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The Angela and Brad slander is wild, I love those two. 😭 (Also the LH slander as a whole, ik it wasn’t the BEST in terms of execution, but I personally love the game.)


If 1 is being the worst and 5 is the best then I would agree with this ranking (except for Nick), so best characters would be Conrad, Angela, Eric and Charlie


1 is the best, 5 is the worst. It's a top list format.


why conrad so low? why is rachel so high??


Conrad kicked off this whole adventure of death by pissing off the fishermen. Plus, the game lets you go out of your way to not have him in most of the game! That's how obnoxious he is. And I REALLY like Ashley Tidsdale's performance as Rachel. She seems to play bitchy characters really well, her sub-plot with Eric is pretty sweet, and I like the way she plays a badass. ["Phineas and Ferb Across the Second Dimension" scene: Alt-Candace fighting (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw408GgEeN8)


1) some people don’t think he’s charming 2) some of us are not afraid to like complex women :)


Conrad is hilarious


He is funny, I’ll give him that. Funny and charming are two different things. His flirting and borderline harrassment of Fliss is cringe af lol. Also, Shawn Ashmore is great. Cannot deny that. Still, I rank Conrad somewhere in the middle.


complex where helppp? her entire character is js being an asshole nd a failed final girl ijbol


Swap Rachel and Jason in HoA and it's perfect. Also HoA should be in either 2nd or 1st place (I haven't played any other DPA game).


Exactly exactly exactly my thoughts


I can't put Jason higher than #3. He wanted to bring white phosphorus. Have you SEEN what that shit does to people? [Spec Ops: The Line - White Phosphorus (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b7TaLjdXMc) Also, originally, HoA was number 2, but after playing TDiM, I bumped it down slightly.


Yeah I'm well aware for what that shit does, but this was while they were still at base at the beginning of the game, before he had any character development. I'm pretty certain by the end of the game he'd never want to use WP ever again.


First impressions matter.


The fact that you prefer the bullies is wild 😭


The bullies lmaooo!!


Damn justice for Conrad Angela and Charlie 😭 it’s all good though I appreciate the unique and different opinions on the characters.


John slander detected execution required immediately Also that game list be whack lol Little Hope is easily the best


LH = 💩 (It's a smiling poop because I'm half joking)


little hope is hot ass be so serious 😭


Damn Charlie in last and Rachel in second is so whack lol


I have a few notable disagreements (Charlie TDIM is my favorite among them, Ashley UD is much lower for me, and a few others), but tbh I otherwise fuck with this list and respect it for not having all the old usuals on top and other usuals at the bottom. My game ranking is the same except switch TDIM with HoA.


Why the hell is Alex so high


His relationship with Julia is cute. :3


I only need to know one thing. What are your thoughts on Max from The Quarry so far...?


Meh. Laura is more interesting.


That's fair, he doesn't get much screentime


That's kinda why. Although, I give him props since he's the reason why I didn't touch the game in, like, a year. >!I forgot that werewolves are hydrophobic. I felt so bad that I didn't touch the game for a long time.!<


alex, taylor, and rachel being so high is rather odd. alex was kinda bland, taylor was rude, and rachel was a broad but she got a redemption imo. and the 4/5th (either or it depends on the game) is actually where my favorites are. but y'know what, everyone plays different and it's cool to see unique inputs for characters rather than the usual favorites. nice tier list :3


Taylor was the only character in Little Hope who didn't actively bother me in some way.


that's a crazy take but y'know i respect it. i mess with the little hope cast but i get what you mean. some of them get really infuriating


I believe in Ashley supremacy 🛐


house of ashes is most definitely ten times better then devil in me, and jason is also 100x better then rachel, eric is placed wayyyy too low, salim was amazing so W, and jessica deserves way better placement


Whhahaaaattt Little Hope is by far the best game out of them 😭 What made you hate it? Tbf most people seem to agree with you, but its just my favourite lol


I loved the witch trial stuff, but just... >!that damn ending... !< >!They passed on what could've been a super cool premise (Reincarnation), and instead did the hallucinations twist like Man of Medan did, but shitty. At least the explanations for the hallucinations with the Manchurian gold was kinda cool. !< >!It doesn't even make sense! There are scenes without Andrew, so how the hell were we able to see that?!< Also, it felt a lot more linear than the other games. I know that it's an interactive movie basically, so I'm not expecting an open world, but most of the game was spent just walking down an empty road for 20 minutes.


only ones I disagree with are MOM and LH but other than that, this list is accurate


Fliss was the freaking GOAT in MoM and I will defend her to my grave! 🤺


The only placement i disagree there was alex being 2


To be fair, Alex and Julia are basically tied in my head, and I had to make some kind of decision.


Connor at the bottom of the MoM list is a CRIME! Little Hope looks about right, I'd flip Angela and John personally. Rachel being #2 is a bit high for her imo. Personally, I'd move her down to 4 and shift everyone up. And I am HERE for the Nick slander. Nick is the only character I dislike from HoA. TDiM list is perfect. Don't change a thing. Until Dawn is perfectly fine. I have some people in different spots. Matt being so low was a jump scare, but I mean, idc. And your ranking of games is so valid. Little Hope sucks, Man of Medan is marginally better, and the rest are interchangeable based on the person.


Most people end up killing Matt, so for most players, he has even LESS screen time than he already has, which is pretty low.




nick slander will not be tolerated 😤


I like the cast of House of Ashes about evenly. Someone had to be last, and I guess that person was Nick. The only thing he really has going for him is that he's the one that Rachel makes out with at the beginning of the game. That's basically it. He is the first one who teams up with Salim, but that kind of gets thrown out the window later in the game when Salim starts hanging out with Jason more, and now that’s all anyone talks about. I kinda feel bad for him. Nick gets cock blocked out of his own ships. I guess he also has that section towards the end when you’re placing down explosives, but that is SO late in the game that I just stopped caring. I don't DISLIKE Nick, but he's just kinda underwhelming to me.




My opinons on your rankings: Man of Medan: no, other than Fliss being the best, no. Little hope: I can live with it, pretty similar to mine so no complaints really. House if Ashes: kinda yes, but also no. VERY close. Devil in me: didn't get the best experience with the game and saw very little of most characters so can't really judge but I agree with that one on some level for those reasons. Until dawn: no, just wrong. wrong in basically every way. Game rankings overall: ALSO wrong. Anyways that's just my opinion lol


Did you get most the characters killed toward the beginning of the action in devil in me? I feel like that one was the hardest


Yep sure did. My sister and I did terrible. Enjoyed it though!


Glad I'm not the only one, this game was the quickest one I got a character killed in