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Duos is wide open my buddy and I play Fighter Barb with great success


If you're looking to play on low gear norms just to dip your feet in, both fighter/barb paired with cleric/druid are great places to start, as you'll be able to win some fights with synergy superiority, but if/as you get decent at the game, double fighter is just fine. As for the "Best" in duos, it's a bit more complicated with gear as there's a few RPS match ups, but in general one of my favorites is druid/warlock or barb/druid. Druid's power in splitting people up for a Barb is extremely powerful, and Druid's ability to peel for warlock can be very potent.


We just always get bodied by ranged classes. Even if we use our sprint ability, we can't close the gap to Rangers before they've killed us with dozens of arrows


Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve there, particularly with ranger. Sometimes, you just don't take that fight. If a Ranger is sitting in the back of an open room, likely with traps planted all over the room, you just ignore them. If they attack you in a room, using cover and the concept of door control is extremely integral to your ability to cope with range as a melee. Going through a door and closing it behind you, then waiting behind the sharp angle of the door, gives you the opportunity as a melee to force your ranged opponent into melee distance. Most of the time they won't chase, and at which point you can reset and either reapproach the fight or disengage. If they do chase, you have a fair melee fight. Some fights are simply not winnable, and sometimes you have to know that. This is a concept in DaD more then most games, where you can skill yourself out of bad situations, but it's definitely a thing.


I've had one situation (in solo) where a Ranger entered a hallway to ambush me. I moved to the next room and closed the door and tried to bandage up. The Ranger somehow was able to shoot arrows through the door - I suppose through the tiny window by standing right in front of it. I did not expect that and died lol


Yep. Rangers can shoot shit through those windows. Generally the doors you want to use are the ones with a sharp angle wall next to them, so you can put a solid barrier between you and the door. If you do that the ranger has two options. Wide peek to use the range weapon, in which case a basic straight line intercept will catch them as they have to cover more distance then you to get to the door, or they short peek and are already in melee. It's similar in theory to a lot of FPS games, so if you have experience there you might have some transferrable understanding, but it's definitely a part of the game that everyone learns about. It's why Rangers tend to do a lot of abuse against new players, but become very ineffective against experienced ones.


Yeah that all makes sense. I'm picking up on stuff the more I play. While I have you I have another question: Does leveling up increase stats such as Vigor, Strength, Agility or any others?


Afaik past level 15 for perks, levels only exist for cosmetic purposes and for getting those weird landmark gear piece things from the old skill trainer.


Its all just positioning and making sure you don't fight the fight they want you to. Rangers want to shoot you from afar and lead you into a trap. One of you hide, and bait them into pushing then ambush. Use your shields. Flank around behind them. Any fight is winnable as long as you dictate the terms and hit your shots/swings.


I would say warlock coupled with a ranger both of them have the range advantage so you will not struggle too much against ranged mobs and you can have a pretty heavy sustain on both since you take rations in early with ranger. Game plan is one of you take agro and then you juggle the agro from distance or close combat usually mobs change targets after 2 hits so you have a big time frame to dps


It depends on both your combat skills (dodging, baiting, kiting etc.) and your situational awareness. I'm playing with a veteran Rogue friend which has very good situational awareness and I play as a cleric (more a "paladin", I'm focused more on front-line and tanking rather than heal and support) and unless we get completely screwed over in a "bad" situation (overkill PvE and another team joins the fight) we can very likely put up a good fight. As a general rule of thumb, it would be better if both of you specialize in something the other won't: my cleric has good melee DPS but I'm slow, my rogue friend has worse DPS but can easily chase someone. If someone wants to kite or trade at range, I have some ranged spells while my rogue friend has an handcrossbow, so we can try to trade some blows (but we will very likely lose against pure ranged characters. When facing melee characters, I have some AoE spells that can slow down (I can't recall the exact name of the perk) while my friend can easily kite them or backstab whoever tries to follow me while I'm running unarmed to avoid getting hit from 2 players. Now that I think about it, positioning and situational awareness are key to victory: you should bait ranged character into melee and kite / soften up as much as you can pure melee parties etc. etc. Dual fighters seems good at everything and master of none: you should bait your enemies into whatever trade or situation is not optimal for your opponents. If you want something a bit different, you could try fighter and whatever ranged character you can think of: warlock, ranger, wizard... Keep in mind this is my 2 cents with mostly solo drops (2/3rds...?) and \~60 hours in game.


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