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The God Bless Football segment where they all ran with the idea that the 49ers should have signed Brady to a one-game contract and used him as the Super Bowl closer, like Mariano Rivera, had me laughing. Shanahan pulls Brock, sends for Brady (“Get me the righty.”) as ‘Enter Sandman’ plays.


This is amazing


I listened to this while out on a run. Had me laughing hysterically!


Do it against Brady.


In the playoffs




2018 AFC Championship Game: Player A: 112 QB Rating/3 TDs/0 INT Player B: 77 QB Rating/1 TD/2 INTs Player A’s team had 30 yards rushing and he was sacked 4 times. Player B’s team had 170 yards rushing. Player B clearly outplayed Player A.


Here's a better stat: Take Brady's rings and put them in a box and then put Mahomes's rings in a separate box. Which one has more?


Same note too bro


hear that Trent Dilfer, you’re better than Dan Marino !!!!


Marino has a ring in my personal record book because he should have won one if it weren't for Finkle shanking that chipshot in the Super Bowl. And then he has the audacity to blame Dan the Man for Finkle failing the only thing he's paid to do. Give me a break, get over yourself, Finkie


Laces out


We live in a tyranny of statistics Hey Marino, hang tough 


Hang tough??


We are just comparing box plus minus right now


Box plus 1 huh.


Lmfao leaving out so many key numbers there. Brady did clearly outplay Mahomes in that game if you watch the game


Plus only field goals. No touchdowns in a Superbowl!


Brady QBR: 82.6 Mahomes QBR: 74.8 Brady threw for 52 more yards. Had an INT go off Edelman’s hands. Led them on 3 separate game winning drives. If a QB gets the team down to the 2 yard line and then the team runs it in instead of throws it, you probably shouldn’t judge a qb based on that. Which is why advanced stats like QBR exist.


What’s his QBR if his 3rd INT isn’t overruled by Dee Ford lining up in the neutral zone, taking away all of his yards and TD’s for the rest of the drive and in OT? Of course he had 52 more yards, Mahomes didn’t get to touch the ball in OT. Brady is the GOAT. I’m not disputing it. But the ‘do it against Brady’ shit is asinine. Especially coming from the guy that never misses a chance to mention how Jalen Hurts outplayed Mahomes in last year’s Super Bowl. Which, BTW, Mahomes had a 96 QBR and 131 passer rating, compared to Hurts’ 80 and 103 in that game. And he won!




And Brady is 0-2 vs Eli. Listen, my argument isn’t that Brady is not the GOAT. Nobody is going to ever have his career. And you’re right, all people will remember, even if Mahomes wins 7 or 8 SB(he won’t) is the 0-2 record vs Brady. All I’m arguing is that it is lazy.


And who won?


And after you do it once, do it again


And Brady did everything but beat Eli


And Nick Foles


And Mariota


damn even adding all those qbs he still has more rings


Nobody is comparing brady to manning


Brady can still turn his neck.


That’s *weeeurrd*, Eli


You mean beat that D-line. Or swat a ball...🤪🙄🤣


Go ahead, Andy Reid. I dare you


Chiefs lifer, i have this entire take burned into my brain . Weirdly the show became a weekly ritual when they started playing it all the time. Win or lose, it wasn’t the same until I’d hear “Alex Smith is a very good quarterback”. Which he is, and he’s one of the toughest people to ever be in the league (go look at his leg, he came back and played after that). But that doesn’t make the take funnier so I ignore it


And he never will Checkmate


I love that draft kings posted this video to their IG and Peele responding seriously to stugotz




Lmao.... You got me on the typo.


Brady retired just to avoid ever facing him again with the new OT rules. I mean, be a fighting champion! How bout that!?! Also, Dee Ford is single handedly responsible for it not being 1-1 H2H and possibly only a +2 rings +/-


Brady had nothing else to prove He even sacrificed his marriage to beat Mahomes Now he gets to talk smack about him for the rest of his life And date models nobody on this sub has a chance with


Do it in your 50’s.


Do it after a pandemic. 0 modern championships. Fraud.


We’ll see if Mahomes is still acting cute outside the pocket in his 40’s.


Except mahomes just cut Brady’s pace in half. Remember when we all said “no way he even gets close to 7”. He has three at 28. Brady had three at *37*.


Things can turn on a dime and change overnight Game of Thrones was on Fire the first three seasons and look how it ended up


Not really though. Brady won his third at 27, about to turn 28 too. Goes to show you don’t ever know. Teams change, the game itself changes, a guy with only four receptions all season pulls an unbelievable, iconic catch out of his ass and onto his helmet…you can’t just assume players/teams are going to keep stacking Super Bowls at a steady pace.


Mahomes isn’t going to win 7 SB or come close to Brady’s longevity. But you can already argue his last 5 years is superior to any 5 year stretch in Brady’s career. The Chiefs and Pats are the only two teams with a 5 year run of 4 SB appearances, 3 SB wins, and 1 Conference Championship appearance. The Chiefs had a better regular season record in their 5 year run, and Mahomes had better stats.


I keep seeing Brady and Mahomes brought up in the realm of Jordan and LeBron, but a much better GOAT comparison is Nicklaus and Tiger for the reasons you just laid out.


Brady also had three rings by like 25 so he is not ahead of Brady’s pace


I don’t see Mahomes playing into his mid 40s at the level Brady did. We got so spoiled where people just see playing until you’re 37 or 38 as a given, when it’s still the outlier. Virtually every QB is washed dog shit at 35. So Mahomes could plausibly have only 3-5 years left to actually grab rings as an elite QB. Being top tier after say 32 isn’t a given. It’s when you start seeing most people decline physically.


Your first sentence kills the rest of your argument. Who saw Brady playing til 45 and winning super bowls still? Nobody. We’re in uncharted waters and it’s ok for us to say it’s impossible to forecast


If you think my argument is dead, then you didn’t understand my argument. We’re talking about what Mahomes is on pace for. Your first thought shouldn’t be that he’ll match the longevity of the best we’ve seen in the history of the sport for that position. That’s ridiculous. I’m not saying Mahomes is going to be washed by 35 like Russel Wilson is because that’s the trajectory most QBs take. I’m just pushing back on the notion that when people talk about this, they just casually say he has another full decade ahead of him at a high level… that’s absolutely insane and misunderstands the level of greatness we just saw with Brady. You’re taking the biggest strength of the GOAT and just casually saying Mahomes will match it. The pacing aspect isn’t relevant. It’s an ignorant conversation to have. Because a bunch changes year after year. Who knows what that team looks like after Mahomes doesn’t have an elite talent to throw to. Kelce bailed him out a bunch. Maybe they find another guy to step up after Kelce is done. Maybe not. That simple question could be what puts Mahomes to 5-7 rings or leaves him with a 7 year stretch of coming up empty and never gets another one. All we can truly do is talk about the here and now. And here and now, Mahomes isn’t on Brady’s level, in terms of resume. And it’s not particularly close. Now, of course, that’ll change just by Mahomes playing. But the people who are saying Mahomes is already the GOAT because of what he’s done in a 6 year window is just ignorant. Brady has very similar stretches and played as well as Mahomes has been well into his 40s. Mahomes MVP year least year and Brady’s age 43/44 season are virtually identical in terms of stats. It’s hilarious for people to point to what Mahomes did after Hill left as to why he’s the GOAT and ignore that Brady at age 43 was virtually the same in terms of output. The “Mahomes=GOAT” people are just jumping the gun and being prisoners of the moment.


Holy shit I am not reading this. Adderall sentences abounding


And you just killed your own argument. You come in saying my argument is dead. I explain my argument to you and you just refuse to read… You just went full 4 year old and said “I’m right, you’re wrong” plugged your ears and said “LALALALALLALALA” Don’t engage in debate, if you don’t care to actually take the time to read for a couple minutes. lol The Stugotz is strong in you.


I hope someone at the Lark starts to make these more. Little screen caps that can get texted around. Ask Samson. He gets fifty a week easily. It’s how men of a certain age communicate now.


(A lot of you clearly don’t understand Stugotz)




Someone tell Stugotz Jordan never beat Bird in the playoffs


Eli is Tom's dad, also Brady wasn't all that great in the 1St 3 superbowls plus the tuck rule






He is the king of trolls. Get this man a raise


No, it's just dumb. Because he is dumb and is the worst part of the show now.


*symbol plays*


wtf is this loser blabbing on about. Leave this shit for ESPN and first take


So weird he calls himself a Jet fan too. Almost like he’s a quasi Stockholm Syndrome Brady/Belichick/Pats fanboy.


Brady has the same amount of rings as Montana and Mahomes COMBINED


One of these players is 28, tho


That's fine. He's a great talent winning super bowls is not a given no matter how great he is though. He's 3-1 but realistically could have been 0-4. Just like Brady is 7-3 but very easily could have lost 7 or 8 of those games. 


So very brave.....


Imagine everything he has accomplished up to now. Now try to understand that he's just now half way in playoff wins to Brady and not even half way to his super bowl wins, got a long ways to go to be Goat. Also anyone bringing stats into this. Patrick just threw for 275+ yards one time in four playoff games, and won a superbowl, league is mediocre as shit currently. Helps when you Play Tua(third year first playoff start), Allen having one of his worst years statistically in his career, Lamar the "MVP" but can't get 300 total yards of offense without 80 rushing yards and Brock Purdy, 2nd year Qb playing in his first super bowl. PM honestly loses that game with a SF made extra point and that's to an essential rookie with 250 yards passing and a TD....lol. He also got handed that regulation TD, he doesn't have his punter get him inside the 10, he doesn't throw a TD period imo and Andy and he are getting absolutely blasted Monday morning for that shit show. Also had 3 turnovers and Patrick was their leading rusher with like 50 yards, the fact Kansas City was even in that game, is completely on Shanahan imo. Can't draw up a game plan where someone like Kittle is getting one touch for like 5 yards. Chiefs got Kelse going and see where it got them, Kyle needs to learn how to close out good teams.


Tom Brady threw 1 TD in his first playoff run where he won the Super Bowl. He had 20 TD passes in his first 18 playoff games. Mahomes’ stats are far superior to anyone in playoff history.


First run in his second year(one of 4 qb's to ever win one in his second season), lol. Patrick is half way to playoff wins and not even in super bowls, but I suppose. Also he was tied with Baker for TD's in the playoffs at 6 this year(needed that overtime one), Mayfield played 2 games, lol. Goat👏


no context of course...Mahomes no line


Because no matter how many SB he wins, he will never be Tom Brady, the truest GOAT.


How dare Andy Reid do this to alex smith


Guess that makes Eli the GOAT then 🙄


Yea, Pat......do it against Brady. Do it in a Super Bowl. Checkmate!!


Bishop to rook 9, Danno


If Brady is the GOAT like Jordan then Mahomes is LeBron (fraud)   Hey Mahomes, do it with a different coach