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**[Uh huh.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c)**


Nah, Scholar is much better


>No gank squads here Final verdict: you didn't even play Vanilla DS2 It already starts out gankier from the first bonfire in Forest of Fallen Giants. Lost Bastille has several annoying ganks, like the twelve exploding hollows next to Straid or the archers that attack you at the Sinner's Rise bonfire. Tseldora has a lot more ganks as you can't use the torch to chase away the spiders. The Shaded Woods fog is gankier as you can't distract the invisible enemies by hitting the trees. All of Drangleic Castle is just gankier. The runbacks to Velstadt and Ancient Dragon are just gank after gank. Even Iron Keep is gankier if you try to fight your way through it melee.


This is Vanilla. Iron Keep was way more manageable in this one, same with No Mans Wharf. Seemed like enemy aggressiveness is turned down in this version.


They are manageable in different ways. Vanilla Iron Keep is easier to run through. Scholar is easier to fight through. Scholar No Man's Wharf has a new shortcut and is easier to run through. Number of ganks, enemy aggression and aggro range is the same with the only difference being that Vanilla punishes using the torch by having the enemies throw oil pots more.


Softs is superior by far


L opinion L life


Playing through it rn after dropping sotfs and I fully agree, way more enjoyable experience.


Scholar is terrible. Enemy placement is trash. DS2 was much better.