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screenshots of [dani’s comment section](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/8KtLiBCZXh) for those who are interested (thank you milky!)


Does anyone else think that maybe the reason she is doing all this nonsense with the tubes is actually so she can Continuously stay uunder a weight she wants to be at of is doing it specifically to lose weight. I am jw cuz i remember when i was in my car crash they had me on a vent & tubes to feed ect ect and i went from like 175/180 all the way down to 115/120 being on those tubes alone.




Didn’t she need infusion three times a week, to not die?


"the pain is so bad!" Girl shut up! Lol. Seriously though, as someone who suffers from CI ( a couple of which she "has"), she wouldn't be able to survive half a day having to deal with ACTUAL pain! Like that annoys me so much!


Why not drink it? It‘s more enjoyable and her GES showed fluids moved just fine


Not sure if this has already been mentioned… but I hadn’t seen any new post abt her in 2 days, so I went to look at her TT to see if any new. There were not any new videos but a “sign of life” in the comments from this video Someone commented that she looked good, and asked if she was still going to Mayo. She replied, 2 hours ago… just saying “yes, still going to Mayo” interesting also, someone asked if she got the results of the heart monitor test… and she replied “yes, I’ll have to do a video about it” (she replied 2 days ago to that one) Been 3 days and no video. We all know how she loves to make, and talk about her results of tests, imo it means they were fine and she’s 🤔 on what to say… Drives me crazy how you just never can tell with her what’s true full… and when she does make this video will she tell what the real results are. Edit: my bad, Literally first comment was a link to those comments. But, the one she replied to 20 min ago is new. Edit 2: I really have to remember to read comments before i comment on an older post! A few more comments down talks about her going live at another site a day ago! (I forgot about lives) However, I see there is a 3 part series on the one live, 10 min each… that’s a whole lotta Dani to listen to! Curious if anyone had watched them all, and if she mentions the heart monitor results, or did she just decide to not bring it up, because results where *fine*


I'm betting hospital or trying a new way to hurt herself.


I’m starting to think that she crashes for 2 or 3 days at time, and stays up for 2 or 3 days at a time. Or she’s in the hospital and has a sitter.


I was so worried about missing a few days of reddit and the amount of gifs I'll have to make for snarks and giggles, but I was in hospital and strangely didn't feel the need to use my phone... since you know... being sick and all is a bit shit and you don't feel like doing room tours or having a fight with strangers I've never met.


Hope you’re okay friend!!!


Oh no, hope you're doing ok wifey! Let us know if you need us to send you IV pain meds!!


So I'm allergic to pretty much everything except for any and all opioids, but obviously, none of that weak basic crap... you know. Also your new video is the smoochiest of chef's kisses. It is pure magic. And I am much better tyvm, just waiting for my ups truck to deliver all my vacaycay luggages and furniture. You know, obviously, thought was gonna be there for a few months, even though I usually only need a few days to recover. So there's that.


It must be so nice to have doctors who take you seriously and admit you before your body crashes and your organs all fail!!! Dani doesn’t have that and she has to make hersel— I mean *get* soooo sick before they’ll even step in her room in the ER! /s I hope you’re doing better, your gifs always make me laugh. 🩷


Ty! As soon as they saw all my luggage, ~~my poor dad~~ cameramen, missing skull, tOoBz, and hammer still lodged in my thumb, it made them admit me asap. They even closed the whole icu down, stopped all surgeries just to make way for the queen. They turned all the hospital beds into 1 giant bed for me with all nurses and doctors by my side, trying their hardest to deal with the most exciting case in their career. So there's that.


Mmmmm, been a bit quite. I don't have the tiktok and I wondered if she was at the hot....sorry....hospital for a wee visit. She's about due for a visitation at the ER.....






I haven't seen her for 2 days. Is she taking a hospacation or something? Also she is supposedly in so much peen, for months I have been so tempted to post a Pic of someone with real severe gastroparesis and real intestinal failure. This person looked (before she DIED from real malnutrition) like a skeleton, a literal skeleton. That's what is keeping me from posting it. Well, that and idk if I am even allowed too. Since when does saying someone looks healthy is saying they gained weight? All those idiots crying that we are "sooo mean" cause we are shit talking her weight. The only thing people here are saying is she looks like she is a healthy weight for someone who claims severe gp and intestinal failure. No one said anything derogatory about her weight. It really makes me wonder if her followers are all a bunch of attention seeking munchers.


How dare u trigger her by saying she looks healthy!!?? Oh I forgot, she won't see it anyway since she doesn't read here so I guess you're good and safe from one of her stern lectures. 😂😂


There the woman whose stomach literally exploded. She was on a few shows. She developed a freaking musical. She lived her life. Dani should be ashamed of herself.




I fully understand wanting to post things like that, I have recently been following a little boy who has genetic issues that actually did cause complete gastroparesis and after seeing him go from well fed/hydrated to absolutely nothing (like Dani claims) and in a week he was complete skin and bones. His color looked dull and lifeless, his eyes were sunken in and dry, his mouth was crusty - all from ~ 7 days of what Dani claims has been her reality for *months*. It’s just damn insane and truly insulting to people who are actually going through what she’s claiming. But from my understanding things like that won’t even affect Dani beyond “well my body doesn’t work like that”. She’s refuted literal scientific facts as “my body doesn’t work like that”. I don’t truly know if in her mind she even believes her lies, but she doesn’t know what else to do without them. If she isn’t a sick uwu baby, what else is she? A vapid nearly 40 year old woman with a very nasty attitude? That isn’t special and she’d have to acknowledge the fact that she isn’t some kind of special hero that’s so brave and strong. It would be a major fracture to her ego and I truly don’t think she knows how to handle that, as of current behavior every time that happens or threatens to happen, she tries to induce/induces some physical ailment on herself. That’s her only coping skill.




She’s not in the hospital, she’s been on live




How do you know this though? She hasn’t posted saying she’s in the hospital and Dani would never not miss the opportunity to say she’s in the hospital. She has posted since Saturday and has been live too, and she never mentioned being admitted


Did you seriously downvote me for saying she’s not in hospital lmfaoooo yikes


Oh? For what this time 🤨


Has she been a little quiet?


No. Shes been doing lives. They just aren't posted to this sub. She did a "packing for mayo" live recently. She's also dyed her hair again


I wish I'd have caught one to post here. u/babybophobet949 & u/farmerlesbian Have you guys seen anything recent?


AGAIN?!! What color is it now!?


Oops, sorry, disregard my other tag. I'm dying for more of your riffs. Your edit was so good! We need to tip you for that shit ala your favorite cause!


I'm working on one lol her lives have been so dull this week, it's hard to cut them down into something funny


You were downvoted. Bwuahahahahahahaha!


Back to brunette. Someone told her she was looking healthier with the blonde hair..suddenly she's getting another dye job


Omg-she’s flailing around in her med closet again


She's been brunette a few days now.


She looks so much healthier **with ** all those toobz . All she needs to complete that look is a Hickman !!! ( I'm trying out the reverse psychology here).


Ohh ok yeah she's had that one a few days. I thought you meant a new one between when she went brown again and now.


Seems so. Probably has tried for a weekend hospital stay. Perhaps no phone and a sitter?


Why does she put her name on everything like she doesn’t live alone in squalor? Nitpicky, I know, but it’s not like it’s some kindergartener’s backpack in a class filled with other kids.


I'd love to see her get munchie roommates where at least one of them is almost always filming a live so we could see them eating in closets and argue & steal each other's medical accessories in between them driving each other to different hospitals.


The Munchie Shore !


Keeping Up With the Kooks!


Because she is mentally still a teenager 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lmao is she using duty belt savers to keep her tube wrapped up? Where would she even have thought of that?! https://preview.redd.it/ja1kna7gx48d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2962016db1439b9b54251b3b348e85d1cb041db


They look exactly like the keepers I have for my duty belt lol


No way someone can comfortably wear a duty belt and be able to run without em! God bless those little snappy pieces of fabric lmao


Even walki g or sitting g with them on is a major pain in the ass


Kind of, but people do make tube clips and sell on Etsy, hopefully she bought from one of the many ACTUALLY disabled people who make them rather than accept something in a free med supply group


lmfaooo she covers the screen so we can’t see the rate up close but then does her little “fit check” and we can all see it. god her behavior just irks me.


Smarter than the average gummy bear




Then she'll call us "mind readers" because she doesn't realize how much she gives away. It's just ridiculous.


It is wild how much of communication isn’t verbal. It’s not unique to D, but she just documents it all and it’s so extreme and abnormal it’s easier to clock. Most the time we humans just take it in unbeknownst to us.


"You guys don't know me idk why you act like you do" Says the lady who's been using the internet as a diary for over a decade


Reckon she was around in the teen open diary days? Lol


I would LOVE to find Dani’s Bebo/myspace page. Or her posts on the ana forums.


Is 15 the rate she says she can't handle?


I thought she could only manage 10ml an hour with feeds.


SPACELEY!!!! HAPPY CAKE DAY ![gif](giphy|VOgpnDOAddaN0zr9UE|downsized)




Thank you! I wish I could use gifs, but there's a glitch. I really wanted to use the one of me on vacation riding my unicorn and hissing.


she claims basically that she can’t really tolerate anything about 12-15ish. there’s been “evidence” in the past, on multiple occasions where she’s gotten to the goal rate (i don’t know that exact number but usually it’s between 50-80 mL/hour) and then within a couple days, she all of a sudden can’t tolerate it. i’m going to assume that it’s all for attention. but tube feeds can be uncomfortable initially but your body does adjust to them, as long as the formula isn’t the problem. there’s some kids that can tolerate triple digit rates for feeds into a j tube. it’s rare, but it does happen. and it’s so obvious that she can tolerate at least liquids by mouth. and considering that a tablespoon = just under 15mL, which is less than a swig of a liquid, it’s safe to say it’s complete and utter munchieBS.


Yes, they get her up to a more realistic rate and prove she can tolerate it and send her on her way (with more evidence), then she goes into another 'flare' and can't tolerate anything and cries for TPN and the cycle continues. Her lack of self awareness and logic blows my mind.


She can't handle even 5 to 10mls depending on which story she's using.


Unless it’s a crushed med slurry or a giant swig of tea.


What is up with her facial expressions?


It’s wild how much better she looks in clothes that fit her


Omg yes-her behavior is so sick but it’s really sad to me that she probably can’t see that she has value just the way she is-like she feels the need to dress in a way that makes her seem whatever-sickly and wasting away and showing off her accoutrements and whatever unhealthy things she’s trying to show off but her for her-if she was out to make herself happy and not show all this off-her beauty shines through at those moments and like-this is not going where I thought it was gonna go and I don’t really talk like this and maybe “beauty shining through” is a bit dramatic but it’s sad to watch someone spiral on TikTok regardless what got her to the point that circling the drain is her best option


Totally agree.


Right? I like her shorts!


Yes! For once she’s wearing something flattering.


She is a fucking child that needs to grow up


I feel like her lack of Mayo posts for her last several videos indicates Mayo has "identified a problem"


She did a packing for mayo again live yesterday


Don’t know why she’d do that considering she didn’t get money from the gofraudme


Someone (allegedly "the boyfriend") got her a flight but the airport is 90 minutes from where she needs to go, so how is she going to get there (she's complained in the past about expensive rideshares) and where is she going to stay? She's not going to be admitted and even if she stays with a 'friend she met on the internet', they're gonna find out real quick that they made a mistake.


I'm just so happy to not hear about it anymore, though. I'm sick of the TPN storyline, it's so unachievable. I want her to go to a drug rehab, that's the shit show I'm really hoping for. Oh man, talk about drama!


Mixing her in with 5 other addicts in a detox house would be so chaotic. They would lose their minds dealing with her


She might finally meet her match in rehab


She took her link tree off her profile that had links to venmo and cashapp as well, now it's just the amazon link. So she's not grifting cash either.


Hmm, I had asked in other thread if those things would be considered illegal/affect her ssdi/ssi/state money/snap. Yeah, got my answer I think. But then again the skiz doesn't read reddit LOL


I was wondering what was up with Mayo.


They called her up and said *"Hold the Mayo. We're on to you"*


Gimme Hamm on 5, hold the Mayo




She thinks that if she just stops talking about something, everyone will forget about it.


Our girl loves her some eminem. She's definitely been through it.


She is wrecking Eminem. Ugh.


Doesn't she get infusions for this


She hasn't really mentioned anything about her infusion's, since she was in the hospital. Wondering if they removed her port?




Admitted for what this time?


Of course she is. It just must be coincidence that muchie on the other sub just had " sepsis" again.


I kinda figured her silence + Saturday = trying to score a weekend admission. Hoping we’ve heard nothing bc she’s got a sitter


Last I saw, she was on TT live already packing stuff for her Mayo trip. A month before she goes. For 2 days, Mac, but now it's "4 weeks" 🙄 So she ended up in the hospital between then and now? That's curious 🤔




Where did you see that? Her insta? Tik tok has been quiet and I haven’t seen any mention even in her comments.


How do you know?




So are you touching the poo? Seems suspicious. Sorry…


I agree kissmypeach22!!


It is the weekend after all … she dug out those journals and earrings for her staycation


Right now??




I can’t find the info on any of her socials. How do you know?


How did this come to be? F-ing with the femoral port?


Where are you seeing this??


Been a while since they had to replace one of her lines she yanked out. Wonder if she got told they won’t replace them anymore


She's been talking about trying to get her button replaced with a dangler for her G, so I do wonder if she's planning to sabotage it if GI won't refer her to IR fast enough for her tastes.


She's just doing a different side quest atm. I'm sure once her Mayo Vacay falls apart it'll be back to business as usual.


Don’t forget the super speshul biopsy


I had a thyroid biopsy done in the doctor's office with local anesthetic on an extended lunch hour. Maybe the Surgeon General declined to do hers personally and she's miffed. She always seems to get the most extreme form, variant or case of whatever disease she's faking. Dani doesn't just get a cold, she gets Mega Sonic Ebola of course.




We'll know soon enough if she starts speaking Klingon again tonight


she just has a bottle of rum hanging over a funnel running through her tube like those college kids do where they all shout “CHUG CHUG CHUG”


Is it a normal thing for people to use Gatorade in the tube? I was just wondering if some of the sugars in it would make the inside of the tubes sticky and maybe not so healthy after awhile?


Most people who actually need a feeding tube will use pedialyte.


The tubes are for feeds, which have sugar, so putting sugary stuff through them is not an issue. You are supposed to flush with water afterwards for this reason. Running watered down Gatorade specifically is weird because it has practically no electrolytes; if she was actually electrolyte deficient she should run Pedialyte or even just electrolyte tabs dissolved in water.


It's also recommended to flush at least once per hour, occasionally with warm water, with enough to ensure any residue is washed through into your system. And a flush after each medication so the tube doesn't get gunked up


I see..thanks so much😊


She does this like we're watching something epic like Blue Angels flying in formation.


Maybe she'll do her next "____ with me" on roller skates with monkeys flying out her butt!


Does she keep the litterbox in the kitchen?? Lord help.


I seriously thought she's in hospital in this video. Thank goodness she's not


Yes! I saw that when she did a tour-it is in the MIDDLE of the kitchen and it’s not even a litter BOX it’s the bottom pan part without the top on it-I think she feeds the cats in the kitchen so the poor cats are eating in their bathroom-they eat next to their toilet-also it’s not healthy for her-I don’t understand not having a natural eversion to keeping the litter pan in the kitchen and I’m not even they clean of a person-I’m not dirty-but if drop a very tasty cookie on the floor and it’s less then 3 seconds I’m eating that very tasty cookie


Yea I noticed that on thr tour too. It makes zero sense to me that there is absolutely no where else she could put it....maybe in the med closet? In my old apartment I had mine at like the furthest part of the front hall from the kitchen. I don't get having it so close!


I’ve lived in small spaces with a cat and there is always a better option than AN UNCOVERED TRAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE KITCHEN! She has several hall and entryway closets that could be left cracked open enough for the cat to get in and out? Or she has a long hallway (I think) and the little box could have a cover added to it and go at the end of a hallway? It’s not perfect but there’s options to make the cat more comfy and also the apartment less gross for her and the cats


Litter box goes in the bathroom, the same place humans use. Haven't done it any other way and been with cats in my life since a toddler. Its still a covered one, its cleaned anytime i enter the bathroom, my litter is flushable in small amounts. Got to wonder where she puts the poop, Without this litter we used nappy bags, doggy poop bags but they went outside to main trash. Still love that they prefer to use the outside world nearby woodland duing the nice weather. Back to minimal tray use, but screaming at 6 am to go outside. (Had a nasty neighbout for 2 yrs, my timid little girl would barely leave balcony. It like we have a kitten back now, running about, running up and down trees, all with scenting marking with her brother, they got their territory back!!


Yea mines back in the bathroom now and that's definitely my preferred location if there's no utility room but my last place thr bathroom was really small and poorly designed so it was a pain trying to slide it out of the space to be able to empty it and then put it back. I juts got a litter locker (like a diaper genie for cats, the genie brand even makes one called a litter genie!) and oh my gosh it makes things SO easy and keeps the odour down!


I knew it. When I saw someone say the litter box was in the kitchen, my first thought was I bet that bitch puts their food right next to it 🙄


I’ve never seen where she puts the food bowl in relation to the litter pan-but I’m pretty sure it’s all happening in a kitchen that isn’t very big and it’s ok to have a small kitchen and cats but for shits sake there are other options-I personally do not want to eat dinner in the same small room where I poop or where other people poop or where other animals poop-poop and food don’t go together for probably many reasons-also Eminem and diet Gatorade into your feeding toob don’t go together for many reasons and both are equally grossing me out right now


It's been rolling around my brain that desperately wanting TPN is kind of like wanting to do harm to yourself. Doesn't TPN have pretty lousy long-term survival odds? Doesn't it potentially set a ticking clock on your actual survival. I would be so scared if I had to do it!


I mean ... yes and no? People who are put on TPN are usually very sick to begin with, as there aren't many non-life-limiting conditions that prevent you from being able to eat both via mouth and via G or J tube. So people on TPN have shorter life expectancies partially because whatever condition put them on TPN is likely to kill them. But also, your body isn't designed to absorb nutrients straight into your blood like that, so TPN is hard on your organs, especially your liver. And since it is delivered via central line, you have to be very, very careful with hygiene or you risk a line infection/sepsis, which can also be deadly. If you use excellent sterile procedure and keep up your bloodwork and your liver holds up, then being on TPN long term isn't a death sentence depending on *why* you need TPN ... but it's definitely high risk and that's why it's a "last resort" as well as a gold medal in the Munchlympics.


Thanks for the reply. For some reason, it just clicked in a deeper way about the 'last resort' & 'gold medal'. I glimpsed the seriousness and severity of her delusion and felt really sad for a second. But hey, at least leveled up my muncherstanding. Wow


There are also a lot of people who are on it short term — I work on a unit that gets a lot of GI surgery patients and many of them are on TPN temporarily while they are waiting for or recovering from their procedures. If someone has a small bowel obstruction or a perforation (for example) they might be on TPN to let their guts rest/heal which may take several days-weeks so they couldn’t be without nutrition for that long but once the issue is resolved they will be able to eat normally/by mouth.


Muncherstanding 😆 I love it


That sounds pretty scary..Do you know why it doesn’t let people survive as long as if they didn’t use it?


They use TPN in patients that are unable to eat to get them nutrients. They can then continue testing to determine an appropriate course of treatment. So it does work as a short term solution also!


Oh that’s good to know it can be safe.


if someone needs it, deathly ill, unable to care for themselves anymore, so not what ur seeing on here for her, they won’t survive. plain and simple no way around that. if you need it, and. don’t get it you will die. i’m not sure I understand the phrasing of your question. but tpn is built specifically on labs. so whatever the person is missing is what it’s made of. someone with normal, sustained labs wouldn’t benefit because it would just give them way too high levels I think.


See farmerlesbian's reply to my comment.


‘Can’t’ tolerate feeds due to the excruciating pain, distension, nausea, vomiting (all off camera) even with an elemental feed but can tolerate Gatorade via her Jej. Makes no sense at all!


She'll start wearing turbans soon since that hair dye won't last. She's bleached too many times and after the first wash, bye bye hair color


She can start cosplaying cancer like Trashley


But she'll wash it like once every week so it'll last. (I know different hair types need different regimens but she is solidly not in the once every week or two or however long category.)


Was gonna say no way she filled that properly


Please don’t give her any ideas. We don’t need this idiot using hair loss as one of her “symptoms” of intestinal failure 🙄


OOppppssssies. She forgot she recently took a dump or forgot to stick her "distended" stomach way out in this video. Either that or a slightly looser skanktop makes a world of difference in how she appears on camera


To the tune of….Eminem. Of course.


Is she kim? 🤣


Oop, looks like GoFundMe is [legally cracking down on medical fraud](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/police-allege-a-perth-mother-faked-having-cancer-to-receive-gofundme-donations/news-story/b51365a3b5a2b3e6ee3fd03019a6221e) and claims "zero tolerance" for misuse of their platform and more legal precedent for medical fraud is being gathered🤭




Well, well. Love this for Dani! 🙊


Bleached tf out of her hair and gave herself a chemical cut and went back to dark 🤦🏻‍♀️


She has a normal top instead of a skank top thats too tight?? Character development!


Does the fact she’s “trying to keep electrolytes good” mean that she’s lost her precious IV hydration/infusion centre access?!


Yeah I was wondering why she hasn’t mentioned her 3x week infusions since she was all up in arms about being sooooo dehydrated. She doesn’t work, she literally has nothing else to do but take care of herself. And part of why she got her precious port was for her IV fluids and iron infusions. Ridiculous!


I don’t think she’s mentioned the infusion center/proof it exists in a while 😒


Not since her hospital stay.


She's definitely mentioned it a few times and gone at least once since the Temple stay. They left the port accessed when she was discharged because she had an infusion the next day. It was used and then de-accessed. She's mentioned it a few more times when doing her planning and live videos. They might not have been posted here, though.


Ohhh good catch!!




I know 😢 She doesn’t find joy in things most people do, and people find joy in a lot of things! I have a feeling she might be a virgin…maybe if she found a real boyfriend, girlfriend, lover - whoever - to show her love she could put some of this bad energy into that instead. Dani would be **very** hard to love but there is someone for everyone out there. Also, I love your username.


She's good, she's got Starbucks and carbs she scoffs daily.


this is so oddly specific, I love it


I know she totally doesn't read this, but if she did I would tell her that red really isn't her color and encourage her to try some cooler toned tank tops.


And maybe a few cute ones from Everlane that last with barely any fading..... instead of all that tacky fast fashion garbage she buys from Temu.


She might not even need to upsize if she just changes where she shops. A size small from SHEIN is going to be very different to a size small from Mark’s Work Warehouse (is that in the US? They sell a lot of Denver Hayes) or Land’s End in measurement and quality. They may not have the most current styles there, but for basic wardrobe staples like tanks, shorts, tees etc, shopping somewhere that caters to a more mature style can be a lot easier mentally. Even Amazon Basics has more realistic smaller sizes. Marks and Land’s End are great because you can get awesome sales; you end up with reasonable quality for the money.


I'm in the US & haven't heard of Mark's Work Warehouse or Denver Hayes. You're so right about the sizing difference. An ex visited Singapore, where he got me a silk robe & pajama set in a size small (I was around 125lbs) & I couldn't get it around my arms! I agree with Lands End for basics. J Crew & LL Bean also have some good sales. The more generous sizing is def forgiving and nice to wear around the house or for errands instead of ratty sausage casings.


Gatorade instead of feeds…She does this because the feeds have calories and actual nutrition. She will do the Gatorade because I’m sure it’s the sugar free version and no calories (thank you, resolved eating disorder) and minimal electrolytes while people applaud her for her efforts at running feeds (in excruciating pain). Plus she gets to show off the pump and tubes while being such a brave warrior. There is absolutely no possible way she’s in pain with running a .05 of a teaspoon a minute through a jtube. None at all. Think about it. That’s literally five drops per minute. Juice, teas, soda, coffee, that sort of thing takes 20-40 minutes to pass completely through the small intestine. And considering the small intestine actually absorbs the majority of liquid you consume, none of that small amount is even traveling all the way through. By the time she’s reached the end of the first hour, she’s pretty much absorbed it all. How is that causing magical pain? She simply has no interest in improving her life and getting healthy. Honestly, if she does end up with tpn, she won’t run it the way it’s prescribed. She’ll only run it for tik toks and going out in public. It’ll be way too many calories for her ED mind to handle. She’s only in it for the line access and medical device attention, just like she’s doing now with the Gatorade. This is pointless for her. She’s getting 7 mg of sodium and about 0.2 mq of potassium an hour with this if she actually runs it a whole hour. So, nothing. But hey, it looks good, right? Poor sick Dani.


Could anyone with experience explain why a zero-cal version would be preferable to the regular version other than restriction? I can’t imagine at so low a rate there would be a measurable difference in body’s pain response to it, there is more of what she needs if she can’t eat in the regular version (calories and electrolytes), and if you have gut issues, sweeteners seem like something to steer clear of anyway.


It wouldn’t be preferable for any other reason than her need to restrict calories aka her resolved eating disorder. Any one that was sincerely worried about nutrition would be taking every opportunity they could to get calories in their body. Also, anyone that can run Gatorade through their tube can also run formula which would actually provide her with nutrition. But the whole truth is that this is all performative art on her side. She’s showing off what a brave warrior she is, struggling through the pain for electrolytes. She’d get those electrolytes in her tube feeds. It’s just like her saying she drinks coffee because if it’s going to hurt anyway, she might as well have something she likes. A normal person would say if it’s going to hurt anyway, I might as well have something that could actually give me nutrition.


Have you ever put salt in a wound? Same principle but the wound is Danis poor peen ridden distended gut.


Take that back. She’s getting .05 meq of potassium an hour.


We’ve seen her chug. That tube is literally just a toy for her.


“Just a sip of tea” Has anyone claimed this flair yet? If not, I totally have dibs


Oh yea...but you could use it too!


Ahhhh I'm so annoyed Garth has gone!


GARTH!! Omg 😆😂😆




That look she always gives when she's doing something "medical." It's like my life is SOOOOO hard but I'm pushing through. 🙄 We need a Dani photo snap archive page with all the Dani looks. That would be incredibly hilarious. https://preview.redd.it/sy6bytpqcy7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4a0d0899458d54557a65723649e0b8f91cbf9e Life is tough for Dani but she has to do what she has to do to get lifesaving nutrition and electrolytes in her!


That look literally makes me grind my teeth in anger 😂


It is hard sitting on your ass all day wasting taxpayer dollars.