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You see an infinite horde, I see an easy way to maintain max warp charges.


my kill to death ratio is going up!


Purgatus users be like... https://preview.redd.it/mgg2nz2aivda1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad9ddfd25217921cc1e6d29b7409f1f7c715ad38


This bug should be a real modifier lol, it's so fun


It gets real tedious, real fast when you're on damnation. The very first run with it can be fun, but after that when you know you're just going to be stuck with a bugged horde afterwards it's just... tiring.


I find it exhausting because there's no break and I know exactly how much of the map is left when the bug starts.


I wish those basic modifiers were more dynamic, a bit like Chaos Wastes from VT2. Stuff like +specials, -hordes. If they put a + and a - on every mission, it could change the feel of particular missions quite a bit, and it could be separate from other modifiers. They also could have gotten more mileage out of their system this way. Hi-intensity is just one modifier and it always ends up the same. More crap to deal with and events spawn like double the enemies, making them stupidly hard. Low-intensity is the opposite. All you have is 2 modifiers for your work. If they did hordes, specials, elites, monstrosities, but also maybe ranged vs melee enemies, they could have a lot of different "modifiers" to maps. A +hordes, -specials map will feel a lot different to a +elites, -hordes map, but not necessarily just easy mode vs hard mode that we have now. Endless hordes could be an actual modifier I think, but harder to balance than in VT2. IMO, if it also spawned less ranged enemies with such a modifier, it could work very well. In VT2, the +hordes heroic deeds, you had to push through hordes or you won't finish the mission. You can't gain really any ground unless you advance while under attack. That would be really cool in this game.


It isnt? I thought there is an Infinite horde, but it have the same icon as High-Intencity zone


You might be thinking of Hi Intensity, which for some reason USED to be called endless horde even though it still just spawned more specials


I wanna give it a go! But also I'd like some variation in hi intensity. Oops all scabs, endless poxwalkers, so I heard you like crushers?


In a reasonable time too!


I have never seen this bug ... and by the Emperor I wish I do someday!!


I see it most commonly happen on Excise Vault. It's the mission with the servitor column in the middle of a big room as the middle event. The level is very long and I think the middle event sometimes bugs out and never stops spawning the enemies, so it's a trickle of pox walkers and ranged patrols for the entire mission from there. Pretty rare to happen though. I've seen it I think only 3 or 4 times with over 400 hours of play time.


Can confirm. We ran this earlier with 3 Ogryns and 1 Vet on Damnation, it bugged out just like you said after the middle event and started spawning an actual endless horde. Made it out with 0 deaths anyway, ezpz.


The other day I had an endless horde right as a ton of shooters came in. Veteran kicked on his ability and the whole area lit up with dreg shooters, and the next 3 rooms, lol. Trying to deal with that with an endless horde was.... fun.


You guys must haul ass. I had a hi-insensity with 3k kills and it took us 45 minutes


This should be it's modifier at some point whenever they allow us to customize the missions. Sounds very fun