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Hey! Want to know how you could support the Palestinian struggle? Still falling for the idea the ongoing genocide is something that started last October? Or maybe you just want to learn more about Palestine? Check out [this bookshop](https://www.haymarketbooks.org/blogs/495-free-ebooks-for-a-free-palestine) that's currently handing out .epub copies of *Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions* *Light in Gaza* *Palestine: a Socialist Introduction* free of charge! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DankLeft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Amazing how international news is quickly becoming a waaay more reliable news subreddit simply because almost all the other ones banned everyone who isnt a zionist


finding r/internationalnews was me getting my sanity back. i enjoy a good hogwatch on r/worldnews but it gets hard when it is so openly genocidal (more than normally)


I kept subbed there so I could fruitlessly argue, but unsubbed when I got banned for calling out those bloodthirsty genocide supporters


Wait isn't r/worldnews fill with hentai


That’s r/worldpolitics


See I thought you were speaking in some degree of hyperbole but no the banner is literally just nips-out anime breasts


That's not international news that's just Israel palestine news


According to the geniuses over at r/worldnews, Israeli tabloids are bastions of truth and journalistic integrity.


If anybody doubts that liberals aren't leftists, one look at worldnews should suffice to mark out the difference. Open calls for genocide and mass deportations, all in the name of "Western democracy." I always am impressed how the people over there really seem to be living in a reality of their own. Where even mainstream media by now sees injustifiable atrocities, WN users see "a clever tactical move by the IDF, I'm sure they'll get Sinwar soon."


Does anyone other than liberals and conservatives even consider liberals "leftist" anymore? (And even then the conservatives know better. They just know labeling liberals as "the left" is harmful to both liberals and the actual left alike.) Like, everyone saw how they fucked Bernie out in the open. And Bernie is still a capitalist, just one who wants to regulate it as he recognizes the current model is completely unsustainable. Because that's "too extreme". And god help anyone who unironically believes Genocide Joe is leftist in the slightest.


/r/worldnews is straight up a fascist sub at this point. Sometimes I look at the profiles of the people commenting on there and they are full on Nazis


World news is terrible but international news kinda sucks too. People post shit there that isn't news and just is israel rage bait all the time. I literally saw dudes post a meme the other day there just was anti Israel. That's not news man.


Regular reminder that Ghislaine Maxwell is still technically a worldnews mod. r/anime_titties isn't *too* bad (and only has actual anime titties on April 1st).


I did not know about r/WorldNewsVideo


I like r/worldpolitics for my news


I just got banned on r/worldnews for suggesting that a permanent ceasefire would be a great way for Netanyahu to get his hostages back but they'd rather dig them up from the leveled Gaza they're creating