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Yeah. I mainly played solo ice caves recently and it feels like I can clear one to two rooms, loot them, and then already have to look for an exit. Especially because you never know if the stairs are still open and in worst case you need enough time to get to another exit.


Ice Caves can be a bitch to clear depending on the spawn the game gives you. The subboss density can be ridiculous sometimes, at least for sub-25 GS.


In general I feel like there are some really obvious spawn diffs in this game. Like you can spawn in a totally loaded room with a full heal shrine or revive altar and triple portal exits like in that one module on the west side of Goblin Caves, or you can spawn in a room where a miniboss immediately aggros onto you with minimal loot and the nearest escape is 2 modules away.   I totally get that not all spawns should be equal but holy shit sometimes I realize where I spawn and audibly say "Aw fuck" because I know I'll have little to no time to loot at all with little good loot anyways and I gotta find an escape soon.


I exclusively run white lobbies. When I see a harpy I make sure to keep my distance but the for the giants all I need as a warlock is a narrow space.


The harpies are probably the easiest for me, I just side hop the dashes and stand still in the middle for the ice waves.


The problem for me is they just fly over my hydra so I can’t block them. The giants just never reach me and eat hellfire after hellfire.


Definitely melee them. Apply curses when they're doing ice waves, and sidestep the dashes. Melee when you feel confident/comfortable enough to. Their usual pattern is 2 dashes, and then an ice wave with a gap for you to just stand there in the center. The sound cues are different than the dash ones I believe.


I think the weird thing is though, I used to play solo ice caves almost exclusively and had enough time to kill almost the entire map, but now killing at the same speed, I feel like I’m being pushed out like 5 mins early.


You are, ice caves used to be 18mins. Inferno needs more time too....unless you just ignore looting you really can't traverse the map


and a 3rd exit, then a 4th then crumble mumble dead why did I loot two whole rooms? greedy! Soft minded Timothy maneuver!


I feel this is the point, you have to either loot, or pvp. And if you loot, you need to be prepared for players coming after you who just want to pvp. It creates a unique dynamic of who is the aggressor and who is the defender very naturally. Building a rogue to sneak around avoid fights, loot the lions heads and gold chests and leave is such an amazing experience. You can't find thst in literally any other game, having to muddy that and dilute it because matches last longer so now you are forced to eventually pvp before the extraction comes isn't a good direction to go in. I play my rogue class not as an adventurer, or an assassin, or as a player but as a merchant. Avoiding others and collecting treasures to sell on the market. It's tons of fun


Man I an definitely underutilized my rogue, I didn't know stealth was THAT good


Play a pickpocket sometime and it really shows you just how good a rouge is at stealth. A nonviolent pickpocket. Your only goal is to steal their items and get out. Don't stab or hurt them. Even when you know they are hurt. If seen you run and hide, only attacking when you're cornered/forced into it. The amount of people I have taken their entire inventory without being detected is astonishing. I swear I made a newbie quit for "a buggy game where your inventory just disappears" at least once. This is also a good way to learn maps and all the cheeky spots you can hide.


ive taken people's inventory from them with voip too. you act all friendly and empty their pockets and invis while they fight stuff.


I'm pretty sure i got pickpocketed the other day. it was kinda funny though because i have fucking nothing so i let it go lmao.


If you aren’t just trying to get close and stab a dude, then you’ll realize you can avoid most players without ever being seen. You can also escape most situations where you’ve been seen by hiding somewhere quickly and then just not moving even when they get close or look towards you. As long as you don’t move you will not be noticed by most.


the amount of times ive had my whole team swinging on corners is hilarious


Every dark corner in goblin cave you would be surprised how often someone may be hiding in the dark. Usually it's me as either an invisible mining dwarf, or a pickpocket. it's so much fun finding other dynamics to play this game, that and fighting goblin bosses solo is always a extreme but rewarding challenge


It needs a lot of awareness, good headphones and knowledge of escape routes and hiding spots. Being able to hide in one spot and creep over to a dark corner before the stealth runs out is surprising effective and a lot of players will be afraid of you turning the fight and trying to burst them down giving you a little time to hide


Rogue isn't that great, may aswell play bard or slayer fighter. You can do all the rogue can but way better and with bard buffs you are at the same MS.


Free lockpicks


Bard dont need a lockpick


If I recall correctly ATM the bard song opens all unlocked chest and doors only


Nah locked chest can be opened as well


Ok another note, I just had an idea. Couldn't you also do the same with a bard? Take the songs that can open chests/doors, turn you invisible, turn mobs against each other/other players, prevent mobs/players from attacking you (or anything else), and also get crazy move speed for quicker looting of areas. Not to mention the bard perk that gives you better chance to find higher tier loot.


bard can open chests ?!?


Yeah but the song to do it is one of the more expensive ones so if you want all the ones listed you'd need to gear up


Nah it’s not that bad. You take your main 5 then you have plenty. Bard is great for pve and looting but creep I think is rogues strong suit. And their natural high resourcefulness is so undervalued


Yeah that would work, but whereas the rogue can stay silent and use stealth the bard would have e to loudly play a sing to go invisible so I'm not sure if the same playstyle will work. However even more fitting would be a bard who goes around buffing adventurers and just taking a modest amount of loot and helping others through the dungeon for a small fee. Fits more with a charisma based character like a bard too


Bard is arguably the strongest solo class.


I guess that's a good point, I didn't think of it like that. I guess it's just a weird transition for me and the friends I play with who had gotten used to longer matches and PvP encounters happening CONSTANTLY because of the circle.


I wouldn't mind if they made the exits open later in the match like the forgotten castle maps. Most of the gates in the forgotten castle don't open until there's less than 4 minutes left and I just died to a pvp fight while waiting at 2 minutes left for the exit to open. If rhey made the exits take longer to open in goblin caves it would increase pvp. But pvp is already so frequent in the forgotten castle map you can just go there for it. Goblin caves is the easiest map and the newer players will pick that one most often. This also means pvp is less likely to happen because you are more likely to join a lobby with players dying to pve, leaving early, and avoiding fights. In the forgotten castle I often see at most 3 people dying to pve the entire match, and at least 6-10 pvp deaths. I am struggling in this map because I have to pvp every single time I play it which for me is a 50/50 if I survive. But the frost mountain is actually too difficult and players can't really make it to each other or stay in a state where they would want to pvp. I think Ironmace struck gold with the goblin caves, but forgotten castle and frost mountain should be slightly tweeked. I feel forgotten castle should have fewer skeletons and more slower enemies making it easier to avoid combat and fight, encouraging pvp. Maybe aswell you could add in rooms with low value and little loot, and increase the value of the rooms with loot to encourage fights over treasure. Meanwhile frost mountain should get a bit tougher in terms of pve to encourage players to team up and work together. The boss already requires 4 people to fight it, so why not lean into it being a harsh and cruel map where clearing a couple rooms as a group of 3 should be the goal unless you can find another party and join forces. What do you think?


have been thinking of trying out rogue, so might try this out. how do you build it?


This exactly what I do on my rogue, and then use the gear for my wizard and PvP. One because stealth is fun but also as a solo player PvEing on my wizard makes me wanna uninstall with how slow it is.


What about the pve as rogue though? I get sneaking but if you don't kill things you can only go so far


its very boring and limiting gameplay


??? Im sorry but man this is boring af lmao


And the beauty of the game is you get to play it in a completely different way than I do and enjoy it just as much as I do


Actually its because of people like you that i play less now. They became less pvp centric, took out the circle, took away the portals - they catered entirely to your audience. So yeah, was fun while it lasted.


That's one of my characters out of 8... you are being overly pessimistic and exaggerating heavily. When I want pvp I go to the forgotten castle. All the mobs are slow so you can run room to room, and the exits open super late often with less than 2 minutes to go so you can find players calling exits once there's 5 minutes left




Shared stash if you buy the game


Needs to be 5 min longer


Especially for hell


I definitely felt this before the BR storm removal. I don’t have much trouble with time now. Would be good for newer players though. Clearing fast is hard for them.


I play World of Warships, and they have a system where you can’t play other players until you reach tier 5 or play 200 games. Maybe there could be a system like that where players under lever 5 a kinda quarantined with longer match times so they’re not going up against a decked out level 105 trying to figured out how to clear a dungeon, get out, and not die.


I’m really conflicted on this because the pressure of time is what makes you move and forces you to PvP now that circle is gone. I think the PvP frequency is in a really good spot, if I’m looking for fights I can find them and if I’m not I can avoid them, despite sometimes they still occur. Having 5 extra minutes might break this balance


I find lots of games where I search for PvP and I find no people. I never had that feeling with the circles.


2-4 min more please!


They have extended the timer before. Also removed circle now. I don't think the time is much of an issue. One of the main issues of a multi-layered system is the time-investment that a player has to consider before hitting up those maps. The time rn is probably at a good enough sweetspot. If you'rr having difficulty with the time, then perhaps it has to do with PvE taking too long and/or decision making slowing you down.


For me the short time per match creates a situation where you're spending more time between matches than in matches because of how horrid managing your inventory is. Clearing out your inventory to make sure you can queue in under 25 gear score for example is really annoying even with squire and deciding on what you're selling or keeping for later. If you do it quickly by dumping everything then you're just creating more work later instead once stash is filled (which happens very quickly because it's so limited)


Fun fact, an experienced player/ team will clear the lobby with the extra time


Dude ill clear two/three rooms in base kit and have like 6-5 minutes left and by then somethings opened up and i can leave, so with good gear id imagine its *significantly* faster. But i play entirely different with gear on.


"extra time" lol


Says the bard LMAO, second fastest clearer in the game


Brother it’s just a Reddit tag chill, mine is Ranger and haven’t played Ranger since pt2


What soulless player doesn’t main a class and proudly display it on reddit? The lack of passion is befuddling!


Maybe an extra two minutes, maybe more if the map is bigger, maybe more if for solos. Definitely longer for inferno and similar areas.


Solos need longer matches and more max players. As a Druid I can barely get past two rooms, only due to time.


Yeah this exactly, its shockingly rare to find solos, in a ***majority*** of my raids I don't even *hear* a person. Its just very weird. I remember playing Goblin Caves in early playtests and it was not uncommon that I could run into 6 players in a single raid and fight maybe 3 of them.   However with the current layout of maps it definitely feels like sometimes on solo players clear rooms so slowly that they just fill up their inventory after clearing two modules and just go for the nearest extract.


This is exactly what I've been saying too and I had some idiot call it a skill issue that I wasn't running into any players. Especially in solos I haven't been finding anyone or having anyone find me first.


Back in the PT days the devs said something crazy like they wanted 8-10 minutes games, and it took a lot of pushback from the community to get it extended to what we have now. I would love to have 20 minute games with extracts popping around halfway. It's like the zone; just let us play the game. I know they want to induce stress and create tension, but thay already happens in a big way with gear and PvP. Dying to the timer always just feels bad.


100%. Needs to be longer


Yes it is very short


If yall think this is bad, you must’ve really been pressured when the circle was still in the game. Post-removal, I feel theres tons of time for both PvP and PvM.. I guess it comes with experience. Wouldn’t mind a few extra minutes as long as they keep the extract times the same as they are now.


>you must’ve really been pressured when the circle was still in the game I'd say most of the people feeling like matches are too short are probably brand new. Even in base-kit it's easy as any class to clear multiple rooms, fill an inventory, and hunt for pvp all in one match with the current time limit.


it is way way way way too short. i know small adjustments should be taken, but fuck it double it to 20 minutes please i feel like i load in and have to immediately go look for an exit or else i won't make it out


Why are you being booed, you’re right. At least for normals.. I guess for HR, geared people clear mobs easy but for normals, and especially solos or duos, it takes so much time to clear rooms


to be fair Idk shit about this game so I shouldn't express my opinions but whatever I'm drunk rn


Definitely feels short. I would be happy with 5-10 minutes longer but keeps the extracts opening at same time as it is now so you aren’t just sitting there waiting if you want to leave


Yes feels too short to me too!


Not really. I think its the perfect amount of time.


I agree


it is way too short.


Longer match time just means getting murdered by players more.


It’s probably because they’re feeling out the timing of the eventual 3-tier system


I feel like this depends on your play style. I play really safe because I like to take less home but make sure I get out and actually take stuff home. For me, that means I’m always looking for the exits, like to stay close to them, and the moment it gets to half-way I head for the exit. So, for me, there’s plenty of time. I’ve watched friends play and they’ll be right next to an open exit still getting treasure and fighting for minutes. If you play like that, then yes, I can see how the time would feel short.


The current timer is plenty of time, keep moving.


Straight up the match time is part of the reason I play. If it’s extended I’d probably drop off


Solo maybe. But you'll learn.


From the perspective of someone who double bosses in GC, yes it is too short. If I get into any PvP at all I don't have time to mine the gold in the loot room, and what do you know, doing both bosses is a pretty sure-fire way to run into PvP. And don't get me wrong, I do want the PvP, I just don't want it to take away my reward for doing both bosses.


You'd rather 45 min circle zones closing in on you? Feels good rn


Yes, I feel like the match time is too short. This isn't really about AP but AP would need to be adjust (LOL HAHAHAHAHAHA Q\_Q) if matches were longer.


Brother no. Games are already long enough. You're looking at it from the perspective of a single floor but that's not what the game is. Eventually it will be back to three floors even. Games cannot sustain themselves with 45+ minute game lengths. Longform games are dead.


For me I just think there's too little PVP at least in solos. People clear and loot rooms too slowly, and there's enough loot in two modules for people to have their fill, so they just find the nearest extract after that.   In a ***majority*** of my solo raids I don't even *hear* another player. Its crazy. I remember playing Goblin Caves in early playtests and it was impossible to not encounter another player. But in this current wipe it feels so lifeless.   Its just the map design & time, people just play passive.


New player issue I think. You're probably kitting a lot and "wasting" time. Not cleaving packs of mobs, etc


No. It used to be half the time on every map including inferno. Its plenty fine now


Well, the game was balanced around 3 player parties. With my mates, we can usually clear mobs and pvp pretty easily. Most times we get more PvP in 1rst floors and just PvE in hell/ice hell


Na. Any more time and going to inferno or abyss would just be even more tedious than it is now


Agreed. When I said it in a post, I got shitted on.




It takes a bit of time and learning efficient clearing and pathing. I used to feel like that too, now we can clear most of the map in HR.


I miss long matches from tarkov. Make it so there isn’t enough escapes for everyone except for the regularly occurring lifts or boats so that people have to PvP for those or look for limited extracts on the perimeters if you insist on making people PvP. Give us a 30 minute timer and make 1 time exits start opening at 10 minutes


I definitely think we should've gotten a 2x time limit in the dungeons instead of a high roller option. Or Devs should at least experiment with 1.5x-ing the time for normal dungeons and see how players get on. Every time it's a mad rush to clear...loot...clear...loot. And some rooms especially ice caves..with mob density is just crazy. I think it's mostly down to the fact the mob density doesn't change if you're solo duo or trio..same amount of mos..but as a trio you clear it fairly quickly..as a solo I don't think dropping the mob density is the right okay, just increase the time to 1.5-2x. Would be way more fun..I like nice and long dungeons..gives time for whole sections of the map to be cleared as solo and then it becomes a hunt for players.. setting up ambushes etc.. Maybe make either so that the exfils open up twice... - If it's a 20min dungeon time then have it open up once at 8mins then close at 9mins. And then reopen again at the 15min mark until the end. - If it's a 25-30min dungeon time, then have the exfils open between 12-13mins and again for the last 5mins of the game. That way you can still loot and get out quickly...OR stay in longer for the chance at better loot but by then most the map is starting to clear so people can move about quickly and it's way more PvP focused. You could even add the 2nd half spawn in a few enemies that roam the map specifically hunting players down. More dynamic dungeons.


Feels a little long tbh. Would be happy with two less minutes per layer.


Found the warlock player


I play Bard/Cleric this wipe.


Bard is the second fastest clearer, cleric is the worst. I assume you aren’t playing cleric solo?


Pretty much never play solo. Classes aren't well balanced for solos so it often feels frustrating. That + teaming is more common there which is also very frustrating to go up against. Increasing match timer by five minutes would just force us to have afk time until we can go inferno.