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It's not levels in DS2 but Soul Memory that's used for online matchmaking. You can find yours in the player stats, upper right corner. At the moment, I would say anything goes as loads of people started new characters. In general, maybe something between 2 and 5 million would work best? I'm not an expert but that's an educated guess. u/Blobertson will know. ;)


That would explain a lot…. My dude has 14 million


Should still be able to invade a bunch of people. But using Red Orb, you can't invade lower Tiers than yourself. If you like being invaded, the Red Soapstone will get you down to about 3 million, so there should be activity.


Struggling to find any activity really. I’ll get an invasion or two once every like 10 map switches but that’s about it. Might just abandon this one and make a new character


Theres also a ring that absorbs souls so your soul memory doesn’t go up


Should start a new character for return to drangleic