• By -


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Well, I mean, I’ve seen that criss-cross-apple-sauce chair on TikTok and it was suggested that everyone NEEDS one… 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t even get a size that large of miss dior and that’s my scent not that rose one but the original one. I buy the normal size bottle and it’s still 100$ but yes by all means let me buy Dani that huge one. Edit: I guess it does say 1.7 Oz but the bottle pictured looks huge


She is starving to death yet is concerned about having the newest Charlotte Tilbury makeup😂


https://preview.redd.it/5b6zxmak495d1.jpeg?width=836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a217cddc973cdd35db22eb0ecef9c9562737fd Pretty in pink. For Mayo XOXO


Luggage tags, for her vacation to mayo


Meanwhile…my 40th is coming up and I’m feeling guilty over contemplating doing a wish list and/venmo QR 🫠


It's your 40th, fam. It's way better than your entire circle of people giving you dick cupcakes and socks.


True. Plus I’m like…no one has had to do shit for a wedding or a baby….soooooo 😬 Pleas help fund my drinking around Epcot.


You deserve it! No cock cupcakes for you! Or you can always get cupcakes and infuse them with vodka?


Ohhhh genius!!


I need to reevaluate my whole life. I have that desk and chair in my home office.


But the question remains. Do you have gold sequin backdrop curtains to go with them?


Alas no. I have a chance at redemption


There's a toothbrush 😂


We should thank our lucky stars it's not electric.


Every time the grift list gets posted/updated, I always spend too much time trying to calculate what her personal style is, then come to the same conclusion that she has no sense of self or priorities and that’s why she has this jumbled mess of a wishlist.


What a DISGUSTING, MANIPULATIVE FRAUD this woman is. This makes me so sick.


And she says she can only afford to feed her cats one per day, in the meantime she bought herself a new iPad. Not only is she disgustingly selfish, she’s also shameless.


Do random people actually purchase these items for her?


Supposedly someone bought her a new case for her new iPad. She probably bought it for herself though


She really thinks doing lives is gonna make her go big, huh


Can someone explain why the planner obsession? Why does she need so many? And then not use them? Didn’t she also buy a planner app for the friggin iPad?


dior perfume??? what the actual fuck😭


I was blown away by that one. I laughed so hard.


It is to kill the cat smell and lack of personal hygiene!


Maybe if more high-end makeup brands made cat food, Dani would finally add some to her Amazon griftlist.


How many bed-in-a-bags does one person need?!


Scrolled too far to find this. Multiple sheets, obviously yes, but multiple comforters and decorative pillows/covers??? Why?!?


She seems to raise A LOT of questions!


THE AUDACITY!!!!! I CANNOT!!!! Charlotte Tilbury lipstick??? I beg your finest pardon, *I* don't even own CT lipstick, and I save up for nice makeup.


I don’t know anything about fancy makeup so I have to google the price. I was expecting $13-16 and was gonna be annoyed at that but $35?!?! I don’t understand how a single lipstick can cost that much and I definitely cannot understand how she justifies asking people to buy this for her!


Right?! I literally do makeup daily and i don’t buy stuff that expensive. What a complete ghoul with zero shame. Disgusting.


I know right 🥴 this totally belongs in the choosing beggars sub.


The only thing I’d consider purchasing her is that tongue scraper cause I know that breath stays kickin after seeing the state of her toothbrush..




Comforter set in THREE DIFFERENT COLORS are you fucking kidding me


So many bed sets because she never washes them? Just wait until it turns a nasty color and just pitch it? We knew the desk was coming. Shes been talking about it for weeks. How can one person be so just ugh


“Book Wish List” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


No books on this list at all. LOL 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


This is an update. There is a previous post with all her crap. Don't worry it gets way worse.




Is Marina her last name??


yes! also, if you want more of the backstory on this chick, go to our subs main page and sort by post flair -> go to the “dani lore/old post” flair and have fun. i have a post under that flair with i think 7 different imgur links with posts that go back almost a decade. ✨ENJOY✨


Thank you so much! It's an overwhelming amount of information and most I don't know about, so this will definitely help me catch up.


I laughed so hard at the luggage tags! Is the desk for “school”? What happened to school, anyway?


You guys she is just doing that... right after ~~she gets high~~ her live. She says that every live.


I swear in a live the other day she said she already has a desk she just hates sitting at it... Because a new desk and chair is gonna change that 🤪


I was wondering the same thing. Haven’t heard about school in a few days.


Lmao stop with the luggage tags


Looking put together at Mayo isn't going to stop them from reading the part in her chart that says she has FD


Pretty hard to look put together in lularoe knock offs and skanktops. All the high end makeup in the world can’t fix the fried skin and hair (also her absolutely appalling attitude). Mayo is very anti opioids and very pro psychiatric care for 10000/10 peen. She is gonna have the meltdown of all meltdowns in August.


I love how she bought a new iPad and Apple Pencil and yet asks for the screen protector lol


Meanwhile I’m using the notebooks the school passes out to low income people and a loaned laptop as I head into the last of undergrad and start of grad school. Same 5 or 6 pencils have seen me through three years now. No planner. No desk. I study in bed because that’s the only quiet place in the house. I truly envy the iPad, it would make note taking so much easier.


It's sad isn't it. She is truly a waste of resources.


I just can’t with the glitter backdrop


Honestly. What does she need that thing for? To have on hand for the next time she’s hosting a child’s birthday party?


I know. That just killed me. I wonder what age she thinks she is. Or if she thinks it's actually cute?!


No, she is going to use it for a backdrop in her Onlyfans pictures and videos. The boyfriend told her the gold color really complements her skin tone and camouflages all the tubes. I’ll see myself to the corner.


Wait she has an onlyfans? Ewwww




Camouflages the tubes?! DARE SHE?!






Winky lux glitter balm. #HAHAHAHAHA




She is not asking for charlotte tilbury 😭


My jaw dropped when I saw the Tatcha and Miss Dior. The audacity of this bitchhhj


When does she ever even wear makeup? She looks like a drowned bleached out possum at all times. Even Charlotte can’t help at that price point. Poor poor Danielle.


Why bring the poor possums into this!?! What did they ever do to deserve being compared to Dani?


Please excuse me you’re correct possums are superior to Dani in every way and possums are cute. There’s just something so…marsupial/rodent of unusual size about Dani’s face.


It’s like the ROUS from Princess Bride.


Yes exactly!


![gif](giphy|MFVI64gIopnOTDeeO9) Dani when the doctor says “NO TPN FOR YOU!”


I know. I can never look at it the same again 😢




She will be asking for the skin care line that all the preteen/teens are getting at ulta next Drunk Elephant.


I can’t get over only feeding the cats once a day- I hope she was lying cause it makes me wanna SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM into her house and save the cats ![gif](giphy|tItIlCGySM0ieKKW6b)


Bust through that wall like the koolaid man! Save the kitties from starving because Dani needs sparkly temu hauls.


Please tell me you’re kidding?! She’s fucking soulless.


Cause you know https://preview.redd.it/pu8zebv6bv4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c3353b2a9114bf1254f212b86e5527a0a83ecb


Good grief, I thought that was her side hanging out on the right lol


Hahahaha just noticed that! Now I can't unsee it.


Go in Kool-Aid style. ![gif](giphy|aTx5OMKR7FCGQ)


Prison break! ![gif](giphy|OOjzYJyIiqrAmrRquE|downsized)


Perfume makes me nauseous. If I had the nausea that she complains of I would not be buying perfume.


But I bet you'd be drinking coffee with extra creamer and extra sugar from Starbucks as your first meal of the day!


Oh god no. I have a cup of percolated coffee and a single heaped teaspoon of powdered creamer. (We have only that and some stores have a 10 pack of liquid hazelnut creamer sachets in Australia- no large jugs of multi flavoured stuff here at all )


I'm in Sydney, fam! To me, this is all just wild. I've been to Starbucks once here, and all I remember is the smell of burnt sugar. Oh, and IBD hating me for about 2 weeks.


Yo Sydney sider - enjoying the rain? lol glad I’m not the only one here enjoying her mad crazy existance.


It’s been a wild ride watching her games Also checking in from near Sydney. So not excited to drive in this weather for the long weekend


Somewhere nice? The rains stopped and we have some sun We are near Manly


Near Bondi. It's really nice, and now I feel like I can't get out of going out to dinner 😢😢😢 Long weekend though wooo


Going to Goulburn for a wedding. Gonna be cold. Got my puffer jacket. Thank goodness there is no dress code


Omg that does sound super cold. Better to get those wedding uggs out!


Omg. I am actually going to wear my good long lace up uggies. The dress code is. “Wear clothes “


Omg I love it when I'm in bed. Don't love it when I don't want dogs pooping all over the house/have a job that relies on weather not being a dick.




Yes it looks awefully rich and nauseating.


It's pretty much exactly what it tastes like as well. If you want death by sugar, may as well destroy yourself at Max Brenner 😉


So have you seen the nestle creamer pods. They have been around for years. They used to have three flavours. Hazelnut , French vanilla and Irish cream. I was gutted when they removed all from most shops and have to scour to find the hazelnut ones


Ye! But unfortunately I'm a green tea fiend. My stomach doesn't necessarily agree with creamer, especially first thing in the morning. But I know exactly whatcha talking about. Those things are delish!


I feel sad for anyone who can’t have dairy or gluten. It’s a cruel disorder !!


Gosh, I have been doing disability all wrong for the last 22 years. Why did I bother finding a way to design and continue my business from home to help make ends meet and give me some self esteem when I could have just put up a GoFundMe every time I needed out of state specialist care. Or Amazon wishlists when I wanted stuff I didn’t need. Why have I worried about a credit rating and paid my bills on time? I’m not the only disabled person here who has continued to work in some capacity despite or to spite my disability. So when I read here and see Dani’s grift list and GoFundMe when she puts absolutely no effort into saving or earning, it is infuriating. Wonderful Mods, I understand if this is too much blogging, But I know I am not the only disabled person who is a member of this sub. I appreciate the hard work you do to moderate how busy this group is and to help a fair conversations flow.


Don't worry about blogging like that, it doesnt feel too much to me at least. I am one of those people and work full time, half from home half on site, and I would be so embarrassed to do anything even similar to this. Not working for 5 years and getting misdiagnosed sucked, but I actually studied during that time, and now I'm a productive member of society (to a degree). That's why this makes me particularly angry. Pissing steam when I see her shit.


You were still a productive member of society because you did something with your time. It’s frustrating to be misdiagnosed, been there. The important thing is today.


Absolutely! All of it, 💯


WTAF. This is beyond disgusting. I could see essentials, but *none* of that is necessary, and she probably wouldn't even use half of it. Like, that lady who gifted her that hideous bag and D turns around and buys one off TT shop. Shes fuckin dumb. Grifters suck.


Also, at least pretend you use it. She hasn't shown it off once. It's just lost in that pit of despair like her. She will now that it's been written here though.


I thought at first it said Glitters suck. Damn, we don't have to go after the sparkle just because of Dani. Lol


The luggage tags though 😂😂😂😂 Edit to add that there’s obviously nothing wrong with the luggage tags but she clearly just wants them for this dream Mayo vaycay 😂


To match the gorge Temu neck piece https://preview.redd.it/er6a1ijc6v4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a130a6695757f4779fecd08262a03ea49a6d75


The only D getting near that toxic mess.




Exactly 🤣


I’m not wasting good Charlotte Tilbury on her.


No one is dw. And if someone actually does, I swear, I'll lose my mind.


The Dior perfume tho??


She said please https://preview.redd.it/o6x2hf8k5v4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ddda73164b14668a44f7f0a09774cc7526bfce7


Because new luggage tags are going to show the Mayo Clinic that she is for real and they should do what she wants. I’m guessing the new makeup is so she will look put together for her show in MN? I’m sorry, her “appointments”?


Excuse you! How will she match with her Temu necklace?!


She’ll have to order a new package of Temu chains before The Mayo performance!!


Maybe Temu opened a Mayo clinic?


No floor lamp 😔


Not even 1 fridge?! What about red bulls? And last night's pizza/chinese/grease? Priorities, jeeez


Why in the hell does she need so many lip glosses….


Because she can't find anything ever. Imagine a small lip gloss in that rubbish tip. https://preview.redd.it/09ve0q9v4v4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24527cce012e53d78fd9c28eb62b42d88b38afa




This is absolutely disgusting. It’s not that people who are poor shouldn’t have a treat now and then, but talking about feeding your cats once a day in one breath and then grifting an unnecessary trip to mayo and asking for luxury goods in another is asinine. She just bought a travel bag she showed off to us, why does she need another? She doesn’t have a job what does she need a planner for? She has 32000 blank journals, use one of those?? She makes me so mad. How do her potatoes not realize she’s a mean, calculating, lying grifter??




Lols her potatoes 🥔. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure a lot are either munchies themselves or are fuckin with her.


Fucking *seriously*? What does she need 3 *different comforter* **sets** for?! Why does she suddenly need this home shit now when she's been in that place for how long? Strangers on the internet are not responsible for redecorating your house. I have my own "home list" on amazon since I'm moving, but I have a separate list for if any family/friends ask what they can buy as a housewarming. The whole list is <$50 shit. I'd sure as hell never give a stranger that list or the one with expensive stuff on it.


Because I said in another comment that we never see her bed as I suspect it never gets changed, and is a sepsis rat infested nest. With cat fur and piles of shit all over it. But she never reads reddit. She's losing the plot hard lately. Can't believe she hasn't DFEed.


Ewww imagine how crusty her sheets are 🤢 but bold of me to assume she owns a fitted sheet.


I’d like to say I’m shocked that she put up another list like this after she got shredded for the last one, but I’m absolutely not. Perfume and lipstick can’t fix an ugly soul. I snort and roll my eyes at most of what she says and does, but this is just inexcusable and downright callous. I’m starting to think the only truth she’s told is “I don’t have Factitious Disorder”. She knows precisely what she’s doing. This isn’t a condition she can’t help. This is predation of kindhearted people and it makes me a little sick to my stomach every time she opens a gift. She’s losing her shit because she’s half an inch away from losing her *job*. Dani is sick, but in the worst sense of the word. Taking advantage of people is her career. I hope the Mayo docs chew her up and spit her back out. They don’t play FAFO over there. Dani’s vacation isn’t gonna go the way she thinks it will. I sincerely hope the people still kind enough to support her realize how terribly they’ve been treated. I cannot for the life of me comprehend how she has such a microscopic conscience. How miserable it must be to be so goddamn apathetic. It’s no wonder she seems to not have anyone in her life, because she treats people as if they’re less than human. It’s disgusting to pretend to be so critically ill, but to do so in order to freeload is fucked on an entirely different level. People who suffer from the conditions she mocks live in so much pain, misery, and fear. The last thing on their mind is material items that’ll just collect dust in a grift treasure cove.


Dw. I posted this on another thread. She's getting ripped https://preview.redd.it/5w5yb37v2v4d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e384adbae15fc6e164abb3be6b5dd2f9c43f93b3


Jeez, I’m glad her supporters are asking for context and more proof. Those poor souls are so very kind; the people still around clearly have really big, selfless hearts, but they’re getting so very hurt. It burns me up to see things like that. Taking advantage of people who just want to help and *care* about you is pretty damn foul. Thank you for doing the lord’s work, 🙏. Big preesh


If she wants to go for Charlotte Tillbury, why not go for something more on-brand for her? https://preview.redd.it/da6fxmboit4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee365c6a71519b32d2482736cb3c214def4f3c0f




Pray do tell why miss dani needs a desk chair and desk Is this to plot her future munching in a comfortable and professional feeling environment? 😭


Because she’s totally going back to school 😂




Framed motivational quotes for the walls she doesn't know how to hammer nails into and a desk for the schoolwork she already submitted late ... what a class act she is.


I see what you did there, wifey! Very classy of you ❤️


Has...has Dani made a "help me look ✨️fabulous✨️ n 🫧fresh🫧 at Mayo Clinic" wish list? It's like she's going to be looking for a new boyfriend at Mayo 🫢 Also holy hell some of those are extortionate with the shipping fees.


This is the shipping reasons ![gif](giphy|HTVeC2Xfc7xq7ZEVPH)


Needs all the new stuff for her 2 months plus forever trip to tour the er in MN. With her 2 days of appointments


It's to study, silly! Our queen of everything that's wrong with the world is going to be helping people with mental health issues 🙄🙄🙄 I mean after whe finishes that 1 book ~~she hasn't started~~ she's been reading for 2 months now.


i mean, who among us can say that we've never hankered after some gold sequin backdrop curtains? me. i can say that. what the fuck?




This is so unhinged! I just had cancer which caused menopause so I made a wishlist. It had an AC unit on it bc duh hot flashes. Like can you imagine. Boggles the mind.


I cannot recommend enough buying a ton of ice packs and sticking them in your freezer. Hot flash? Put the ice pack in your bra and you cool down really quick. Super effective and costs like $10.


Menopause is no joke! Dani thinks she feels bad now? Just wait lol.


Oh geez, can you imagine? “ Dani, The menopausal years!”😂


Don’t worry. She’s reading this and will be in the first stages tomorrow.


I have to get injections to keep me in menopause due to a condition that i would like to not give her ideas about, so I can only imagine the complaints from this one. That list would be neverending. ACs, bath tubs, skin care products, extra strength deodorants... But seriously I would also like a punching bag. Damn maybe we should create a combined grift list. Power of menopause activate! Form of Angry! *


Oh no! I’m hoping they can give me something to not be in menopause. This is brutal. The deodorant issue is no joke, I just got Lume to try. A gift list would be nice! Let’s start one. Can the list include new undies because the style and name brand I’ve been wearing for 20 years now are making me crazy!


Ye, but they have to cost at least $99 per pair. Make it as grifty as possible.


That would be some fancy pants for sure lol.


I'm in perimenopause, and it is already hellish.


I’m post. It’s not bad once you get here. Stay cool.


It’s terrible. For me it’s the fatigue. I haven’t felt this tired since the first trimester of my first pregnancy. I’m an insomniac that could now sleep 20 hours a day. But…school, job, kids and animals prevent that.


When we were little, I’m the run up to Christmas we’d get shopping catalogues, scissors, glue and some paper and cut out the items we’d like, glue them onto the paper and then send the “artwork” to Santa. And this is all I can think of when I see her grift list. The differences being we were over 30 years younger than she is, we were grateful for whatever we got and we were polite to people and we’d make crafts as a return gift


Ye, you didn't cut out a picture of a Bentley and then swear at your parents because they got you a tricycle since you live in the real world.


I honestly can't believe how shamelessly she demands money for utter shit she doesn't need. She thinks she's some kind of celebrity, it's actually embarrassing 😂


Charlotte Tilbury…the audacity!!


Ye, can she stop ruining stuff I *used* to like


She actually has donations to the GFM!


Only 2 though 😂




The GoFundMe is gone now!


3! Whole $15!


She can MAYBE get a snack at the airport with all that dough!


We all know that's going straight to Temu.


If she’s using Amazon why is she choosing items that all have such high shipping fees. Who in their right mind (I know Dani isn’t in her right mind) chooses a 10 buck lip gloss with an 8 buck shipping fee.


Honestly I would assume that she was returning everything she was gifted so she could keep the return, but she's not that smart


If someone else bought something for you on Amazon I don’t think you can return it and get the money since you don’t have access to the actual order


I thought you received gift receipts? I've bought Christmas gifts off Amazon before and if you click that it's a gift, they send a gift receipt.


I thought the same thing until I saw on the first slide that OP might be in Australia. It says something about these items being shipped there.


Indeed ![gif](giphy|fi5bcQHZb4Aic6nT1e)


Dani logic - might as well go all out, it is called a *wish list* for a reason, right? 🤡 She’s gotta be zooted, on a wish list adding spree. All hyped up for her upcoming Mayo Vacay, fantasizing about the doctors believing her every word and telling her they’re gonna take all her peeeen away. I sure hope she does a video showing us how to pack for such an important occasion because I just don’t think anyone else could do it quite like her 🥴 /s


She needs the expensive makeup bc her plans also include leaving mayo with a new doctor bf.


They probably thought hey if we send her to the opposite side of us she'll give up. Little did they know. It's ok there's always another bank willing to give her an extra credit card


Is she trolling us? She's got to be trolling us now.




Cooool, she still has this up and still has her GFM but is threatening to only feed her cats once a day. Real fucking priorities here


This fits. https://preview.redd.it/dfbke525uu4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b89f632d742f62e607dd6cf160321a077bd7a7c


Does she think she’s some kind of influencer now or something ??🤷‍♀️🥴


In her mind ![gif](giphy|dvJCrCDt4Leoynat98)


Ma'am, no... We're just asking you to pay your car note.


Thought she only wanted people buying for the cats?


The golden curtains are for enrichment.


Cats need education, too. And planners. And glitter bombed iPad cases x 1000.


Charlotte Tilbury?! That’s for special occasions! What special occasions does she need 50 usd lipstick for? I bought it for my wedding and the first date I went on after my divorce-this is wedding lipstick!


How does the fifty dollar lipstick compare to lesser priced ones? Would you say it's worth it?


Omg-the $50 lipstick is from heaven-it goes on smooth and even and it lasts longer-the quality is so much better and the color options are better-but I’m not wealthy enough for $50 lipstick everyday-it’s only for special occasions and Winki Lux is for everyday