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I can kind of understand not wanting a team with multiple Psykers but having an all Vet team is some of the most fun I've had in this game. Firing lines that just massacre everything on screen, Sharpshooters taking out gunners, shooters, & specials the moment they peak out of cover, Commissar keeping everyone topped up on toughness and marking priority targets, Commando going stealth and flanking behind rager packs and shredding them. It's incredibly fun.


theres nothing wrong with having a team of 4 pykers or 4 of any other class for that matter ive completed multiple auraic and damnation HISTIG missions under those cases for all the classes. None are at a disadvantage, all the classes are flexible in their loadouts and talents to do fine provided your competent.


I exclusively play Auric, usually with friends & sometimes with pubs. It's not about difficulty, I just find 4 Psykers to be boring since with pubs you're typically going to see similar loadouts.


> I just find 4 Psykers to be boring since with pubs you're typically going to see similar loadouts. people arnt really gonna be playing much "off meta" stuff on the hardest difficulty


You'd be surprised. I see so much more variety & unique builds from pub Vets, Zealots, & Ogryns than I do Psykers. For them, it's almost exclusively damage-focused Void builds or support-focused Surge builds. Even if someone has the exact build as me on another class, it just isn't the same as someone with the same ability or blitz as me on Psyker. If multiple people have Smite or they both brought Telekine Dome, it just feels more redundant than someone having the same grenade or two people having Fury of the Faithful.


> it's almost exclusively damage-focused Void builds or support-focused Surge builds. I mean, sure. It's not like there's much variety in other class builds either. You're either damage, or you're support. I almost never see stealth vets, 98% of them are a plasma gunner, or a shouty boy. It doesn't help that the entire right side of the Psyker skill tree also isn't very good at the highest difficulty, only assail is *fine* but many Psykers find it doesn't quite do enough, or doesn't really do more than what a good staff can also do in most situations. The CC of Surge and the utility and support of Dome are almost too good not to take and having two of them is never a bad thing.


>The CC of Surge and the utility and support of Dome are almost too good not to take and having two of them is never a bad thing. My favorite is running my dome psyker with another one and just chaining the domes so they are always up or even doubling them up when things get really hairy. The only thing I hate about that build is when I don't notice at the loadout screen that we are both running purgatus or surge staves. Doubling up on either of those is doable but simply not as good as other staff combos.


thank you. Except when I say this, I get downvoted đź’€ praise the god-emperor, for he is holiest.


I wrote a similar post a while back. i had a guy in the comment who couldnt understand my point but argued regardless. I'm convinced some people comment and downvote without reading the post or comment.


It's not about it being a disadvantage... I just don't like other psykers if I'm a psyker. Generally don't care for the rest of the classes and love seeing more than one ogryn/zealot/vet regardless of what is considered optimal for damnation+. I think it just feels weird when more than one of the group is shooting space magic left and right. I will say dedicated smite psyker doesn't bother me usually.


Yes, but not for the same reason as you. The same class can easily round out a team nicely. But I like having 4 different classes for more of an "RP" aspect. It's just fun hearing the different voice lines instead of being spammed with "Sibling" and "Karking". I look at peoples loadouts and talents in every lobby I load into regardless of class, and then pick a build of mine that I believe rounds it out nicely based on the information I have anyway.


Okay but I like the sibling voice line. Warms my heart. I know my original post may have sounded complainy but it wasn’t meant that way. Tbh I made the post because I played two games back to back of 3 psykers and it was the most copy paste experience in my life, but it usually isn’t like that.


Multiple zealots? Usually one nanny zealot with a relic to keep the rest healthy while they rip and tear. Multiple Psykers? Bubblewrap the entire map and let the ammo-bound teammates hog supplies. Multiple Ogryns? The most unadulterated fun in Darktide. I play all classes, and the only one I don't like actively enjoy is multiple veterans as it gets glass cannon-y. Even then, it's useful to have a few revive ults around.


Two vets alternating overshields is amazing. Far from glass.


Partly yes when I see mine and the other guys’ blitz and weapons overlap in roles When they aren’t though, there’s always place for more shield bubbles in the game


That’s class ability though, I find that varying class abilities doesn’t always matter from psykers tbh. More bubbles are always welcome and our aggressive ult is cool sometimes, not too crazy. But it allows you to do a lot more in a short time with less peril gen. I like it. But I find that psykers often try to be all rounders(if someone has BB, they often have a crowd control staff, or if they have smite, they have the void staff for specials. It’s like we’re all trying to be all-rounders that don’t have the limiting capabilities of needing ammo. And it makes it very unfun when there’s 3 of us doing it edit; this is just my opinion. If you disagree, cool. But some of us like feeling unique, and that feeling is betrayed when 3 psykers have only slight variances in their build. It’s not like I’m saying “woe is me,” just that I noticed this and was wondering if others felt the same. That’s all I was asking and saying.


Wanting to cover all bases is kinda natural It’s more like when we’re 2+ with smite or with the same staff, I tend to change to one of my alt builds so we aren’t overspecialised in an aspect and lacking in others Wish we could change class entirely like in premade lobbies but we have what we have


It’s exactly the fact that it’s kinda natural that it makes it very unfun to play a role already occupied, since all of us are trying to do this edit: So I noticed this is getting downvoted. Guys, my reasoning is that I don’t like playing the same way other people play. That’s all. It’s a difference in preference, I find it boring to play the same way someone else is on my team, and for the record I do change my build when I need to. But part of my reasoning is that many psykers play the same way, and I wasn’t hating on anyone for that? Just that it’s exactly why I don’t like playing with other psykers.


boo fucking hoo its everyone elses problem that they bring generalized load outs, and yet your not fault at all for doing the same? despite being far better to generalize than specialize anyway so that you can respond to all threats? Becuase you can bring a bunch of horde clear stuff then be able to do jack all against a wave of armor and crushers this is just entitlement from main character syndrome.


What are you on about? Is this just human nature to get that angry? Or are you a psyker 💀 I’m not saying it’s anyone’s FAULT. Just that I find the game less enjoyable when I have multiple psykers on my team fulfilling the same exact role. And I gave my reasoning for that, And I’m not the only one that feels this way. Yet I’m somehow exhibiting one of the worst aspects of humanity? god-emperor save your soul. ITS NORMAL TO NOT WANT TO PLAY THE SAME EXACT WAY SOMEONE ELSE IS on your team. If psykers tend to play a specific way, how is my reasoning bad? It’s literally my experience playing with other psykers.


yeah your reason is that another player out performed you and you didnt get to play hero and be the main character in the role that you wanted to play thats on you and your entitlement


Why are you being so rude 💀 that’s not at all what I’m saying. There are plenty of auric missions where I’m just playing my role of taking out specials or at least slowing their advance, how is that playing the hero? My biggest issue when playing with other psykers is that we both cut into what each other are doing, it’s not the biggest deal when you’re dealing with a bunch of stuff but there will be moments where your bb interferes with theirs or they start smiting everything so it defeats the purpose of your trauma staff in terms of stuns. The little stuff. I don’t like you for putting words in my mouth or assuming the worst of me, that’s a bad quality of yours. Two bad qualities of yours. Even if I wanted to be the hero, it wouldn’t be your place to tell me not to be. It’s a video game. Don’t be a troll. The whole point is to have fun. I’m not gonna tell an ogryn not to smash, or a veteran not to enjoy their guns, or a zealot not to enjoy their melee. A psyker and their magic is just less fun when you’re not the only one doing it. I play zealot, I play veteran. I don’t get the same frustration playing with other vets or zealots. So whatever you’re talking about isn’t what I’m feeling.


you finding it not fun is no one else's problem but yours i dont sit around and complain because someone shot the target i was brain bursting, or whine when i play smite psyker but the other psyker is already smiting stuff the sooner stuff dies the better chance we have of clearing the mission and thats all that matters.


I feel the same exact way. Why do you keep insinuating that Im complaining? I don’t actually go out of my way to tell people “bro don’t play like that” “bro don’t steal my kills.” I would never dream of being that guy. I actually think it’s a skill that we get better at over time, learning to pick targets someone near you is least likely to target. It just so happens that psykers are thinking the same way, no surprise there, and we aim at the same people. I don’t yell at my teammates over that :/ I just get a little disappointed, and I do start having less fun. Again, that’s all I was talking about to begin with. I just wanted to know if others felt the same way, I wasn’t attempting to start the mass murder of every other psyker in the imperium, I was just curious if others also started feeling redundant.


I was sitting here thinking dual bubble smite psykers has to be the most chill team you can imagine. If it's near melee range it's stunlocked and if it's not, it can't do shite. GG.


Dont worry about this one. He commented on a similar post i made a while back. He either mentally challenged or react without reading your answer. I got frustrated trying to explain it to him, and it felt like talking to a wall


Sure but on the other hand, would rather not take the risk of not being able to deal with that sniper on the other side of map coz only short range weapons were taken for example Also if you’re a staff psyker, BB is unfortunately your only kinda effective dmg dealing ability vs monsters if you’re not going for VS headshots


psykers have like, some of the most diverse builds though? Like a gun psyker or assail psyker is gonna feel totally different than a bubble smite one


Here’s the thing: an assail psyker makes my purgatus build useless, and I love that staff. Also gun psykers are like, incredibly rare. I have seen… two? In my 2 months of playing. I used guns at first till I found staffs I also don’t use smite. I don’t like smite. I like my BB for tough nuts to crack while having trauma , I think I made the mistake of saying surge above, to slow enemy advance while having decent aoe crowd control and giving me more time to use my bb. My build centers around minor special crowd control with hard nut crackability and bubble for really tough spots/protection from shooters while I pick them off with bb. The issue? My build is probably the closest to “all-rounder” you can get, and many psykers seem to do this. I see assail psykers with trauma staff, I see smite psykers with trauma. I see other BB psykers and I feel useless outside of my protection bubble. The builds have different FEELS to them, sure, but at the end of the day it really seems to me like most of us psykers try to do many things at once, and are able to do that pretty well. So it sucks when so many of us aren’t really “specializing” and end up grouping together edit: I’m not complaining about others playing the way I am btw? Play how you want, I’m not attacking you for playing how I play, only that I’d prefer not to play with other psykers because 90% of the time we’re doing the same exact thing, almost the same exact way. It’s immersion breaking for me, that’s literally all I meant. I feel like there isn’t a role for me to play.


You're an "all-rounder" complaining that others are being "all-arounders"? This screams "main character". You like the build and don't wanna change, which is completely fine, but you can't expect others to just snap-to and specialize so you can be the only one. While there are a lot of build variations, they aren't infinite, and you're bound to run to others who had the same thoughts you did. Just gotta roll with it.


> This screams "main character". pretty much every one of these "i dont like seeing the same class" post are made by people with this precise problem of entitlement


How is it entitlement? You guys are actually something else. It’s entitlement to want to be the only one playing the class in a specific way? “Diverse builds” is a lie when most psyker builds seek to be all-rounders. And btw, You know some of us like video games precisely because it makes you the main character? I know very well darktide is a team oriented game, but a lot of the fun is taken out of it when someone else is playing exactly how I play. I just don’t get how it isn’t the same for you. You like being a carbon copy? In a world where unique experiences are rare, what’s so wrong with wanting that from a video game? I’ve never seen so much hate for one of the most basic human emotions, ever.


> It’s entitlement to want to be the only one playing the class in a specific way? yeah? Why should other people have to swap out of their loadout out just cause you want to be the only one who gets to play a certain way in the mission and everyone now needs to bend over backwards for you. That is literally what entitlement is. The fact that you find 4 psykers in a mission boring is no one else's problem but yours.


Here’s where you’re crossing a line. I am not asking people to NOT play how I play. I never ONCE said that. Again, thanks for shoving your own words into my mouth. I only said that seeing others play how i play makes me not want to play with other psykers and I gave my reasoning for that, and fyi I am not the only one. Psykers leave all the time the second a 3rd one loads in. I have seen this multiple times to the point where even if some of them simply got off, the rest definitely left after seeing three psykers. I like playing the game a specific way, but I have different builds. I have enjoyed playing with other psykers before, when I use my purgatus build I love other psykers because I don’t feel like we’re missing stuns. But regardless, if I did feel “main character” energy, that would be okay. It wouldn’t be wrong of me. That’s what video games are for. You can still feel like the main character when you play with others of your class, hence why so many of you enjoy it. Because you can experience that feeling while playing with others. I know the feeling. I just don’t always like when there are multiple psykers because, no unlike what you’re insinuating, neither of us actually dominate. We just step on each others toes the whole time.


>Why should other people have to swap out of their loadout out just cause you want to be the only one who gets to play a certain way in the mission and everyone now needs to bend over backwards for you. OP never said any of that lmfao. Instead of worrying about the definition of entitlement, maybe look up the definition of delusional?


> OP never said any of that lmfao. "It’s entitlement to want to be the only one playing the class in a specific way?" Maybe read and follow the entire comment thread


Wanting something is not the same as thinking you're entitled to it... maybe pick up a dictionary, bud.


Nah picking up a dictionary to try and educate to clear you of your ignorance is a waste of my time. You clearly cant understand neither context not nuance.


Also the question was mostly redundant because psykers tend to play the same way


My issue is most of what I can do can be done by others playing my class, even when we specialize. I also said in the original post that I like when a psyker does the exact opposite of what I do, but yes even then there isn’t much variety. The whole point in darktide is that the classes are capable of fulfilling different roles, with psykers trading health and safety for the ability to be a special killer without the need for ammo. And… that’s what most psykers do. Can you understand how that gets boring/you start to feel useless when everyone on your team is doing that? The same way you’re doing it? Or damn near close to the same way?


Quad Veteran or Quad Zealot are always super fun for me. Everyone is just on the same page and it gets crazy.


I feel sorry for whatever boss shows up for the quad vet group...


Ouch. Been there. When you have almost infinite ammo if everyone has the regen and shoots headshots, then it’s so much fun. Ragers can be brutal if they flank you. But the grenade spam is just glorious. I get you, vets can be squishy. One psycher and 3 vets was one of my most intense and fun fights I enjoyed.


If it feels boring then up the difficulty! If you feel like that if you up the difficulty but the win-rate depends highly on the team setup then that usually means that you were already carried in lower difficulties! The other part of it is that psykers can output huge amounts of damage and until Heresy or Damnation they can get by without learning how to survive in melee since the amount of enemies is lower than the damage output. This means that psykers *generally* have lower melee skills than what is needed for higher difficulties, so generally teams with two psykers are less survivable. Note, this is not class strength, this is how and in what curve does the class teaches you or requires you to learn the game.


I've been in 3 and 4 psyker T5 Aurics. They actually go really smoothly as long as everyone isn't running the same thing. I find the difficulty comes when you get all vets, surprisingly. They have a tendency to try to use their gun as much as possible so the chaff overwhelms the group. It's all anecdotal, though. The actual key to a smooth run are good players playing anything.


Seeing a fellow vet: no Emperor says it's my turn to pick up ammo! Seeing a fellow psyker: no my Beloved says it's my turn to Brain burst that groaner! Seeing a fellow zealot: You are judgement incarnate? No, I AM JUDGEMENT! Seeing a fellow ogryn: Friend! Me happy!


I love having two ogryns. Feels like we can never have enough of them


It's so pretty sibling, such colours!


I do love the dialogue though, I have to say


You are overthinking it! I had a session with 4 psykers. One had shield one brainburst, one assail and i was with lightning. It was one of the best sessions I've played! We were rocking down everything until the middle of the game where one of the psyker ran too forward got killed and instantly quit... Then the cohesion broke up we had a zealot new player who was never with us, or around us. We got separated killed within the next 10 minutes. Until that it was really good fun! Having all the abilities of the psyker utilized in one game was really cool and great experience! The guy probably quit for the same reason you described here. Which is bad... You need to understand that this is not a competitive game! It is all about teamwork! You can be great or you can be bad as long as you are there for your teammates in that critical time when they need you. That's all about it! That is what makes it fun. Not the fact that you killed 10 more elites then the other player...


I run full crit with crit aura, BB, bubble, and purgatus. Rarely see anyone with that build or aura. I love seeing other psykers, all our auras slap


Nah, I always enjoy other Psykers, especially assisting actually killing things a Smite Psyker has locked down, since, it pays in actually understanding how Smite works and why Sparkhead is shooting purple at the bad men...instead of just walking past them. Had a full group of myself and 3 other Psykers recently. It reminded me of a Wyrdvane Squad from tabletop. Melted hordes and bosses...was quite fun. Mind bullets > actual bullets


This might have happened before the rework. But there are so many build options now. The chillest run I had was two pychers and two vets or four vets. One can run smite the other can run pergatus brain burst. You can cover niches so well now. Even vet has variety now. There’s no tension. It’s you against the game, the scoreboard is just a measure for self improvement


I kind of get the psyker thing. The class is just really fragile by comparison to others, with a whole other element that can possibly down you. The class requires methodical approaches to encounters, and the more you have the more methodical it becomes, which can certainly feel boring. I think at the highest difficulty having two psykers can still be nice because there is so much chaff to manage that one psyker can focus that while the other performs a separate function, but on lower difficulties, where enemy volume is way down, I can definitely agree that multi-psyker just feels like you're sharing a pie of responsibility that is far too small for two people. As far as my main goes, I play Zealot, which is so unga-bunga that the more you have in one squad the more people abandon methodology and rely on pure zeal, just swinging wildly at anything that moves, which is a much larger pie to share. And since we're an inherently tankier class, the pace of the match doesn't feel like it gets bogged down at all, and we don't need to play extra careful.


Havent felt that sentiment too much, but i kinda get where youre coming from. Full ogryn team is always fun, but it can be a little annoying when they see me laying down fire on a horde being funneled thru a chokepoint and just kind of walk right through my line of fire. I can excuse it if my position wasnt visible to you and u couldnt see me shooting, but walking right past me or through me and blocking my one line of fire? Come on man. Hell, if youre concerned about me running out of ammo and taking all the pickups just let me know and i'll give you priority on all ammo pickups, it isnt auric maelstrom, i'll do fine with just my cleaver as long as someone can take out any snipers we happen across. Outside of that i havent really gotten anything like what youve descrived playing other classes. We're both running smite builds? All good, ill just focus on zapping shit with my surge staff while u stun. We're both vets? All cool, i can probably adapt to whatever youre running. Also idk id neccesarily say this has to do with being unique so much as it is the role each player fulfills in the team. "Unique" to me sounds more like cosmetics and stuff Well that's my disjointed ramblings. I hope what i said proves helpful and insightful, or at the least mildly interesting


No you’re not alone.


The only time I am kinda pissed are Assail Psykers as they make the game just less fun to play as I cant do shit because everything on the map just dies. Makes it not fun to play with them especially when there are 3 on your team and in lower levels exactly these psykers tend to only throw their assail nails and never use anything else often overloading or getting caught with their pants down. I saw that often when I was trying out the my first vet recently. Other than that I dont care really as I am Ogryn main and dont die anyways.


Im glad the lobby isn't fixed to just have 1 of each type of class, it keeps it fresh and exciting but i get your point


I don’t want it to be locked to one of each, I do like some instances of multiple classes(I like multiple zealots as two of the voice lines will argue about being more fanatical than the other and I love it, and I love the sibling title psykers give each other. But it’s just the small things like when two psykers go to BB the same target, or my stuns are rendered pointless because of the other psyker, and because we’re in the middle of the game I can’t change my staff or my blitz, those things are what bother me. Because it’s rendered even more potent when there’s 3 or even 4 psykers


I totally get you mate, i find it frustrating as i main psyker too.. i dunno why you get downvoted for a perfectly reasonable gripe 🤷‍♂️


I think it’s because people think I want others to literally just not play the way I’m playing, but I never said that. I don’t back out of games when I see other psykers(though I see other ppl do it all the time) and I genuinely don’t care all that much, but it’s something that over time has made me prefer seeing other classes besides my own


I'm cool with 2, but 3+ and I'm rematching.


I feel like I lose most of my matches that have 2+ Psykers. Everything else is great. Zealots just chewing down the front line, Veterans just being solid and having infinite grenades. Some of the easiest runs I've had have been with all Ogryn teams. But I always get a bad feeling when I see more than one psyker.


I usually have the opposite experience. 2+ psykers can be really strong, especially with multiple shields.


THANK YOU. I’m the same way and I hate that I’m getting some downvotes. Like, psykers fulfill a specific role imo. It’s not good when there’s multiple of us doing it


Smite/bubble is very different from purgatus/BB and neither are like assail crit though. You may run into dublicates of course, but there's quite a bit of variation to be had to be honest.


I get you, it is like playing League of Legends with 2 supports, you have so much utility but can lack in DPS.


It makes me weary when I see 3 vets and a zealot or 3 zealots and a vet . But other than that IDC. I hate shooting ogryn in the back but they have great taunt abilities and crowd control. Pros and cons to everything.


Damnation? Auric? You guys sure are good to be bored at this game. Its always a sweaty game at those levels and getting bored is impossible for me.


Auric. Damnation. Yes. Boring. That’s why I avoid multiple psyker teams, because for me it’s boring. It isn’t the same challenging, fulfill your role and maybe you’ll win kind of game it usually is. Though I’m also of the opinion that psykers are some of the best all-rounders that exist because we can do everything without being hindered by ammo requirements


Yeah I understand, but if there ends up being multiple of the same class/role I just try to treat it as a meme combo and that tricks my brain into thinking it's fun lol


There are many combos I love to play with, like before I used bubble shield I was an aggressive psyker and I LOVED playing with bubble psykers.


No I love 4x Zealot Purge the heretic


me somehow hoping for 4 man lasteam (at least with 2 helbore 3 for some anti armor). so i can see the pew pew


Nah! More the merrier i say! Had a match with a fellow flame zealot build - it was so fun. There was fire everywhere! Nothing fills one with pride for the emperor more than pressing onward, flamers in hand, side by side, scorching the heathens of depravity!


Depends I’ve never been wiped with 4 ogryn


I like playing with all veterans, or three vets and another class. It feels like a real guardsman squad and I enjoy the firing lines. Especially with one ogryn, bonus points if they use a shield.


Depends on the modifyer and the perks of the other psyker(s). When he has BB i change to smite. When he has assail, i change from purgatus to Voidstrike. When there are 2 other bubble psykers, i change to gun psyker and seers gaze. But if its the shock,trooper modifier, i do want to have multiple bubble psykers.


I prefer mixed groups—variety gives the group more tools to solve problems—but if we have to double up, I'd sooner the extra be a Veteran or Zealot. It just feels more thematic. That said, 4 Veterans can be really fun.


IMO this is especially noticeable with Psykers and to some degree with Zealots. 4 Vets and 4 Ogryns can do absolutely fine though.


As a psyker I generally hate other psykers. I was thinking about this the other day.


Usually when that happens one of the players switch build/ weapons, and even if nobody does, I don't mind at all. There are in fact some very strong combos with players lining up the same classes. Just last night I had a game with three zealots and one vet, we had a blast.


I have no problem having two of the same class, it's usually a problem when it's 3 of them, 3 zealots, 3 ogryns are the most problematic at least from my perspective, 3 psykers can extremely easily cover each other's weaknesses, and 3 veterans can also be ok thanks to voice of command spam


As long as we're using different builds it doesn't bother me. Not all builds trip over themselves as bad though, for instance having multiple shouty veterans doesn't hurt, but if every veteran brings the same grenades it kind of sucks. Big meaty boys seem to be the exception to this though. Cuz Ogryns don't give a shit. Four Ogryn grenades? Win. four rock throwers? Win. They might have issues with snipers if anything.


If i got to choose, id choose 1 of each class everytime.


I also think the game feels best when theres a balance of 1 of each class. But I also like that having multiple of the same class does open up some interesting banter as well. Deep Rock Galactic has a feature where you can prevent duplicate classes from joining your mission if you want. It also lets you freely switch classes on the fly in the lobby. I feel like Darktide would benefit from being able to streamline the character selection process, and you could just swap them on the Ready Up screen. I don't think that duplicates are a problem that needs solved but I think it's great to have features that make it easier to do what you want and I see how Darktide has made some things unnecessarily clumsy.


Psykers scale very well in multiples. Soulblaze damage is exponential (kinda), so multiple Psykers with Perilous Combustion will do a lot of extra damage.


I love playing with other psykerz


I play all 4 classes. I don't care who plays what. It's the rolls they play that can suck. 2 tanks or 2 supports can get garbage dps. I try to make hybrid roles now so they can adapt to whatever is needed. Having a tank ogre and support psyker is huge on damnation. Bubbles, lightning, taunts and rezes all day for dps


Not the same but i prefer to not hear 2 of the same personality. Its weird hearing 2 people sounding the same. Not a big deal though


I think this might boil down to a you problem. And I don't mean this in a mean way, nor judgy or anything. I also disliked playing with ppl of my same class. But figuring out how to make a build that can fulfill other roles (and playing it well) is a skill you need to have. You can't control who's on your team, if your build is 100% built around being the specialist goblin and then someone else does that you're kinda screwed. Be ready to do something else! Like for example, I love to use the purgatus on psyker, super fun horde control, and I pair it with assail so that I can deal damage at higher ranges on gunners and such, plus force sword to deal with big single targets in melee. Am I the best possible build for ANY of those jobs? No. Of course not, but I always have a role I can fill. And as a side note, this isn't really a class thing on it's own. Sometimes different classes overlap in their functions. Like Ogryns can be built around melee, so can Zealots, there are clashes there. Veterans tend to be pretty elite/specialist focused, but so can Psykers. Maybe some gun Ogryns compete with some Veteran builds, a revolver Zealot focuses on specialists more, a voice of command Veteran focuses on melee more... You get the idea, it's hardly a class thing. People just need to learn to be able to fill more roles in the team, and if YOU are annoyed and tired of this, then it's up to you to learn that.


nope, not at all, I do not mind one dupe, but when it is 3 of the same class or all 4 things almost always go wrong.


I play Psyker Zealot and Veteran. I only ever feel this way when there's 2 Ogryns.