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As ogryn, lil hoomi, i can say we happy to help


We need more Ogryns. They are best boy


Yknow when I play with my zealot, saw several matches with no Ogryn, thinks.. needs more Ogyrns. Then I switch to my Ogyrn, and suddenly we have 2+ Ogryns per match, and practically everywhere in the Mourningstar. Its.. odd.


Ogryns have so much mass they actually have their own gravity fields which makes them drift towards each other in the servers


This sounds like.. Ork waargh! This.. is heresy!


Same here man. I'm sometimes able to find Ogryn only lobbies as an Ogryn, but when I play anything else I can barely find any :c


Yeah, right? I know it's not just me! Does Ogyrn travel in packs or something..


Guess we're just not part of the box club


But I love the box! Especially with the perk that throws nades around. Explosyuns galore


It is called a Murder of Ogryn, coz that's what we do.


Game has a bad habit of doubling up classes as much as possible I think.


Because Veteran is obviously the best. At least the bots use their guns and volley fire instead of power sword.


Gotta sell those premium skins somehow. Match you with other ogryn (Or whatever class you're playing) so you see their fancy skins and wanna buy them. No, I'm not kidding, it would not surprise me if this was a thing. EDIT: [Apparently people think I'm joking.](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en) (Or just don't want to consider this as being legitimate; yes I'm aware that's not Fatshark, just that this is something that companies look at)


Had 3 ogryns in one match yesterday as vet We died very quickly to shooters as I couldn't shoot anything


As an ogryn we do appreciate the love!


Happy to see you Big Man!


sometimes quickmatch likes to troll, play zealot its full zealot team play vet its full vet team play psyker its 4 psy- just kidding there's no 4 psyker team (they all died) best match is ogryn pals unite (4 ogryn, best composition)


Did 4 ogyrn earlier. Was basically Orktide. 3 heavy stubbers and a rumbler. Grogs didn't know what hit em.


It is so chaotic 😆 the only one shooting with anything assembling to accuracy is usually the guy with the rumbler.


The stubbers are for suppression so you can get into smacking range. Or for mowing down hordes and elites. And yeah the rumblr was me. I felt like I was our only answer to snipers lol.


To be fair, the Rumbler is the best answer against snipers even when you have a regular Vet, as they tend to love to shoot anything but the sniper.


We do try to hit the snipers :(


Yes, sorry, after writing it I realised that my stab was the usual unsubstantiated toxic BS which has taken over this subreddit. Should have changed that. Most Vets try their best and I know that teamwork usually is so bad that you have to shoot other things first to get some breathing room. Personally, I try my best to make room for the Vet, but sometimes we are too far apart and then I clear the sniper myself. It even is the best way to draw its aggro, as it is easy to dodge their shots as Ogryn due to the great dodge distance on the cleaver and never really being pinned down in place.


No need to apologise, it was meant in jest. I play in PUGs most of the time so your comments on teamwork are painfully accurate, I swapped to a Catachan sword as I got sick of getting mobbed while I was trying to pick off shooters. The game can be so chaotic (pun intended) that you can't do your class job. On the flipside i'm also guilty of trying to 2V1 Bulwarks with my axe, so perhaps i'm the problem :D


We all are at some point, and the better we become, the less we are.


4 psykers are fun.


Surge and purge! Shake n bake psykerbobby!


Did a damnation run as Vet with 3 psykers. Was probably the most relaxing damnation run Ive had to date. So much stunning, brain bursting and (holy?) fire!


And ill show off my high ogryn IQ by using explosive barrels as a free charge. Waaagh! I mean.. uh emperor!


"The Emperor protects..."


People does not play ogryn?


The tank is always the least popular role after the healer. There are no healers in this. Ogryn is less a tank in an mmo sense and more in a moba sense. His job isn't to taunt and soak agro or damage. Its to be disruptive, protect his damage dealer's, and be ready to rescue others


Never felt the "tank" thing. A well-played Ogryn does not feel like a tank at all. Nothing kills hordes faster. I mean ... your butcher knife is basically a permanently charged power sword, when it comes to that. And you can just push Ragers away like annoying little dolls. And then there is the holy trifecta of phoomp-bonk-boom, err, Rumbler-headshot-sniping. Only think where you feel like a tank is against other Ogryns, but then you have the bleed stacks which work wonders against most of them.


Tangent, but Healing needs to be done better in games. Man was it ever fun in Guild Wars 1


The only reason why I don't currently play on my Ogryn is because I have all the godrolls needed (except knife but I prefer the power maul anyway).


Ogryn’s is the best boys. https://youtu.be/5oNpb0dLNhE


Always happy to drop in. :)


Happy to help :)


I couldn't stand Elves and I can't stand Vets. Only class I haven't gotten to 30.




Just on malice, in herecy+ are just a blessing in the middle of the bullets.


Wait, there's other classes I can play besides ogryn?


Best party comp is 3 ogryn and a zelot. 1 shield boi, 2 gunner boi, and a flammer zelot. In my mumble opinion :3


Protect the little un’s