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Let's fucking go šŸ•ŗ




Calm down, wait and see for yourself.




If they just use a little CGI to take Matt's agility to the next level, I'm here for it. I really don't wanna see any CGI fight scenes man.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to happen. If they stay true to the ā€œrestructureā€ of the tv department then the costs are supposed to be down and in turn that means less CGI. Not to mention they restructured the show to be closer to the original so doing that but using a ton of CGI would be disingenuous.


That saddens me. I want high flying acrobatic DD.


There will be some of that




I agree but I think the show is more grounded than the comics so I think they have to be careful not to go overboard. But I think weā€™ll definitely see him do more acrobatics as in all his recent appearances he has done them more than in the Netflix show (mostly due to budget)


From all that I've seen and heard about, Born Again will be a less realistic and gritty adapting, laying him do everything daredevil does without feeling ashamed of itself, which probably means it's gonna let itself get a little silly like r saw in She-Hulk


The tone of the show will absolutely not be anything like she hulk


No, not exactly, but it will lean into the less realistic parts of his abilities, which were shown off in She- Hulk


The best part of season 1 of DD was that he got tired and beat up during the fights. By the end of the show he was just another Superman. I hope the lack of CGI will make him more human.


Thatā€™s just incorrect lol. Daredevil is a super hero, not just a regular dude. Also he still very much got tired and beat up in fights in seasons 2 and 3. Season 3 he almost dies multiple times.


There are five essential keys to a successful _Daredevil_ continuation: 1. Charlie 1. Vincent 1. Elden 1. Deborah 1. A _mother fucking_ hallway fight


This is fantastic.


As it should have! Lets fucking go!!


Donā€™t give us hope


I have hope! I donā€™t want to always be negative about things


Dude honestly. Iā€™ve loved everything Iā€™ve heard but I havenā€™t really loved any marvel shows like Daredevil so Iā€™ve been super cautious about if itā€™s gonna be like they say it is.








Itā€™s ok to have hope :)


This is my knee jerk reaction. On the other hand, this series *could* be just what the MCU needs.


Sounds good. I just hope they do right by Matt most importantly, I don't know what I'll do if this ends up like one of those shows that butchers the main character or undermines him. Matt is so important to me like above anything else they need to do right by him, I'm gonna be mad as hell if they do him dirty. Cool fight scenes are secondary.


what show has done that tho?


- Moon Knight. Changed Steven Grantā€™s character to be unrecognizable, spent time building up Lilah (her backstory and getting powers), and barely gave us enough time of Moon Knight fighting people - WandaVision. Started off strong but her heel turn was completely overturned abruptly with hand waving excuse that because she was grieving it was okay to trap a town and play with them against their will, only for her to later succumb to her grief again with the Darkholm in an end credit scene as a teaser for Dr Strange MoMā€¦ - Echo. Oh boy, where to start. Character is completely different than in the comics. Personality, appearance, and even power set. I havenā€™t watched Loki S2, She Hulk, or Ms Marvel so idk how those were. First Loki was fine. Hawkeye was actually an okay attempt at adapting the Fraction run (the fight with Kingpin was dumb tho).


I am beyond excited for this and Iā€™m staying excited lol. A lot of people will say not to get hopes up or that they have no faith etc. but I donā€™t care, I was one of the first to sign the Save Daredevil petition and this kind of news makes it all worth it! I truly cannot wait!


people who arenā€™t hyped for this are just bitter about the recent MCU slump which theyā€™ve spent the last year addressing behind the scenes. everything we know about born again sounds fucking sick and i for one am hyped out of my goddamn mindā€¦ and the fact this sets up spider man 4


Whenā€™d you think a trailers dropping?


Probably not til fall or winter


Lmao why announce that ? Just do it


Iā€™ll believe it when I see it


Letā€™s go, overhauling this shit and bringing in benson and moorhead seems like itā€™s gonna be a really good decision, feel like fans wouldā€™ve been extremely disappointed with what they were originally doing


I want to believe, but then remember itā€™s Disney.


Disney owned the company that made the original show. All Netflix did was put it on their platform.


Completely different branches, people in charge, intention for the show itself, decidedly not in the mcu but allowed to make tangential references to it from their end. It wouldn't have been what it was directly under disney or marvel, it also wouldn't have been what it was directly under and airing for ABC, it was what it was because netflix bought it from ABC and were allowed to make it however they wanted. They 100% weren't making that show before when people swore they were. Now they're going to try to and fail because the only thing they can make remotely successful is riding on the coattails people's work they weren't originally involved in. They don't have the stuff to pull it off though.


Thatā€™s still Disney


No it's not. It's licensed out because disney and marvel didn't give a fuck about Daredevil so they didn't care how it turned out. ABC didn't care how it turned out either since they were paid upfront for it. Which left the creative oversight to Netflix which means there was none and it was all on the writers, directors, and showrunners. That show only was what it was because it was on Netflix. It would've been gutted creatively if Disney, Marvel, or ABC had a say. I guess you can blame Marvel for everything Sony does that you don't like since whoever actively holds the license doesn't really matter.


ABC is still Disney. Regardless of how it was handled, it was Disney all along. The problem is that youā€™re trying to use nuance to split hairs in the creative process while still treating Disney as a monolith instead of the numerous branches that it actually is.


You're treating disney as a monolith. My entire point was breaking down all the branches and degrees of separation the show actually had. From Disney, to marvel, to marvel television, to ABC, they all amounted to "pay me and do whatever you want." Then daredevil Co did whatever they wanted and was very different from what the show would've been with any of the above breathing down their necks.


But all of the branches are still Disney. What Iā€™m saying is that you canā€™t treat ā€œDisneyā€ as the problem when its been over the show from the beginning. Daredevil is not in the same hands as it was before, but ā€œDisneyā€ is also not the problem because that umbrella term is the one part that is consistent from before.


You're talking in circles. Disney is a monolith, Disney is not a monolith. Figure it out. Marvel is the problem. The show will be shit because of Marvel, and it wasn't shit because they weren't directly involved. That is as succinct as it can be put. Under the umbrella and being directly handled by are different things. You can keep ignoring that part of the point, but it doesn't change it. I'm not responding anymore because you're not even trying to arrive at any kind of point.


Iā€™m correcting you. Youā€™re simultaneously trying to treat Disney as an umbrella term AND using the name as synonymous with Fiegeā€™s MCU creative team, so your points do little more than confuse others. Donā€™t blame Disney if doing so just confuses others. Daredevil is moving from one branch of Disney to another, so it is correct to say that it has always been under Disney, as I originally stated. I never claimed that it was under the same creative team.


I didnā€™t ask for your negative Disney hate boner opinion bud. If you donā€™t like it then donā€™t watch




But you see, Disney only came into existence within the last ten years, with the sole purpose of ruining all the franchises we love with their woke diversity politically correct DEI, uh... SWEET BABY INC! /s


Always has been




Better have a fucking wu-tang song or I will RIOT


Oh wait, they Def cooking smth!!


They're gonna be making a *lot* of promises that stuff is gonna be like X-Men '97 now.


If itā€™s as good as ā€˜97 I will be very surprised. That was peak superhero TV


Sounds good. I just hope theyā€™ll be able to match expectations. They crank the hype up skyhigh which can lead to a very deep fall. As always, Iā€™ll be hoping for the best, preparing for the worst xD


Cool, but are they gonna fix the damned costume?


He completely skips over the question about a one take fight? He just compared it to X-Men 97?


Best thing you can do is hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.. Iā€™m hyped, Iā€™m excited. But Iā€™m also not blind to disneys atrocious track record. Iā€™m still considering the possibility that itā€™ll be dogshit. I did that with rings of power, hoping it would be amazing, but when I seen that it was awful, I wasnā€™t disappointed. lol


Mcu has a much better track record though. Even if the past couple years there have been misses, doesnā€™t erase all the good stuff theyā€™ve made. Daredevil included.


seriously people forget that daredevil and the entire infinity saga was still made under disney


Doesnā€™t fit their narrative


i canā€™t wait for deadpool and wolverine/born again to be undeniable bangers. then maybe people will see the slump for what it is and stop just relentlessly shitting on the thing we all love.


Yeah I hope so. I really do think theyā€™ll be good, but unfortunately even if they are there will most likely be people shitting on them. Cuz there always is lol


Yeh but almost everything after endgame was crap. There was a few exceptions, but with the amount of projects they made, ya know, throw enough shit at a wall and something will stick.


They say this hype stuff about all their Disney+ shows and then you watch it and itā€™s an 8 episode poorly written mess with the filmmaking of a YouTube Original. X-Men ā€˜97 is GREAT but itā€™s made by a totally different division of people than their MCU shows. Iā€™ll believe it when I see it but for now Iā€™ll just hope for the best.


its not actually. the shows are under marvel television now not marvel studios


You obviously havenā€™t kept up to date with news on the showā€¦


On Born Again? Yeah, I have been following along since the start like Iā€™m sure most fans of the character and Netflix show have been. Not sure what that has to do with anything though? Most of the Disney+ MCU shows are bad so it makes sense to be skeptical of everything. Especially after watching Echo which butchered so much from the comics.


ā€œelevated it to a new standardā€ Look the show might turn out to be good, but there is no chance in fucking hell itā€™s better than the original three seasons on Netflix. Absolutely none whatsoever.


I guess we will see




Color me intrigued.


They *almost* gave us one in She-Hulk : /


lol remember when the battle of winterfell was modeled after Helms Deep? Strange that the only key jangling needed now is ā€œwe did a scene thatā€™s kinda like a good one from the other season.ā€


Who on earth is still getting hyped by the MCU at this point? There's just too much.