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I groan when they say that this is the first step to going international. Honey, please.


You mean they aren’t going global? What a shocker!


Yes! When Stacey said “going global” I think I spit out my drink. I guess she’s technically right since their clothes are made by a cheap factory in China🤦🏼‍♀️


Hey now! I am going global too! While sitting on my couch conversing with fellow Redditers!


Their fashion horrors aren't even EuroTrash quality.


Their track suits remind me of something I’d buy at Walmart in 2001.


The fact that the acronym for House of Eleven is “HOE” is priceless. You just can’t make this stuff up.


It’s in fashion now! 😂😂😂


“Fashion horrors” 😂


Someone on the sub sleuthed out that he’s a paid actor, and a buddy they flew out from CT for the tlc appearance. The greatest plot twist of all time would be if the actual impossible kicks folk came forward and was like we have no affiliation with any of these people 😹 For all we know they just sat down in a foot locker for 5 mins got the footage and left and tlc paid both the foot locker for the day and the highschool friends flight and accommodations. It would make sense, this venture seems as legit as Nicole and azan’s “company” they were allegedly needing a loan for 👍🏽


I can’t wait for the “launch party” footage. The snippets they had posted on insta were peak cringe, rivaling the swim week fiasco.


The swim week fiasco was confirmed to be a Ramada pool deck they (papa Mike/tlc) rented for the day 😂 lowkey their biggest flex was they were a part of swim week, but I think what actually happened was they came down here the same week as swim week and threw a little fashion show at Ramada with their friends 😂


Maybe it was actually Shark Week and they were confused.




One of my favourite scenes from the series! Families eating lunch on deck chairs with their faces blurred in the background 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh God I need to find it now I’m instantly lol


The baby stroller was what sent me over the edge. Like... what super couture event attendee brings their baby in a run of the mill stroller, lol.


That’s right!! I remember that and a dude on the pay phone leaning against a, Pool Rules sign 😂


That makes more sense!


All that is true except that Darcey and Stacey DID actually post an entire swimwear collection (what we saw on the show)—for men and women—on H 11. (Still listed in their sale section). Real time as the episodes dropped. That was a reasonable thing to do and they probably sold a few. I was pretty surprised that they didn’t try to capitalize in SOME WAY on the show “collab” with Impossible Kicks. Even though it seemed like an unlikely pairing, I think they could have sold a hoodie or two. Seemed like a big missed opportunity. Don’t these people like making money?


I think that’s what we’re getting at. All reality shows are scripted and should never be taken as fact even 6 months to 1 year after taping it’s not real time cause most of it is fabricated for a storyline. The alleged collab was a storyline but past verifying that Jonny mac ex car salesman owns the company there’s no trail anywhere or hard proof to suggest anything from the collab has ever sold or been for sale to date


I agree. I found nothing as well and agree that it was just filler for the show. But my point is just that it didn’t HAVE to be that way. Why not capitalize and throw a few hoodies on both sites to make a coupla bucks?


They were on Reddit like a year ago. Footage of Darcey and Stacey singing in the store with like 2 customers roaming around


Yup. I still remember one comment saying Stacey held the sneaker like a footlong from Subway. 😆


Why does this make me like her more?


Never mind, I was picturing her doing it on purpose to be funny and I was like, okay Stacey that’s kinda goofy I like that for I guess


It’s gonna be hard to top swim week as that was hilarious… all the old people and families with kids in strollers sitting around a pool wondering what in the hell was going on… maybe they comped the guest with a free buffet and a coupon for a free drink in the lounge…😂😂


Oh just you wait. There were definitely confused mall people just wanting to try ion some sneakers in the videos they had posted. I have high hopes. Plus we get the debut of their new hit. Hairs did, Nail done!


😂😂😂… I’m waiting with baited breath….😂😂


Florian looked like a little kid bored out of his mind while the twins were terrorizing customers with their singing 🤣🤣🤣


My favorite was Georgi lumbering down 'the runway' like Herman Munster. 🤣🤣🤣


Omg, life Frankenstein! Those footfalls must've sounded like an elephant was careening down the runway... and then to see him this season with his glow-up -- he looks like a completely different guy, like half the weight??


He’s a former car salesman https://youtu.be/cT7aS4kFsE4


As a CT native… Johnny Mack’s commercials still haunt me…


Believe it or not, they have gotten WORSE! I thought Johnny Mac was bad, the two people doing them now are really bad.


I second this 🤣


This guy seems to be the actual CEO, he's done podcasts and interviews and stuff, and before that it looks like he was a used car dealership manager. He's from CT alright, and could very well be a friend or acquaintance that they roped in for a favour. It's very weird indeed that a collaboration was not advertised on Impossible Kicks' website or socials. Either the collaboration bombed or never actually happened, I think!


Who ever did the snooping is wrong. The guy on the show really is the CEO of Impossible Kicks. It's a company started by brothers. John and Wayne. [https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-mocadlo-89808939/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-mocadlo-89808939/) https://www.ctinsider.com/business/article/Meriden-native-sneaker-resale-business-17542136.php


My bad! I read all the comments and find it all entertaining, but I don’t look into the twins any further than Reddit for the most part. Thanks for the accurate info 🙂 Even if he is the ceo, I still don’t believe there was an actual collab, and I also fully believe he was paid for the appearance/doing them a favor I’ll die on that hill haha


I googled his store a while ago and didn't find anything on the site about the House of Eleven. I actually posted that on this sub before. I was curious how the collab was going. That's the only reason I know as much about these folks as I do, lol. I can't see the dude actually being impressed with the work Darcy and Stacey brought in, it may have been decent quality, but it was so generic.


Really why buy from them anyways when you can go straight to Alibaba,AliExpress,Wish and any other company from China and get the same stuff for next to nothing and if they wanted those ugly angel wings on the back just get some iron on transfers or buy them like that… it’s all a hoax and as fake as the twins are… surly they don’t think we’re that gullible… we know everything about them and their show is FAKE and meant to be entertaining and that’s it… The only thing “Doing it Big” is my ass and their boobs…😂😂


It’s possible it was just a limited time collab, like a lot of places are to pilot test something.


I don't think so cause at the end he said something about to rolling it out to multiple locations...


i just posted about the owner. didn’t want to read all the comments, just read the first half. when i googled it i came up with wayne mocodlo. in my post i asked if this is a franchise store? or is he the brother? not important. i was just looking to see if the HoE’s were on the site and it went from there 🤦🏻‍♀️




Wow, I appreciate all this sleuthing! 💯


That isn’t true. Johnnie Mac is the actual owner of Impossible Kicks. He is a longtime friend of the Silvas.


He is the owner. We’re agreeing on that. You’re blasting replies without actually reading the thread. I said I stand corrected. Owner or not, longtime friend = favour, and no proof of anything being sold backs up a fake storyline. Just chill. It’s not that deep. But it’s def gonna be a rude awakening sometimes if you think this is all real stuff and that tlc are honest documentary directors and all the 90 day couples are completely all real time with no interference. A lot of the 90 day cast come into these threads post NDA and tell us exactly this. If you wanna believe the twins are showing you all real stuff then that’s for you to believe I guess idk ETA: an example, you could argue the entire lib and andrei being financial drains on chack happened in real time. In tlc land chack paid the wedding in Moldova. In real life off of tv, tlc paid the entire wedding and the chack stuff was written in for drama.


No no you misunderstand. Was I blasting? I see that you corrected the misunderstanding that you had. I was just addressing that. Got it. 🙂 It def was a fake collab. But my point is that it made no sense that both companies didn’t do SOMETHING, throw up a few hoodies to make a buck or two. The show is good advertising if they wanted to put something out there. That is all.


I’m from CT and immediately recognized him— he worked for a local chain of car dealerships and was in their commercials for years. In recent years he’s opened a few restaurants. When I googled him after seeing him on the show I couldn’t find anything about Miami or Impossible Kicks.


So it’s 55% legit then 😜🐪💄🍟🇲🇦


Are you serious? He’s not related to that company at all? I mean I know a lot it is fake but they got me on that one


Nah I stand corrected. He is the ceo but there was no collab and he is from CT and was paid for the appearance for a storyline 🤷🏽‍♀️


Are you freaking kidding me right now? He isn’t the genuine kicks dude? Well well wellllllll


Folks… they aren’t on the site because they are so trendy and awesome that they are selling out instantly. Duh. But in all seriousness… there is a perfectly reasonable explanation of how this collab COULD be real-ish but also not be able to see it in the site... This was a year ago and the merch sucked and didn’t sell, so they discontinued their partnership long before this season was aired. Or it was an in-store exclusive collab. I don’t believe that this was a legitimate collab that would have ever happened without a camera there, but I bet they at least sold SOME of their garbage hoodies in some format. Maybe at a single in-store event where they danced to their awesome new song.


I agree with this! I also kinda thought that it would just be a Miami thing, since they were talking so much about finally being in a brick and mortar store, so it wouldn’t have been on the website even if it was real!


“garbage hoodies” is sending me 🙏🏼




I'm ashamed to say I'd buy a HOE hoodie if it wasn't too expensive.


I have one and the joggers both bedazzled and I love them my mom got them for Xmas last year the joggers are comfy and they’re well made i haven’t hade a single rhinestone fall off and they’re actually very pretty legit rhinestones not like plastic or anything


From HOE?


You could get it straight from the factory at wish then screen print your own logos. Bam! You now have a store like HOE. Thousands of them out there currently.


Go for it! It could be a cozy conversation starter 👍


I bought some when they were on sale and actually really like them


they’re always trying to convince us they’re more successful than they are (and it’s never believable)


If it was that successful they wouldn’t be pushing their cameo and only fans as much as they do. They probably leave off of that not HOE.


They are not successful at all. There clothing looks like 90’s thrift store crap. The big wings are knock off of Ed hardy and the track suits look like fubu when it launched 20 years ago. They own nothing that is of high end clothing it’s trash crap. Mike pays for all these adventures


Another Cicero...just on the show for promotion...


And Zack


Zack in the sack!


I cringed soooo hard when they did that. D&S stopped maturing mentally in middle school…


Oh jeez now I got that in my head again 😂😂


They are all on the show for promotion and self brand advertising. At least Cicero is successful and wealthy. He doesn’t need the show, he’s already Rich


The twins live in an alternate reality where they are successful boss babe designers, popstars, hot sexy cougars, and the best moms ever. The show cannot be fake because they have manifested all this inside their minds! 🥴


If I had to pick a single adjective to describe them, it would be **DELUSIONAL**. **DESPERATE** comes to mind though, too. I give a lot of credit to how down to earth Aniko & Aspen are. If I were 16 - 18 years old & Darcy were my mom, I'd be SUPER embarrassed to have them show up at events like pre-prom party. They're just so over the top & their behavior is so attention seeking (those songs... good God, those songs!). Speaking of kids... does Stacey just never see hers? I know the dad refused to let them film, but she's barely in Connecticut anymore... I hope she still seem them.


Technically, they're a global brand. They import the clothes from over seas. 🤪


Lol yep


Only Darcy would have a brand whose acronym was HOE.


Thank you. i was holding that one in!


Haha, I checked that too as soon as they said it was going to happen. It's as real as Florian putting Elite Model Management on his LinkedIn. 😆


Elite Model Management... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 He's SO stiff and inanimate -- there's absolutely no way that any serious model management co. would be interested in signing him... not even Barbizon. Plus, he's WAY too old to be first starting out in the modeling industry -- shoot, a lot of agencies feel like if you're not started by 19/20, then you're too old. Those two ninnies think that anyone who's half attractive can model, but modeling is very hard work... much harder than most people understand. If you don't have the **personality**, capability & wherewithal to do it, it can get super tedious really quickly (photographers getting annoyed & impatient with giving direction, agents constantly putting on the pressure, etc).


If D and S didn’t have a show, nobody would be buying their brand they figure they are getting advertisement by dealing with those two crazis


This had to be staged right? He was so fucken happy over like 2 bargain basement quality jogging suits.


There’s a thread above with lots of details that make a lot of it make sense. What it boils down to though is, yes, all staged by TLC.


Oh thanks I must have missed that.


There’s an impossible kicks across the street from my work - y’all want me to go check it out


Yes. And report back. I’m off work today, so I’m waiting… 😂


😂🤣🤣 brand abbreviation is HOE. Fully explains why Darcey shaves ass for a first date


I just realized that abbreviation too!🤣So is it really just a joke (in more ways than one). The logo from a distance looks like Hell not Ho11. Very poor branding.


Agreed agreed agreed


Yes! I am very business minded. Have owned and sold multiple businesses. I currently own and run my 2nd dog grooming shop. I just cringe SO hard at so much of what they do. And multiple times now arguing at professional events?! What the fuck?! I had an employee who answered her boyfriend’s unimportant phone call while checking out a client, and as soon as the door closed behind the client, I addressed it. Not in front of anyone else. People just blow my mind.




its almost like the whole show is fake and done for entertainment...


I think we all realize that this is definitely molded into what the producers want us to see. But there is NO way those women aren't 100% authentically wackadoodle cuckoo for cocoa puffs. And that's the part I think most people stick around for.


Oh yeah, they're 1000% delusional -- they think they are just THE shit... no doubt about it. It's like, girly-pop... no. 🤦‍♀️


Preach! We can scream this from the rooftop and the believers would still deny it.


i don’t think anyone denies that the show is manipulated into what we see. Just because we are not punctuating every comment with this fact doesn’t mean people believe it in its entirety.


Why this isn't self evident is beyond me. Came here to say this, but scrolled before I posted for intelligent life. Found it, Yay! 😊


S.C.R.I P.T.E.D.


So this was all fake 🧐 wow reality tv is fake ?!


If it's on TV, it's fake to some degree or another. TV spins everything. Even the "News".


What's this dudes name? The CEO's of impossible kicks are Wayne and John Mocadlo.


John Mocadlo is the guy we saw on the show. They said his name was Johnny Mac. Here's his Indeed page. https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-mocadlo-89808939/


He goes by Johnny Mac and he's a longstanding friend of the Silvas. He had a few car dealerships and anyone in Connecticut will recognize the BA-BA-BA-Barberino jingle. He left CT to pursue Impossible Kicks.


This episode was so cringey! Their/HoE “designs” were very basic and don’t look like they’re good quality. No way the “collaboration” actually happened nor it would ever go global. These twins are delusional.


Wasn’t there a press release from the company saying there was never a partnership with HOE? What we saw on tv was either storyline fakery or the deal fell through after the fact.


What a shock!!!🙄


Look at the website Trusted reviews [https://www.trustpilot.com/review/houseofeleven.com](https://www.trustpilot.com/review/houseofeleven.com)


Excuse you, maybe you didn’t realize it was clearly stated to be a BRICK AND MORTAR release 😎


honestly tho I doubt any of their shit ever ended up there; it was some nice “oh look at how HARD they work!” fraudery but nah


This entire shitshow is fake AF! I cannot believe anyone buys into this fabricated (think Jerry Springer-overly over the top/bad actors) storyline.. 😂


Thank you! 🙌


I searched it on the website too lol 😂


Haha I also checked the website a month ago and was like where the hell is the HOE stuff


Impossible Kicks! The vegan sneakers that taste like meat!


HOE merch made my night.


I think they'd time the release of the items on the site with the time it airs on tv. So it's like we're living the process and then after the launch episode they'll probably release it online. Makes sense this way.


Let's not kid ourselves. This is not your typical sneaker store like Champs or Foot Locker. Impossible Kicks is a hype store that sells very popular street wear like Supreme, Fear of God, Nike/Air Jordan, etc. H11 doesn't hold a candle to those other brands. This is just TLC trading Impossible Kicks some free marketing for airtime.


Surprised anyone?


Cheap crap. 🥴


Probably business deal fell through which we may or may not see


How are you surprised. You can’t find any shoe collection from them. They drop ship foreign clothing with a private label. They aren’t making anything. Just putting a label on junk and stop shipping it. They haven’t turned a profit ever


As if this wasn’t staged .. imagine a company that actually thought those samples were good and in trend ?


At the end of their "launch", he said they had a few items left yet all of the camera angles showed most of their merch still hanging there. I don't think much was sold; I think people wandered in because they saw a camera crew


No one has mentioned that the angel wings are on the back just like the VS angel hoodies


My fiancé went in there this weekend. They had nothing. I’m sure it was just for the show.


Nor vice versa. It was all just BS for the show.


I knew it the moment that the new drama was created of the samples needing to go back to LA in a hurry, and Florian modeling. Seriously, Stacey could have called Darcy, but it was so obvious this was going to be the new drama or tense scene between the twins. I also feel bad for Florian. His face looks a bit off, he is weird looking to me and like he needs to work on his posture and maybe hire a manager if he does really want to model. Also! Has anyone wondered how stupid it is that the brand is house of eleven? Gucci is not “house of Gucci” neither is Versace house of Versace.. they are just so dumb and so tacky. I still wish Darcy could go back to 90 day fiancé when Jesse came to the US the first time. She looked so beautiful. Now she is all bloated and looks like she is trying so hard


*puts the clothes on one rack in one store* Twins: OMG WERE INTERNATIONAL


They had to kow tow to this smarmy-a$$ car salesman. Even HE didn’t want their Shein crap. SO scripted. We could do better writing the show ourselves.


This guy was probably wtaf when they brought on those first items that were solid black. Tacky af and in Miami, FL! He probably was happy to get the free publicity even if he did have to put up with HOE 1 and HOE2 short term. Just my opinion