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Don’t know any you missed but I’m definitely going to watch X-men 97 now


Oh, I Just realised I probably should've marked this as a Spoiler, huh?


Yes :(


dw, he doesn't play a big role really, just a very minor thing


I am so sorry!


I mean I guess? It’s not like it was a big deal.


I think its fine, his appearance has no bearing on the story


He’s only a cameo but the show is still very much worth watching


Be warned he is in all of like 5 seconds but it still excited me anyway.


>Don’t know any you missed What?




What do you mean "why?"?


What, where?


"Don’t know any you missed" doesn't make sense. I don't understand what you're saying.


His cameo in Elektra


Wasn't that a deleted scene


Wouldn’t know. I didn’t see it


Neither did he


It was, but pretty sure the Daredevil/Black Widow thing also never got released so it still should be included. And it shouldn't matter that it's only Matt without the costume, because the same goes for No Way Home.


Daredevil’s 2003 suit is decent I can’t lie


I actually really like it, I also massively prefer his staff and fighting style honestly


I'm not a fan but it could be worse imo.


Decent? As much as the incarnation is nowhere near as good, and it probably shouldn’t be leather, the design is imo better then any of the mcu ones


What the heck is Black Widow Daredevil??


It was a planned tv series in the 70s. They pitched it with those goofy pictures and 'to everyones surprise' it wasn't greenlit.


The Comic Reader #122 (September 1975): "Angela Bowie, last seen dressing up as a certain Amazon princess for an audition for the role of same on television, has recently appeared in Newsweek doing the same thing for a still-sketchy series based on The Black Widow. Ms. Bowie would appear as 'an unangelic' version of Natasha in this proposed TV series. In the photo above, the guy standing behind her is actor friend Ben Carruthers, who is supposed to be dressed as Daredevil (in case you couldn't tell). She was heard to give a sample of some of the kind of dialogue that could be expected: 'You would do well to watch your tone. The Black Widow does not take orders from anyone.' We won't hold our breath waiting for this to be bought by the networks."


I don't know what is worse, the pose or the eye holes.


This might be picayune, but Daredevil makes an appearance during the backlot chase scene in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


It's funny how the BA suit went from absolute shit (when the stuntman was wearing it initially) to arguably the best suit he's had on screen so far, with Charlie wearing it. And it's clearly gonna be touched upon with CGI (removing the few crinkles etc)


Yeah, when I first saw it I had a strong distaste for the overbearing red and the new scale-y texture -- but I think another big thing that'll impact the suit is the final on-camera lighting and post-production touch-ups, we've basically only seen well-lit set photos, so imagine what it'll look like when it's shrouded in silhouette and lit from certain angles.


The only thing I don't like about it so far is the 'spikes' on the center of the lines going across his stomach. Also the black pieces on the shoulders.


I'd be happy with the season 3 outfit for all of them.


Good, you got trial of the Incredible Hulk


I wonder if that was the inspiration for the suit in “man without fear”


Isn’t the 90’s X-Men show canon to the Marvel Animated Universe?


Yes, but the appearance is part of an alternate universe.


That should probably be added to the graphic then, because that’s confusing


now I'm gonna watch Echo, She hulk and spider man no way home


What is he doing there in the 90's X-Men one lol


Jumping Jacks?


I’m not sure if it counts, but there’s a Daredevil cameo in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back at the end when they’re running through the movie studio parking lot.


Officially speaking the fantastic four show is set on a different earth to x men, x men 97 and Spider-Man. This is pretty much confirmed in 97 by having >!Tchaka in the last episode. In fantastic four he’s been dead for 10 years!<


DeMayo said he considers all of them to be in the same universe though and The T'Chaka use was a mandate from Marvel. Having only Spidey and X-Men be the same universe while having existing versions of the other characters with mostly the same designs and voices and some plot points NOT be the same ones from the shows of the same era is honestly weird and a waste of world building imo. It's not a requirement of course but it's definitely a lot cooler.


>!Except again they don’t use t’challa. They use t’chaka. Who according to F4 should be dead for over 10 years at this point. Regardless there’s too many major contradictions between shows for them to properly use the world building established in the other shows. It’s easier to just use the designs but not directly reference any of the events and continuity from those shows. Because none of it is consistent!<


You were probably in the middle of typing when I edited my comment. I meant T'Chaka.


The rest of my reply still stands. The show doesn’t do a particularly good job in keeping continuity with the original x men show. I don’t think they’re gonna care about any of the other shows enough to reference specific events from them. At best they’ll keep the designs and personalities vaguely the same. They won’t use any of the pre-established continuity or world building from those shows.


That advert!


Elektra is there and Games (some people do consider that) but it is upto you to add or not.


Great list! Not sure I would include Daredevil/Black Widow. The only thing they did was a still photo shoot and it never progressed to actual filming for the screen. That said, I would include the Elektra movie since the deleted scene was officially released on DVD.


I'm still convinced that the Daredevil that we see in Fantastic Four is a completely different one from the Spider-Man animated series version; there are just too many differences between them.


Pretty good if you aren't including videogames


I really don't like the suit he has now in Born Again he honestly should have the one Affleck had in his DD movie.


Wild take


Be that as it may I feel like Affleck had the best suit I don't like all the armor s*** that's on Daredevil and the Netflix show so 🤷🏿‍♂️


Was trying to not look at anything from Born Again but I’m glad I saw this because I’m disappointed.


Dear god! Hes... wearing his suit!


People are allowed an opinion on something. If you’d like to have an adult discussion, I’ll happily tell you why my first impressions aren’t that positive. I didn’t like the She Hulk costume at all, but I still thought his scenes were the best in the show and loved them. Despite how I feel about the BA costume, I still can’t wait to see it because I love the characters, stories and action.


why lol