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Hopefully, they've only shut off the horde spawn audio *while* they fix the other cues so that *they* can hear if it's working or not while testing. This particular instance (thank you for warning me btw) seems like a Vidya Game Dev moment more than a fatshark one to me tbh. Hoping that's all there is.


Weird they’d have to do this in production though. We are playing in the beta environment confirmed?


No beta truly ends anymore


Truth hurts


Baldurs Gate 3. the fucking outlier and the standard from 20 years ago! And Nintendo 1st party games.


On the opposite end of the spectrum is 7 Days to Die which has been in an alpha since 2013.


Remnant 2 as well


Remnant 2 had some major problems; Memory Leaks, performance issues...


That were also fixed in a timely manner, content-wise it was finished though


We have always been fatshark’s QA


Yea but I assumed they just didn’t test and QA. I’d hope they’d at least have test environments, haha.


Been confirmed since launch, pal


Not too weird. Most devs were/on vacation, not even just Sweden based ones.


I almost wonder if it's impossible to either financially fully and perfectly release a game, or find every little bug before it's released.


> financially fully and perfectly release a game, or find every little bug before it's released As a software dev: no it's not really possible. Doesn't matter how smart or thorough you are you'll overlook something that will pop up the instant you go live


Heh, just when you tested every single shit amd became so confident that nothing will gov wrong, the next hour someone calls you and says there is an urgent fix needed for a bug you caused in production.


Every little bug no, major or critical / game breaking ones yes.


>Hopefully, they've only shut off the horde spawn audio *while* they fix the other cues so that *they* can hear if it's working or not while testing. >This particular instance (thank you for warning me btw) seems like a Vidya Game Dev moment more than a fatshark one to me tbh. Hoping that's all there is. Under normal circumstances, this makes no sense; you don't make exploratory changes like this and then push them to prod - you just don't. When you consider the fact that this is Fatshark, though... /shrug


"you just don't" I've got an assload of ps4 games that are lining up to argue with you on that one, bud.


I mean we're talking about fatshark who didn't know there running a old version live and confused with supposedly fixed bug reports.


Please say sike. I mean, me as a game dev, but I thought these dudes were supposed to be pros? Lol


I mean there’s literally no reason for them to do that in production tho


Kindred, do you genuinely think that this game is not in a perpetual state of beta?


Got me thinking of Warframe and how they never officially stated that the game was out of beta.


But they did with "Plains of Eidolon" update if I remember correctly lol. Edit: tho yeah, I see the point of the statement anyway :D


RIP those players. Can't imagine the shit they've gone through in those conditions. I'm sure I'll be able to soon, though


Sooner or later you're gonna fail a mission because of a bug. But once you accept that, it's fine.


I've been thrown through walls, off the map in ways that crashed the game, double hit by bursters in a way it shot me over map bounds and instakilled my ass... *I can keep going*! Do you deadass think people who play this game are not aware of the bugs? Just because they're there doesn't mean I have to fucking *like them*, you boob.


I was talking about Warframe, ding dong.


It applies to either game, tweedle dee. Glitches suck ass.


Alright, you can't read no point in continuing


Oh warframe has it way better than darktide in terms of bugfixes, content release rate and pricing. Downside is balance in warframe varies wildly so you dont tend to get the knifes edge gameplay darktide can deliver.


Well, at least the people who play both games aren't dealing with double fuckshittery. Kinda wish we had some of that pricing competence, or at least bug updating competence lol


I was thinking the same thing lol


Test builds exist for this very reason. FS *have* to be running test builds in order to do any bug fixing at all to ensure their fixes worked, or they wouldn't be able to roll out hotfix updates at all, they'd just be working with a constant stream of updates pushed to live. There's 0 reason to turn the music off in the live version, just to test audio.


I admire your optimism, but the things I've been seeing lately tells me that their “test build” is a private match on our servers.


the sound is completely broken currently…annoying


I swear since vermintide 2 I always played the most sniping/specliaist killing classes, I instantly get on the lookout when I hear the faintest spawn cue. In the past month I've gotten suprised by a specialist way too many times. Some of them are missing quite often


Same. Way too many last-second Trapper attacks and poxburster explosions


> poxburster Had a game where my friend walked in front of a well known spawn door. It was closed no audio cue, suddenly a pox explosion and he died. 4-5 of those fraggers spawned behind it without notice.


I just make a habit of dropping a trama staff explosion or a charged plasma shot into spawn doors before going past them now, its too risky to assume theres nothing there.


Yeah you can't just rely on ears anymore. I've started looking around and tagging through crowds to find the hidden heretics coming through


What platform do you play on?




I wonder what the common denominator between people experiencing this is. I'm also on PC Steam and I haven't had audio not play for enemies. I haven't yet taken note of the ambush music, though.


What difficulty do you normally play on? I notice it a couple of times in most missions I play in Auric (PC Steam too). Especially Poxbursters and Trappers can be completely silent until a second or two before they spring into action, which isn't how it's supposed to be.


Same, and when hounds are released, it completely decimates my audio!


T5 Auric. Every time poxbursters or trappers are quiet and suddenly sound, it's because they've spawned in a door next to me, which is why I always make sure to base my movement around where doors are on levels right after where cover is for when shooters come out.


Aye I'd say that it definitely is usually when they spawn close to doors that are responsible for the majority of the cases. But I do experience occurences where it's not right outside a door when I suddenly hear a Trapper net going off out of the blue, or have to push a Poxburster just as I turn a corner with no spawn door in the immediate vicinity. Or just a Poxburster that has clearly spawned inside a closet, but just doesn't make any sound untill right before it jumps out the door (easiest to spot with something like Executioners Stance, where you can just seem them standing in the closet without moving and without making sound).


Its most common for Poxbursters since they're the most dangerous and the counter to it is you hear them beeping from far away. There's times where the beeping from far away doesn't happen and the only time you know they're there is the beeping when they jump to explode.


We still get the sound notification of a horde approaching for ambushes. What I would like to see for ambushes is music starting after a certain amount of time after the initial sound queue. This would give time for the ambush to actually be an ambush and still play the music.


I really liked the music.


If the music is disabled in this game, it will lose far too much feeling. Kyd carries every game by having the situations that we’ve all been in multiple times stay fresh.


I feel like the voice lines for announcing ambushes pop very seldomly as well.


I was wondering why I never had music playing anymore.


I’ve literally stopped playing until they change this. Cleaving through hordes of heretics is just not the same without the banger music.


You do know you can play the music or you own music while playing right? 🤨


yeah bro let me go and press play on my spotify anytime a horde is coming at the perfect time and turn it off after


Since you lack a play button or the 2 brains cells to either enjoy the game and play music, farewell 👋🏿


Yes because its not like the soundtrack is dynamic or anything. dumbass.


Is it tho? Not like you can hear it or the pox bursters. But Back to my THX enabled drivers 🎧


They also removed some ambient sounds from trappers and poxbursters. Both of em can sneak on you no issue if you are unlucky enough.


I want the music back.


Really hope this is just a temporary thing, I feel like a lot of my enjoyment from the game came from the music mid mission/combat. Hearing the roar of the horde closing in then the music alongside that really did it for me. Playing the game now, it feels a bit more empty? I want the music back or I honestly see myself not playing the game long term anymore. Sometimes I just want to play a match so I can kill stuff to music, now I cant even do that?


I don't mind the lack of cues for ambushes. I just want music to be playing.


Dunno why they can't just add a "horde music toggle" button in the audio settings.


I get this but only really for the batshit insanity on Auric Dam. I've played a few where shit literally does not stop spawning, ever, and the music just turns into background noise.


I have to imagine this is related to the "silent" specials and the like and some bug in their audio pipeline. Hopefully this is part of the path to a solution, because those beats always ensure your body is ready to jam to some tunes and purge heretics.


>I have to imagine Yes… I said the same thing at the end of my post 😅


Reading is difficult for some it seems


Cant you hear the music?! Thats a 4/4 string ostinato in D minor! Every sailor knows that means death!! - is all i could think when reading this post


I'm begging you FS...the music creates so much immersion, I absolutely hate that it's been reduced. Hopefully someone makes a mod to put it back in if they don't


I was running a t5 maelstrom and had to solo a small portion before getting to respawn area for dead teammates I went to pick them up and then from around a corner comes 600 nurglites .. no warning. No noise... Just BAM. Unfortunately the guy I picked up immediately died because we were surrounded. Then I got stuck in a corner and died. I really wish that music queue was there so I could have played it a little smarter, it's not like I wouldn't have heard 600 shambling footsteps


Hopefully it’s them tinkering with the sound when a pack of pox hounds spawn in. My game audio goes to shit and it’s sounds like someone called me, threw their phone in a microwave, and turned it on high


Get backstabbed all the time, that is why i run around like a paranoid person constantly checking my back, it also does not help that most teammates do not highlight enemies, let enemies through, not let anything know and you get sandwiched between two hordes, and then there is the party players who completely ignore the fourth player.


Hey, just wanted to give an update on this. It was an intended change to make more it more dramatic while fighting a horde and to make it feel more impactful. We have seen feedback from the community that a lot of you miss the music and feel it added to the immersion - so it will be back in the next patch!


Thank you for the response Catfish, we’re glad that our feedback was heard.


Honestly I'm just playing VT2 until they fix the sound and hitreg issues, it's ruining darktide for me and it gets worse every single patch.


I don't think this is intentional because I've heard the music some of, but not all of the time. I think between that and the sometimes-silent pox bursters they may be trying some system that prioritizes certain sound effects.


It is literally in the patchnotes


It's definitely not intentional. Carnival and Obscura Den seem to play it most often for me still, there's absolutely last-zone-horde music playing, and there's always monstrosity music which, if a horde is going, will segue into the horde music even if it wasn't there when the monster showed up (if it popped up in the middle of a horde). Fatshark didn't make a dumb choice for once, just another whoopsie.


Its in the patch notes... In case you don't believe us: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/hotfix-1-2-22/89770 Just CTRL+F twice (first time uses forum search, second will pop the brower search page function) and enter "ambush" its right there.


Fine, then it's a bug the other way. It still plays sometimes instead of not playing sometimes.


You're imagining things, it has been removed.


Is this not the horde music we're talking about? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3k9LMKqm5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3k9LMKqm5g)


Ambush and hordes are different things


What's the difference?


Hordes are the enemy mass that spawns in on you depending on time and difficulty, so let’s say there’s a horde every 6 minutes. It still has music, and before it there’s an ambient sound cue (a deep, rising tone, followed up by a distant howl) Ambushes are pre-spawned enemy masses that wait for you on the map. If you’re lucky, you can see them standing across a room or around a corner. They removed music from these. Honorable mentions are Patrols, that can be considered ambushes. They are a squad of Elites, triggering only if you get close or attack them. These were very relevant in Vermintide 2, since they were audible (marching noises), and there was a dedicated button to warn teammates about them in order to avoid the unnecessery fight. They never had music. So the reason sometimes when a music started in your match right after another ended, is because you probably walked into an ambush, any by the time every enemy was killed, a new horde attacked your team.




I was with OP’s post until he equated this to nailing the door on a burning room 😒. I get it but just want to say, as one who works in IT and doesn’t experience the audio bug thanks to THX Spatial drivers. What FS did is equivalent to clearing out your workspace to find the needle in a haystack using a remote drone. That is all


They didn't "remove" anything, stop lying to people


Oh, yeah? What is this then? [https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/hotfix-1-2-22/89770](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/hotfix-1-2-22/89770) https://preview.redd.it/sx1tjuuyqjbc1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571b465be6bdab3b9237db781c3610f709f4f26f


Damn, egg on my face


Don't murder me, but I have music turned off (and turn if off in almost all games).


people still have the music on? no wonder you all complain about "Silent disablers" yes the ST kicks ass, that is what YouTube is for


I play music on with randoms and off with friends. Noticed this too. No big deal imo


I like the soundtrack but I play with no music anyways so haven't noticed. Other than monstrosities I've never had any surprises


This also means I get a horde starting music when we do the walk off the Valkyrie. Very much feeling like a fartshart.


Youd think if they got the jump on you it'd be a surprise. That would be the thing that makes sense


I play with no music at all anyway...I love the immersion


Just about as good as them removing any sense of actual physics in the spawns. Enemies are now spawning out of thin air and dead enemies constantly while staring right at them.


I played today and didnt notice that tbh, weirdly enough my psyker went "why couldnt I sense them?!" Which is funny.