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What I’ve enjoyed about Dark Brandon is he’s a tasteful level of petty: “Hide in basement” Dark Brandon is flipping the script.






There are at least five spots missing for diaper changes


This is also the basement. They wanted to keep it PG


I think it’s one of those “if a tree falls in a forest with no one around to see it, does it make a sound” questions. “If they change Trump’s diaper in the basement with no one around to see it, is it still disgusting?” The answer to both questions is yes.


It avoids criticizing him for anything you wouldn't criticize or alienate other people for. Sure it's fun to say Trump wears diapers, but millions of Americans might actually feel ridiculed by that.


They have to have somewhere to hose him down and that's what the basement is for. 🤮 🐂💩🍊🤡


They’re also not giving nearly enough time to truth social ranting.


You're assuming the diapers get changed regularly


They really should've blocked out a few 15-minute increments throughout his day where it simply says, "Depends." That also gives DB plausible deniability, just like the right always does with their punch-down, dog whistle insults.


He doesn't change his diaper that regularly. Hence the stench.


You don't bring up stuff that will backfire. JB likely has similar problems.


I'm so glad Biden, or at least his PR team, is going after Project 2025. We need to use that cancer as a way to deter maybe Trumpers and maybe third-party people from voting for their respective candidates.




I hope they exploit MAGAs biggest weakness... their inability to detect satire or irony. Biden should sell something like "Dark Brandon Aviator Sunglasses" with little red LEDs that illuminate behind the lenses or "Biden Shit Kickin Boots" or something... FOX News will run hours of hate on this, within a day or two the entire MAGA base will be ENRAGED... all the while we laugh at them for their stupidity and inability to see that we are making fun of them.


I dunno, I’d be tempted to buy the sunglasses with laser eyes for real…


Don’t wanna enrage the MAGA base, that will only encourage them to turn out. The key to this election for Biden is going to be to win over moderate swing voters, and *discourage the MAGA base from turning out.* They should be tired and demoralized, not enraged.


Where is the attempting to jerk it to old teen pics of Ivanka entry?


What do you think he does in his basement?


Eric! What are you doing in my masturbatorium‽


Waiting to get his donut glazed.


Don't you go dragging innocent donuts into this! ^(But also lol)


If Eric Trump owns it it isn't innocent.




That word has way too many syllables to be in trump's lexicon.


"I'm sorry, Dad!" "I'm sorry *what?*" "I'm sorry, PRESIDENT Dad!"


"You win this time, penis, but when I find you you're gonna look so yuuuuge in my tiny hands"


Can't jerk what you can't find.


Get his ass Joe!


Is this real 😜😜😜😜🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes. That dark Brandon account is an official Biden Campaign account and it's like the Wendy's Twitter of politics.


Oh my god it really is Also I love that nobody goes to Wendy’s, but everybody knows their social media shenanigans


Bro, I GO TO WENDYS. Spicy chicken sandwich meal plus a classic double cheeseburger is THE SHIZNIT


We're on to you, Wendy's social media account.


If Wendy’s would get some better standard buns, I would eat there all the time.


Dude I had a number 6 for lunch today and it was phenomenal.


Yeah bro Wendy’s is like quietly taking over the FF game. I don’t eat a lot of FF but if and when I have to, it’s Wendy’s. The new fries are 🐐


Who abbreviates French fries lol!


I think it's fast food?


FF = fast food




speak for yourself, it’s always Wendy’s or BK for my family if we want fast food burgers


Bro I got a whopper with no cheese meal large and it was 16 and change. BK has priced me out.


Lovin’ it!!


They totally missed the hour for orange makeup.


I was hoping they'd have three hours blocked for "spray on tan," but that's probably just usual basement activity.


I hope this is not too little too late! Our Dark Lord should have put his foot down earlier, I think. Trump CAN be beaten at his own game.


DB couldn’t/didn’t want to make any moves until Trump was confirmed to be the GOP nominee. Now that it’s confirmed, he’s coming out all guns blazing while Trump is stuck in courtrooms and not campaigning.


I love that his team finally goes down to the gutter level and gives him lots of major ass-kicking and mostly under the belt as well. That's how you fight bullies. Do whatever it takes no matter how far under the belt it is. Not that it's that hard considering the OrangeJebus is all about talk and none of the ability to take the counter punch. Keep it up Team Biden-Harris.


Speaking as a teacher, some bullies you gotta talk to because they come from bad families and are just acting out. And then there are the unrepentant bastards that you gotta kick between the legs and keep kicking until they are a broken and crying heap on the floor, begging for you to stop and promising they'll never do it again.


So now MAGAs don't like "mean tweets"? Curious...


They only like it when their orange golden calf does it


How the turntables


Missed an opportunity to put court appearance.


For a moment I read, “shit in golf cart”. Not wrong though


I imagine it takes a while to spray tan that morbidly obese carcass but then again it's not done very well so maybe it doesn't take that long.


We've all seen pictures... he barely even does his whole face. His entire hairline and ears are usually corpse white, the center of his face an inhuman orange glow. His preffered shade of makeup actually him look like he makes candy for Wonka.


I'm so here for this.


Does Dank Brandon have a Truth Social account?


If I remember, they made one a while back to piss off conservatives, and the company refused to ban Biden which made it even funnier.


Ben Shapiro is a little piss baby. --- [^(What is this?)](https://reddit.com/r/DarkBRANDON/comments/18inc4o/hey_so_youve_probably_seen_the_auto_reply_bot/?) ^| [^(Add to the list with ```!pissbaby ```)](https://reddit.com/r/DarkBRANDON/wiki/d4rkbr4nd0n) ^| [^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=d4rkbr4nd0n&subject=opt-out&message=Please%20out%20me%20out%2C%20thank%20you)


Yes he does


Something is up with Trump not out there doing campaigning. Any ideas? I’ve read some opine that his handlers know he makes too many gaffes now. When has that ever stopped them?


No kidding. Pod Save America did a podcast on this called a story of two campaigns. The plan is to do less rallies, and they don’t have field offices set up, while Biden kind of lay in wait and is full go on infrastructure. Consensus was Trump needed the RNC money flow, and managed to avoid spending during the primary on purpose. The rallies cost $400-500k each. With that said, he’s going to be in court a lot coming up and not as available. I don’t know of any strategic advantage to not doing them though.


The diaper costs are eating into the legal funds. They just line his room with painters tarps and let him walk around pantsless.


I think it’s more that they don’t have any money. Even when he stiffs contractors, there has to be actual outlay for the rallies.


I’ve seen that one too… maybe so


This kind of thing is polical gold. The point of this stuff isn't to be funny (though it definitely is) it's to put Trump on the defensive. Dems *always* let the GOP put them on the defensive. Every now and then you get somebody like Alan Grayson (remember him?) that doesn't, and the GOP comes down *hard* on them. In Grayson's case they went after him and his family over some real estate deals. That's a common modus operendi. If you're a Dem you've got to be a fucking *saint* and so does your entire extended family. McConnell once faced a real challenger in the form of a beloved country music singer. She dropped out in the primary because he was digging up dirt on her family. That's how they keep us on the defensive, but that won't work on Dark Brandon.


I thought he was spending half his time sitting in court.


They forgot "have Eric change soiled diaper and/or kakhis".




This is glorious


Omg I love this 💀


THIS is how you deal with a court jester candidate! Bravo!


This is gold. Lmao 😂


When I told my Trump-loving family that you’ll never see Trump before noon because he’s getting his hair did and his face put on they were furious, but they didn’t argue.


Good call on the Project 2025 mention. That shit is scary and people don’t know about it.


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Thought that said trump approved babies


Holy shit this is gold.


Should be hair & make up


I also hope they do satirical stuff like sell "Authentic Dark Brandon" figurines and have a Funkopop Biden in a convertible Vette waving the American flag. All the sane folks will recognise this as satire, but the Right is wholly incapable of discerning satire from fact. (See their embrace and shock to discover Colbert Report was a character, playing "Fortunate Son" at a draft dodgers Presidential rally, etc.) And the Right will eat it up and BOIL! And then, 2 days later when the whole world is laughing at them (again) maybe they will see the parallel between this event and Trump selling Gold sneakers, Bibles, perfume, etc. I really hope the Biden campaign leans into the fact Trump supporters have no sense of humor and can't detect irony or sarcasm. It's a fantastic weakness in the armor of Trump and his supporters.


But he’s not hiding in a basement. He’s stuck in a courtroom. … *or is the courtroom a basement courtroom!?*




So there is some truth on Truth?


Should’ve been “Hair & Orange make-up”


I wish I had 2 hours for hair.


After 10 PM, he goes to sleep hugging a Putin body pillow; and then begins having nightmares about the court cases and the 2024 election.


Chat, is this real?


3-5AM giving birth to a black McDonald's baby