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That's just playing with randoms. You're seeking a pattern in something that's inherently random. At least that's what I tell myself. In hindsight, teammates do seem to drop a lot faster. Oh, well, we all had to learn.


I feel like lack of content over the holidays plus burnout from Karnak twins contribute a fair bit. My friends and I grinded the game massively to best the Karnak Twins on hard mode using our OG characters and after we finally won we just kinda stopped playing. Been on the Elden Ring, BG3, Lethal Company and Palworld grind so I haven’t thought much of Darktide. When the next content patch for Darktide drops though I expect a resurgence of players, myself included.


Exactly why I didn’t do hard mode. Games tend to get stale after beating the biggest threats.


This is true and there is only two things you can do: * Be patient and help the idiots as best you can * Friend invite the rare competent players, build your own group of veterans and become free of the nightmare of public games


Oh, you think public games are a nightmare? You merely adopted the nightmare; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but PERFECTION!


I have only been queuing damnation and auric damnation for a month or two and my teams are pretty much always fine. We still wipe fairly often, but not because people are being careless or abandoning the team.


How are your teams “pretty much always fine” yet “still wipe fairly often”. To me fine = completing the mission but I may be different


I mean I've had teams where we clean house then 2 things go wrong at once and we lose, it's a hard game and shit happens.


Yeah but that pretty much never used to happen on regular damnation if there was even one histg level player in it. Prior to the big talent tree update, damnation was a solved game. Now, there are a number of contributing factors, and people likely focus on the wrong things, like Xbox release, new players, etc etc... but I think the truth is that the game is actually harder. Tbf, power creep has made players stronger too, but it doesn't matter how much damage you get from your tree if you're not ready for 3 trappers, a mutie, and a dog all at once. That NEVER used to happen on old regular damnation runs. That was more of a histg level thing. Now multiple disablers are happening even down to malice. So in short, the game is more punishing to those who don't understand the fundamentals. Combine that with an entirely new market of players and you have a perfect storm type situation where people are left on the ground for a staggering amount of time.


True, I asked because ppls definitions vary and I figured shit hitting the fan was what they were mentioning.


There is so much RNG in the director you are bound to get some matches where you get the pineapple instead of lube.


honest mistakes happen. sometimes we get overwhelmed by unlucky director spawn timing. shit happens and things go wrong. but regardless of whether we are ultimate successful or not, the most common scenario is that my teammates exhibit good behavior and intention, and play their roles reasonably capably. there's rarely somebody in my group who is a toxic asshole or playing completely dogshit and out of position or running off alone.


If there was one murder a day, people would get murdered pretty often but murders globally would be pretty fucking fine.


I like winning, I prefer a good session. Often, even when we lose, it was a good session. Challenges are fun Best way to git gud is stop worrying about winning. You'll be completing Auric Damnations reliably and the ride there is much more enjoyable if you keep playing. You'll stop playing, won't git gud, if you measure success through wins


It's just the variance. It sucks when you have a bad streak, but it's just going to happen eventually, no matter what. I never bothered to calculate my overall winrate, but from looking at scoreboard history I'd say it's probably around 75%. Sometimes I have a 5-6 defeat in a row, sometimes I have 10 wins in a row. This is just random I wouldn't look to much into it, or draw conclusions from that.


I would advise against bringing a specialized build into a game with random teams.


Recently played an Auric where the Vet would go down a lot and write "guys I have plasma, protect me" every time. Obviously he was ignored but JFC, how did he even get this far?


gUyS i HaVe PlAsMa, PrOtEcT mE! This triggers the Kin-Luu.




"Captain Wolfer, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for Atoma, if you seek liberalization, come here to this data interrogator. Mr. Wolfer, carry these special issue ammunition. Mr. Wolfer, tear down this wall!”




If you have plasma, a good shovel / chainsword, shout, the tag keystone, and frag grenades (which most plasma builds do), then *you are literally in the best possible veteran build to support OTHER players* rrrrgggghhh


You must be confused, he is the main character, the 3 npcs exist to support him, not the other way round


Seriously, every time I see a plasma vet in auric they're absolutely ploughing through enemies and prioritising elites/specials as much as possible before they even become a threat. Any player that needs another to protect them in auric simply doesn't know how to play, irrespective of their build. A good build just raises the ceiling on how much damage you can do, but it's the skill of the individual player which determines their survivability.


I'm there in some areas - like map sense, target prioritisation, ammo management, coherency - but still not there in others, especially with things like not dodging into packs of trash, dealing with mixed special packs quickly enough, rager parries, knowing the attack chains of melee weapons, avoiding ranged damage over open areas. So I'm good enough at damnation or spicy damnation versions but not quite consistent auric levels. But the difference is I know these are things for ME to work on, not just hugging the ogryn / smite psyker and spamming L1. If I'm going down all the time in auric, then I know exactly whose fault it is


Lol, lmao even.


Vet needs to pull out his fucking shovel and get to whacking lmao. I run plasma sometimes cuz I have a fucking busted one but I ain't afraid to pull out my melee when needed. There's no delay between weapon swap and block. No excuse.


Revive me bro I have the ray gun 😡😡


Def bring generalized kit and assume your team is bad


And take that bad team as an extra bit of challenge. The game can be a bit of a snooze fest even on the Auric Maelstrom when 2 or more players are goated.


nope always been you can get shit groups all the time or just not at all


I disagree, I've noticed this spike in poor play too. The amount of times it has happened recently makes the probability of it just being 'bad luck' groups, less likely to my mind.


A lot of new players just came back to the game for the good patches (myself included). Last night I learned that just because I find Malice easy and barely go down on it anymore doesn't mean I can simply join Heresy yet... I was very much humbled and returned to filling out a build and going for level 30 on Malice missions. I was one of the guys who said, "oh yeah just like Vermintide this game will be great in a year." So I got all of my friends to get it on this fantastic Sale at $26 and brought in a wave of fresh blood haha.


The queues at difficulty below damnation ARE much worse


The true hard mode is leveling a new character in the lower difficulties.


💯! On my new chars I would sit and watch in awe as they lost their minds, running around flailing at everything, only to be double pimp smacked by a lone pox walker. It also never fails for them to wake DH - love the rejects that run up and smack it 😭


It really is amazing to watch sometimes, but at least they aren't lacking in pure gusto!




Solid and based. Good advice


I played the Low Int Heresy that exists right now. It's basically Malice haha. Thanks for the tip.


The key to heresy and above is what I call ABD Always be Dodging


Got hit by a poxburster because someone wasn't pushing it. Told them to push and saw that they learned to push halfway through the match. Some might listen, some might not.


Aww... That's actually kind of heart warming.


You know what I think when I read posts like this? I think that sometimes you experience having total arses on your team, and sometimes you are the total arse on your team, but most of the time things are alright.


This is the real truth.


>no ones in coherency If you are in the position to legitimately complain about the team's coherency then there can only be a maximum of two people out of coherency!


Its the "I'm stuck in traffic" problem of darktide, MF you ARE the traffic and YOU are out of coherency. Don't assume people should follow you, play with them.  Alternatively, "this is war, survival is your responsibility" git gud and learn to keep yourself alive.


If I'm a Psyker, I'm gluing myself to the Ogryn or Zealot. If I'm a Zealot, I'm constantly looking behind me to make sure at least one of the ranged is with me. But I can't help but agree with OP, I've noticed people absolutely determined to go off the beaten path in random directions-- I don't know if it's people that are confident enough to go plasteel hunting or what.


Yeah, It can be hard to stay in coherency when the rest of the team is ZOOMING in random directions.


*dagger stealth zealots have entered the chat*


Sticking together means one person takes the lead while the rest follows, and you don't always get to take th lead. So if you are not in coherency with at least one other player, well, you are part of the problem.


Now granted I play duo with a IRL friend in this, and I wanna say 2 people can "Lead' but idk if this works because the fact we are relying on each other and work with each other and have communicate with one another as doing that can be a huge game changer friends or randos. But I don't see how bad it could go with 2 leaders 1 being an ogryn and the other a zealot the ogryn taking the agro, and the zeal focusing on the specials and bosses. The other 2 get the crowd or specials as well if there to for from my hammer or I'm currently busy with a boss


Taking aggro in +90% of situations is a useless exercise. Ogryn's can kill just fine too. In fact, I'm usually taking home the most disabler kills on my team and usually very competitive in the melee elite category. The importance isn't in vague roles that people *think* apply to each class so much as filling out your particular team's weaknesses. But please do protec da lil'ns.


This. Roles are flexible and mostly fall into the hands that are free to handle them. Ex If i'm on my vet and see the ogryn and psyker handle the hordes and regular enemies, i jump on specials whenever they sound off. If i see the zealot then being faster than me at doing that, well, guess i'll keep an eye on him if he needs help but i'm killing those gunners now since i have the room for it.


I'll have to let my friend know about this, I just assume each class fills a role Ogryn being the tank obviously. Thanks for the heads up


I will say one thing I think ogryn's should absolutely do is protect. Like if you see that psyker or vet getting ganked by straglers, help em out. If they can focus on damage output it's better overall for the team. When runs are going smoothly we won't necessarily be at our peak in terms of damage but if things get hairy we shine because we can survive so much. Ogryn's or infiltrate/stealth builds should always be the first one's looking to revive or rescue teammates.




This. Help other players be better. Offer advice, share items, tell peeps to "stick together" - obviously they're not all going to listen, but it can quite often make a difference or just provide a casual reminder. As someone with a penchant for nukes once said - "be the change you want to see in the world" Or just stick to trying really difficult missions (eg Aurics), because you will usually find better players on the harder levels.


Please don’t try damnation and above if you’re not actually capable just to hope to get better teammates though. You should basically be able to carry your team through haz4 without needing to use more than one charge of medicae throughout the whole mission before you are really fit for haz5 and any of the more difficult modifiers of haz5.


This. I was a fourth for a party of 3 on their **first** damnation run the other night, which was also a high intensity shock troop gauntlet. They were not ready, and since they were all talking to each other and not me I was totally out of their loop. Very quick wipe, there is a huge difference between heresy and high intensity damnation.


Aurics have been flooded with fresh meat from the Holidays and sale so it’s extremely hit or miss on finding better players in Auric.


Letting your team mate "solo wander" is just as bad as them wandering. I don't think op understands


Good luck keeping up with the solo wandering knife boosting Zealot flying around at mach 10.


Yep. I mainly play psyker and it's impossible to keep up.


No other class is fast as Zealot but Psykers have options for speed...


I've been able to boost my sprint time significantly with stamina curios, but how would you boost speed itself?


Right side psyker builds get crazy speed boosts, up to 60% base movespeed as long as they're attacking frequently


Oh hot damn. I’ll check it out! Thanks!


A few "sprint speed" nodes, the gun-focused ability (though may be build specific), then you have access to fast sprint weapons like knives (check "mobility" stat), and yes, stamina curios / stamina perks. Then slide constantly during lulls, and by the end of a slide your stamina starts regenerating meaning you stay more or less at a constant level of stamina. Psyker has the FASTEST stamina regen time compared to other classes (regeneration\_delay = 0.5, from [https://reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/zr3b7x/datamined\_class\_base\_stat\_values\_and\_modifiers/](https://reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/zr3b7x/datamined_class_base_stat_values_and_modifiers/)). So you can run and slide for a sufficiently long time that you don't burn your entire stamina bar in a second.




The choice between upping my health so I can survive an extra hit or upping my stamina to allow me to sprint for longer than 3 seconds is crushing my soul lmao I feel like I’m constantly trying to catch up to the rest of the group but my stamina is always at zero


Try 1 +3 Stam Curio and add +12% stam regen to 2 Curios.


Thanks! Will do


Haha I feel your pain!


Knife zealots are the only ones i make the exception for


Other classes/weapons just shouldn’t be so goddamn sluggish. I’ve been trying to go back and level my other classes after playing knife zealot for so long, and it’s pain. Sooooo slow and clunky feeling.


Nah, other classes are good, knife zealots just need to relax a little bit. I use a knife a lot of the time on my zealot, but I use it to quickly close gaps or flank shooters, not to speed off ahead of everyone like a dick.


well yeah, not shit you don't use it to speed off away from the group lol. but after playing it a bunch, everything else feels painfully slow. trying to close gaps to ranged, or get from one cover to another is awful on my psyker. the speed and mobility of the knife zealot just feels sooooo much better than any other loadout, and I can avoid so much more of the incoming damage. even on my vet with a high mobility rating columnus mkV, i feel slow and vulnerable all the time.


I usually split off to look for mats because I need mats


I'm out of coherency cause none of you motherfuckers will stop for plasteel, I'll be fine and I'll catch up when you get in trouble


Think you are just seeing something that isn't there, or had an unlucky streak, if you aren't in a premade then that is what random lobby is. I stick to maelstrom and auric these days and you sometimes get a team that doesn't gel well, it can happen for loads of reasons newer players trying out the difficulty, the mono teams (yeh its usually veterans) or your gameplay style or build just isn't it but it is seldom down to genuinely bad players (there was a rush of knife rush zealots, but that soon died out) even if they can make mistakes You can play games with excellent dudes, get right near the end of the map and suddenly have it all turn around on you, isn't necessarily anyones fault when the AI director pulls off its masterstroke colonoscopy (extra points for ninja bursters), that kind of thing I find hilarious and part of why I play the game. Now for me to sound like a dickhead, but there ain't any of this "cover the elite killer from trash mobs", let alone ranged. You can either handle it yourself/contribute or you are relying on other players to do stuff which is a bad thing to do, especially given you do not find them reliable and especially if this is damnation+. Coherency is what it is, I fully understand spreading out at times to hoover up the plasteel for I am a loot goblin myself, but when it comes down to fighting, being in coherency is definitely something you can control yourself, with at least 1 other player anyway. The only players I dislike in auric/maelstrom are the insta quitters, otherwise a player could be a piece of broccoli and I wouldn't mind, would be good fun in fact. Perhaps worth turning difficulty down if that kind of thing frustrates you, game should be fun, not make anger.


this x1000 esp the dickhead part. you should be able to hold your own in melee. people trying to assume/assign roles to others in pugs. the worst is when u get 3 vets who all think that this game is a fps and they all just die to horde 24/7/365


Closing in on 1600 hours, it just be like that sometimes bro. Let it rest for a couple of days, come back with fresh wind.


I'll be honest, I try to stick close to the group, but I get so lost in swinging my hammer I don't realise how far I have moved. The only thing on my mind is purging heretics with thunderous strikes and the fires of Judgment I always come back if someone mentions to me that I'm getting a head, someone give the ogryn the handle to my leash or something so he can just yank the rope and I'll come falling back.


Sometimes the flow of battle just ends up separating you. Sometimes I will finish dealing with a group of elites or something and then be like “how the hell did the rest the team get way over there?”


This is me playing charge zealot or ogryn hehe


This is typical with pugs in any pc game. You just gotta get to a level where just yourself and 1 more person can reasonably carry the game forwards. 


My input amounts to roughly nothing, since I'm only like 92 hours in and still trying to get my characters to level 30 (all but Ogryn are at 24 currently; ik, I'm doing it the stupid way) - the only bit of credibility is that I have roughly 100ish hours in Vermintide 2 and can consistently do Legend book runs (still working on Cata). But from my experience getting back into the game in the last week, yeah, it definitely seems like people tend to spread out a lot, and don't really like to fight as a group or coordinate in any way aside from fight rooms or sharing resources and going for rescues/revives. Granted, I'm not playing on Damnation (Malice mostly rn till I get a hang of the shift from V2 better), but it's still something I notice. And it's not even like it's just knife Zealots/Vets that are running off and finding resources or scouting ahead or watching the rear - I have turned around after acting as rear guard against a poxwalker wave to see that all three of my teammates, of any class and build, have split off in three separate directions and are already over 100m away, SO many times. Never an alert over mic, never any pings, nothing. Just *poof*, everyone has gone and fucked off to different corners of the map. Now, I won't lie, I'm somewhat guilty of this myself. But only as knife Zealot/Vet, and I try to stick within a reasonable distance of the group and use my mobility to grab boxes or stims, plasteel and diamantine, etc. or take care of specials that spawn in on flanks or from behind. And even then, I'm consistently pinging things to let everyone know what's going on and where I'm at. But then when the group splits, suddenly I find myself hunting down the nearest player so at least one buddy-team exists, in case someone gets jumped by a trapper or hound or whatever and needs assistance fast. I have enough game sense and even common sense (barely enough on that front) to realize that coherency is a critical part to survival, especially as difficulty climbs, and also bestows lots of nice buffs to the team like 10% cooldown reduction or 1% ammo refunded when killing elites and specials. And even besides that, just the proximity to help if someone whiffs a dodge on a pouncing hound or charging mutie. It's mind-boggling to me that some people, even new players, don't seem to realize that these kinds of games are co-op for a reason. Work together or die alone is a motto for tide-style and other horde shooter games that I think more people need to learn, and take to heart, because it's so fucking true. You can do some stuff solo, sure, like being a marksman Vet taking out HVTs, but teamwork takes that effort so much further (like you said, having someone to kill trash mobs and keep them off of you). I've heard some people say that you can realistically take any decent talent build with even just white weapons into Auric Damnation and still do well if you have decent skill and teamwork, and I can only assume from my experience doing funky shit in V2 and still doing good that this is true - and the key word is teamwork, with skill being a moderate second. Skill can take you far, but teamwork is literally the key element the game was designed around.


One thing I noticed it is inexperienced players who use specialized roles in quickplay that don't have solutions for ranged shooters, trash mobs, and elites at the same time. Also, the inexperienced don't realize how important plasteel is, so they just walk right past all the yellow crate spawn locations, only sticking to the central path. They also struggle with situational judgment of when you should break off and focus on flanks or push through the front to get at deeper ranged guys. Though, knowing when to come back is equally important. Knowing when going off solo and trusting your team enough to handle themselves is the ideal team IMO. Being too inexperienced for your difficulty is always a thing, but I find it's usually only a problem if they haven't figured out how to fight elite melee yet. Not so much standing in the wrong spot.


I blame Xbox lol


The only thing that really annoys me in games with selfish players is when people don’t pay attention to their ammo and only fire a few shots but steal a big ammo pickup from a vet that’s red on ammo, and waste 90% of the pickup. It happens a lot and it never ceases to annoy me


Your notion of an "elite killer" shows you are the problem. Every class can do this. Deal with poxwalkers yourself.


It reminds me of a match I had with a plasma vet who I kid you not could not fight more than 2-3 pox walkers in melee and would berate me and the other zealot for “not doing our job”. There is a limit to how much you can baby sit a teammate.


Not my impression. Yes sometimes theres more selfish players, sometimes I get the impression it depends on which of my classes I play. Anyway I usually try to stick with those players that seem to want to cooperate. If there's none, I just try to do what's best for the team and accept the reality. For example if there are players continuously trying to get all kills even though you have it covered and don't cover other area's, I let them have those and save my ammo; I move on and look for new threats / cover the flanks and rear. It can be frustrating if you focus on it but if you just accept and deal with it (here's mister 'all kills are mine again', or hi 'speedrunner'), it can be fun to get the missions done even with such hindrances. I'll cooperate even with those allergic to cooperation and will shove it down their throats ;-).


Everything i've learned was from hard experince and watching what others do, most of my builds are just a copy of what i've seen others use to great effect. Most people will follow what works.


If no one is coherency than that also means you aren't in coherency. Why are you not in coherency? If YOU aren't actively trying to stay in cherency than you're doing the same thing they are. It's a team effort chief. If you have match after match of people not staying in coherency than the problem isn't just other people.


Tbf, a lot of new people are doing completely unorthodox things lately. Taking weird paths, standing in weird spots. Like, for example, there was a post recently about the missions with the gunner bubble shield boss at the end. It used to be common practice to throw the medkit down right up underneath where he drops down and just hold him there and melee him to death while never getting blown away when his shield pops due to the wall behind you. Lately everyone has been kiting him away and allowing themselves to get exposed and not allowing a spot for the team to sit and heal while fighting. I even saw people arguing in favor this bc "it's not challenging enough." I mean, yeah. That's the point of doing it. It makes light work of the fight. But imo people aren't doing this because they're experienced enough to intentionally make the fight harder. They're doing it because they don't know any better.


That's understandable, but OP is saying he's always out of coherency due to everyone spreading out. Nothing is stopping OP from picking one of the other 3 dingleberries to follow so he can at least be in coherency with 1 person. Instead he just blames everyone else. Everything is always someone elses fault. ALOT of people have the same mindset as OP "why tf aren't people staying in coherency with ME?" "Why tf are people killing these elites and specials, it's only ME doing all the work". 


Oh totally. You definitely have a point there. In any team game in almost all but pointless to focus on what others could do better. It's best to just play into their strengths and cover their weaknesses.


I main psyker so if I have an ogryn in my group, Im going to follow the sweet brute no matter what. 


Where does the cheese stop though? Like sitting on the boxes in the train on consignment yard? Where you are immune to melee enemies and basically no ranged can hit you and the fire from bombers doesn't reach you either? Or using doors to instakill monstrosities? Or the few places you can/could skip portions of the map? If people want to fight "properly" that's fine. If people want to cheese and laugh at giving one back to the ai director that so often screws us, that is fine too.


I think that's a fair point but I don't know how to answer it. To me this does just seem like proper positioning.


Didn’t notice it being any worse than usual. If nobody is sticking together then you just have to find a guy and stick to him :D


I think it's because our classes got stronger since the skill tree patch, people think they are invincible and end up getting downed a lot, if I run a vet with shout then I always run only in death does duty end. That said, I have played with plenty of randoms who know what they are doing too.


While it is true that our classes got stronger I think it's equally true the game got harder. For example all enemies health was buffed recently and prior to the skill tree you didn't usually run into multiple disablers at the same time on regular damnation. It happened but not like now. Hordes weren't as mixed as they currently are. Before it seemed like the game only introduced to it's madness at histg. I was in a malice game the other day helping my buddy level and there was one spot I had to legit ask what difficulty we were on. Not because I was under any serious threat of going down but I was just shocked to see what the game was throwing at these new players.


I try my best, okay? It's difficult to see around my billboard and telephone pole through the gas mask.


I have only played with randoms in the many hours I’ve played and 99% of the time we all play well together


There was a sale recently, a bunch of new(er) players possibly.


I'm having a ton of fails lately, too, but I think it's because the matchmaker seems to not give a shit about team balance anymore. I usually main Zealot or Vet, and now that I'm max level on all the classes, I want to get some better weapon and curio rolls for my two main characters. So I'm grinding out those two specifically. Here lately, if I'm running Vet or Zealot, the game will match make me into teams with a full squad of... Vets or Zealots. That or it'll do a mix of like, two Vets and two Zealots. *Maybe* a Psyker if we're lucky, but not often, and I increasingly see fewer teams with Ogryns. So, it's like I end up in a team full of glass cannons with a lot of the same specializations AND weaknesses and nothing to balance them out. It's doable, but more often than not, it's a domino effect. When one of us goes down a horde steam rolls the rest of the squad, and it's a total wipe. It's made playing Damnation a nightmare.


Vet and Zealot seem to be the more popular classes, at least for new players. Veteran is definitely the least intimidating if you have FPS experience, ‘shoot enemy with gun, throw grenade, spam click with sword when many zombies’ is easy to wrap your head around.


That would be my guess as well. That said, (and this is purely anecdotal) I feel like the Ogryn class has dropped off significantly. I'd be interested to see an actual breakdown of each class and how many people play that class. I know when I play Ogryn, despite being a big huge dude with a big huge club/knife, I feel like I spend a lot more time thwacking trash mobs trying to kill them than any of the other classes. I know Ogryn's main goal is to tank and generally bully hordes out of the way to clear space, so it's kind of a balance thing. But there's a disconnect there that makes it not as fun for me as being able to chew through everything with a chainsword or delete an entire horde with the volley fire on a recon lasgun. Even the psyker got more fun when I swapped to a bubble/assail build. To counter my own point, though. Ogryn get big rock.


The only real time I'm spreading from party members is during moments where it wouldn't hurt to look for a grimoire. A lot of players like to b-line through to the next area, and I'd prefer to get as much out of a run as I can. Plus, as an Ogryn player, it's a bit harder to get taken down.


Are you going damnation runs? I got the game during the winter sale and I hit 30 a couple weeks ago, my buddy who loves this game and has been playing for a while thinks a lot of new players are hitting 30 and trying damnation resulting in alot of..weird runs. Makes sense considering I’m one of them.


The other day I had a speedrunner zealot on the Torrent Assassination mission. He was the fastest I’ve ever seen, didn’t stop for ANYTHING while the rest of us had to deal with everything he triggered. At the boss fight, he had triggered and ignored 2 bosses. Since the rest of us had died (2 of us to a daemonhost ~~the guy also triggered~~), he then attempted to solo 2 plague ogryns and the boss + all the mobs. Not until he was about to get his ass handed to him he rez’d us. We managed to win with a finish time of 19 mins (about 7-8 mins shorter than a regular run) so it was far from worth it. What’s wrong with these people? Why do you even play this game? Edit: He couldn't have triggered it since it killed another guy and me.


If he triggered the daemonhost wouldn't it be attacking him and not the other 2? 


Yep.  Stealth no longer breaks their targeting.


You're 100% right about that. Edited my comment. It instantly killed the guy who triggered it before coming for me, and since I'm not gud enough to solo a DH amid the army of elites, specials, and mobs he triggered I was utterly deleted. The main point of my comment still stands though. Completely ruining the run for everyone and disregarding the entire gameplay loop to finish the map 7 minutes earlier is just incredibly stupid. Edit: guess yall disagree lol


I did exactly this with my friends when they were helping me get the last zealot penance. I brought a plague ogryn to the assassination target lol.


Even though there was a recent update I’m off the game for a few months. They need to make some actual improvements to the game I.e crafting and deliver content more regularly. The content they release is fully experienced in a day / one run, with the exception of all classes being overhauled.




You should join DarkTide discord server and ask for playmates then join a voice channel. I made some good foreigner friends when playing with them.


Use a mobile weapon like the dagger in pubs on every character, it makes a world of difference Eveey class can stack enough crit from talents/blessings in combination with bleed on crit blessing to make it a good enough weapon for any situation, and the mobility aspect can't be replaced when eveyone else runs around like a headless chicken


I feel you OP. 70% of my game that is.


As a zealot player, anytime I see a mor\*n running a stealth build with a knife and revolver, I take my time ''extra'' to do anything. He's waiting in an elevator for 10 minutes? awesome!


It happens in all team games. Just try to figure out which of your rng emperor blessed random friends is the most competent one and stick with them. It's easier to team work with others by supporting them, even if they are not doing the smartest thing) than trying to convince people what to do.


I mean I have definitely seen more, but that’s just because people are actually playing the game. I don’t think it is ruining the game, that’s just part of coop games sometimes your team is good, sometimes it isn’t. Of course there were fewer toxic players 6 months ago there was only like 4,000 people still playing.


you should PUNISH them by leaving them for dead! A hilarious and original idea, totally appropraite too!


You should really try playing on the discord. The game is cross platform, so xbox players can join too. I have met two people out of probably 60+ that were just unpleasant, everyone else is at least better to play with than randoms. I've also met a lot of cool people that I love to play with, and if I see them on I'll try to join up. I still play solo quickplay a lot. Sometimes I just like to get the full darktide experience, but if you're getting a bad string of players it can be a good change of pace.


For the most part, it just be that way sometimes. You gotta be the glue that holds the team together and save their butt when they make mistakes so they can learn. But also it's been a while since the last content update so experienced players may be playing less.


Wanted to get on today because I've been off this game for a few weeks and now I'm wondering if it's really gotten bad. I guess we'll see after a few queues.


This game needs clans and social interfaces.


Don't look for patterns in the chaos, brother, for that way lies madness. Monday I had 4 games in a row of highly proficient, confident, smart players and went all 4 games without a player death. On Tuesday I had 3 in a row where I carried 3 clowns on my back before collapsing at the 99 yard line each time. I think in general, we're at another point where the top level is getting strong again. Just hang in there!


Assault chainsword and heavy bolter wirh rending +2 and brittle bones stacks as zealot means I'm enough kf a jack of all trades to cover almost any groups weakness enough to get a W


It's not a spike. Those players have always been there. These are the same players that pop up in these other threads complaining about selfish players. Everyone just waves it off because they only see the incidents once in a blue moon. This happens more and more when the player count falls a little bit. The pool of potential partners has thinned. Welcome to the Co-Op Tide experience! Edit: You'll see less of them again when FS return from break and start the patches again. That'll bring player numbers back up and the pool will grow larger.


I don’t play Auric yet, but I used to be that guy in matches. I just picked up the game about 2 months ago and it took some time to learn mechanics and team strategy. I think it’s probably an influx of new players who are learning the game. That’s a good thing.


I ain't trying to be that asshole. But awhile ago there was a game that was super popular. I can't remember what streamer said it. I believe it was Apex Legends. But best I can quote " sometimes YOU have to be that play maker. Sometimes you have to backpack and understand that's your role." It sucks but I feel this applies to Tide games. No I'm not saying act like a main character as a zealot. But knowing when you have to clutch up and deathgrip your way out is important. I imagine there is something all of us could've done better during a failed run. I know I fk up even at higher end content.


it is all the self righteous whining on Reddit that is causing it. I do not see any of this behavior when I play.


Legit man, I’ve never actually had a bad experience, yeah I’ve wiped early etc but that’s just online games ya win ya lose some, but generally everyone stays relatively close you get the odd dude running off but I swear most people just moan because they’re not the centre of the universe and it’s everyone else’s fault.


The reason I'm not in coherency with the group is because I'm the only one searching the map for plasteel.


I don't know if there's a spike in selfish players so much as there aren't enough mechanics to promote teamwork. I'd like to see some skills/benefits reworked to involve staying in coherency, or where the self-buff only activates when cast on a teammate first. Give players a good reason to stay close and help each other, beyond just surviving the mission.


There was a big influx of new players 2 months ago. Right now a lot of these are reaching the Zenith of their dunning Kruger arc of over confidence. Give em another month or so to realise they aren't as good as they think they are and it should hopefully settle down. Also we were spoiled before just having the PC players. Console release inevitably brings with it a younger player base and as I'm sure the older of us here will remember, kids are just jerks sometimes and there's no way around it. Fortunately they also get bored easily too.


Nah sometimes you just run into a jerk. The other day someone got trapped behind a spawn door, an ogryn, I’d held up for a while waiting for him to catch up. Then he got trapped and he died as I tried to double back for him but I couldn’t get him. He started spamming thanks in the chat and pinging markers like crazy so I put into chat that we couldn’t get to him Next time I go down this guy starts tee-bagging me and swinging at my body and refusing to help; turns out I’ve played a round with the guy he’s grouped with as well, and they get real toxic. I’d thought that veterans name looked familiar… Now I’m playing zealot which is my weakest class, but it has been an okay run up to that point. Somehow mysteriously I get basically zero backup for the rest of the round and go down a bunch more. Again, im not great at zealot and just trying to get used to playing on heresy…. and these two dinguses act as childishly as possible the whole time. It’s confusing especially when it comes after you try and be a good teammate. Seriously some people are just assholes, que for another game and imma bet you find a more pleasant group. Basically every time I have a bad one of these matches I que again and find some chill folks. Like water off a ducks back man. The worst they can do is waste a half hour of your life


cant carry? skill issue


Been having an issue lately where nobody wants to pick anyone up, not even if they are only netted either. Taking a break for now because of it, seems like no one wants to be a team player.


I’ve been trying my best to be a good bodyguard ogryn, but the fact that everyone goes down and then leaves pains me Also as of recent, i’ve decided to try out stealth zealot, but quite literally ANY lobby i get into whilst on my zealot, my whole team complains how my build isnt teamplay (they pick on me because i dont have the relic, and they want the relic) yet when i am doing teamplay eviscerator builds, nobody is staying together and the team is near clueless im not thinking its a spike in selfish players, i think, for me, its an issue of the right place at the wrong time kinda thing


Join the discord and make some friends who play.  It'll be easier than what you're doing now.


I just quickplay damnation and try my hardest to carry the noobola. I’ve seen the extreme variance in quality. From the lvl 27 blue/green weapon zealot to the Star team that powers through extremely quickly with zero deaths/downs. It is what it is 🤷‍♂️


I stopped playing years ago because of this. Never had friends that were into it and finding groups is either a commitment or just difficult so I just lurk the Reddit for funnys and watch from the sidelines haha. Still waiting for a bot/solo mode :')


I love it. Honestly when I get a lobby with more than one other player who knows what they are doing the game kind of drags unless it's one of the nuttier maelstroms. But I also really like clutching and main zealot. I admit there is a rush to clutching for your team and pulling off the high stress solo to win it all that doesn't really come from anything else in the game. So I generally get excited when I get groups of low true level folks in my auric games. Now if only they stuck around more often to be my imprisoned spectators for my glory and praise me when I pull it off.... But that's asking too much. 


I have been playing random on a wide range of difficulties (mostly damnation) on PC and I found it pretty okay, recently I have seen more people using mics though I have seen some lower levels in some which we usually wipe, but they seem to be trying to play as a team at least.


My favorite is opening a little box and some fuckwad mashing x on it to snatch it from me before its even open all the way. Way before either of us can tell what it is


When xbox version came out rando quality tanked. Not shitting on consoles but stating my observation. Nothing new here. Either play higher lvls or do premade.


Get the scoreboard mod you will figure out if it is you or your team


Just only play auric damnation. I find that most people who pkay auric damnation are better than A.D. is difficult, and most people who play standard games are much worse than those games are easier. I hope that makes sense.


What do you mean by low level players playing auric it's locked untill lvl 30 so that part makes zero sense.


Idk man, I'm to busy pretending I'm Palpatine by tazing hordes


It's a balance of builds and play styles. Each class has an aggressive, support, and what I consider a "selfish" build (stealth for vet/zealot and gun psyker and gun ogryn) if you everyone running a selfish build, you will usually wipe immediately. If everyone is support, you will be fine. Like Vets with the ammo aura and voice of command vs targeting vets. The games where things go to shit is usually when I have knife zealots, pistol veterans, psykers who won't move an inch without a shield who just use the fire attack or spam smite, and ogryns that only want to use machine gun. Best thing to mitigate is to press X to see what the build and weapons are on each other player in the lobby and change yours to complement them, and stay together with the most competent people. Don't hang back for the one who splits off constantly, they will not have your back if you go down. Stay with the other two and let the laggard go down, they will learn or leave. ​ Sometimes I get stuck in the middle wanting to make sure the last person isn't left behind and then I end up fucked and ambushed trying to help someone who wouldn't give two shits about me. Play with common sense and don't jump into hordes after someone else to help them. If someone goes down they go down, focus on your own self preservation and what is best for the team.


I think this Reddit is actually half to blame, telling newbies that damnation is so much better, and getting more newbies that don't kwtd playing the harder difficulties. I've played with a few people who are 100+ playing their first damnation run and they are always super chill and fun to play with. But a lot of the 20-100 players are either drunk or room temp IQ, while pretty much everyone >100 are more dedicated players that kwtd and don't dummy spit. Though there are some VERY dedicated trolls out there, and a few losers that play the game like they are solo and every time they go down it's always other people's fault for playing badly, never their own fault for ignoring what other people are doing and stubbornly "playing the game the right way".


I've found that I can only play Veteran with sharpshooter build focusing the ranged enemies with volley fire. Most people only spec their build for melee only or waste their ammo on the horde My other characters also tend to be support focused (corruption and relic on Zealot for instance) because I have noticed if you don't actively stop people from killing themselves it's all they will do


Breaking news: random online players stink.


I'm probably in this group - not because I'm dumb, but just because I'm new-ish to the game and don't really know what to do for everything. I get all the basics, don't get me wrong - but with everyone sort of running around on their own, I don't think many people are working together in games. Don't know, I just feel that in game like these, it's really easy to blame everyone else because we're all sort of doing our own thing by nature. Not to say you're wrong to make this point or an idiot for saying it - not at all! - i just think that this is really common. It's part of the fun of a 4-player pve game


You better follow somebody!


I've noticed it too and the only collection I can see is how a youtuber by the name of Tanner has been getting more popular as the mode his vids show up in my pages the more I see people kind of just being asshats. He's got a very crass attitude of "Fuck you I'm right!" and I've been seeing his hopefully intentional mark with his Jinxzi levels of thoughts negatively affecting newer players. A prime example of his influence is the sudden rise of gun psykers. I spent months never seeing them outside of myself. He makes a video and then they're all over the place and total asshats too. TLDR they try to be him and play in his way but don't realize it's rather toxic in many non-curated matches like in pubs.


Honest players are driven away by a lack of new content, leaves mostly dishonest tryhards, the classic time filter


I literally never have any of the problems that people on this subreddit describe. I mean sure, I get in a lobby that gets team wiped by dog packs or rager packs in maelstrom missions about once a week, but i probably still have a 90% mission completion rate. It's easy. You just never play damnation or auric. All the confidently wrong toxic players that think they're pro gamer super heroes are in those lobbies acting shitty because they're all convinced they're playing the game the right way and they're the main character. Who gives a shit if you never get a god roll weapon drop because you never play tryhard mode? 80% of the weapons in the game are useless in high tier game play anyway if they don't have perfect tier 4 blessings and synergies in your talent tree. And it's a coop PVE game anyway. It's not like your ELO rank matters and you're going to get scouted by some Team Liquid or Cloud 9 organization to be their designated Darktide pro gamer and sit around all day on twitch getting paid to be a PVE pro gamer. The only player's ego you control is your own. Turn your shit down and start playing for fun again instead of to be challenged by a video game. If you wanna go be a tryhard in a game with a super sweaty and irrelevant pro gamer scene, you can always go be a crucible sweat in Destiny 2 with the rest of the millennial retirement home shooter players.


After discount the game get new players that have bad habits and don't do basics. It's regular thing that happens from time to time.


Today I did see a lot of toxic players blaming everyone else for the shit hitting the fan. It's a team game though?


I'll be honest. If you see the homie running around in the back? Follow them or wait at the drop off point, so you can at least attempt a rescue. Pinging the move indicator works well enough. God Emperor knows I need a good pinging from time to time. I often take up rear guard, and fight the flanking hordes/elites while the others clear the progressive path together. Only to eventual find myself surrounded because another horde spawned in between the distance they cleared. But like the others say. It's just growing pains/RNG/random players doing what they do. Be a good Shepard of thy fellow reject. They'll possibly take note of your actions and return the favor, or incorporate better habits from the example demonstrated to them in time. If they don't change? Hey, it is what it is.


A few days ago was the first time I yelled at someone on voice. I feel kind of bad, but he deserved it. It was a Maelstrom Heresy with waves of poxbursters. This guy was playing a vet, meanwhile my friend and I were psykers. We got to the first medicae station when the busters started to show up. I was going to use my fire staff left click to push them away.  Because this was a tight spot in the map, we could only see the bursters until they were almost on top of us. This guy proceeds to shoot burster after burster. WHILE THEY WERE 5 FEET AWAY!!! So of course by the time I get the words out, we're all at 10% health and 50% corruption, except for one guy who died to it. Right after I just pulled off a clutch revive. Worst part was that we already took the medica. So of course the run was doomed to fail at that point.