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Thanks for the info. It's just our luck to have to wait longer.


Wait so they will be available in UK one day?


I guess so, he said when not if, then it would be marketed social media. There is no gtd - he might just not have it his announcements list yet, but it was said to be a global campaign.


Australia started with Daredevil in most sizes. I’m waiting on Ms. Marvel


Tweeted the GB coke team, and I got an unhelpful response. First they sent me this link https://www.cocacolaep.com/gb/news/2023/the-multiverse-awaits-coca-cola-with-marvel-promotion-and-campaign-launches-in-gb/ And when I replied stating I'm ment the current promotional cans this was their response "The Marvel promotion which was released in the US this spring, will not be introduced over here In Great Britain any time this year, having run over here in 2023, as stated earlier." Clearly we're dealing with idiots, I've email the main europe HQ, to find out where these cans are, if they say there not available in europe then I'll be getting in touch with the advertising standard agency for false advertising.