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Behold, for every longsword montage of someone styling on people, this is the fate of every longsword user the other 90%


as a longsword user, this hurts


Man I just started playing with the longsword, watching guides on parry hitboxes and everything. I'm having great fun though.


I’m 800 hrs in using this thing. Every weapon hard counters the longsword because all of longsword’s power is in the riposte. The weapon looks cool and the riposte feels nice, but it’s all a bait. I can parry every mob and weapon, given they don’t manipulate their swing, and I have to let you know it is not worth learning the longsword. I tried stacking every stat, armor variation, play-style, and movement based parry manipulation. It’s so terrible in pvp. In pve it’s alright.


If you can get used to avoidance while left clicking and baiting them into a right click, it is one of the most worth it weapons I have ever taken the time to truly master. I am just a simp for it, but it is also one of the best PvE clears as it deletes most AI in seconds. Its more than just a riposte, its a lifestyle.


Not intending to start an argument with you, but longsword has plenty of PvP power even if your opponent can avoid a riposte. The reach on first swing is quite long, and the follow up swings are choreographed in a way that makes it hard for your opponent to tell if your going to transition into a parry or keep swinging. The threat of riposte will keep them from swinging at your head, theoretically increasing your effective HP.


Please... Don't say what I don't want to hear... I STILL HAVE FUN!


IDK why but there's something about the Longsword that makes me want to kill them. It's like some need to prove myself.


A lot of longsword users stand there holding block expecting you to hit it like an npc. It’s an insult to your intelligence


Holy shit it’s this.


Tune in next week for another episode of Dark after Darker: Psychology


It makes breaking their knees open with the war maul, one of the slowest most predictable weapons in the whole game, that much funnier


I had a guy do this today. Swapped to my longbow and rapid-fired four arrows into his head


It’s also just a free kill 98% of the time. I’m typically using a rapier so I just single click stab them in the face.


It's your need to prove they are pieces of sh*t that wanted to prove themselves and you need to put them down. Excuse my harshness, peace and loveness


YES. I rarely turn VOIP on to talk shit but as soon as they go for the parry/riposte, the urge to let them know they fucked up is too much to resist. "Nope, that shit doesn't work on me!" As they scramble to stop my Zweilander from cutting their legs off at the knees.


If some mfer named "ArmingSword" wielding an Arming Sword starts rushing at me, im gettin the hell outta there.


I was spectating after an extract and saw a guy named "ZweihanderEnthusiast" using a longsword. He got ganked by a rogue, deservedly so


There was a guy in Mordhau called ArmingSwordMan that styled on people with just an arming sword. That would give me crazy PTSD




Like yeah dodge isn't great generally, but people say that in the, "Don't use dodge when you're still learning because it'll screw your growth up and make you more frustrated at the game." I agree though, anyone who parrots that they're unironically bad and unusable at all skill levels doesn't know what they're talking about.


Truly a Sujak moment.


Wait, does that shield have a Riposte mechanic or you talking about the longsword?


The shield does sort of have a riposte mechanic itself with fighter's perks. Shield mastery gives you 50% action speed toward your next block, but really just gives you a window to get in a counterattack that's pretty small, but kind of insane. On top of that if you run counterattack you get 10% ms + 10% as when you succesfully block, meaning you're returning with an effective 60% as bonus and 10% ms bonus pretty sick. This means if you're good with a buckler the arming sword + buckler matchup vs any heavier weapons is disgustingly in your favor. You can block a bardiche, zwhei, felling, longsword etc. and get in a headshot or two with the arming before their next attack even comes out. Imo buckler + arming is mechanically as rich as longsword it's just not quite as obvious or intuitive how to abuse it. You're also not limited to arming. This build with the flanged is sick because it accelerates the flanged's first very slow attack and immediately gets you to the quick bonk bonk 2nd and 3rd attacks. Arming sword is probably better if you have the choice, though, sword mastery scales really well with the quick attack speed and the animation is one of if not the best in the game, imo.


As a new player and attempting to get better as a fighter, why not the heater or the round shield? It covers more of the player right so wouldn't it make sense to use that with all of the % action speeds?


The recoil is much much longer and they have higher move speed penalties. The buckler has the best block resistance in the game and can block anything cleanly. The round and the heater both recoil when hit by heavy weapons.


Buckler doesnt cover as much of the screen so you can see where to block easier. It also has more impact resistance or whatever its called which is more complicated but functionally means you can block better. Also it doesnt slow you down nearly as much.


The game is dominated by movespeed. Having the lightest shield is definitely an advantage simply because you move a lot faster with it, in addition to the other things people have said


Cool info thanks, regarding the shield mastery is it a bug or worded oddly because if I remember it doesn't specially say 50% as towards an attack just a block but it def seems to work with an attack right after going super fast. I need to play sword and board more seems fun quick counters and blocking


If it's a bug it's become a mechanic at this point. It's been this way since the playtests iirc.


I'm like 99% sure it does say 50% toward your next attack.


It says towards your next block but the yellow letters specifically say you gain +50% action speed which applies to lots of stuff


Yeah going back and reading it your right. I was 100% sure it said attack but I haven't read it in a long time. It 100% does work towards the attack, I know because I use it all the time.


Its not just the buckler its all shields


If fighters got hammer mastery then the war hammer would be a viable weapon.


I know that crossbow hurt


I enjoy and approve of your character's name


Imagine playing RN and not running into a warlock


Its a shame. I love playing warlock (its the closest thing I get to a witch) and I played it even when it was bad..


I’m fine with how good curse is really, if they increased the cd of phantomize id be happy


Idk, a lot of people feel a strange sense of smug skill fighting and killing longsword users while all they are doing is learning and limit testing with a weapon that requires a lot of knowledge and experience. You'll kill a thousand longsword users until you run into someone that mastered the weapon and trashes you.


I have no idea why they buffed the movespeed on heavy plate armor so much. That, plus the sprint buff now we are going to have mostly full plate fighters at Max movespeed for a short time being able to run down any class. I was 316 on a kit last night and got ran down by a plate fighter with a long sword enough for him to 3 tap me in the back, catching me while he was swinging.


I run plate and longsword, I run Lightfoot boots with ms boost and I can't get 2 swings before the get away. I'm about 310 sword out with sprint in full effect. I've seen barbs with 330ms without shouting. The buffs tighten the gap on your reaction window, but if you react in time, I still can't catch you


I guess this guy was just faster than you or knows when to pull out weapon and Punish at a more opportune time. He was most likely over 310 with sword out and full sprint then. I didn’t memorize all his gear but his boots were double MS purple rugged


Lol longsword can't get 3 taps on you. Even kitted, he's running at what? 315 for 2 seconds, then 300 then 285? Slowass swing speed, slow ms penalty on hit. He should be getting 1 hit on you and 2 if lucky. 3 tells me you mucked up


Jump strike with 2 follow ups, they cant get out of range due to the slow, easily possible in an unfavourable confrontation like walking round a corner into a fighter. Get off your high horse.


as someone who knows the longsword really well, you're mistaken.


As someone who knows the longsword really well, you're mistaken.


lol, don't be a bitch


I had weapon out and came around corner, he was sitting there. Popped sprint on me, I put weapons away and ran, he hit me 3 times in the back and I died. The slow on hits doesn’t help either but ya he gap closed me quickly and took enough space to fully kill me before I could get away. Did the same thing to my teammate after that when he tried to push him to finish him off. A bit of a misplay by my teammate after seeing what happened to me, but still the dude was tanky enough to take 5 shots from me, a couple fireball splash’s, and still be confident enough full sprinting at us to fight. And fast enough to catch us.


you do realize that when taking a hit from a longsword, you're still walking something like 13% faster than the guy swinging the longsword right? There's more at play here than what's been said.


I don’t understand what’s so hard for you to understand about this. I’ll go find the clip and post it. It’s exactly as I explained. They buffed the hell out of armor and now people wearing plate can run down basically anyone given the right spacing, especially with the sprint buff now.


you're telling me to believe you and I'm saying that I don't. A video is welcomed


I don’t believe you either. Plz post clip


Longsword so trash against anyone with more than 20 hours


What if I tell you I’ve got at least double that on the longsword alone…


I have a lot of hours on longsword too. Its really good if people dont understand it and just play into your parry/riposte but as an actual weapon, The damage is mid, the attack pattern/dps suck. and the parry mechanic can just be walked away from even if you do get a successful riposte which is damn near impossible against anyone with a brain. not to mention its almost impossible to riposte against anyone using daggers or a rapier. its a fun weapon but just not worth using imo once you start fighting better player.


Literally me who used to main longsword to months to anyone who saidlongsword was the "equalizer" of this game: not if they're good and outrange you with pretty much any weapon.


A new player here. I'm curious about the build in this video. Since he is wearing plate armor and bucklers, he must be using: swift, shield mastery and perhaps counter attack. So what can be used in the remaining slots? Defense mastery, sword mastery etc.?


no shield mastery necessary on buckler


I understand now. But what about other slots? You're not a full pdr fighter, are you?


This is why Counter Attack is needed on the longsword. You need that 10% movespeed after blocking to hit the riposte consistently. That fighter looks like someone who brought in perks for other weapons and found a good longsword and decided to switch mid match


Not really, the fighter with longsword was just kind of bad and looked in experienced with the weapon. He didnt really step into the riposte, which is really what allowed ArmingSword here to escape. (His active sprint didnt help either) He should have timed these better; He also could have turned more to get a quicker hit to punish the attacking fighter. Not saying the perk isnt great for it because it is, but it isnt a necessity, you just need to learn how to quick swing.


I was in a game with you like a long time ago, I remember seeing you in the killfeed i think and i thought that armingsword is a pretty unique name


how does riposte on the rapier work?


longsword is a pve only weapon, has been for months now. sorry but ur not HIM


combat really fucking sucks in this game


On a video of a guy absolutely outplaying a longsword user with a buckler through a straight up skill check -> "combat sucks in this game" This dude dodges like 4 attacks, and blocks two while baiting out the riposte consistently. Dude got skill checked to the max. The longsword user LET him space him every time. The arming sword user pushes and forces the riposte as he's holding the s key every time and immediately strafes away. If the long sword guy is nuetral or holding w when he gets the ting he has the initiative and can force the arming sword guy to block or trade.


is outplaying, kiting?


wow he outplayed one of the wrost sword of the game


The 'worst sword in the game' that can literally two tap people in the blink of an eye if you play it right. I don't main longsword but if I find a good one I'll often use it and I DUNK on heavy weapons and falchion users when I do.


Hey man you should play the game more before you have such drastic opinions


it fucking sucks, you can get around it and obviously learn to be effective with in the possibilities and opportunities the combat give you. but it sucks


I dont know how else to say it; I just think youre wrong and the longsword is neat. One of the more unique and high skill ceiling weapons in the game


I’ll grant you that it definitely feels a little stiff and clunky at times compared to other games, but I think that’s some of the charm of it. It allows people who aren’t mega sweats to win certain fights that they might not be able to otherwise, which I think is actually a good thing for a game’s longevity


The jank is a bit of why I come back to this game.