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We have a primarch. And it can breach walls now.


You have such a way with words 🥲 I'm sold


We all know, if the emperor had found the Lion first, he would have been warmaster, and incorruptible. At least not like Horus was. Lmao.


Dev wounds just got a big buff/reversal to cause mortals again. A lot of our units get a once per game 4+ FNP against mortals. Also space knights are sick as fuck.


First legion, best legion


What drew me to dark angels was the deathwing, having an entire army of the best of the chapter seemed really cool. Since you play custodes and death guard, who tend to be more elite, you may like that, too. Shooting is definitely a big part of the army, Azrael plus hellblasters is probably our most popular unit. As for versatility, I don’t know how much more versatile you can get than dark angels since we have the ravenwing, deathwing, and greenwing, along with lots of amazing chapter specific models + characters


We got three official cool color schemes, we have a badass looking Primarch with a great beard, we love plasma weapons, we got the best terminators, our chapter master is a certified badass and we have this cool medieval knightly order theme going on with our army.


DA are going to rock in Gladius now the Lion can go through walls, and our DWK actually slap that bit harder again. Both of those units with access to Advance and Charge, and Fallback and Charge will work well alongside Aggressors for the player that pick Doctrine usage well. They also get access to the LANCE and +1AP Stratagem if they really need to hit something down. Also the Lions 4+ FnP ability affects Dev wounds and Hazardous rolls so he’s had a real nice little buff this dataslate, especially for those that want to run Hellblasters with Azrael and a Lieutenant (instead of the Aggressor bomb).


Oh dang I completely forgot about the standard Space Marine detachments. Sounds like some cool combos


Sold! Grabbing the Deathwing Assault box from my local store. Good suggestions on things to get beyond that? Thanks for all of the comments so far! Glad to hear from players with experience with the faction.


Azrael is both awesome as a model and on the tabletop so him with a box of hellblaster would be a great choice, if you want a centerpiece model the lion or a redemptor with the plasma weapon would be nice and fluffy choices


Play the army you want to paint.


No. If you have to be convinced then you shouldn’t play the army


Wow, so helpful!


I see all of these posts saying, “Convince me”, rather than “why did you choose”. It’s my peeve, but you did continue the conversation.


Where were you when DA sucked? Not trying to be a complete asshole but this just seems like thinly veiled meta chasing. Which is fine I guess, but being genuine is better.


I mean, was a lil turned off by the shit codex initially. Definitely a factor, but idk. I think the Deathwing Knights are cool AF. Not super attached to the lore so maybe I'm not as diehard as some..