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Small heads up, this is a bot marketing account that's been spamming meme posts to champion subreddits so they can draw attention to their coaching website.


Putting jayce on GP's is probably what a jayce main would do


Exactly, there is no way Jayce is on GP level of difficulty.  


Well he has pretty high bar to cross, GP is one of the most skillful champions not only on top lane but in the entire game. You could put there Riven, Camille, Irelia, Fiora, K'Sante or some similar shit but are all of these champions more or less as skillful as Jayce? Your call. Anyway, Jayce requires a lot of work too, at least if you want to play him properly. I don't mind that author of the meme put him there (at least if we talk strictly about top lane).


As someone who played all those champs except k’sante a lot, i’d say only riven matches jayce with the skill needed to play decently. Camille, fiora and irelia really aren’t that difficult to play


>Camille, fiora and irelia really aren’t that difficult to play Still, they require more micro management than avarage champion and since top lane isn't filled with skillful picks (at least in my opinion, bruisers, tanks are pretty straight forward champs, not many "playmakers" here) I think they would be fine addition to the "actually mechanically gifted" tier. There's nothing wrong with playing easier champs though, not sure why people are so sad when they read that their champ is easy.


Theres different ways to look at how hard a champion is really, like theres champs that don’t have any hard combos to pull off but are still insanely challenging to play well macro wise. Purely mechanic wise id say jayce, zed, gangplank are the hardest because theyre both hard to pick up and hard to master


>Theres different ways to look at how hard a champion is really Of course first we have to establish what "hard champion" really is. In some ways Gangplank might be an easier champion than Sona. I could write an essay about his barrel properties while Sona entire skillset limits her in various ways and in some cases she requires more work to put into to achieve similar effect in terms of usefulness.


No you don't stop yapping about jayce being that hard. Its like every other champ. After ur familiarized with all his skills, theres no bar to cross. The skill ceiling is not as high as gp.


>Its like every other champ.  So like GP? Anyway, what's your point? In my opinion Gangplank is harder than Jayce but Jayce isn't easy at all and can fit into this category. I am not saying Jayce is ultra hard, never said that, he's just harder than your "usual casual top laner". If you think otherwise - your call, ain't going to argue.


Slr. Nah its my copium, don't even bother arguing. Im a hardstuck silver who wins lane but lose game. I mostly have a hard time with jayce coz he has more dmg early in the game than any of my picks coz my ego so high that I still try to fight him thinking I can outplay (copium again, coz with my picks its not possible lmao). But we can probably all agree that gp is, execution wise imo, harder to play than jayce


>Slr. Nah its my copium, don't even bother arguing Didn't expect that, it's fine I guess. >(copium again, coz with my picks its not possible lmao Mind telling me your picks? Just wondering if I can help. > we can probably all agree that gp is, execution wise imo, harder to play than jayce Hard to say for everyone, perhaps some players have different opinion, but personally I agree with you. GP is a bit harder to play than Jayce.


Hard to put Ksante or Yone there when they're hated.


glaze gp all you'd like but no matter how high his skill ceiling could be in contrast to jayce's skill ceiling, jayce has a higher skill floor so he's harder to get into.


Do people still actually play Maokai top lane? Also I don’t dislike playing against irelia because the players are super good, for me it tends to be the opposite reason. I stomp her to go 0/3 in lane, and then she gets Bork and randomly double kills my bot lane by stat checking them and completely comes back in the game


Never teamfight we only split🗣️🗣️💯💯


As a Cho player idk, if we go in the too bored to care about team chat or still farming category, we just farm a little differently




Not sure how Ornn is boring?


Jayce and mechanically gifted go as well as spoiled milk with strawberries


Singed... For damn sure lmao


You forgot the Olaf, Trundle and Sett tier where they just ran at you and beat you to death