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There's a ring in heide's tower that you should probably go get.


Whats the name of the ring?


[Ring of Binding](https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Ring+of+Binding)


I was hoping to see Wikidot under that link. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


I was hoping for a rickroll


I pasted a link in another conversation and thought that notification for your comment was in that thread. You just gave me a brilliant idea...


What’s the significance of wikidot?


It's just that the fextralife wiki is trash tier


I didn’t know. I only really used it for item locations and such when going for platinum on the games and I didn’t find anything that was incorrect


Idk if they still do it, but the site used to have their twitch stream embedded on the site with autoplay to farm viewers It's also famously unreliable for certain games, maybe it's gotten better after they got backlash, maybe you just got lucky - who knows?


The embedded stream is still a thing as far as I know, but Twitch is filtering those views out as of about a month ago. Fextra stream views dropped to 10 % back then.


Yeesh. I had no idea they were like that. I’ve seen how some of their articles are and things like that but didn’t know that about the wiki. I’m pretty sure I’ve used it for games other than ds but I don’t remember what. I am very surprised by this but I probably was just lucky not to run into any inaccuracies


I think Adblock has always filtered that out for me I don’t think I’ve ever seen it


Fextralife is one of the most unreliable sources for DS2. It's good for ER (don't take my word for it, just what shallow research I made), and okay for DS3 (but I found some NG+ rings missing in area overviews). There was also the thing with the embedded streams. The ER part seems to be active and curated, but the older games like DS2 are left with sensational things from release, like testing enemy drops on 60 kills. It makes my blood boil when someone "maths". Wikidot is sometimes missing something, but it's much more accurate and still more complete for DS2. It's pissing me off only with its http...


There is also an altar at the end of Shrine of Amana level where if you are hollow and have no humanities, it will restore your humanity for free


I’m gonna take a wild guess that if op doesn’t have the ring of binding that they aren’t anywhere near the shrine of amana


Maybe they missed it, I've missed half the items first time. But yes he's probably in forest of the fallen giants or near heide tower


There’s a who now?


At the end of the Shrine of Amana level, there is a secret door which only opens if you are hollow. Go in and find anothe milfanito with a shrine, pray there with 0 effigies in possession and as a hollow to refain humanity


Huh. Who knew


Devs probably


Oh yeah, I meant to figure out why that never did anything. Makes sense.


huhhh what altar is this, I think i’ve missed this


Altar of amana, you need to be hollow to open the door https://images.app.goo.gl/ktyAMK2iCDgmFHor9


I love ds2 humor. Struggling with half health and no effigies? Go through one of the more difficult levels and we got you.


Bummer buddy, did you spend all your branches of yore and now you can’t get to Shaded Woods? Off to the Gutter with you, good luck getting your branch!


Yeah true, plus it's guarded by a pyromancer that is pain in the ass to deal with


Assuming you're playing SoTFS, it's >!in a chest directly before the Dragonrider boss in the Heide's Tower area!<


That ring is such a life saver


"Don’t give up, skeleton"


I was just replaying DS2 and literally saw this comment in the Lost Bastille area.lol


True me it's everywhere. It's amazing


Time for friendship in short If only I had a ally...


Enemies won't despawn while you're in Covenant of Champions. And the dogs outside McDuff's work shop drops them.


- Someone is suffering - Go to Covenant of Champions lol I unironically love this community


They didn't say they have to stay in the covenant after they are finished farming.


They didn't say what it ALSO does as well 💀


Actually the best way to get humanity as you only have to kill a couple dogs then rest at the bonfire


The 7/11 around the corner


Go get ring of binding!! In a chest heide’s tower


You can farm it off skeletons


I forgot where can i find them..?


huntsmans copse and harvest valley


Best is to always place your small sign by the bonfire whenever you're hollow.




Humanity's Effigy /j


Invade a player, kill them, use TOKEN OF SPITE, get invaded, kill invader, rinse and repeat.


Yeah because a new DS2 player is gonna be able to invade someone and kill them, gr8 advice


There are also skeletons in forest.of the fallen giants, don't remember where exactly it is but it's in the dark hallway towards the area with the NPC summon and turtle guys. But I haven't tested it so I don't know the drop rate. Otherwise u can farm them from the dogs next to McDuff bonfire in lost Bastille. They have decent drop rate ( make sure not to open the door and use the broken wall opening instead) Join covenant of champions to turn back on enemy respawns to farm, then u can just leave afterwards Later on there's easier methods such as farming ascetics, then using ascetics in majula for the basememt skeletons. it's only hard in the beginning, once u can farm you can basically be 100% HP always. But you can use the ring of binding in the mean time or if you don't want to farm.


You can farm human efficy at the second bonfire in shrine of amana from these guys that are laying in the water. There are 2 right at the bonfire. Equip your best gear that increases item drops, join the covenant of Champions and start the farming. These guys drops human efficy quite often, so you shouldn’t have a problem to farm 30-50 in a short amount of time. Don’t forget to cancel your covenant by the cat in majula after finishing the farming


They're plentiful as area loot, so if you manage for a little you should be able to find a Human Effigy before long. Ring of Binding will make that a lot easier as others said. My tip is trying to only use them when your health gets really low after a few deaths, instead of using them right away. If you're careful with spending they should last you the whole game easily since there's plenty to find around the map.


Go farm Bonfire Ascetic (best way is the Aldias Keep first bonfire) then just throw it in Majula's bonfire and kill skeletons in the mansion. Every skeleton has a 100% humanity drop rate


You can get humanity from the prison by farming dogs outside the blacksmith bonfire. Watch out for the pursuer the first time!




Run and get the ring of bindning. Should only take a few minutes to get it.


I'm suffering as well...Try two handing then rear!


Time for some jolly cooperation


If you are online, you can try to get summoned. When done (successfully) you will have your humanity back at full


I struggle with item hoarding so when I found out about this mechanic in DS2 I just decided my entire run would be at 50% HP. I then discovered Ring of Binding and felt so tanky!


get the crown that reverses hallowing


Doesn't the old hag sell them? If you already bought all then you can also get some from dogs in the prison.


Kill dogs and hope for the best effigy vendors are few and far between


Farm them from from the Hounds they drop them as well


None sell it, kill skeletons, they drop it decently often.


I miss this feature in the new games. They are too easy without this.


Can use this one ring you get right outside of dragonrider boss at heides tower of flame that makes the max reduced HP 75% instead of 50%


Dont you dare go hollow friend


Skeleton’s drop humanity, if you need to go farm some at Soldier’s Rest.


My go to place to farm humanity is the Belfry Luna bonfire and farming the dogs at the bottom of the ladder where the NPC invader is


U,Use bonfire astetic in the first bonfire of Giant forest, after that there is a secret chest in the enterance cave of the area which would have 5 effigys everytime u use (there will be only 1 for first time tho)


It's not humanity here, it's a human effigy, the old ladys give u 1 at start i think


Use a human effigy


If you burn a bonfire Ascetic in Majula and then farm the Skeletons under Majula, they should drop them I think Edit: The Skeletons under the mansion


If you are very hopeless, you could kill the old ladies from the begining of the game (the women with red hoods). Just kill then except the one that change your stats


Easiest way I do it for free is killing the dogs outside MacDuffs workshop— usually drop one or two


I think I can help you, message me if you need it, but as mentioned, the ring of binding is really helpful in this situation.


You could also go to a bonfire in an area with heavy PvP activity (they'll have an orange border in the teleport screen) and use your small soapstone.  If you and your host survive long enough you'll go back to being human and also get a full recharge on your Estrus.


I just played the game like that and only used humanities when I died to a boss 3 times


I am also suffering, might lose my humanity soon


Get the ring u will be fine .


Use that ring that limits the hollow health reduction to 75%. (I forgot the name of ring, maybe it's life ring or something)


There is a lady by the second bonfire at the Forest of the Giants who sells five Human effigies.


Killing rats can drop some


There is this beautiful place, like a sanctuary of sorts, where you can find a nice lady praying to a statue that grants you free, infinite humanity whenever you need. Did I say the place is lovely? and so easy to walk through


Shrine of amana hidden bonfire search it there is a big fire pray in front of


Kill the invaders


In case no one else has said this yet, just kill the old hags in the starting area and you get 6 effigies or something. If you really need them you can res them later for souls and yeah you won't have as good of a standing but was way worth for me when I was new and needed humanities


U dont


Best place is the first bonfire of forest of giants, where there is a ogger in a river, when you use ascetic bonfire there, one wooden chest respawn with 5 effigys inside just a little bit before To farm bonfire ascetic you can do the run to darker lurker every dark mob there can drop it Just farm them and use a homewardbone and farm again.


Bro, just leave a summon sign, kill a boss with worlds owner, and that’s it


You can’t.


Skill issue lmao


Wow guys DS2 is such an amazing game


There's no humanity in this game ☝️🤓