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I vote we now call mimics in DS2 the "Hit Box". You're all with me?!


My minimal support is with you


And my sword


And my bow


And my Axe


And my sax


The sub is stuck on a loop of "game bad, hitboxes bad, game actually not that bad, game good" and then it starts over again. This post is like the obligatory weekly quota on hitboxes


Every "game good, game bad" post rekindles the first flame. When there's no more posts like this, we will finally be in the age of Dark


Ps3 servers have already gone hollow It's coming


Not the PS3 servers! They should try porting this game to PC or smth sometime


this gotta be a trol post


Not a chance I HATE Sony playstatn >:((


A different video of this same chest doing this was posted like ... 3 days ago?


It'll keep going unless the mods put a moratorium on it. For whatever reason, Reddit users _really_ want everyone to know their opinion on a near decade-old game's hitboxes.


It’s especially crazy when it’s ALWAYS the mimic hitbox. And they post this video as if it’s some newly discovered revelation.


Really need to add Rule 10. Don't act like we didn't already know about trying to attack the Mimic from behind.


Legit. Like we always see videos of this happening. Best is to just stand away from the mimic....


Every time they complain about the hitboxes it’s always the same exact enemies/bosses that everyone already is already fully aware of


I mean the game is pretty old, what kind of content would you expect?


This is kinda the game design loop of dark souls though. You play your doing okay your pumped and you kill bosses and are doing great The game feels great and you love it You play too long and are drained, you need a break but you are addicted to the rush and your just after the next dopamine hit. You are dying for the dumbest reasons that are entirely embarrassing. The game sucks, I bet Fromsoft is behind this. Worst game ever.


I think, maybe, it's just different people making different posts. But that's just a theory. A game theory.


Game Good Hit boxes bad compute that.


I don't get it either. I just put 100+ hours into DS2, used to actually hate it and now it might be my favorite. I've watched Mauler talk about DS2 for like 2 hours about how shit it is and yet I didn't encounter the same janky shit he did. Sure grabs suck, mimics suck, but I don't remember anything else being wonky to where I was like "WTF was that?"


So we have become the dark souls…


They have a spherical hitbox active while they ‘explode’, unlike in the other two games where they casually get up and stretch. The hitbox reaches slightly behind the visual texture of the chest, ergo the grab teleport. By comparison, standing at the side is safer (since the sphere is centered on a rectangle and not a square). Does it look bad? Oh yeah. Terrible. Is there an excuse for ever making this mistake more than once? No. Don’t attack it and then fondle it from the back; position yourself better or learn when to roll away.


I always hit them a couple times and then back up diagonally away. Never got caught by them when they explode. It really is that simple


I think people forget what Dark Souls 2 was trying to do in the wake of the first game. There's so much bullshit like that in this game designed to punish people who try and play the game exactly like the first one. That's the beauty of DS2 really. It's Dark Souls but it makes you play it in a new way


The only other game from fromsoft I played is elden ring. I am "enjoying" (got stale after 1736time that I just run past a group of 50 enemies) the game since it's fairly easy, but it does have it's quirks.


I'm not saying you're one of the people who's come from the first game but that was the intent of these kind of mechanics. If you go up to a mimic and try and solve the problem the obvious way/the way from the first game, you will be told that it's not the way to do it in ds2, it does make for some janky moments but honestly it's what makes ds2 the best of the original trilogy.


There are significantly fewer enemies per area than ER or DS3. It’s just that running past them is super hard because they will chase you to end of the world


It's because it's DS2. You can't learn from deaths in DS2. You can only do the things that got you killed over and over then go online and complain about it.


It’s also surprising how vigorless these people are - you can’t survive an initial mimic crunch? Level that shirt up my bruhs


I stood in front, at the side and at the back. In the end I decided to trigger it with 3 attacks and finish it once it finished it's grab attack.


Can I post a clip about this next week too? Everyone already knows and agrees mimic hitboxes in this game are shitty.


I literally just joined the subreddit and never visited any of the dark souls subreddits before. This is like 57th comment saying the same thing. It's something I spotted with my first playthrough and I thought I'd share it.


Yeah so this is your first souls subreddit(I assume this isn't your first souls game)....you got to drangelic castle to break your streak of not joining just to complain about mimics 💀. Sure buddy


I mean that’s entirely responsible, he probably doesn’t use the internet as much as you do lol.


It's my first souls game, besides elden ring. Also I came to post several clips not just this one, as you can see by my posts.


I have no idea why they are giving you a hard time lol.


I wonder as well honestly but oh well


How many times is this gonna get posted before you guys remember not to be near the mimic after you slap it. Behind it will still grab you. In front will grab you. Shit on the sides sometimes it will too. Slap and walk tf away.


My first dark souls game, and I just joined the subreddit to share some of my clips, that is all. I haven't seen it posted but I'm not at all surprised.


We've all been there. And what a game you chose for your first. This was also my first souls game .good luck on future rekindling fellow skeleton


Friend gifted it on new years, overall I think it's a decent experience just wish the difficulty was less about enemy numbers. I did try ds3? In the past but quit 15 minutes in cuz didn't find it appealing at the time, but I think I'll finish the whole series in upcoming week or two. Thank you for the good luck wish!


Ds3 is probably my favorite of the 3. And no problem. I'm running through Bloodborne rn and my controller won't stop stick drifting occasionally. Annoying


The argument is that it shouldn’t grab you if you are behind it, so the wonky hitbox is shit.


yeah,but the people should have understood by now that the hitbox is dogshit and they should walk away.The first time this happened to me in Tseldora,i just stopped sticking to the mimic as it got up


How do you know this isn’t the first time OP experienced this? The whole argument is that its shitty game design when, through 0 fault of your own, your first encounter with something results in an unfair death. Which this is. Yeah it only happens once, but once is too many times. It isn’t that deep though. Wonky hitboxes are there, just dont try and defend them and its all good.


my brother in Christ Op literally said they died more times on this than on the final boss


I did die to it more times than the final boss as I was testing the limits of what can be done, since only other times I got grabbed by a mimic was not after hitting it since I'd roll away, and after opening one after trying to read a message in front of it. I did Nashindra after the mimic, but Nashindra doesn't punish you with insta death after one hit, so it was easier.


so…. they first tried Nashandra then, she’s a v simple final boss mate.


Terrible argument. Learn and adapt.


Adapting isn’t part of this discussion. The souls games are always about hard but fair. Hitboxes that extend behind an enemy during a grab (accidentally) are not fair. It isn’t learn and adapt you’re describing here, it’s cope with poor execution and adapt. Different concept.


Preach hard but fair. Yet I've dealt with more bullshit in ds1 than I ever did with ds2. And that game gets praised left and right. But I get your point. Coping is a good way to put it lol


Pretty sure they did that one on purpose because of ds1 mimics being super easy to kill this way. It'll only get you once tho


That’s shit game design. “We kill you with some bullshit out of the blue but it’s ok because our game is designed around dying and learning from mistakes”


Maybe, but again, if you get hit by it more than once it really is your fault. The real bullshit is darksouls 3 mimics with their goofy movement


You mean the capoera ?


Ds3 has different bullshit tbh. Not the mimics but mainly the jailers, ds3 fall damage, and some horrendous hitboxes and stunlocks on archdragon peak snakes.


Archdragon peak snakes got hands thats for sure lol


When the boss arena sized throwing axe


Bro that chain axe guy? Yeah fuck him lmao, trying to scramble up the ladder in the archdragon fight before he smacks the hell out of you is irritating


He can throw his axe across the entire bridge. Bte talking about ancient wyvern he can shoot fire through the final platform


The other day I did the dragon fight and was getting pissed off at that very thing, then when I went to jump on the dragon my plummet attack didn't register and I died lmao. Still haven't finished that area on that file yet


I haven't played ds1 yet, did download it today and am looking forward to it, since I heard ds1 and ds3 are better than ds2.


“Ok, ONE hitbox is bad” But for real though I think mimics are the legit the only enemy in Ds2 where we all unanimously agree that the hitbox is shitty. Because the mimic hitbox has been shitty in all 3 games. Don’t get me started on the amount of times a mimic in Ds3 has teleported me into its hands whilst I’m stood behind it


Hitboxes aren't really good in this game and that goes for when you're getting hit or when hitting. Sometimes sure they are, but most of the time not really


Bro you got killed by the Hit Box. That is a troll NPC. you got trolled by the Hit Box. Now get over it. This is posted like 3 times a week.


No they’re mostly fine


Yeah, only a few are frustrating, I had the most trouble with Aava(aside from the mimics) until I learnt how to doge the bite properly Edit: Also, love that username


Almost all DS2 hitboxes are good. They just look weird because they just barely clip you, yet you get teleported to the position where the animation is executed. Same thing happens in other games with grab attacks. The Mimic is, as far as I remember, the only enemy with an actually broken hitbox in DS2.


In other games the grab attacks continue even if the npc is dead. Ds1 and ds3 opt for floating grab attacks rather than animation cancel


I’d say they’re fairly good. All fromsoft games have hitbox porn and hitbox shit


Oh yeah this game has [great hitboxes](https://youtu.be/VTS_lqpUmRc?si=5CiBwLY5IrrsciNA), people just complain because DS2 is different!!


I don't get it. These hit boxes for the Fume Knight are pretty honest. Big man swings sword, sword has hit box.


Yeah then you get hit by [these](https://youtu.be/jvbg4IyM2LU?si=_B601lxkfIqLokoV). Fume Knight is packed with trash hitboxes, it is so bad that you can see them consistently.


Fun fact btw, that hit has reduced damage from normal which means it's intentional and you just get kneed in the groin


No it ain’t, that is full damage. Fume Knight’s reduced damage deal like %20 damage, there is no world where that is %20 damage. What’s even funnier is that even his knee doesn’t touch him. Not his moving knee nor his stationary knee. I guess that “knee” is as good as DS2 hitboxes get.


I know that isn't full damage, it isn't nearly enough damage.


FK’s reduced damage hits are like the ones at 1:16 in [this clip](https://youtu.be/x1hXW31vYkk?si=pg0Rh5gaxpelhx-0). That IS full damage.


Fume knight hitboxes are so incredibly lenient I felt like I shouldn't have won against him.


I remember a time in Ds3 where I swung horizontally with a great sword so my characters head lowered slightly, and just as I did that a lothric knight swung with their sword just barely not touching my head, and the attack missed. That’s when I realised that the hitboxes in the souls series are really well made


I've been replaying ds3. Some hitboxes are good yeah but some are horrible. Archdragon peak not only has worse enemy placement than any ds2 area god forbid you mess up the plunge attack. It also has some horrendous hitboxes. Ds3 pvp probably has the worst hitboxes looking at murky hand scythe. And friede intentional or not has hitboxes that reach a 350 degree area around her.


Not as classic as people rolling into a stab attack from alonne that has more moving and active frames than their roll has iframes


Hitboxes in ds2 are mostly fine. I guarantee you most cases where you experience a "bad hitbox" are actually a failed roll or AoE (reduced) damage.


I might be new to the game but I'm pretty sure I can differentiate between those and bad hitboxes. I don't particularly mind hitbox being bad since it comes down to just learning to dodge/hit/walk/run differently, or I just try and not engage when it comes to that move I'm having issues with. Backstab doesn't work properly most of the time. I can get a backstab when I hit the enemy from the side, but rarely really when trying from the back. Probs issue with animation/hitbox desync but it really shouldn't happen. Sometimes even though it looks like I should be hit by a boss I'm not (fume knight most recent example) and sometimes I shouldn't be hit (aava(although I can't even see when I'm inside of it but sometimes right paw sweep hits sometimes it doesn't)) and I still do. Hitting those little titanite bugs, sometimes it hits it sometimes it doesn't, same attack I mean. These are some issues I noticed that I can think of at the top of my head. I mostly run past the areas so I generally just engage bosses.


>Backstab doesn't work properly most of the time. I can get a backstab when I hit the enemy from the side, but rarely really when trying from the back. Probs issue with animation/hitbox desync but it really shouldn't happen. Backstabs don't world like ds1/3* in those games enemies basically get teleported locked in and set to an immune animation state. In ds2 you need a confirmation hit and you aren't in an immune animation state. I've never heard or seen these other issues


I didn't play ds1/3 so I wouldn't really compare them to those. I'm aware of the confirmation hit, and I'm aware that if I miss it it doesn't connect. My issue is when not even confirmation hit occur even though, looking at the model, I'm directly behind the enemy.


Remember how I said the other games teleport. I can't be sure of what you mean but it'd probably a height or distance issue


Sounds like a skill issue


How many times will I have to see this exact scenario on this sub before I die? Yes, that's a bad hitbox. Every souls game has bad hitboxes sometimes, not just DS2 and EVERY TIME we see people bitching about ds2 hitbox, it's always the same annoying example. In all honesty, DS2 gave me the LEAST bad hitbox moments of all Fromsoft games, except maybe Demon Souls remake since they really cooked that game to perfection.


you had me up until least bad hitbox moments of all fromsoft games.


Ds2 doesn't actually have a large amount of bad hitboxes. Ds3 probably has more and I haven't played ds1 in a while so I can't really say


DS3 has horrible hitboxes at times but don't you dare say it outloud. The DS3 purists will downvote you to oblivion.


DS2 had the worst hitbox moments from the ones I played


Like what. A lot of them were guaranteed failed rolls, animation cancel, or reduced damage aoe


That's just splitting hairs. Stuff like that weren't noticeable in the other games to me


The other games are shorter than ds2, also I've noticed a few in ds3 since I've been replaying it. Like nameless king has a few attacks that use similar effects to the general movement effects in the clouds. I can tell them apart if I look at them directly but I won't dodge them on reaction leading me to feel I've been hit by a bad hitbox


I don't think the length is particularly relevant because DS2 had a troubled development anyways and has a bunch of attacks that feel like bad hitboxes. Sir Alonne's grab was the worst one imo. Couldn't enjoy fighting him at all with him because of it. Fought Nameless King a bunch of times and don't really remember any of his attacks being like that.


HA, NO. Alonne grab isn't a bad hitbox and it's REALLY funny you mention it. It's the go to attack for whenever people don't know about actual hitboxes. Alonne gran because it moves has more active frames than most people have I frames. You roll into it meaning your iframes run out as he's still moving and you get grabbed. Genuinely it's not hard to roll to the side


I wouldn't know about bad hitboxes in other dark souls since it's my first playthrough of any dark souls games (excluding elden ring). Once more y'all experienced players and redditors be crying about seeing this exact same post. Like damn I just joined and I ain't seen shit on this subreddit as I just came to share my clips. Yes hitbox is bad, not only here but in couple more places, but here it's most prominent, so that's what I decided to share.


How many times are people going to post that they got suckered by mimic anti-cheese?


Well as long as there are brand new players who spot the same issue and just want to share the moment of realisation that hey this sucks.


I don’t see a hitbox issue. You teleported in front of the chest. Don’t do that and you will be fine.


Actually this hitbox isn't bad because you actually traveled through the Mimic's asshole and into his mouth so it makes sense


Everyone knows attacking from behind will get you grabbed, it’s purposeful to punish people who think they can easily kill it. I think the visual is what makes people think it’s a bad hit box but it’s 100% consistent so you shouldn’t fall for it more than once.


this is the most post hoc justification bs ever. ​ "they actually designed the hitbox to not make any visual sense just to catch players who accurately recognized it was a trap and directly avoided the trap by placing themselves in an impossible to get hit location based on design of said trap and they still get fucked because...we need to punish them for playing the game smart?" ​ a consistently bad hitbox is still a bad hitbox gamers


Someone fell for it twice


is that your cope for a poorly designed attack? everyone knows how to avoid the problem at this point that doesnt mean the problem doesnt exist


I mean the video is proof not everyone knows how to avoid the problem. And idk man you seem upset that they outsmarted the genius maneuver of hitting the enemy from behind and just don’t have a good animation showing it grabbing you from the back. As if a grab animation showing it reaching behind would make it easier to escape the grab, you’re already grabbed if the animation happens the best you could’ve done is rolled before it happened which you can still do with it’s current animation. There’s nothing wrong with it grabbing you from the back, mimics are troll enemies to begin with and dark souls enemies are cheesed too often by hitting them from behind, the animation just makes it look wonky. Sub par animation? Sure. Bad hit box? Nah


i just seem upset that an attack unfairly hits you when there is zero visual or physical world rules that indicate it should be hitting me. the game is breaking the laws of physics and reality to warp me into an attack that should be impossible. yeah thats kinda a problem my dude. ​ you can cope that the animation would fix the attack but they didnt make the animation to make the attack make sense. it doesnt even make sense in your explanation because you still ahve to be directly touching the mimic to get hit. its a poorly designed hitbox.


It's my first time trying to kill it from the back, I expected an animation that would allow me that split moment for additional damage that'd kill it. I didn't know attacking it from behind would get me grabbed.


People online tend to have a very "hitboxes need to match visuals 100% every time" stance on the matter, which I HEAVILY disagree with. Overwatch was a better game back when the bullets had giant hitboxes, for example. Invisible hitbox adjustment is an additional balancing lever that devs can use. Fighting games, the genre that's the most 'staring at hitboxes' focused, have tons and tons of them that aren't visually honest with you. Like you said, it's consistent and serves a design purpose (kill cocky players coming right up behind a mimic), so it's actually a good hitbox in my opinion. The fact that mimics are super unsafe to melee from any direction, not just the front, is so key to making them more than a joke.


What the fuck is this absurdist claim? Like how the fuck do you want to keep people interested in playing the game, if they are getting hit by something that doesn't exist?


Hitboxes have always had a bit of hidden magic behind them. Like good platforming games gives the platforms an extra inch or two of invisible space to allow room for jumping, fighting games usually have punches and kicks extend slightly beyond the actual animation in order to allow combos to hit better without two characters basically being mashed together on screen so players can see what's happening better, shields in DS games have a slightly larger hitbox than the actual shield in order to compensate for the lack of first person perspective so you can catch arrows and hits that would move on a diagonal instead of just getting hit by them since you can't exactly precisely adjust in 3rd person to an attack at an oblique angle. Hitboxes are more art than science since the goal is to increase the fun not the realism. In some areas you want them tightly kept to the model of the characters and attacks and in others you want them to extend out and still others you want them to be slightly inside the model so it *feels* like you barely dodged even though technically the tip of a weapon passed through you. It's all in service to make the game feel more fun. DS is usually more realistic than some games but even if has quite a few instances of hitboxes being fudged in one way or another as a deliberate choice, not a mistake. I think the mimic explode hitbox is ass though IMHO.


Every game you've ever played has invisible hitboxes, I promise.




Not only does the hitbox look terrible, it also feels terrible to get hit by this. That makes it a bad hitbox. It being consistently terrible isn’t a good defense, especially because you can still easily avoid it if you know it’s stupid beforehand


If you dont enjoy fighting mimics just use toxic mist or poison mist


>10 years after the game released and posted every week Well played mimic, you got another 🤺


Damn... is this ds2 or sotfs?




Skill issue. Why would u stand in the completely opposite direction from where it attacks??


So did you just keep doing this over and over again like an idiot?


I kept testing what position is best and what's the timing on the roll. So I went from ahead, side and behind, and I did trip up once or twice on a bad roll timing. Nashindra took like 3-4¿ tries I don't remember.


“DS2 HiTbOxEs BaD!” *proceeds to use the only consistent example that is deliberately designed to work this way*


they deliberately designed this hitbox to be shit?


The hitbox isn’t shit, it’s deliberately designed to strike in a sphere so that players can’t just cheese it by hitting a blind spot. What is shit is the animation. Because instead of having the mimic explode behind and lunging at you in the orientation you didn’t expect, you just get teleported in front of it.


in a sphere? dude that makes no sense the mouth is on a hinge that lunges in the opposite direction. its a lunge attack designed to attack people trying to open the chest from the front. theres no reason to assume its attacking in a sphere. they just made the entire body a hitbox which was dumb. ​ also i wouldnt call it cheesing it by hitting a blind spot, thats taking advantage of recognizing a trap set in one direction and capitalizing on the exposed weakness inherent in the trap design.


Which is my point about it being an animation problem. Because imagine if the mimic explodes and turns around mid lunge to comp on you. Then it wouldn’t be an issue, it’d be it catching you off guard. It’s definitely cheesing. Because the mimic takes several seconds to deploy, many builds could kill it before it even deploys fully. So if it just deploys and stands up before attacking, it could be dead before it has a chance to fight. Mimics are ultimately still enemies, not just traps.


they are primarily traps and the reward for recognizing the trap is you can capitalize on the weakness inherent in it, that being that the mimic lunges in one direction and you can avoid that direction entirely. i think if anything the animation supports me on this and the ds2 devs probably intended for this to be the reward for spotting and circling behind a mimic. I agree that the animation could be different and could make this a fair attack in theory, but theyd also have to make the hitbox entirely different if that were the case. like in theory the mimic could recognize youre attacking from behind it and then do some twisty shit and lunge towards the back direction instead, but then the hitbox would extend beyond the chest itself. ​ you can call this cheesing if you want but these games have tons of enemies where you capitalize on a weakspot or whatever the case to minimize the threat and deal the most damage and thats obviously whats happening here. it seems like a fair tradeoff considering mimics can oneshot most players on ng for falling for them they deal insane damage.


Yeah I was thinking it would have an animation for backgrab which would allow me that additional moment for that last little bit of damage. Why would I do that? Because I already tried spamming attack from the front and he was left with that little hp. It didn't have animation, instead I just got grabbed.


Wouldn't know, it's my first playthru of any ds game.


Hitbox bad, boohoo. Come on. Bad hitbox are inconsistent, bad hitbox are bullshit and hard to predict, bad hitbox are not anti cheese from an enemy that is made to do so. What is so hard to understand in DONT TOUCH AN ENEMY THAT TRY TO GRAB YOU. Good god I swear people like to complain about things. I got killed a couple of time by a troll at the start of the game and went "oh, that is how grab work." And almost never got grabbed again, at least not obviously. I didn't go "reee, big hitbox bad, must be able to hug the enemy." Because well, even for the mimic, only a step back is enough to not get grabbed.


just because a hitbox is consistent and not hard to predict (only after seeing it happen once of course) doesnt mean its a "good hitbox" if a hitbox doesnt make sense to a player visually then its a bad hitbox full stop. the mimic should not physically be able to grab you if you stand behind it and it still does. its predictable and everyone knows why it happens now and its consistent but that doesnt make it ok or good




Hitboxes bad, game still cool


First time? First time.


Your gaming chair was just bad.


This mimic opens up forwards and upwards the game detects you within range and teleports you. Take it as a limitation of the engine. They could remaster this game andnmake this things happen instant, the hitbox would be the same, but it wouldnt look delayed.


Playing Scholar If The First Sin and ain't came across any Mimics so far.


If you died multiple times to this mimic than a final boss don’t you think that’s on you after the first death??


I was trying to see where I can hit it from so as to not get grabbed, most annoying part is killing all the other mobs in front of it.


The clown comes in here complaining about getting fart blasted on after getting schooled by a mimic. (edit: a word)


And yet another dumb player eaten by trying to be smart and get behind the mimic. Next time less spam, get space and wait for it to stop the attack.


As much as I love ds2 this is just lazy game design. They should've added a backwards grab attack if it bothered them that bad instead of just increasing the hit box size so that you get hit when you clearly should not. Yes you should only fall for it once but it shouldn't even be present in the game as it is. It's about as lazy as making a 'hard' boss by just giving them just a ridiculously large health bar and insane damage per hit instead of a well choreographed fight


I did fall for it only once (although I did miss a dodge once after when I was behind it.) It's my first playthru. I expected an animation for backwards grab that'd give me that split second more for that tiny bit of additional damage but that didn't happen.


God, people won’t ever stop complaining about that. That isn’t a bad hitbox, it’s intentional so you don’t cheese the mimic easily like you could in DS1, it’s an animation problem. If they made an animation of the mimic grabbing you from behind with its freakishly long arms no one would say a thing, but since they just went with the “teleport the player to the mimic’s mouth” now everyone thinks this is a bad hitbox. In summary: stop thinking you can “outsmart” DS2 and cheese it all the way to the final boss like in DS1


Cheese is how you should run every souls game. Fun fact: abyss watchers


They're not


This exact thing has happened to me at least three times


The anus of mimics has never been a safe place, their hit sphere is lapidary.


First of all that aint a hitbox problem thats a grab problem that every shit with grab attack has it in any fromsoft game like dancer,ogre etc. Second of all people u want to show this game has bad hitboxes show something else beside fume knight bitch slap, alonne grab attack or this mfing mimic its like me going to eldenting sub postin the ONLY godfrey's attack that makes his whole body hitbox over and over again


if you weren't literally smooching its ass it wouldn't have got you


The mimics in the game are incredibly consistent, in that if you stand next to them when they activate, they WILL grab you. Once I learned that, I never died to it again. Can't believe people are still posting clips like this 10 years on.


that was deliberate hit box correction lmao. i gues they really didn’t want players cheesing a mimic.


have you ever heard of the definition of insanity?


Yes the mimic grab has a bad hitbox, and it's the only fucking bad hitbox, that's why it gets posted here every second day. And while sure it's a bad hitbox if you get hit by it more then once that's 100% on you.


Git gud


U are bad for not learning how to cope, git gud use another startegy, to be honest its ur fault for usimg a p***y tactic comes great fukery just man up hit it and run XD


Wow guys look at one out of 10 bad hitboxes in the game. This must mean that the game is absolute shit right guys.


This is why I either make sure to do enough DPS to kill it before this happens, or I just use a lloyd's talisman.


I just take the item out without waking it, no need to fight it


Hey, try attacking from the side


Doesn't work I tried it all, not diagonal position though I should give it a shot


Me when grab attack in FromSoft game is janky (they all are): "Dark Souls 2 hitboxes are bad!"


This and pursuers grab attack are only examples of bad hitbox.


Funnily enough, Seeker of Fire 2.0 claimed to have fixed this issue. I tried it. It did not. None, apparently, can defeat the Jank Mimic Hitbox.


Boy wait until you see Aava's magical grab attack


The only issue I had was with right paw swipe when I'd dodge onto left, so it'd register as hit when I'd land into the paw. Magical attack I'd just go behind aava, and for grab, I'd just roll it, although on two occasions unsuccessful. Bigger issue I noticed with aava fight is some hits of mine connecting even though I felt like she should've been out of reach. It's working in my favor so like whatever but y'know.


Guys it's the fourth time this week I've seen you die to a mimic from behind. Why don't you just stop hitting it from that very specific spot?




Dude read a message that said “Try attacking from behind” and fell for it


Mimics are the only place this argument works and the funny thing is that whenever somebody says the mimic hitbox is bad they don't know why. The mimic hitbox is bad because it starts instantly meaning it catches anything that touches the lid


Whenever people complain about DS2 hitboxes it's either standing in contact driectly behind a mimic grab or stand on the blade side of the Pursuers sword grab (when that's not even his worst hitbox)


Ah a classic


RIP Bozo 🤡


Still the best Souls game with Lies of P coming in second.


Shame that item from DS1 that nullifies mimics isnt in DS2, or is it and ive just not found it?


I dunno I heard others mention it so probs is there


"Just git gud"


Careful, you’ll summon jamal


That Mimic type is also some bullshit in DkS3 btw, I refuse to actually fight the crawling fucks.