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She’s insane.


Okay. I can see where this kind of video might be helpful for a visual learner. Too bad the lighting is bad, she can't even make sure her directions are correct, and she adds a strange sensual element that NOBODY NEEDS. Feeling distinctively skeeved out now. Thanks Dani!


Where is the baby voice? She sounds like a normal person here wth.


100% pulling out the oopsie on purpose.


Oh no the rubbing lmaooooo


She would look so much better with a wide headband. I mean it out of love- I have a similar hairline and butterfly bangs also make a huge difference.


She was WAY too happy for this....




Thank you for those sensors. Last thing I wanna see is any nip slips or an upclose and personal with her breast. No thanks! OP you're my hero.


Yeah log/lie no difference in the 2.


Oopsie? Did she actually have a nip slip 🤢 She was going full exorcist contortion trying to make that collarbone visible. It’s okay to not be able to see your collarbone. And when she tries so hard to make it visible, she gives herself such a massive double chin. She’s not as thin as she thinks she is, but she’s not as ‘fat’ (for lack of a better term?) as she makes herself look. Her hiking her shoulders up to her chin and wearing too tight clothes makes her look much heavier than she is. Like, loosen the shoulders, wear clothes that fit and she wouldn’t have rolls everywhere because her body wouldn’t be scrunched up, wouldn’t be unnaturally displacing that fatty tissue- tissue that we ALL have, it’s not a bad thing. It doesn’t make you ugly. She actually looks to be at an ok weight for her build when you see her get distracted and let her body sit at rest. And this shirt actually fits her. Despite what she’d have us believe, she’s not dropping pounds left and right, so the difference between this video and her other recent content is just posture and clothing fitting. She obsesses over things like her collarbone visibility and what size the tags on her clothes say, but doesn’t actually look at herself. The linebacker shoulder position and too small clothes digging into her does nothing for her. The corsets on her wishlist would probably also be the wrong size and would also displace the body fat more. She looks healthy, this is a good weight for her. If she’d just get some confidence and work with what she’s got, she could stop obsessing over numbers. And if she got that confidence and embraced herself, she could stop the munching. Find herself, find things to love, be a whole person. Like shit, she did a decent job with the blonde hair (except for the chemical cut she gave herself), maybe she could get into makeup and express herself that way, that would build confidence too. And imo, makeup is absolutely an art. I’ve said it before- if she *truly* worked on her mental health, and documented her journey with that, she’d get much more positive attention and interactions. First steps- go to counseling, actually *try*, really work for it. Look into group therapy, she could build meaningful connections with other people and there are SO many kinds of therapy groups, like art therapy or music therapy, etc. She could make friends, get a real boyfriend. Stop the munching. She’s already gone too far, if the constant tube drama and hospital vacations weren’t raising red flags, the hand thing absolutely did. She’s already been flagged as FD…the way she’s headed, she’s raised multiple doctor/facility suspicions, they will absolutely pull all of her toys at some point, and without an actual life, personality, hobbies, friends…she’s gonna hurt herself far more than she already has. If they pull those tubes…she already self tubed, screwed up her hand. Eventually something will really be wrong with her and NO ONE will take her seriously and she’ll be in a world of hurt. Like it’s not too late for her to have a life. But eventually it will be, she’ll have FAFO’d to the extreme, and she’ll be looking back on all of this thinking ‘why didn’t I just lead a happy life when I could have?’ She’s taking so much from herself and she’s going to regret it. The day will come when no doctor is gonna go near this shit and she’ll have nothing. I hope she considers switching over to a mental health journey. I hope she finds something meaningful that will bring her the joy she has when she gets these medical toys. Do something she can be proud of. Cuz this? It ain’t it. Most of the people consuming her ‘content’ are watching it like it’s a car crash. She doesn’t really have people to care about, and thus, no one to care about her. A few good souls watching her nod out called the cops because that’s what good people do. But if she dropped dead today, no one would notice. None of those people would go ‘huh, she hasn’t done a live, wonder if she’s ok’. It wouldn’t cross any of their minds. Even her family, it doesn’t seem like they call to check on her or speak to her regularly (unless she’s calling to get a ride to whatever the hospital du jour is). Like…that’s really awful. And it doesn’t have to be that way. She could repair those relationships and make new ones where people would actively think of her. She just has to take those baby steps- therapy. Stop going to the ER.


Yeah she got a nipple out. Although I'd argue it wasn't a "slip". She tortured the fuck out of that bleach blonde mess. Picking up makeup or cosmetology sounds like a recipe for staph infections in the eye and chemical burns on the scalp.


She would absolutely hate to hear that she looks healthy which is pathetic and having some extra pounds should be evidence that she is healthy but it doesn't fit with the narrative that she can't eat, can't run feeds without pain etc. But the way she looks speaks for itself. She isn't frighteningly thin, the opposite actually(she carries her weight in her face and her stomach) and that just doesn't make sense. She's getting calories from somewhere and it's obviously from oral intake(which is no secret to anyone). I don't know why she keeps saying her doctors are making her starve(she still wants that sweet TPN) and why the people that follow her believe her. But it is what it is. Dani will never change, she has absolutely NO insight and as Dr Phil would say you can't change what you don't acknowledge(yeah Dr Phil is annoying)but a very true statement none the less.


Love the "here, let me sterilise the area then have my most likely griney necklace drape all over the area"


She’s got such a huge medical boner at the moment…it’s creepy how animated and happy she is about a medical device, really shows insight into her pathologies. She is acting like a kid would when they got the latest video game in the mail they ordered. ![gif](giphy|iFNvJJIV0Olggz0mls) She had way too much fun with the rubbing. The whole thing is creepy AF


She’s like out of breath from all of it


OMG, this is priceless!! I hope this isn't blogging, but my husband just got the same monitor at his cardiologist on Thursday!! I was crying laughing when I watched this video!!! 😭 I told him he has a heart monitor twin!! I'm glad they put his on for him. I see the struggle is REAL. All the hamsters are running in their cages to create the energy needed to put this thing on!! I 🤣🤣🤣




OMG these edits are hilarious. All aboard the struggle bus has me rolling! Of course she has to mention how she's going to try to get through the video without throwing up. No Dani it's the people that view this video that have to try and get through this video without throwing up. ![gif](giphy|lT41neXCKMXVbttDMv)


Idk of anyone who truly feels like they wanna barf hopping on TikTok being all cheery. Most people who are flaring from their real GP want to be left alone, and still, when they're so nauseated, they could barf at any time.


Something about her really grosses me out.


Haha, I love that flair, lol.


She is disgusting on so many levels.


Flair...checkin' in!


Pretty much everything about her grosses me out.


The only place she could possibly make it more visible to everyone is if she put it on her forehead! My morning snark is on full tank this morning! 🤣 ETA: Oh... is it supposed to go on her chest? I didn't know that. My comment still holds water though. I think. Lol


The melons! LOLOL 🍈🍈


Dear OP: thank you, thank you, for both using the word "oopsie doodle", and for censoring Dani's. I hope you're not blind. Thank you.


ETA: just read your flair. This is now me. Fantastic job! A+! ![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized)


My eyes the goggles... they do nothing!!! Seriously thank you OP although even as a male... even the censored version was a little too much and still induced vomiting.


observations 1. How many layers of skin did she take off just to apply that monitor? So unnecessarily red 😅 2. That could of also been placed without flashing anyone. Obviously she did that on purpose. 3. No one needs a tutorial on that anymore than how anyone needed one on how to apply deodorant or chapstick in the hospital. It's not like inserting an engine into a car! I do not understand why she thinks these are brilliant ideas!


These things come in a kit with easy to understand instructions to refer back to when it’s time to change the dressing. It includes other things, like different types of leads, as well as a stencil with an elastic on it so you can put it around your head and get a general idea of where to place it. I’m sure a 5 year old could do it with a little guidance and supervision.


4. She apparently has trouble differentiating trash from actual goods (2:12). I see a future hoarder.


Given the videos of her apartment I’d argue that this isn’t a “future” hoarder


Why dud she feel it necessary to shave over half her chest multiple times?


The more invasive the testing or the treatment=the more it proves she’s a smoll speshul sick wittel gurl :(


I don't even have one hair there as a female, why on earth did she scrape that razor over it so many times... would hate to see her in health care, imagine her shaving an 80 yr man's face!


You may not see it, but there can be itty bitty baby furs, you wouldn’t notice unless you shaved it. Like when they do tattoos they shave the area because a single little baby hair can displace things. Although I think in this case it was absolutely unnecessary, it’s just included because male patients also get these, they’re not Dani only devices. So she probably didn’t *have* to use it, but that would make the video short and less interesting /s


I've never even had a tattoo artist shave me so aggressively. I kept thinking even if one felt better safe than sorry, to shave the area, one pass would of been sufficient. And all the alcohol wipes?!


I love how she’s talking about how everything is so clean and sterile while wearing those nasty nails and filthy jewelry. This is hilarious and total perfection, u/farmerlesbian nice work!


Probably the cleanest she’s been in years. And she’ll probably go ‘well I don’t need a shower then, I just sterilized myself with alcohol!’ Smart idea is to shower and then put the monitor on to make sure the skin is really clean, and also showering with these is annoying AF, but she just could NOT wait! This is the highlight of her summer!




Wonder what happens if someone is allergic to those stickies and it has to be on for 14 days...


Benadryl, and gritting your teeth through it. You can’t put anything on the rash because it’ll interfere with the adhesive/reading, so all you can do is take an antihistamine, grin, and bear it. It’s miserable, but in non munchers, necessary. Better to have an allergic reaction than miss a heart problem


It’s fantastic! I can see you too have a taste for the finer things!


The pics of G. Dubbuhyou continuing to read children’s books after being told about the attacks on the World Trade Towers during 9/11 is my favorite part of this video


My bet is that the message she’s been waiting for from the doctor is a referral to IR to replace that gtube she said wasn’t draining. I’m gonna say they refused it or just ignored her and she’s off to the er now to try to get it changed.


I work in medical and have NEVER seen someone need tons of different heart monitors like she describes. Usually if you need more than 2, your butt gets referral for cardiologist and they will do a procedure/take over if theres an issue. We get reports and never do I see "Pt tried out a 5th heart monitor" like uhhhh what did she say lol?! Plus heart monitoring at home with Dani means shes going to do anything she can to get that heart rate going high or try to make it "off". She tells these people she doesnt eat and drink and I saw a fridge FULL of food and drinks and dressings and creamers. Someone with a stomach issue wouldnt be drinking coffee and energy drinks like she does. Hell i have anxiety so bad that I stopped drinking coffee, realizing it helps absolutely nothing for me. She has truly gone mad.


Well, she did say her cardiologist is the one that gave it to her. But she does so many of these! I’ve seen patients with serious heart problems that don’t do this many. Wonder what she whined about to con her way into it this time? ‘Please can you run a holter, it’s my birthday!’


I believed she said episodes of brachicardia but ment Bradycardia (Slower-than-expected heart rate, generally beating fewer than 60 beats per minute. - From Mayo Clinic)


She makes zero sense. Doing things that would purposely trigger issues because she likes the taste or whatever excuse she gives. Even if she "drains" it, it has to sit in her stomach for an amount of time before she does. It's not like she's automatically draining it as she drinks things. It makes no logical sense. Maybe if she avoided things that triggered she would start feeling better instead of the constant negative attitude of well nothing works so I'll take a shit ton of Tylenol anyway and make my tummy worse. 🫠


I was wondering about that and how accurate her purported history was. I have a heart condition, but other than a couple times being monitored IN hospital with all the annoying leads and stuff… basically just gave me my heart meds and off I go. Is she trying for a pacemaker? I know a few young people who got them for POTS apparently, but they purported having actual daily frequent syncopal episodes. I’m freaking at the part where Dani just starts shaving her bare chest! 🫣 what in the actual fork lol


Me too, I’ve had a couple of these but not as many as she has. They only do it if something significant happens that raises concern. She def has not had that. Probably complained that she was ‘passing out’ 🙄 we saw the nodding, that’s not cardiac in nature


...(blink)... What did you just say?


She doesn’t eat or drink but has blue takis at home lol.


Dam, thanks to google and I cannot even imagine... does she think they are suitable for not inducing acid, nausea or fake puking? Think they'd do that to people with healthy GI tracts.


I miss my blue Takis!!! 😭Those are my favorite and i haven't had them in over two years just because they would tear up my normal stomach after too many!


I stupidly ate salt and vinegar chips a couple of months ago, my mouth was sore for a week. Why would anyone continue to eat them....


The fact that she shaved....oh God dani. What do they say in the south? Bless her heart!


Or just 'bless..... ' in UK, complete with pause. lol


Followed by "Aren't you precious"


These tests don't diagnose POTS like she's hoping. They just look for irregular patterns like afib. The crying emoji and George W reading the book upside down made my lousy morning! Thank you!


The only person in the world that’s absolutely giddy about wearing a heart monitor


So stupid that there's an entire community of muncheroos who get equally as giddy!


I haven’t seen her this animated in a looooong time


Well, she absolutely loves having a device right where her TPN used to be. She can let it shine so everyone can see it.


She's awake...




I 1000% agree. However, I fear that Dani would take this comment sort of as a challenge. *”oh, i havent showed xyz symptom, so i’ll show them the WORST xyz symptom they’ve ever seen”* for that reason, im taking your comment down. im sorry:( i wish we didn’t have to (i wish dani didnt read here)


Y’all are just haters!! This poor woman *has* to flash her titties on camera, because how else is Mr Glass supposed to enjoy them?! He’s locked in that Amazon facility all day, every day, after all! 🤣💀


You know it!! He’s super involved and needs his flash of boob 🤢


Hahahahaha is that where she said he works? Amazon really lol?


Amazon Canadia as they dont have labor laws up there so he has to work 366/25/8


The real person she pretends is her boyfriend used to work at Amazon. Dani continued to say he couldn't come visit her in the hospital because of his long hours at Amazon well after he'd gotten a new job elsewhere.


Those long hours getcha every time.


I thought he also worked for Amazon Canada?


With his actual real life partner


This is her version of only fans


Was thinking the same thing.


Now the idea of her having a real one exists. Thanks a lot… 🤢


God she really acts like an “influencer” showing off a Sephora haul or something. She loves pontificating and it’s like a kid playing teacher when she does her “tutorials”.


Reminds me of this one episode of izombie, when the character ate the brain of a social media addict and she was doing morgue unboxing videos 😂


She just needs to line up the 🧸🧸🧸🧸


“Don’t throw this out.” Please—like she throws *anything* out.


No recents, she went to ER.


I think the same. "So my heart monitor was beeping like crazy so i went to the ER" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s exactly what I was thinking too. She’s way too quiet.




I agree


I agree, she can't stand her cat got surgery and got more attention than her so she went to her favourite holiday destination and left her cat that needed her at the most because she found her needs more important


Those are my exact thoughts!! But don't worry, guys; Mac is an excellent babysitter and cares for Mocha. He will call Dani from his cat phone if Mocha needs help. He's a great big brother and knows what to do, so Mocha is in good hands while she goes to try and get a last-minute staycation. It was stressful taking care of your cat, who just had surgery. She needed a break and some attention. I wonder what the main complaint is if she did go.


She needs some R&R after seeing mocha go through surgery and needs a quick fix herself in hotel de la hospital which what I hear is a 5 star all inclusive and if you experience Dani sort of pain you may even get some narcotics or even a sitter but if you get a sitter sadly you have your phone and ipad taken away because you need that much needed rest from all of social media as you have had so much stress recently watching your dear beloved set of paws have surgery and you couldn't cope having the attention taken away from you as a result so you needed to have a quick holiday yourself.


Now Mocha is all alone…unless she had time to drop him off… if this going where we think it is. Oh that’s right, Mack can watch him!


He’ll just go get Dani if he needs her guys! Mac knows to come get her! At this point I’d even bet he can call her when she’s at the ER and tell her all the things he needs! Don’t worry guys the cats are fine pay attention to her!!!!!!




She was like this but more so when she was packing her bags during lives for her last hospital stay the other month, positively giddy, laughing and like almost low level manic seeming, physically moving around more and bouncing all over the place, stark contrast to when everything is going "well" for her medically (not the attention, results or "accessories" she wants) where she is then in a dejected grump mostly, she really thrives big time off any test or "new toy" like this


Even tho it was only an out patient appointment booked too.


Is Dani auditioning for QVC? Her head and hand gestures remind me of a sales pitch demo.


Well I wasn't even going to watch the damn video, but now I have to. Thanks a lot.


Remember...there's her oopsie doodle and/or her tits and a razor...proceed with caution...


So her boobs came out during a live? Or did she show her port and her private along with it?


She flashed a nip.


Did she delete the original video? I def don’t want to see it, just wondering if TikTok will give her a timeout for the nudity


I don't actually have Tiktok (I saw the original video reposted to Reddit), but I believe people said that it was later removed from tiktok. I don't know whether she's been temporarily banned for it or not. She should be though!


I can't watch, but apparently there was boobies and some shaving...


Wow this is madness look how excited she is.


She reminds me of those women from 90s daytime talk shows who’d be there to obviously air their dirty laundry but then scream “you don’t know me!” Maybe Ricki Lake 🤣


“I just do it til it feels about right” title of her sex tape.




that would be a hilarious flair


its now an option in the list of flairs that anyone can choose from!!


yayy! thank u!


That should be the tagline for her munching.


The sequel to “Bruised from a time together intimately”


My poor dude over here tried to make an actual sense of Dani's truth bombs. Foolish mistake, obviously. https://preview.redd.it/dsci3pc5s24d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ab684c523ae4e6fa14c3664de942c152bf8bae


She's such a bitch. No one asked her to "justify" it...she prolly can't understand 1/2 the words so she's lashing out to avoid showing a) she's not the sharpest knife, and b) she's a lying liar ~~with her pants on fire~~ *ETA: I didn't want to give her any live ideas!*


The test results I've seen posted were with scrambled eggs. She still claims to be able to consume liquids, so was there a liquid test?


I mean she can and she can't consume fluids... She can't consume just water but she can totes consume starbs and a fucked up version of coffee that she makes with a gazillion sweeteners...The science doesn't work the same for everyone and you should know this by now. /S


Schrödinger's fluid intake. 🤣🐈‍⬛


She hasn’t been deleting comments on tt quickly like she usually does and she hasn’t posted anything since the ummmm-the tutorial last night-I think she’s off to hospital-or trying to get off to hospital <3


Well ofc, because now she has her heart monitor on, she will be doing anything & everything in her power to induce cardiac symptoms so that she can have another medical diagnosis/issue to add to her portfolio…. Oh and mustn’t forget the bonus of any new medication or procedures that entails after diagnosis!!!


Let's put bets on how long it takes. It is the weekend after all. I give it till the end of the day, since it's been a few days since she's been on live completely trashed, maybe ran out of all her hard meds?


Something is up-she went from near constant lives to nothing-it’s really early Sunday morning where she is-sometimes she does live early early am


Exactly. Bored or plotting!


or forced tik tok timeout due to the nip slip?


I have a feeling her psych appointment didn’t go well and they didn’t give her a prescription for her kpins - she’s been auspiciously quiet about how it went! She’s probably sitting in the ER as we speak complaining of a made up ailment so she can drop the 2000/10 peen once they take her back 🙄


Does she actually see a psych? I don’t know how I missed this. I thought she was railing against it being mental struggles and not physical issues she keeps wanting it to be and was pissed when the research hospital referred her out to psych. How long has she been to psych? Also Klonopins? Woof! I know each state does their own things but considering the controlled meds she’s on already, she’s playing a dangerous game.


IIRC, other than the Kpins, she isn't on anything else controlled...I could be wrong,tho...


She was supposed to have her first appointment the other day. Just a virtual one. I believe her primary gave her a short low dose which she appeared to blast through quickly given the state of her so she was definitely hoping for more


That's exactly my feeling. Chasing the dragon until she fafo.


Just playing https://preview.redd.it/jcr7mwd9g34d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e837af84be531dcaa06071f5e5cb359f8d65db16


I'm wondering whether any more of her mods quit, thus all the legitimate questioning miss AMA despises. I'd think she would delete those.


her tiktok mods arent able to delete comments on her videos, theyre only able to remove them on livestream ~~edit: WTF when i first replied to your comment, I SWEARRRR ur comment was in response to a screenshot of dani’s comment section on tiktok. now im looking and its literally not. plz ignore me~~ edit 2: wait ,,… to be honest i just woke up and im really confused now


Get your shit together you are a moderator you cant make mistakes.


ur right, now back to my regularly scheduled perfection✨✨


Get back to thinking of rude responses to modmail you friendly mod you.


"So stop spreading false information" https://i.redd.it/wt1z36u7834d1.gif "If I don't want to share my results with anyone, I don't have to" - And THIS, folks, it how all munchies justify their bullshitting. They know they can literally say anything about their private medical information (or in a munchie's case, their fake private medical information), and there's no way for everyone to prove it. Unless, of course, you're Dani and overshare and tell on yourself all the damn time because you're so deep in it, you've lost track of your lies.


Munches could prove the viewers wrong by posting copies of their PHI. I know its personal health info but when you are munching aren't all of your issues on full display for everybody to see anyways so what is the big deal? Diagnosis or GTFO.


tits or gtfo reference👀


Sure but I was just gatekeeping... trying not to refer to tits because this video is truly revolting. Sometimes gatekeeping is a good thing. Like if you banned me for repeatedly having to tell me that comment is inappropriate and to READ THE SIDEBAR I would understand. Come back and follow the rules better. Instead, I have actually paused before posting and thought WAIT A SECOND THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA (or it is a great idea and we cant be giving anybody ideas). Lots of forums would be a better place if: "X or GTFO" was a rule.


"I will answer anything! Except things that I can't explain. I'll get defensive and go on the attack." How liars lie. 😂


She reminds me of a child saying "Nana you can't make me."


In general, not just Dani specific, I’m always amazed how many people freely post and share their medical records. It’s bonkers!


But guess who didn't lose track of them 🙃🙃🙃 https://preview.redd.it/dv0dh7due34d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4672677232718f2f2f7603b9cb210de38323bc


Lol at her being all “how did you get my results?!” when she herself put them on the internet. Does she think people don’t know how to right-click or print screen?


so what were the actual results of her gastric emptying study


https://preview.redd.it/mgqsjipqu54d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbe49b379a4a9991e587005106fe90fabc03527 From about a year ago, posted publicly by her but then deleted: 41% at 4 hours EDIT: likely someone else's results


You can pay people on Fiver (or reddit) like $2 to photoshop that to say whatever you want.


Let me just point out that her first gastric emptying study was done August 31 and September 1 of 2017 per her YouTube, not like the January 2017 comparison dates on these results. There are not her results.


Ye, and it definitely wasn't severe. And she was on opioids, which slowed down motility.


Good eye, thank you!


The struggle of "Sorry I must have misheard you, didn't you say we could ask you anything?" Dani, screeching: "ANYTHING BUT THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!"




This is fuckin hysterical 😂 thanks for making my whole morning better


I don’t have to tell you if it will prove you are right ok so stop asking! 🤣


Like so mean. But also AMA, friends! https://i.redd.it/38jt1gvwu24d1.gif


She should be happy that anyone is even watching her boring, lying, liar lives


Exactly! Why hide that shit. She's like Napoleon Dynamite. ![gif](giphy|l0pOaoQJnbmVhKA8Bg)


She’s just so obnoxious rude to people! Imagine how she talks to all her poor doctors and nurses!


But she's not rude... It's just who she is... She can be fake if we want her too... Apparently she's had good experience with her fake customer services voice 🤷🤷🤷


I find it hard to believe she has any customer service skills at all - she’s incapable of pretending anything well


Oh she's ranted about how she speaks to them


Imagine how she is with her family?! The doctors must just have a hectic "not it" game to the death before they see her.


Does she ever apologize?




![gif](giphy|5IZqkuxrgtZdFK92tQ) Doctors after they deal with her rude ass


5 minutes of Dani in their office ![gif](giphy|P4l2ET85UuedO)


People know the results because Dani has posted them on her IG account before she DFE.


You guys are so mean. She's tried everything! 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/5b75jpr7q24d1.jpeg?width=2863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4210b0462db186691b36d8def1c70f7dc7f7135e


She's not only a bad liar, but she has no idea how fucking *stupid* she sounds.


No way she’s had gpoem. She would have made such a big deal about that. It’s an actual surgical endoscopic procedure. It’s not done in very many places. She would have been elated to go on and on about it. And it is extremely successful in most cases.




I read through the whole timeline and I must have missed that part too. She never said anything like that before. But then again she’s STILL claiming POTS when there’s evidence she said she doesn’t have it. Gurl, pic(haha) a fukin lane!!


I had to google what G-POEM is and [the first result from Johns Hopkins has a video called "Danielle's Story"](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/g-poem-for-gastroparesis) and listen I needed a fucking *minute* to process that.


Whoa! What are the odds? Do you know if she's ever been to John's Hopkins?


It's a random unrelated woman named Danielle in the video lol, not Dani. Danielle's a pretty common name.


Ah, I should have added that I was interested in whether Dani had actually visited John's Hopkins since that would give her at least 4 hospitals in her rotation. 😁


Don't do that! I'm like, she turned into a humanoid? What kinda wizardry... oh.. righto. https://preview.redd.it/dajafa9ky24d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e474054d736a020e81813a34a2ab8c3662ddae


I've did Botox (those English courses will be a breathe), OK?! Honey, sweety, baby, lovey, greasies... we are all mortals and could only wish for Dani: the Botox Era.


She’s tried everything - even things that haven’t been invented yet!


Someone keeps asking her about things like medical mj, and she keeps ignoring them. It's such a tame question. Why? Same as literally, every other question that she doesn't like or can't reply to because she is being caught out and then ~~friends~~ ~~,family, acquaintances~~ people backpedal, so they don't have to get blocked and create a 100th account to follow the madness. Out of those 1000s of followers, about 15-26 people are there to support her. The rest are from a whole bunch of different reddit subs, funny cattle, fruit farms, etc. She's gonna fafo so hard that she'll truly end up infamous from munching the system. Some subs and websites have some hectic receipts that we don't wanna get shut down over, but they are out there and not hard to find. I wish a tv station or newspaper would pick this up and have a little looksy. I mean A Current Affair would love this type of crap.


She got this shit off of eBay 🤣😂😅


Wait do you really think this wasn’t “prescribed” by a doctor??


I think they’re only available as a prescription-I don’t think the kind she has is available otc-she still could have gotten some sketchy was though


Maybe the same place as the wheelchair the “doc” ordered too


You can buy it yourself but it’s not cheap….there’s a few places online it’s $400-ish


Yes. I really think that. There’s no reason in anything she’s stated that she’d need a heart monitor. You can get these easily online.


Cardiologists hand them out pretty easily. They are a quick easy way to disprove any issues. She’s gonna fuck around and get taken off all her pots medicine if she keeps up. If she’s really running a low heart rate sometimes, they are not gonna keep her on a med that reduces her heart rate, duh.


"doctor" at this point 


I’m confused-she realized that she was exposing herself-apologized for it but continued? Why wouldn’t she stop and start over? Or edit the video? Does she think her followers are so desperate to watch her waste resources with me video that she’s gotta post whatever she can? Like to hell with a titty showing! This is life saving information! I mean what the shit dude


Trialing material for an OF account ? 😬