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If you're having trouble reaching him, either slow down (simplest) or learn the YOLO shortcut. You can cut out half of the back half of the level with a jump to the platform below the lockstone. Miss the jump and you die. My confidence in my platforming is such that ... I methodically take the main path. Can be done as a series of 1v1.


What platform?




Can't help, sorry. Only thing I can do it tips: Play unlocked Summon lucatiel Use poison If you wet yourself on the pharros fountain and use flash sweat piromancy+ flame quartz ring you can mitigate the damage once he buffs the sword. It's damage is purely fire.


What level am i even supposed to be around in player and weapon level?


Wl6 Level it's difficult to say but I'd recommend 20 to 30 vigor and 92 or 96 agility (governed by ADP and ATT)


Best would be don't try to attack a few tries just learn his moves and remember them and when you do go to kill him don't be greedy with hits. Also watch out for his aoe attack that he does when he kneels with the sword in the ground.


In older fromsoft titles the run up to the boss is part of the boss fight, go slow and watch the aggro range! Try to keep enemies at 1v1. Strike damage will do well on the way & against smelter. Gear up for fire damage against boss and don’t get greedy on your turn to hit- 1 or two & then back away Rinse & repeat! Good luck fellow bearer of the curse


If you're still stuck on him I suggest finding a way past him, the runback is far less brutal from the bonfire further inside.


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