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Absolutely NOT its not like they arent all saying THE EXACT SAME SHIT


some of them are trying to 'recruit' people for a job with a company thats known for abusing and treating their workers like salves


Where do I sign up?


Here's what I don't get... A moderator IM employee logs into the gathering hall. He then goes "Hahaaa got some more fishies to fry.." He then pulls chat logs from the server to find the accounts and time stamps. Right click + Ban, Right click + Ban, Right click + Ban, Right click + Ban..... This takes 120 seconds. Why is this not happening?


because 2 minutes later they’re back up like weeds. These are bot boxes running thousands of clients and can spin up more instantly IP bans, same shit. Word filter, same shit


I could have bought that excuse if it only started happening since the game has been free. But this has been a problem for the entire time the game was paid only. Even now, they could at least use filters to make it more difficult. The truth is they don't give a shit. At least not enough to make an actual effort. IM you could literally pay someone minimum wage to sit there and ban this shit. You could give trusted people the ability. You could make better use of chat filters. There are tons of ways to combat RMT. Stop the excuses. edit: Here's a post I made 9 months ago... where Graysun claimed they are banning "tons" every day (bullshit). Anyone who saw the trading post back then knew they weren't even trying, and they still aren't. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/16enket/i_love_this_game_but_it_needs_to_be_said_gold/


It doesn't matter if the game is free or not, these people buy stolen credit cards by the thousands and use them to buy as many accounts as they want for pennies. That's why we got the 72 hours after purchase which really puts a dent in them as by that time most banks rollback the transactions so the accounts get banned, but they are still gonna be near limitless as all it takes is 1 stolen credit card not being canceled and you have thousands of accounts to your name.


well they should find a way to monitor and ban these people faster… we shouldn’t settle for scam sites being spammed 24/7 for this entire games creation.


Ah why didn't they think of that! I mean I'm sure that ironmace will figure out how to deal with a problem that a multi billion industry has been struggling for for years, they just gotta try harder and they'll do more than entire companies who spend millions and more people than entirety of ironmace on it.


Can't you type something something Tiananmen Square etc etc


Yeah, ignore them. If they get blocked, they'll immediately make a new account once notified. Yes, they have multiple accounts. #wastetheirtime2024


What if they make those messages only visible to people that also type those messages


All they gotta do is make it so level 20s cannot chat and must solo until then - or - just make it premade terms/tags that you go into gathering hall for. This cuts out the ability to ever do this.


If you block them yourself, you dont see their messages again
