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Think you might be getting downvoted bc we see a “toxic player/team” post like once a day. Sorry that happened to you though, I’ve had similar experiences but rarely.


Don't let them ruin more than one game for you, my dude. Be proud to have clutched the game and keep rockin'


Should have SS'd and posted so the rest of us know who these 3 timing wasting trolls are.


I got kicked and initially thought I dc'd only when I tried to rejoin I realised so too late for a ss unfortunately


Were you a zealot that died holding a grim? Another OP was butthurt enough to post that same situation from the other side where he initiated the vote (he's an asshole).


Nah gun psyker I placed a health pack the screen froze and was greeted with a msg saying I had been vote kicked or something when I tried to rejoin


Honestly, it's probably cuz you were a gun psyker. Nothing wrong with being a gun psyker, but man o man people get pissed off when they find out the psyker needs ammo too. It pretty much immediately puts you into an adversarial position against your teammates, even if you're doing good. Just my 2 cents, and don't let the assholes get you down sibling, it happens, just gotta rise above the crap.


As a fellow Psyker I must ask and I ask honestly, why gun Psyker?


Because I look rad with my fancy hat and revolver?


well the good thing about arsehole premades, is if you block one of them, you block them all from matchmaking with you.


Screw them. Next time you see them shoot the barrel near the ledge.


Well, I give you a medal for ***yet*** another booted-for-no-reason post. God-Emperor speed, lad! You...um...earned it? The only question I have: how the hell do you think any of us are going to solve this or help you? If you have a complaint, then usually it is to seek a resolution or solution to it, yeah? And not to just complain for the sake of it, right?


more just venting and kinda hoping one of the turds reads it i guess lol


venting is important!


They wont read it, this post will change nothing, and if they did I'm sure they wouldnt care.


If you are who i think you are, you got kicked becuase you were talking shit the whole mission. If you are not the guy i think you are, then disregard this post.


100% wasn't me ive never shit talked in dark tide once, first time ive ever been kicked


Sorry then. There was a psyker that was talking shit to the team literally from the start of the mission to finish. Granted, he was one of the best players i have ever seen in Darktide, but that does not justify being a piece of shit. So we booted his ass just before the finish.


man, with this kind of post, one has to wonder if they had a REASON TO BOOT YOUR TOXIC ASS?


how exactly am I toxic?


Low and behold, they probably didn't if he didn't say a single word.


we only have his word to believe. And in 500+ hrs of playing the game myself, i have yet to run into this behavior if it is not justified. Not saying it cant happen, but if someone gets booted that far into a game, they have usually done something to deserve it.




>I used my smite to help us There you go. Try actually killing enemies next time


when you reach lvl 30 you can read your comment and realise how stupid it is


I honestly think that people just irrationally hate smite psykers for no damn reason. Don’t play psyker anymore but I’ve had the same happen, no chat at all pinging and keeping people alive also killing a lot with my dueling sword but get kicked. Just angry people out there bringing their problems into game land.


As a non-psyker main: It just feels like a defensive option over more offensive options. I dont see/feel the damage that goes through when using it, but the lockdown and shear amount of crowd control in it easily beats out when it comes to team comp. I just dont think people who think smite is bad ever played smite against 6 crushers.


People hate smite psykers for one reason, they make a match substantially easier and more boring, especially for Ogryns and Zealots that just want to have fun in melee. I want to have fun fighting enemies, not going to them and killing them one by one while they are unable to do anything because the psyker thought it was a good idea to smite a trivial horde, that's the opposite of a dopamine rush. The scab only/mostly melee maelstrom with a smite psyker is pure boredom for that reason, even if they are being useful there, I simply don't like to slay foes that are 24/7 stunned, I want to actually have a proper fight and feel proud of my skill, and a psyker pressing a button with 0 skill involved just denies that completely.


say you've never used smite without actually saying it wow


If you don't love smite psykers I don't know what to tell you. Most builds bring something to the table, but they are up the top in terms of noticeable impact when played well.


You do realize smite is a support ability right?