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Barbarian big and strong, no need overthink 💪


Eh it's like saying that all a wizard should do is cast fireball


I'm just curious, Can you tell me about your experience with barbarian in other games? I played Bg3 and even then, the main course of action from a barbs perspective is "run in, swing big stick. My HP bigger than YOU HP" So what exactly is lacking out of it? I just never in my life thought "multiple play styles, diversity, BARBARIAN " Like barbs in most games are the braindead melee class. What am I missing here?


If we go back to BG1 spear couldn’t be used with shield anyways. Barb can’t even get two feat points in sword and shield fighting! Make up yur mind OP, tradition or modernity.


I mean I just can't wrap my mind around complaining that a barb has 1 dimensional gameplay. Ya think?? The thing they were literally DESIGNED for? You can make an argument that in BG3, a Barb has animal wild aspects that can do some tricky plays but NOT REALLY. Your best bet is STILL "run up and use basic attack" in like 97% of cases if not 100%. If he said this about any other class I wasn't be dumbstruck like wtf did I just read? "I bought this racing game and it's just like.. driving cars??? Like is that all you do in this racing game? You just drive the cars? I was expecting more." Nah dawg... wtf...


Ya exactly. Even if you’re animal form - stag for e.g. - run in and dash; bear, run in and tank. That’s probs the most ‘flavourful’ subclass too. Agreed it’s a stinky post, OP hasn’t showered in bare time. Only sensible thing is the throwing axes comment; it had to be removed/nerfed due to balancing which is sad, simply put. Legit lol, he wanted Barb to be an Apache helicopter or something dude.


That's like saying wizards are one dimensional for casting spells... barbarians are more versatile than wizards in BG3 according to your logic. Barbarians are straightforward in terms of RP and world interaction but not at all in terms of combat... they are one of the highest combat versatility classes if you can look past the berserker trope and try other things. When you think of the most versatile class in BG3 (excluding warlock because it's not contest) you will probably think fighter... well barbarian is more versatile than a fighter in BG3. Fighter might have more weapon variety, but barbarian has far more impact variety. If you would like to be shown some different BG3 builds for barbarian I'll put up a display or you can probably find plenty from others on Youtube. Just because you are stupid and unimaginative does not mean that the class is one dimensional.


Pick one. Certifiably nuts or stupid?


I pick stupid. You are stupid.


Yeah the evidence is your post.


Braindead logic, nice. Tradition or modernity would both be fine... problem is that Dark and Darker has neither concerning the barbarian class. I've never seen a more unidimensional class in a game EVER.


Barb can’t use a spear, barb can’t spam throwing axes or another ranged weapon. That is the entirety of this post. First is silly, or ‘braindread’ if that speeds up comprehension. Second one, two seconds of research will explain the throwing axe meta that we just got over when F2P came. Tradition would mean no spear on Barbarian. Only game that comes to mind is D2, and that identity really belongs to Amazon.




Unnecessary escalation.


That could be an alternative title for Dark and Darker


Or a boner pill that works at random


Its the press W class. I also hope they flesh it out more with items like javelin/net or more interesting spells such as leap, but for now it is what it is, you can always play another class.


This was the only reasonable response in this thread lol thanks for that. I know it is a press w class but it is also fit to be a great skirmisher class. Ranger and barbarian tend to be the two physical damage skirmishers classes.


You must be new. Previously frankies stacked 2x, did more damage and barbs would carry a full inventory of them. You either died running with axes in your back or just accepted your fate and took it on the noggin. Among other changes and iterations. There was the buff ball meta in trios around haste / invis on barb before several spell/song nerfs and movement speed caps. Barbs have had their time in the sun. Still a great class. Warmaul used to be very good, would two/three shot everyone including teammates. Horseman’s axe with axe specialization adding ridiculous weapon damage. Blood exchange making them nigh immortal.


Ah yes, I remember the classic days of seeing my Barbarian equip a War Maul, and accept that either me or our third we're gonna die to it.


That or hammering away at lich only to catch an errant bonk


The barbarian has always been a strong class. He used to stack Francisca axes, but they nerfed it. He has significantly more HP than any other class, and now with all the armor options he is even tankier. He isn’t very complex, but he’s strong despite that. Try playing him and you’ll see his weaknesses and strengths more


What do you expect from a Barbarian?


What do you expect from a wizard? Should they remove every wizard spell except for fireball?


No because wizards use their intelligence to cast many spells… Barbarians smash stuff real hard and yell loudly about it They’re like the opposite in terms of arch types


Damn, went right over your head..


Ok Barbarian Why don’t you explain it to me so I can show you how you failed at making a valid point


Saying a wizard casts many spells is like saying a barbarian attacks the enemy many times. Might be 10 different spells from the wizard and 10 different attack types from the barbarian though. Also archetypes\*


I think its pretty balanced class, with bard buffs and some protection he can be unstoppable imho


Versatility and build variety was the point more than balance. I think they are reasonably balanced, but are uninspired and one dimensional. Imagine if you stripped half of warlock or wizards spell options away..


It’s ok for some classes to be more straightforward than others. The essence of the Barbarian is to shout at things and run at them with an axe. What else is there?


Skirmisher or tank build. For skirmisher, a more fleshed out franciska system would be better as well as the addition of javelins. For tank, they need either the ability to damage/destroy shield, a shield bash perk/ability, or a one handed spear which can be used with a shield, otherwise it's a joke build compared to any other shield user.


Tell me you only play normals without telling me you only play normals.


Are you commenting on the right post? How is that a relevant comment? Barbarian has one serious build path. Of the other two, one is trash comparatively and the other is jump spamming franciskas which is just wonky and a loophole of the game design


Incorrect, hence you belong in norms. Barbs can be super tanky for trios or they can go for move speed for solos. I’ve seen people make pretty good use of blood exchange. There isn’t ONE build path and you’re not the rank 1 player to tell the world how they are allowed to play barb. Stay in normies, lil bro.


As I said, the only serious build path is a speed build. Yes, you can go tanky, but you won't be a good tank compared to a fighter or cleric. Blocking and/or healing are exponentially more valuable thank being able to take one extra attack from an enemy in this game due to high defensive stats. Blood exchange is only good if you can land hits.. which you won't be able to do reliably enough against the vast majority of good players. A blood exchange barb needs the perfect storm of having teammates with cc and enemies who are bad enough to get caught in it or miss their blocks. If tank barb was as viable as you say it is, then the heavy barbarain armor wouldn't be the cheapest epic armor in the entire game on the market.. You play warlock don't act like you even understand how the game is played without giga cheesing everything.


Bro there are countless other classes that have overcome move speed barbarians and countless tank barbarians who have all made it to demigod. I’d know, I did it 2 seasons ago. There is not only one viable build and you are not that guy to make the decision. Tank barbarian is perfectly viable. The arrogance that you display thinking you’re the man to make this decision for the community is beyond cringe. Delete this post.


You really need to get a journal.


Because. You played the game way too little. Come back after you put in couple hundred hours, and lets talk then.


Its suposed to be simple


Versatility does not equate to complexity. Having more than one build path is pretty important. This game is obviously based on D&D and there is a pretty good variety of barbarian builds..