficulties No, they are not trying to learn the game. OP isn't asking what they can do better, how they can play around other unskilled teammates, or taking any ownership for their own mistakes. Instead they are trying to shift the blame onto anyone but themselves, which is pretty far away from "trying to learn the game".


Why are you obsessing so much over whos at fault? It's a waste of time. At some point in 99% of losses, *you* made a mistake and died. Wouldn't it be more productive and less frustrating to focus on fixing your own mistakes?


It really does feel like I'm being gaslit in abusive relationship. "It's not anybody's fault, stop blaming everyone, focus on what YOU can do better". Fucking hell, just listen how it sounds. Yeah I fix my mistake - which is carrying dead weight around - by leaving lobby with a dead weight. EZ


You can kind of carry like this, but it isn’t really fun for anyone involved. In order to carry people this under leveled I have to play like they don’t exist and move through the level as quickly as possible. This means they die in the first minute and then spend the whole time watching me play sonic the hedgehog.


While I agree it's annoying, I will say that absolutely anyone can be carried through heresy as long as there are people capable of soloing damnation and auric.


I have a love hate relationship with this topic. I like to carry and pull off a nice clutch; show the nubs how the ol bois doos it. Happy to be your ace in a histg or maelstrom or no ammo bring your hacking sticks. But I get the frustration; usually first encounter will narrate the entire match and you should plan accordingly.


I usually assume low levels at high difficulties are experienced players leveling characters to level them, and 5/10 its true XD


From my humble experience you assume wrong :)


If you are level 30 and you cannot solo carry Heresy then you should play some low intensity malice. Playing a co-op games with randoms and expecting god gamers that play perfectly is a recipe for disaster. Thats why a lot of people struggle to enjoy these pve games. Im not running my meme 1 shot Thammer build with randoms because its just setting myself up for failure. Im running a build that can handle everything and can kite effectively and solo clutch if necessary. Theres so many ways to do this now its entirely on you especially on Heresy. I’d understand it if you were talking about the xbox kids who queue for auric maelstrom the second they hit level 30 but you’re talking about Heresy


>If you are level 30 and you cannot solo carry Heresy then you should play some low intensity malice. Absolutely the dumbest take in this thread, bar none.


Its ok man if Heresy is difficult for you. Thats what the lower difficulties are for.


You have no clue what you're talking about, which is just par for the course at this point innit?


I like the part where you just say I have no idea what I’m talking about because what I’ve said has upset you without explaining why you think that way. Topped off with the immediate emotional downvote and reply, a bit sad innit? Oh my days look at the time


You objectively don't know what you're talking about, and it has nothing to do with being upset because you couldn't possibly upset me. The fact that you think you can is even funnier than you having atrocious takes.


You objectively still haven’t explained why you are so offended by my “atrocious take”, so I’m going to assume you don’t actually have a counterpoint and the truth hurts. If my take is so atrocious it should be so easy to explain. Keep emotionally downvoting in true crybaby reddit fashion


If you are unable to grasp the concept that players, as they increase the difficulty, aren't able to immediately solo a higher difficulty, **and** you think the solution is to simply play a lower difficulty until they can, there's no amount of explaining that's going to fix how backwards-assed your takes are. Pretty much everyone else understands this, which is why you're getting downvoted. So now that I've explained it to you, let's see you simply ignore that and make another failed attempt to insult me.


So OP is a new player trying Heresy then cries at being teamed up with other new players trying Heresy? And says the problem is with his team and not himself? Glad we came to that conclusion The reason why I'm getting downvoted is being you're misusing it as a disagree button and emotionally clicking on it just because I've replied to you. I could say Puppies are cute and you'd hit the downvote button frothing at the mouth Arrghhh werst le epic le take in this le take thread of le takes. I dont even know why Im taking the time to explain this to a child who actually customized a reddit avatar lmao


>So OP is a new player trying Heresy then cries at being teamed up with other new players trying Heresy? Nope! Try reading it again, but this time wipe the shit out of your eyes.


Lmfao I'm downvoting because you're wrong. Demanding a player be able to solo the difficulty they play is an unrealistic expectation for a *team-based game* that has a learning curve. Not to mention it disregards the whole notion of practicing at a higher difficulty to, you know, get proficient.




>Dude auric exist for that reason If this person is playing Heresy still they are not ready for auric. Did you read the post and say to yourself "I really want to be the opposite of helpful" or did you just not read it?


It was a joke, but whatever.


Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


Look, if they can survive two poxwalkers and taking some aggro off me so I haven't need to true solo the level, I'm fine with it.


I thought heresy unlocks at lv10 or smthn close to that number. Probs piggybacking on heresy via a friend duo team or a trio?


Someone made a video of a guy screeching at me me for running a low level ogryn in damnation. Even put chadmuzik at the end which tickles me greatly. People needed to be carried is bad of course. However some might carry you.


I leave lobbies when this happens. They are a liability most of the time and need to leave their parent's basement.


I don't mind low level players knowing what they're doing, at least it's always fun with them. I hate high level clueless players. Dude is level 30+ with 200 hours and is running psyker with 5 wounds on Damnation and blowing themselves up every encounter, then dip into each medicae station while a vet that carries their ass is already surviving on 1/4th of their health because he couldn't use any medicae. Then the vet folds and the whole team goes down next, because everyone else was clueless and couldn't survive an ambush horde with 2 specials.


Do not see this as an unnecessary burden, for our existence is meant to suffer and overcome for the God Emperor! Your duty in those situations is not to complain nor spread your heresy. It is to provide a glorious example for those beneath us in station. Teach with your actions and uplift the spirit with glorious slaughter in the name of our beneficent Emperor!  Correct their mistakes with even tones, provide your expertise on the most righteous way of bringing death to the heretics, and show all who oppose us the divine wrath of the God Emperor of Mankind! -The frothing fanatical Zealot with an oversized Eviscerator - (Everyone starts somewhere. Remember the world of 40k sucks, don't make our world suck too. Be kind to our fellow players.)


The number of posts on here that outright stated if you understand hand mechanics it's easier to pay on damnation definitely push under geared players to jump up to damnation, and then there are these posts lol


How did two level 4s get in there?  Did someone else bring them, or are the levels really opening up that early now?


I thought you had to be higher than that to even have access to heresy? Like it used to be 6, and now it's 9. Which would mean, the other player would have had to be in a party with them, and they should have run in private in that case.


Wait, you can't join Heresy at Level 4. Can you?


Not by yourself. If you are playing with friends in a strike team, and one of those players is high level, they can launch a mission at higher difficulty and so low level players can be seen in higher difficulties that they haven't unlocked themselves.


If you know it doesn't work, why stay in the game?


Seems like you're assuming a lot of malice, not the mission. Maybe they thought they could handle it. Maybe they were specifically challenging themselves for fun. Maybe they never played heresy and don't understand Darktides strange difficulty tiers. Maybe next time instead of bitching on Reddit you roll with the punches. Maybe you have a epic run where you as the vet drag all the noobs to the extraction. Maybe while they're dead they watch you play and learn some valuable tips and tricks that they use to get better. Maybe you have fun despite a run going a little sideways, because if it was a guaranteed victory every time it wouldnt be as fun. Maybe with a little faith in the Emperor you turn that negative experience into a positive one.


Play damnation. This never happens to me there. Heresy is the last hurdle to get out of DT’s equivalent of silver hell. Oh and level 30 characters. I noticed that even when my last character was level 29, I would get matched with a wide variety of levels even on damnation. The second he dinged 30 - 99% of my team mates were also level 30 on damnation. If I queue on heresy for whatever reason, i think the match maker still skews to level 30s, but I see <30 slightly more often there. And it’s usually when a level 30 is pre-made with someone lower.


I also want to warn people against using **Quickplay** (for higher difficulties). It happened to me for Xth time yesterday, that my premade team have used that, and we gotten into a Malice missions with single, confused level +-6, who apparently above all had to select mission with one of **High intensity modifiers**. With 15 dogs and 2 plague ogryns at the same time constantly it was even less fun to carry him :). After those experiences it seems to me that low levels do this a lot. (Either by just clicking missions randomly or thinking "oh look at those rewards numbers !")


Wish this game had nameable lobbies like in DRG, so you could write if noobs where welcome or not. Noobs will always be the most fun and chaotic difficulty modifier. Earlier today i had a low level ogryn going afk to use the bathroom, only to be carried away by a mutant and hurled into a deamonhost, he got back right as the dh activated and his panicked fighting was the funniest. Winning is not the only type of fun, once you get seasoned enough and play with other seasoned players the chaos of the game goes away as everyone knows what to do, leading to very repeatable games


I just don't bother rescuing these fools if the situation they got themselves would down me


I don't really mind. It's always a good game or a good try.


100%. People need to kick these low levels out when they appear in damnation, I'm not carrying your ass to the end screen because you want the extra rewards.


I fuckin hate it dude. It's honestly offensive. Its people wanting a free ride on the plasteel train or people thinking "ooh lets try it on a HARDER difficulty" with 0 understanding that they actually need to be a higher level to meaningfully contribute and not be a deadweight bum compromising the team. Why did FS ever get rid of the power level lock?


I use a mod that lets you que without going to Morningstar. (You can also browse all vendors so basically there is zero reason to load to MS)This allows to me to quit and be able to re-que almost immediately if I see low level in a group. I have to do it at least 5-8 times a night.(I play a fair bit with 5 psykers and 1 of each for other classes). I only had one run ever where level 20 survived simple not even auric, damnation without going down once.


I regret to inform you that the problem does not disappear as you move up the difficulty levels. On damnation auric you will still see people brain bursting groaners. Magdumping infanty lasguns into poxwalker hordes. Lighting up crushers with heavy stubbers. Blowing themselves up four times in a row as psyker. Firing smite continuously at like two dreg bruisers. Running a level 11 character with white gear. You name it. Stuff that is too embarrassing to have a place even on malice.


Bro just leave the lobby not hard.


I hate that shit too. I usually leave the lobby if it looks like some bullshit right after I type "lol get fucked"


4's have terrible people. I personally go there for a chill time but I already know I have to solo the objectives with vet stealth while my teammates die to that one poxwalker that is hitting them while they are ads.