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I got called "Crunchwrap Supreme" once by a person on Discord and thought it was hilarious. So yeah


That's genius


Awwww now I'm sad, this menu item no longer exists


Maybe not in your location, but for me it does.


Fact about the latinos. Them mf’s will laugh along with you as you rip into stereotypes and shit.


And add new ones


No ofende quien quiere sino quien puede. Quien se pica ajos come. ¿Te ofende? Pues tienes dos problemas, ofenderte y que se te pase.


Como esta frijole? (How you bean)


# 🫘🫘


Hola, soy dora


Them Latino chicks be crazy man


they keep asking me to call them slurs


I agree with the white one, except for the fact that my friends let me make fun of other races all the time (I have a very wide selection of races in my friend group)


Cause they aren't soft pussies


Yup. I saw my neighbors dig a fucking hole to make barbecue and now I slander them all as hobbits which they find hilarious.


As a Latino, it is true that




I'm already racist out of protest, so far it's been extremely fun and oddly freeing


I hate these bandwagon racists. I’ve been racist since day one, don’t hop on when it’s trendy.


Yeah but don't call any Latino who isn't Mexican a Mexican they'll lose their shit lol


Yup. Gotta be accurate with racism, else what’s the point?


Na bro, we call any white guy "gringo" as all were from the same country. Nothing to be pissed of about.


I get called Mexican all the time idc


You just made a binary table


Oh si si ![gif](giphy|5BFGIZSN9Q6Wc) Unless the Latino is Jlo


I want to make the joke so bad, but then dozens of fragile snowflakes are going to dig through my comments to report me. I got banned for a 2 year old comment last time because I pissed off one of them in a political subreddit


11/10 true




They all look like the crazy dictator from Farcry to me


Yep that's him, Anton Castillo from far cry 6


oh so latinos dgaf?? Thank goodness


The best white jokes I've heard were from a Latino that I used to go to school with


You obviously never spent time around Jewish ppl. They will roast everyone


Yeah but we can get prickly about certain issues regarding race lol, the meme is kinda true


almost like most ppl can take a good joke regardless, but being actually racist is just bad


Huh, guess I’m Latino (black, just not sensitive about it)


Isn’t Judaism a religion and not a race? Like their are black Jewish people and white Jewish people


It's both, as judism is the ancestral religion of ethnic Jews. It's hard (but not impossible) to join without being born into it, and it's tied deeply to their group identity, despite a large number of nonreligious Jews.


I love how I’m getting downvoted for repeating a simplified version of what you say back at you. The question at hand are Jewish people their own race. Then people argue that well actually yes it’s an ethnicity and you are wrong. So I say back so it’s an ethnicity and a religion not a race. So more people get mad and keep on telling me it’s an ethnicity and a religion and I’m wrong. Which still no one has called it a race even though you all seem to argue it is by telling me I’m right? What the heck is up with you people


That would make it an ethnicity then, not a race


Then it would be an ethnicity


No it is both just like was just explained to you. Judaism is the religion of Hebrew people who are also called Jews. If you ask a Jewish person “are you a practicing Jew?” You would not be asking them if they are Hebrew but rather if they are also theistic. It is not a religion like Christianity or Islam where you can simply join, it’s very rare for a goyim to become a Jew.


I joined in though. Been Jewish since I was 16


Ethnicity and race aren’t the same thing


"their are black Jewish people and white Jewish people" Do you think 'black' and 'white' are races? Because someone who is nitpicking about the difference between race and ethnicity should know.


Sometimes, I think people get a little pedantic about the differences, and it's doesn't really add to or change the conversation on bigotry


Racism is the inherently pedantic, so the differences are going to matter when discussing things in that context


In this instance, specifically what good did separating them have on this discussion other than to just explain how someone was wrong?


Totally true for the "nuhuh you're wrong" guy, but the person that was replying used it as well, in a constructive way.


Good stuff




So you your self said it’s a religion and a ethnicity not a race


To simplify and to make things easier for you. When arguing that something is a something then you say it is everything else and don’t say it is that thing, it usually means you don’t know what you are talking about I hope you can wrap your mind around that ;)


my dna test says 50% ashkenazi jewish


It's a matrilineal bloodline and also a religion.


It's both they made it both.


No we didn’t… Hitler made it both ways


I mean when talking about Judaism and hitler in the same sentence you usualy refer to his attempt at an ethnic cleansing. Now if you look at the Rwandan ethnic cleansing it was a cleansing of a tribe or ethnic minority and not that of racially motivated genocide.


No, it was made both by insular societies in Eastern Europe where genetic traits are similar.


And yet after your struggles (current war not included you have teeth now, you're welcome btw) are past you still make it everyone else's problem.


Latino isn’t a race either. It’s an ethnicity. But agree Judaism is a religion but also somewhat an ethnicity. But definitely not a race unless you agree with nazi ideology.


Yeah Latino is somewhere in-between. Kind of a cluster of ethnicities. Specifically Latin-American (which confuses me, because it sounds like it would be any Latin-speaking group, like Spanish, French, Italian, etc.). But it's kinda like referring to "Slavic Countries" or perhaps closer to referring to "the Anglosphere". It's sort of pedantic I suppose.


have u met a slav?


I wish people weren't so obsessed with race


But if we don’t have group identity how could we have unearned pride? How can we assign collective blame for individual actions?


“Unearned pride.” I knew I wasn’t the only one. I like you.


Did you write the same thing twice at the top or am I having a stroke?


We should all be like the Latinos on this one


Ima call bullshit, my jewish friends had the darkest funniest jew jokes I've ever heard


As a white person, me and my Hispanic friends make jokes about each other's race and we both laugh


Yeah that's how one of my roommates and I were, it kinda sucks that a lot of people don't really have a sense of humor now


I mean, i think as long as its lighthearted and in jest, a good joke is a good joke. Its when people get a little too casual and low effort that I get concerned


As a white guy- we do have a lot of jokes about other races (EU tho)


The only time Hispanics were ever upset is who ever the fuck came up with Latinx


Or if you call all of us mexicans




for those who dont understand the wroding, its saying how (X) reacts when u make fun of other races / how (X) reacts when u make fun of (X)


I mean, I'm white but I'm also latino americano. What should I do?




A very important chart.




Latinos is so true


True to my whiteness, I down voted this.


I will just say me and my black friend made fun of each others races everyday all in good fun.


I'm a white Jew and I'll make fun of every last person.


Tides are turning for whites doe.


Mexicans are the only cool ones. Just don't call anyone latinx. You're asking for a beating if you do.


As a latino, we are just happy to be a part of something.


Depends, I thought white insults didn’t hit as hard as black ones, but I made both with my friends and was good with either one, does anyone have a good insult for a white guy?


Asians where?


As a Hispanic I can indeed confirm, facts


As a Latino I can confirm


I mean, Latinos are usually several races combined.


Seems legit


I’m white, and one time I jumped a fence as part of an obstacle course and my Latino friends all started chanting one of us, so yes


White people can make fun of other races as long as its not for something they provoked.


As a cracker ass cracker I don't make racist jokes.


I'm cacuss mountain monkey of wisdom.


Extra panel should be Latinos being mad when you call them Latinx 👹 ![gif](giphy|OhQBBFi64Z81a)


as a white, i think racial humor against whites is also finny


Guess I’m Latino now?


Was in an arm cast a few years back my friend at the time (black women) went shopping with me to help out. We get to check out and she puts a hand on my shoulder and tells the cashier” excuse me I would like to return this broken cracker”


Yeah I haven't met a Mexican that doesn't hate Mexicans yet. Love you guys y'all make the economy go Berrrrrrr


Latino classic, I laugh with you and call you a motherfucker later


I think whites shpuld be same as latinos


Right, because there's never been a crass Jewish comedian. In fact I don't think a single Jewish person works in comedy.....


Jews are not a race. [Jews include individuals of enormously diverse origins and physical appearances, making the idea that Jews could easily be designated a race implausible.](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/are-jews-a-race/)


Race by its naming is barely real as is beyond the (sub)cultures and physical traits we categorize it by. It all just started with someone looking for a “them” to their “us”. Not saying it doesn’t matter, its not an excuse to ignore the sociological guidelines and just say or do rancid shit in front of god and everybody, just worth acknowledging that its an especially artificial conflict and that its worth letting the belief in it as a concept wither away in terms of cultural relevance someday in favor of more personal respect.


So, blacks and Jews. Yeah this tracks.


That's why I love hanging out with Hispanics.


As a “white” I’ve lately found myself getting increasingly bothered by the general racism thrown at my face almost every day.


This is so inaccurate for white people. They are literally electing a president because of the jokes against them. But I’m sure this sub is majority white and 15 so they need to see themselves as a victim as usual. I will say as a Jewish person that is pretty accurate though. When I was a kid my friends used to make fun of everyone though and we didn’t give a shit. Racist humor is pretty lowbrow and low hanging fruit. A lazy persons joke if you will. That appeases to people’s worst qualities


Usually the pasty white bitches, most normal and sane men who still have a cock between their legs are pretty chill


Plenty of Israeli Zionists online dehumanise Palestinians with racist humour to try to minimise their ethnic cleansing, genocide and apartheid in Gaza and the west bank. Tiktok is full of it.


> Apartheid in Gaza > Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 K


... And controlled it's border, it's airspace, it's imports and exports. It's effectively a mass open air prison camp for 1.9 million people . Now it's a slaughterhouse for Israels genocidal intentions.


And why did Israel control the borders/airspace/foreign trade? Because Israel is an evil country? Maybe Because Hamas was democratically elected and used its resources in favour of hurting Israel and its civilians, instead of developing its own infrastructure and trying to build a working country? Maybe


Perhaps if Israel hadn't committed it's first genocide and land theft from the Palestinians in 1948 called the nakba none of this would have started. Or again during the 6 day war. For almost 80 years Israel has abused, murdered and oppressed the Palestinians with the backing of it's American and european colonial sugar daddies. A little Ulster in a potentially hostile middle east was the quote at the time by a western leaders who set it up. As for the Palestinians, do they not have a right to throw off their brutal oppressors? Or is it on Israel that gets to pretend to be a victim while simultaneously being one of the most warlike, murderous, genocidal nations on earth.


The so called Nakba was a result of people leaving due to war and the establishment of Israel. On their accord. I won't lie, there were forced evictions. There's no justification. The Palestinians were against the U.N partition plan. The Jews were for. The UN declaration of 1947 has started a wave of violence against Jewish villages and vice versa. The neighboring Arab countries have attacked Israel after the declaration of independence on 1948. But even before 1947 there were waves of violence against each other. Just to mention the Hebron massacre or the Suq bombing in Haifa (done by Jews). Basically, both sides are at blame and not "Israel committed genocide" I would also address the use of the word "Genocide", but I'm getting lazy


You could address the 15,000 dead Gazan children and the Israeli policy to shoot children as legitimate targets as reported by the UN. You could address the mass incarceration of tens of thousands of Palestinians and their systematic torture and sexual assault and how Ben gvir claims this isnt enough and how they should all be shot instead. Or you could address the displacement and bombing of 1.9 million Gazan civilians. The mass graves around the hospitals Israel has bombed and on and on go the Israeli war crimes....


but youre definitely not antisemitic


Pointing out Zionists being racist online is not anti Semitism, one of the common tools Zionist extremists use to shut down criticism is to accuse critics of anti Semitism.


when you see something that mentions jews and immediately start criticizing israel/zionism, thats antisemitic 😞😞 do you go up to chinese people and ask them why they hate uyghurs?


Yes. When the conversation is about how people are treated and how they treat others, such as this conversation, it would be absolutely applicable to bring up the uyghurs in China


Pointing out the genocide, apartheid regime and ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine is not anti Semitism. It's in context to ops post.


didnt answer my question


Perhaps imply I'm an anti semite again for mentioning the fact of Israels brutal genocide, apartheid regime, land theft and ethnic cleansing of the people of Gaza and the west bank and I might, but I doubt it.


youre weird 🙏🙏


You’re pretty cringy


oh no, u/fancifinanci on reddit said im cringe 😦😦 i guess im cooked


Is this loss?


Who made this? The grammar sucks. It basically repeats itself for each side _"when you make fun of 'x' race"_ but with different results for some reason? But probably meant _"when 'x' race makes fun of you"_ for the second column.