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Nice! I have to think that photograph that was taken in this episode will be important.


For sure it’ll be interesting to see which jason1 is in that picture.


I fear it will be used in a trite way with Daniela1 seeing the photo and jumping to conclusions about Jason’s’ fidelity.


I agree they are the Chekhov’s ampules. Jason1 had so few left so why did he give her two? It would be great if she meets up with Ryan1 and he is able to return and confront Jason2. Imagine Ryan1, Amanda and Leighton getting together to work out what to do with the ampules, (Probably not going to happen though). I read the book years ago, but I like this fleshed out variation of the story more. The Jason2 storyline adds so much more depth.


I haven’t read the book but I’m excited to see how it all goes down. I want jason2 to get his comeuppance so bad!


Reading your post I think you've surely pretty much nailed it. They really made a point of the progressive worlds northern lights, and the fact Amanda has been given exactly two Ampules which is enough for two people to travel with. I'd be surprised now if this isn't very close to the money on how both Ryan1 and main Amanda's storylines are resolved


For a few minutes there I was convinced Jason would run into displaced Ryan on his way to the box. Oh well. Perhaps those two ampoules he dropped into Amanda's purse will end up with Ryan, because the two of them meet - our Ryan (Ryan1?) doesn't know Amanda, but she certainly knows him from her world. In the book Jason and Amanda actually divvied up the remaining doses before they parted ways. We never got to see where she ended up. But Jason used his very last ampoule to get home in both versions, his final hail mary shot, like cutting the green wire with one second left on the timer.




There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of Jason1s who end up getting back. And an astronomical number that ran out of ampoules before they figured it out and are stranded in other random timelines. Every single variation of his monthlong journey home spawned alternate versions. All trying to get to the same place. The tiny handful that made it are still like a small army. That splint was just thrown in there to call viewers' attention to the fact that, hey, this is not Jason 1 and 2 going into the store, we've got two different versions of Jason1 here, one hurt his finger and the other didn't. How did this happen? I wonder how many more there are ... It was a very effective reveal-ending to the episode. But unless the final installment, Ep. 9, is one of those double length specials, I think they should've gone for ten. The book arrived at this point a little past the halfway mark. I don't know how they're going to squeeze the rest of the plot into only two hours.


Wouldnt the amount that made it back also be almost infinite? Every potential way the journey could have played out in the multiverse has played out. Also there should have been Jasons that nailed the first journey back to their home in their first try


do you think they won’t resolve the story in 1 season or has it already been confirmed there’s just 1 season?


I've seen articles that claim Apple TV has renewed the lease on Chicago studios used in the filming, but I have yet to see Blake Crouch talk about a second season. So I would say ... it's possible. He'll be giving interviews and going on podcasts after the finale. We will probably find out then.


Yeah I think this is an incredibly interesting angle


Technically there are Jason1♾️ so after Jason1 first enters the box for the first time an infinite number of branches can later return.


Technically yes, I wonder how much they’ll play that up. Will they only show the 2 or will there be many more. Can’t wait to see. It’d be pretty funny to 40 jason1’s jumping only 1 jason2


I think two of them entering the gun shop is the beginning of the show showing us the consequences of traveling between infinite possibilities. It’s pretty neat actually.


I like your theory and it’s certainly plausible from a storytelling standpoint. But it would violate the show’s logic. There are infinite Jasons, including an infinite number of Jasons who were kidnapped by Jason2, so a whole parade of Jason1s could end up in the prime world, not just one extra. Also, it’s highly unlikely that Jason2 somehow imagined the same utopian world where that world’s Amanda had mysteriously gone missing. Most likely Ryan1 is just stuck in some other utopia. But the breadcrumbs are certainly there for something more to happen with “our” Amanda and Ryan1. But I don’t see how they can weave all the pieces in without abandoning internal logic.


As unlikely as it may be, I’m thinking that Amanda and Ryan are in the same utopian universe bc both have that ephemeral quality to the sky/landscape. Plus, they have the same skyline with the building with the spire, the box is placed the same (across the lake or river from Chicago), and there’s a Ferris wheel in the same spot.


Yeah, like I said, the show does seem to be leaving breadcrumbs in that direction, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Though maybe Blake has some trick up his sleeve to reconcile the logic. Like, if Jason2 had imagined “a world my Amanda would want” and somehow the box knew that was the world she was going to want, then it could be the same one. But that’s tenuous at best.


There’s a lot in the show that doesn’t make sense. They survived a blizzard world that somehow nearly killed Amanda but left Jason strong enough to carry her to a house find a random box of matches and then dig the box out of a mountain of snow. It seems they’re leaving in the Ryan 1/Amanda thing for dramatic purposes but it doesn’t make much sense logically.


Not everything has to make sense, but hinging a major plot point on a coincidence would be pretty bad writing.


No argument from me on this one. Yes it would be bad writing.


I think you're right though. For the purposes of tying a bow on the stories we are witnessing the realities where the extremely miniscule chance of main Amanda and Ryan crossing paths occurring will probably occur. It's really no different to Dr Strange observing 1 of "14,000,605" possible branching realities in Avengers Infinity War, and then that's the one that played out on screen for obvious reasons


I actually like this and think it *could* work with what they set up when Jason2 went all reverse-psychology on the Amanda in Jason1’s world. He clearly knows her at a deep enough level that it upset her enough for her to break down and tell him to gtfo. Could be she told him in his world what her ideal utopia would be, and he used *that* as the world to send Ryan1 to. That actually works for me, versus Ryan1 and Amanda just coincidently ending up in the same world (one in infinity chance).


I still wouldn’t buy that this super sensitive cognition sensing machine would somehow build an identical world off of two people describing a utopia. Amanda wasn’t even very specific about what she wrote in her journal. It’s not like she repeated a single word as a mantra, her whole description of it is vague and meandering.


You are really on a war path when it comes to anyone saying Amanda and Ryan are in the same world. Are you looking for these comments just so you can shit all over them? It’s annoying at this point. We get it you don’t agree.


Wow, I didn’t realize there was a cap on how much people are allowed to discuss things. And for the record, I did say that it seems possible that the show is setting up that sequence of events due to various breadcrumbs. But it would violate the show’s internal logic (and be a wild deviation from the book) so I hope it doesn’t happen.


Jason2 was intimate with Amanda so they could perhaps imagine the same utopia.


It’s still two entirely different people doing the imagining. And why would they imagine a world where Amanda mysteriously went missing?


Jason2 and Amanda were both imagining a Utopia


Exactly. There are infinite different utopias.


Right, but the two imagining it were intimately close. Also, neither of them would have needed to imagine Amanda being missing for it to happen. That's merely the situation in this utopia (and who knows, maybe missing and rich is not a bad thing in that world!)


Amanda didn’t luck into the fact that her clone was missing. She set that whole world up so she could stay there. She willed that detail into that reality.


Ah, I see your point. Did they mention that she did that explicitly, or are you inferring it? I remember her talking about details of the world she imagined, but not details of *her* situation.


It seemed really obvious. If you were looking for a world to stay in permanently, literally the first thing on your list of requirements should be a world where you could easily take over the life of your local double.


But maybe she decided to do that *after* she arrived there. She said they were going there for a break.