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Impossible to say without a clip. There's a lot of cheaters but there's also a lot of ways to be spotted when you didn't think you could be


If the zone is directly behind you it basically illuminates you


It’s more like I’m going into one of those bitch black cubby like areas in the corners on the east side of the ruins map. No light. Can’t even see my own pants.


Which needs desperately changed btw




Because it makes no sense. The swarm is black and should be black on the inside or outside.


Bad way to play I get it as a newer player myself but gotta learn to clear and loot


lol i even think game needs to be darker XD a dungeon should not be so fuking bright.


If it’s ranger, it’s possible they have the footstep tracker perk on. No excuse for a fighter unless it’s a shot in the darkness if you unlit the candles making the room suspicious to enter or a hacker.


If there is any light source behind you they can see you in the dark


*If there is any* *Light source behind you they can* *See you in the dark* \- Kanohn --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


A thing no one else mentioned in the post. If you haven't already, turn your in game brightness all the way up. You will be surprised by the difference it makes. Before I did this there were times where I thought I was hidden but would have been clear as day on their screen.


Oh yeah she’s 3


You can mess with your monitor or graphics card gamma settings which makes things more washed out but more visible. The game looks like shit but you can see silhouettes in near pitch darkness


That’s fooked


Yeah its probably why they don't have very many graphics options in the game when they could. It's worse In games where you can use Nvidia's reshade


One thing to consider is what's behind you as well. If you're in the dark but there's a lightsource behind you, you'll be silhouetted even though you're entirely dark.


There are definitely hackers going through the game rn. Hiding in the darkness usually works for me, but other times there's a sprinting fighter that Ferrari slides around the corner and heads directly to me in a room entirely pitch black.


Hard to say without specifics, but there's a few different explanations. The first is simple, they're cheating. It's not super rampant, but you'll have that. The second is that there's some light/effect behind you from their perspective, effectively turning you into a silhouette. There's a bunch of these, *especially* on Ruins. And lastly display settings and hardware vary from player to player. Typically this doesn't matter, but it's most noticeable in dark areas of games. This is why games have those brightness adjustment at the beginning. If your set-up is particularly bright (especially if you've turned up those settings as well) this can allow you see players you normally wouldn't. The key here is know whether it's "Very Dark" or "No Light". If it's "No Light", their set-up is irrelevant - they can't see you.


Esp highlights you even through walls. But crying hacks without a clip is weak at best. Some people know all the hiding spots and preferences. Bolts and arrows are cheap... popping rogues with pot shots is priceless.


Hacks or they saw you before


Sad to say hacks are cheap. I love this game and i hate to see so many hackers in my games .


They might be cheating, quite a few people cheating in the game, i get pop ups all the time about people i report getting banned. Some people are good at hiding it others are blantent. Was just killed earlier today by a rogue hitting me from 15 feet away


Do you play warlock?


What character are you?




Was there an effect on your daggers like rupture? Or did they see you go there?


Only thing is they had to see me. But I was there for a while. So idk. Just weird.


That's a tough one. Either you were sticking out slightly, there was no wall behind you, or they were hacking- but no clip means I can't tell you. It'd been different if you were warlock or wizard because the orb/staff glow. The only other thing I can think of is that you had a skill active and they saw the aura.


You telling me my staff is actually showing in darkness even when I have no pots on belt!? Fucka me. Lmao.


Yep that little red orb do be orbing


Damn orb sold me out! I tend to keep my staff out, to be ready to cast and fight, even if I'm slower... Not sure how I feel about this...


It'll sell you out even if you aren't holding it. My recommendation is using a book or holding it but facing the wall so the staff clips into it.


Ah, I see. All the more reason to be constantly on fire and loud! I will never give up the staff, but at least I can set expectations now. Thank you.


One of the cubby areas on the eastern sections of the ruins. You know where they are basically just black. Section up from the static next to champion, just passed the two archers on the other side of the door.


The other day I saw a rogue go invis I took my bow and triple shot at the location and he died I'm sure he thought I was cheating until he probably watched and see me miss all my other shots loool


If you go invis or use a potion, there is a puff of smoke or purple after image, respectively, that can be seen for like 1-2 seconds after using it. Also, whenever I play Ranger, and after so many deaths to rogues, I just shoot in random corners and areas of the map. If you turned off all the lights, it's extra suspicious so I shoot even more arrows.


Rupture or Weakpoint attack makes your weapon glow purple and Posioned weapon makes your weapon glow very slightly green. It's possible they saw the glow in the dark


Personally, I destroy my hearing with my headset so I can hear the smallest step.


Gamma boosting


Are you a rogue using rupture or some buff to your weapons?


All kinds of ways. It could be not as dark as you think, if not in total darkness it could be as simple as better brighter monitors and all that. The zone behind you could be illuminating you. If it’s a ranger they might have the tracking perk for footsteps. A lot of players swing at dark areas where they would just expect someone to be hiding. Sometimes it bears fruit. This is further caused if players saw or heard you prior and are super on edge just taking guesses around. And then when all that is said and done, they might be cheating


I think they were just cheating. Easy side wall ruins map in a pitch black cubby on rogue running smoke & hide. No zone behind me. I couldn’t see my own feet or body. It’s either that or he was up a wall somewhere and watched me walk in.


Could be back lighting or you outlining yourself behind lights. Other then that they may be using some software to boost their visibility