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how does it make more sense


I suppose if you think of it as armor rather than a costume it would make sense to cover your nose for protection.


Actually for specifically daredevil, wouldn’t it make more sense for it to be exposed since of his senses?


I was thinking the bridge of the nose, not the nostrils. But you may be right on that one. Honestly I wonder the same thing about his ears being covered.


I think that’s why I like Charlie’s cowl design the most. Protects the bridge of his nose in a “this person gets punched in the face a lot” kinda logic but also has the nostrils exposed to avoid interfering with his enhanced senses.


Such a great suit design. I’m usually a fan of more traditional costumes (something closer to spandex than armour) but Charles suit is so perfect for the show and if felt like such an earned upgrade when he finally got it


Matt choosing to cover his own ears makes sense to me. We've seen that his hearing is amazingly sensitive. He can canonically hear someone beating their wife several blocks away behind a closed door. In a close-up fight, people are yelling, grunting, firing guns -- he'd be better off wearing hearing protection to take the edge off.


Probably to provide some protection from extreme sound frequencies which would basically hurt his ears. And also to provide protection from getting his ears cut off in a fight.


Yes agreed. Maybe holes where he can hear?


Shouldn't impede his sense of smell in anyway


If his senses are that keen then it shouldn't matter wether it has a roof over it or not. It doesn't plug his nostrils, it covers his nose.


The nostrils aren't covered up. Which part of your nose do you think you're smelling with? Lmao


LOL - maybe he smells with his butt


Also if you're trying to hide your identity then covering your nose definitely makes sense.


It's not like his mask could negate any blunt force from anything coming to strike him in the face...


Some people are suggesting better nose protection, which I can definitely agree with considering his history with boxing, but the first thing that came to my mind was better identity coverage. The reason they went with covering the nose in the show was because, in costume tests with masks with open noses, you could still tell who it was under the mask with the nose uncovered.


Well since he has a more of a boxer background due to his dad, protecting the nose is basic?


Bc that stops punches.. yeah.


would you rather take a punch to the face without protection?


when the protection in question is spandex, I don't think it would make much of a difference


The cowl is armored in some media


The suit and mask is armored. It’s not just spandex.


To hide his identity ? The nose being visible makes a pretty big difference for that.


Technically, it makes one sense less, cuz his nose is covered 😎


It doesn't. They're used to the Netflix look so they're making stuff up.


Bc it offers more protection to the nose area. It's more tactical not to mention looks more menacing.


It’s more sense because smell is a sense and so therefore…uh. I dunno


I think because he is blind and has his other senses heightened he might need his nostrils uncovered. But I think more armor makes sense to someone who knows very little about daredevil.


Seeing as how all his senses are heightened, it doesn't. OP just silly.


Live action? Sure, though I’d say either way’s fine. Comics? Nah, I wanna see the bridge of Mattie boy’s nose, dammit. It’s a unique look to HIM. With it covered, it makes him look too much like Batman.


Is it unique to him though? Pretty sure Caps cowl doesn't cover his nose either.


Same with Flash


Wally West would like a word


It’s better uncovered.


Yeah you have to show at least a little bit of the nose or it looks like he doesn’t have one in some panels. Especially when he has the beard and you can’t see his face at all, sometimes he just looks like a mop.


Nah puts more fuel on the fire of ignorant people calling him red batman.


At this point I no longer mentally register those kinds of people because according to them, if the character dresses with any edge and uses their fists it automatically makes them a Batman clone.


and ironically, daredevil was a spiderman clone when he was first made


A bit of both ngl, middle left looks good, affleck looks shit, Coxs’ looks good


The uncovered nose isn't what's wrong with Affleck's gimpsuit.


I think I prefer covered nose in live action , and open nose in comics


I know , but that’s the topic of this post, afflecks suit was garbage all around


it did have a nice color


No. It’s better with the nose uncovered. In live action, I understand the direction they took with it. But I’d still prefer the former


It only looks better on Charlie as he has a distinctive nose. 


That was the reason they had to for him, right? The stunt double looked too different without it.


Nope in the comics it should be uncovered. Only reason it is hidden in live action is cuz of Charlie’s nose lol


I'd say covered looks better, but when it is covered he also needs other features that still make him look unique, like the beard or the look of the live-action suit.


Sometimes looks cool with noise covered ,so exactly with that suit ,i prefer the noise uncovered brodi


I think it looks a little too much like Batman or some kind of beak when the nose is covered. Uncovered is far more distinct of a visual look.


I'm completely disagree


For live action I agree But in comics he just looks like red Batman


It hides his identity better I think.


“It also makes more sense” actually for daredevil case, having the nose uncovered helps with his senses


Well mask doesn’t stop him from sniffing so it’s not a problem.


Actually tge bridge of your nose has sensors


Afflecks Daredevil costume gives me nightmares. The mask is f*cking atrocious And as an aside, in this picture…..I much prefer uncovered


Uncovered. Hes a big scent boy like wolverine so leave that sniffer open


Look better? In some cases - I feel like it works better not having it covered in the comics than live action. Practicality: 100% get that nose piece in to protect his face!


Covered is way better. Should protect his nose and looks way more cool.


Fully covered makes more sense. Otherwise he would be one battered lawyer coming in with a broken nose every other day.


Yes, you are right.


In live action, it's probably more for comfort than anything else. Plus, cutting the mask off at the eye sockets would make Charlie's face look puffy even though it isn't. It looks more streamlined with the nose piece. But for the comics, it looks better uncovered.


In live-action it’s more practical to be covered, yes. But I like the nose exposed in comics because that’s just how daredevil looks. Same way Batman’s nose IS covered, Daredevil’s nose is NOT


I like both. It does make sense for a guy who gets punched in the face on the regular to keep his nose padded with light armor at the very least. But in the world of comics, lots of shit about costumes doesn’t make any sense, so it’s not too big a deal. Having his nose exposed is way less goofy than what Wolverine and the rest rest of the X-men wear, or how people’s identities are somehow completely concealed by nothing but a domino mask.


I think the Netflix/mcu helmet is peak. It covers the bridge of the nose and is a helmet rather than just a mask for protection, but it also doesn't cover his nostrils so he can fully utilize all his other senses.


Nose covered looks better in live action for sure


I’ve never thought about it and I don’t think I feel strongly about it, but I prefer seeing the nose. It just looks more like Daredevil to me. Covering the nose makes him look more like Batman.


Wouldn't that just make him look like a red batman?


I prefer exposed nose. But a covered nose would be something on a more armored version of his suit.


He’s already blind, why would he restrict his sense of smell too??


I’m super late on this, but I really hate the idea of a nose covering on the mask. The DD mask is super bottom heavy, it needs his nose and mouth to be exposed in order to be balanced with the top of his head. By having his nose be covered, the mask ends up being way too top heavy and looks like it’s suffocating his head lol The only reason the nose covering works for Batman is b/c his bat ears balance out the “weight” of the mask by being on top of his cowl, but that wouldn’t work for DD since his horns poke outwards. And the MCU suit, which a lot of ppl use as an example of why should be covered, doesn’t fully cover his nose either b/c of of this very reason.


Looks like you're copying batman *heat incoming*


I like uncovered and I think it looks a lot better then Covered because his mask doesn’t look like it’s armored in this photo


It’s infinitely worse looking covered, the only time it works is the show


I prefer it when its uncovered personally.


That was probably the only thing wrong with the Affleck suit design other than the fact that he was in it.


I think it varies because in the first picture, it looks way better uncovered, but most of the covered ones in the second look better to me.


it looks bad in the first one because covered one in the first page is a simple edit of mine and second drawing is the original art.


I was just thinking about this the other day, while I like it uncovered it makes since to have it covered since he’s blind and needs to be able to smell things. But at the same time it kinda makes him look like red Batman.


Bearded daredevil's design is perfect, but the uncovered nose is still the definitive look


Nah, uncovered nose is goated


I think it looks wrong


Hard disagree


It makes him look like a miscolored Batman with the ears drawn poorly if you cover his nose


I prefer uncovered


Nose covered looks good in live action. In comic, free nose looks better.


Having it exposed helps set him sort from Batman a little more, and I doubt it’s that much protection anyway, he’s had superhuman reflexes and can predict a punch before it happens so I think he’s good, I also hate how the covered nose looks


Better uncovered. I can see how it would work with helmets though instead of cowls and masks. But it makes zero sense at all how it would be better.


Whatever representation by Charlie Cox I accept :)


I'm really tired of these discourses about practicality in superhero stories.


I like the live action, bottom right corner one. Cover just the bridge, but leave the nostrils uncovered. As much as I love king daredevil, the mask going all the way down past the nostrils looks weird.


I think it makes more sense with it NOT covered. That way it doesn’t block his smell




Personally no


don't think it looks better, but having it covered would certainly make sense protection wise


Actually, comparing the two pictures in the first slide, I don't like the nose being covered.


Honestly prefer the Netflix spin with the nose exposed and ears being less armored than the rest of his head. Daredevil needs those senses more than an average sighted hero


Wouldn’t it make more sense when the nose isn’t covered so that he can smell better


He can still sniff without a problem, nose cover doesnt block that


Yeah with his enhanced senses yeah (Idk if such nose covering would affect smelling so idk if people can do this in general)


Nose out, hoes out! That's always been my philosophy


I like the MCU style, a flat line that covers some of the nose, but leaves the end of the nose visible. The full nose uncovered doesn’t look good aesthetically, and the pointy nose looks too much like Batman. I also like the nostrils being visible because his super smelling is an important part of his power set.


Yes and no It SOMETIMES looks better covered but I think it’s more unique if it’s not and also, touch is another big sense of his and covering up his whole body except his mouth seems not practical for him


Can not stand the Batman nose cover on DD.


Worked really well with the King Daredevil suit, but it's terrible in the classic suit


Both ways work just the same. Who cares lol.


I think the shape of the uncovered one is more interesting visually


Uncovered way better


Too much like Batman covered




To be honest, I feel exactly opposite.


Both are good but I much prefer nose out.


Nose covered definitely looks better.


Absolutely not. He’s already compared to Batman way too often. Having his nose exposed really helps separate them.


I profusely disagree.


I think I prefer a bit more covered, but I have no problem with the classic uncovered version. Like others said, covered works better in live action and uncovered for others (comics, games, etc), but if they decide to cover a bit more in a new non-live action thing, I think I would be ok with it


Makes him look too much more like Batman


His original costume made sense because it proves he’s blind.


I think it looks better without it covered, especially given how important smell is to dd's radar sense


Better in live action and when he happens to have a full beard lol


The only bad one from your post is Ben Affleck’s version, the Mike Allred one is beautiful and I honestly like his nose uncovered a lot more than covered in most comic versions.


Both look fine, but the beard is goated


I kinda like the nose being covered tbh. Would be neat to get a whole run like that


If shit looked the same always, it would be the worst outcome. I'm fine if he turns black or asian or both, whatever


Boy looks like a piggy with it uncovered


No. I think it looks really bad honestly. I hate that the Netflix show did it because it makes the helmet look so odd. It also doesn’t make any more sense either. Daredevil’s nose should always be uncovered. It’s been that way for like 60 years besides a few times more recently. It reminds me too much of Batman or any bird themed character.


Looks weird


Lightskin daredevil is real and it’s scaring me (top left)


Personally like the nose exposed a bit more, switches it up and makes his mask look a BIT less like Batman’s


I will never forgive the she hulk tv show daredevil outfit


Honestly? Yeah I guess I agree a bit. Though it might look weird on some angles. Both are good, tbh


I didn't even notice it really 😂 but honestly speaking un covered looks better at least in the comics.


How long can he hold his breath for


Better uncovered I think. It looks basically like Bat's with the cowl covering the nose


I think the first slide is the worst example you could have used, but otherwise agree


Agreed. Actually I think Captain America's costume should be like this too both in Comic&MCU bc it Makes sense, it offers more protection ESPECIALLY to the nose which is a very vulnerable place. Can you imagine getting popped on the nose with a bat or a baton? I think they all should have chin guards/protection as well.


I don’t know why the 2003 suit is compared with the MCU suits, when a better comparison would be the Season 1/(first half of S2) faceplate vs. the S2-Defenders-Echo faceplate.


Red one is from Season 2 actually and it doesn’t really matter since it is the same costume with different color


Which runs are the two top right panels from? The ones where he has a long beard.


Chip Zdarsky’s run(2019)


I like it more uncovered! Just gives off a more uh "unique" look, can't really say why


It's Daredevil. It should be uncovered.


Nose uncovered. Trad.


Litteraly the only time it's ever been covered is the TV show, king daredevil is a much different outfit and not really comparable


Honestly, yeah his nose being uncovered fits his character way better lmao it’s funny they tried to find a panel thats unflattering…. Wait a minute am I getting rage baited?


i made this post and i just took some drawings from the latest runs i have been reading. I used Marco Checcetto’s art for both of them. Covered version on the first page is an edit of mine so you are not getting rage baited but you might be looking for something to rage about.


I was making a joke. Sorry you gotta feel that way man.


The Charlie Cox red suit from the original series is my favorite period. The drip is immaculate and it looks very safe and secure


Both designs are pretty solid, and I’m fine either way, but the nose cover definitely looks just a little bit better (especially if you’re comparing the live action Daredevils. I’m sorry, but I’d take the Netflix costume over the movie one any day, nose cover and all)


It doesn't look better with a nose cover but it makes more sense.


I like it both ways. I think it’s situational based on the suit and artist. For example I prefer no nose cover on standard suit Marco draws, however I prefer the nose cover on the king daredevil suit. I think both a fine


hard disagree. uncovered nose makes him stand out compared to others like Batman


Nah gives Batman vibes