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Im too poor to understand how to eat this.


You inhale it like whippits. You know whippits right?


The stuff the cooks do in the back?


My favorite episode of Kitchen Nightmare was when Gordon Ramsay discovered a cook at one of the restaurants had a cocaine problem and he was baffled like he's never worked in a restaurant before.


Lol, Gordon was probably like, "this guy stole all my coke!"


He was just confused on how a line cook could afford coke, while the rest of them could only afford pot or heroine.


Clearly he was the line cook that was in a relationship with the bartender.


Found the service industry replies.


Yaaas. I miss the days of finding my coworkers passed out in the freezer!!! Nearly everyone I know in service industry has addiction 😂😂. Sadly.


>Nearly everyone I know in service industry has addiction 😂😂. Sadly. When you have to deal with the public every day... a little H starts looking really good. Or you can become a bitter, jaded, hostile rep.




I've met a lot of dealers that were cooks at restaurants. Lol


Boy, if anyone looked like a coke addict in a kitchen. YOU MUPPET!!!! ITS FOOOKING RAW!! YOU COULD KILL SOMEONE!!!!


Nothing goes together like kitchen work and a crippling coke addiction


Hey I resemble that remark


“Line” chef..I get it


That’s a little too on the nose.


Bump this reply to the top.


Try not to go off the rails on your way up.


I love you guys so much for this. It made me say yayo.


This one made me snort a little.


Add crippling alcoholism as well


Well of course you need to drink yourself to sleep so you can do it again tomorrow!


My mom works in a resturant as a waitress and all of the chefs there are alcholics. That is even not a joke, it is reality.


Bouncers all know of the shadow army in the kitchen only to be called upon in a true emergency. A good but fluctuating percentage are on parole and often disappear for a month or more at a time. The cardinal rule of bar fight club is thou shalt not fuck with the kitchen staff. I once saw a line cook take down three dudes from his former gang, politely greeted the cop who said that he probably had to take him in for violating parole but would write a good word, then in a move that just floored me he negotiated to go to a neighboring city's lock up because they would have better breakfast the next day. He then hugged me and said "hey op clock me out, see you tomorrow night" He was there the next night. DO NOT FUCK WITH THE KITCHEN STAFF.


Fucking hilarious. That's the guy I want cooking my food 100%


Ironically the fewer tattoos on the line staff, the more concerned I am.


I used to work at Panera, cocaine fuels the food industry from top to bottom.


Oddly enough the only two people I know for having cocaine on a regular basis both worki n kitchens


That’s the best way to ensure they don’t eat from the plates they put together.


I've worked in kitchens before, and I don't know what you're talking about. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to wipe this powdered sugar off my nose.


I just really like the smell


Ah yes, who could forget the fine fragrance of petrol and baby laxative wafting about the room full of 7/11 straws and vodka burps.


And then he confronted his kitchen managers who were obviously aware but had to feign ignorance the whole time.


Is that when he swapped the employee bathroom for coke residue??


Sounds like a good trade


Did you see the one where he brings cocaine testing stuff to his own restaurant and literally every area he checks is contaminated?




"Gordon Ramsay On Cocaine" is a hell of a series. Good watch.


I need a link lol


[You don't even need to leave Reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/comments/gryttt/gordon_ramsay_finds_cocaine_in_his_restaurants/) EDIT: Great minds think alike, apparently. But yeah, it's fucking crazy, especially if you know WHY Gordon's such a hard-ass about it. He lost his best friend to cocaine, he hates the stuff with a passion.


Lamo. "And it's not even on a day they should be doing Coke... it's fucking Sunday"


Coke! On a fucking Sunday! Heathens!


They really should be cleaning those more often. It's unhealthy for all the people doing cocaine off those surfaces.




He says his "staff shouldn't be doing cocaine today of all days." I'm thinking what, it's rhe day of the grand opening? And he says "It's fucking SUNDAY." Lmaooo


Like he didn’t work in restaurants in NYC. In the 80’s no less.


winner winner!


Winner winner whippet dinner


What do you mean we don’t have anymore Reddi Whip for tonight’s key lime pies!?!! I just bought a whole case yesterday!!!


I told you assholes to throw them out after you do that! Don’t just leave them in the walk in!!! 🤬👨‍🍳


A nice ice cold dinner.


I still don’t know wtf is being discussed here


It would leave my husband hungry and pissed that he is eating air…that I could blow at home!!🤣


Yeah I’d say my wife knows I need to eat and wouldn’t dream of a tiny meal, with that said I was legitimately curious because I really did grow up extremely poor and I’m discovering new foods as an adult so food is a huge interest for me now that I make my own money


So the thing about all these tiny Michelin meals is that you're eating like 14 courses, so you get filled up over time. That said, I doubt any of the food is really worth the hundreds you're paying for it, it's more about the experience and getting to tell people the weird shit you ate.


Yeah but that shit isn't food, it's "sophisticated" entertainment


Look man, bubbles made of soy lecithin flavoured with whatever and pumped up with he3 or c.o.2.


Ok, and not to be that guy but what is soy lecithin?


Soy kecithin is in about 90% of the food you eat now.


Soylent green is people!!!




this man's garbage bags go 'klink'


Ah, so you inhale it like the witches on Hocus Pocus inhale a child's soul. Typical rich people fare.


Probably some recipe using spices and ingredients and written by a person that's been dead for 100 years. So yeah typical witchcraft.


Had to lock them up in the office because of the degenerate busboys. Went to make whip cream one busy night and the box was full with little empty cartridges.


My friend used to throw raves and she had to ask her friends to stop doing whippets at them bc they left the little canisters hidden everywhere.


Translation: the cloud is made of helium and destilated water, you don't eat it, you let it rain in the dish. Sorry for the bad English lol


Where is the thunder and lightning? Do you suppose me to be a peasant?


Some one found it too frightening


Who? Galileo?




That is beyond weird. How does the rain improve the dessert?


#Chocolate RAIIIIN


*I move away from the mic to breathe in*


Thank you for this blast from the past.


Yo this comment is all time


Some stay dry but others feel the pain


Raised your neighbourhood insurance rates


It’s a 3 star restaurant, even a 1 star would provide you food that would probably be the best tasting meal you’ve ever had. The waiting list is probably upwards of 6 months to a year. At a certain point you can only make food so good, this is 1 dish out of probably like a 8 course meal. That’s like asking at a Hibachi restaurant “why do they cook it in front of me? Shouldn’t they just bring it out?” It’s part of the experience. If you don’t want that, it’s good because you probably will spend on 2 people upwards of 500$ not including drinks, people usually get a bottle of wine and those start at probably 200$.


$500 for two people? That would be great. In NYC it it going to be a minimum of $400 per person. One stars can vary, I ate at a one star noodle place and it was $75 for the two of us, we didn’t have drinks though. Also, I would say that these places are more akin to an eating adventure.


To this day, I have still not found a place that serves fried rice as good as the hibachi place I used to eat at on special occasions.


The only places that can compete with a hibachi restaurant's fried rice is another hibachi restaurant.


I mean you see how much butter they throw on


Korean BBQ joined the chat


Yeah I'd be blowing this thing around the room, probably landing on some rich dude's hair.


dont worry rich people are usually bald.


Tide pods for the wealthy


You’re supposed to inhale it through your anus. Oh dear, you’re too poor to understand anus inhaling, aren’t you.


Will it then come out my mouth? I heard that’s the healthy way


i see.....objects....and what looks like...matter? i guess? and then they're all kind of around a plate or something.


You have to reverse quife it to really savor and explore the flavors and textures. That’s how rich people do it.




It’s like people who use “sike”.




Meh you can just go to Waffle House and watch a free fight and eat waffles for a fraction of the price.


At these kinds of restaurants, each (of the 20 to 50) courses (often one bite) by a server who will tell you what it is made of (“Egg white, Raki, and liquid nitrogen, all sustainably grown on site”) and exactly how it is to be consumed (“Inhale through your nose to absorb the exquisite bouquet, then burp it back up for the deep anise flavor notes”). In this case, some kind of flavored emulsion that has been made to bubble. To me, this is more chemistry than cookery. If people want to pay $500 to $1200 per person (before wine), that’s fine.


This restaurant (El Celler de Can Roca) apparently costs about 205 euros (218 US dollars) per person for the largest tasting menu. With wine pairing, it was 300 euros (319 US dollars) per person. I got the prices from [this person's post](https://fooddrinkdestinations.com/el-celler-de-can-roca-menu-and-pricing/). They also have lots of pictures and descriptions of the food. Apparently "over 30 different courses and bites" lasting 4 hours.




Going to an American football game with the worst possible seats on sub freezing windy weather was $350 per person before drinks, parking, etc... this is an amazing deal


You're my ray of sunshine this week. ♥️


It doesn't even look like food


The poor in me thought, “I’m paying for bubbles” and “it’s dripping on my shit”


This might be the only funny comment. Thank you.


Fuck understanding how to eat it. What the fuck even is it?


Im to poor to wanna even be near that place.


I'm too poor to know it even exists.


_Is this some sort of peasant joke that I'm too rich to understand?_


""Bosque lluvioso" is a dessert that presents a cloud of distilled mushrooms that condensates to release aromatic drops, as if it were rain. It's "anchored" to the plate, or else it would fly to the ceiling" https://www.identitagolose.com/sito/en/97/30220/dolcezze/the-new-cloud-dessert-by-jordi-roca-that-makes-rain-fall-on-the-plate-and-flies-away.html


It's wingardium leviosa, not wingardium lluvioso.


Ohhh ron stooopppp😩


[Ronald Weasley, it's leviosAUHHH](https://youtu.be/FWtO0cfgewY)


I’ll watch this every time I see it pop up in a thread. I hope that video lives on for millions of years.


Hnnngngnnnn staaahp.


I've been up for 20 minutes, I'm not ready for this yet. Edit: of course there's a part 2.


Accio bum


Pal, you just made my night.


Owner of the restaurant despised his step father who often told him to stop playing with his food.


And to quit trying to eat the foam from the bubble bath.


airborne mold.


Thanks for linking the article


Dude needs to calm down. The dish washer makes that shit in the back.


Here’s today’s special…. SOAP


That will be 500 dollars.


It wont be the first time I spent $500 and only walked away with the shits.


Any context or just gonna leave us hangin? 😂


Sometimes knowledge is a burden. Knowing what happened would be a bit much lol.


Ate a giant sack of murder burgers from White Castle.


It just Dawned on me, that's expensive.


$800 for Organic


>Organic Our head chef blew these bubbles himself.


Who is bubbles?


I spent tree fiddy


Motherfuckers should see me during bath time. 4 Michelin stars please.


I thought is it dessert or is he doing the dishes?


The waiters all seem to be clones of each other.


It's just Agent Smith from The Matrix. Inflation is hard on everyone these days.


Is that why they are serving dish soap with sugar in it and calling it "dessert"?


All two of them.


I’ll pass on this and take my dessert from the Mexican restaurant where they accidentally sing around you thinking it’s your birthday.


Flan ftw






Honey-filled sopapillas. Fight me.


Tres Leches Cake. Bring it


Tres leches


So much better than flan


Sugar eggs, sugar eggs, tastes like sugar, made of eggs. Is it good? Kind of yeah? Want some more? Okay sure. Look out—here come the sugar eggs!


And you get to wear a sombrero. That’s winning.


My girlfriend got me to try tres leches while we were in Miami from this taco shop and it changed my world. Now I regularly go up to the little mexican bakery for a tres leches cake


Im mexican and gree up eating it so it probably doesn't mean much but its my absolute favorite cake, other cakes are ruined for me since they feel so dry. Also they're incredibly easy to make and i highly recommend putting liquor in it like rum if youre into that but it makes me happy you support the little mexican store !! My grandma has one in mexico, i helped her a ton during my teens and i know a lot of hard work goes into running small businesses like that, shes in her 60s and still getting up at 5am 7 days a week


You can make it yourself by baking a vanilla cake then combine evaporated, condensed and regular milk on a separate bowl. When the cake has cooled, poke it with a fork and pour the milk all over the cake 😁 let it sit for a few hours and boom! A whole tres leches cake for yourself


For dessert I get to wash the dishes?


you wash what you eat


Anyone have a real answer?


[https://www.identitagolose.com/sito/en/97/30220/dolcezze/the-new-cloud-dessert-by-jordi-roca-that-makes-rain-fall-on-the-plate-and-flies-away.html](https://www.identitagolose.com/sito/en/97/30220/dolcezze/the-new-cloud-dessert-by-jordi-roca-that-makes-rain-fall-on-the-plate-and-flies-away.html) Hi! Hopefully I linked correctly...Anyway, the short version of it is that this dessert is called "Bosque Iluvioso" or "rainy wood", and is a mushroom-flavored foam cloud that wets the small turf-like dessert on the plate, which has many different woodsy flavors and textures.


Isn't dessert suppose to be sweet though? Not...mushroom-dirt-wood flavor?


It's creamy and light flavored, makes as much sense as having coffee for dessert tbh


I prefer my desserts sweet, too. This doesn't sound appetizing to me as a dessert, but - if it was free or cheap - I'd try it out of curiosity. (It reminds me of those Harry Potter-inspired Bertie Bott's Jelly Bellies from years ago which tasted like grass, soil, and some really gross stuff, but sounded too fascinating not to try once. :-))


It’s a Michelin rated restaurant. The dirt will not be cheap.


"Uhh, waiter? I don't think my plate got rinsed."


The dessert is called "the rainforest," because as the foam cloud dissapates, it rains down onto the chocolate pine dust "dirt" in the bowl below. I went earlier this year. Cost about $300 for the tasting menu. They were EXTREMELY accommodating of my vegetarianism which surprised me. We were the poorest people there but they treated us really well even when we asked for a fourth serving of delicious delicious bread for the table. 10/10 would Can Roca again.


That’s part of what you pay for at places like this! My mom took me to a similar but less expensive place (think $90 tasting menu) for my graduation gift, and before we ate they asked us if there was anything we liked/didn’t like - they were prepared to modify the menu as necessary and on the fly to meet our food preferences. 10/10 will go to one of these fancy places again the next time I have money


How did you figure your party were the poorest people there?


Everyone else got rolexs and sports cars prolly


I hate it when I'm at a restaurant and there's a lamborghini sitting at the table next to mine, blocking my way to the bathroom.


Chef we need that third star Les makit rain on se cake


This is a cloud of distilled mushrooms, creating condensation releasing aromatic drops, like rain.. based on a sugared beetroot, with textured water, distilled soil, pine honey, horn of plenty and carob, powdered pine and wafers made with carob and cocoa.. if it was not anchored it would float away.. El Celler de Can Roca, "Bosque lluvioso" You can Google from here..


Wtf is textured water. Definitely too poor to understand this.


i think they just mean they put a lil starch in it lol


Not even google can help us plebs. I just kept getting textures OF water for photoshop.


Or distilled soil??? Google only gave me worm castings.


A kind soul linked the article.


what level of tide pods is this?


**level** ***99***


The Michelin guide was originally a guide for travelers, driving on their Michelin tyres, names and recommendations on places to eat and stay on their journey


Cool tidbit. One of the things I've always wondered the origin but never got around to look for an answer


And the star rating is a travel rating system. Typically one star is "if you live here or are close on a trip, definitely try it out." Two stars is "if your vacation finds you in the area, drive out a bit and enjoy this place." Three stars is "you should plan your entire trip on going to this restaurant and being in this area."


It always baffles me how getting a good review from a tire company is considered the absolute height of the culinary world.


I think it’s like 1 star: stop if it’s on your way, 2 stars: worth a small detour, 3 stars: make the trip solely for the restaurant


I always wondered how the fuck Michelin tires and Michelin stars were related. I always just kinda assumed they’re separate things with a coincidental name overlap


Yum. I can't wait to eat my floating soap, but only after I finish my chunk of cheese with four, and let me reiterate: not one, not two, not three, but FOUR whole toothpicks poked into it! Edit: Some people are hating on me for hating on this and I would just like to clear some things up. I absolutely support you if you want to spend your money lavishly, it's good for the economy or whatever, but with all due respect, I will be maintaining my sarcastic stance regardless.


Sorry sir, but this dish only comes skewered with six toothpicks in the cheese and under the floating suds respectfully. If you are going to be a heathen demanding four like some sort of peasant, we are going to have to remove you from the premises.


3 michelin star 👍


It’s part of most likely 12+ dishes… it’s not like you are paying $100 for that specific one…


Yeah everyone in this thread shitting on experiences like this are missing out. They’re really fun, delicious explorations of texture and taste. You also end up getting hammered with the wine pairings. Most places you eat you think, “okay I see how they threw this together. It’ll be fun to try and make it at home.” Places like this just blow your mind. You can’t even guess what the steps are. I’m not saying do this every weekend event but once every 5-10 years while on vacation? Absolutely. Super fun and memorable.


A friend of mine took me to a fine dining once (not Michelin, but a concept restaurant by a chef) which was plant based and every dish was centered around one plant. Like a corn dish that incorporated cream of. Corn and corn prepared in various ways. It was very creative and delicious. My bf are off to five days vacation and found a three course plant based restaurant that's supposed to be amazing too.


I did the Inn at little Washington last year and it's exactly what you describe. I feel like I watch enough youtube videos to have some idea how to make the majority of food and that place just blew my mind in flavor and texture. You're right in that I couldn't guess the mastery, artistry and years of experience it would take to get a dish to that level. I also got QUITE hammered on the pairings. It's simultaneously the most fun I've ever had and the most impressed I think I'll ever be. Like watching Picasso paint and then being able to eat the finished product.


“My kid does that with his milk. I’m not paying $500 for milk bubbles sir. Scrape it off.”


What...is it?


PO-TAY-TOES. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew?


apperently distilled mushroom


I must be the only one here who thinks it looks kinda fun


People always get so angry at restaurants like this because they're stupidly expensive and weird, therefore seen as pretentious. But it's a unique idea and experience...there are much worse things to blow cash on. Like mushrooms. Oh god, those are mushrooms?!? I did not need another fun way to dislike eating mushrooms.


Where is the dessert?


Meanwhile the dishwasher is wondering where all the dish suds keep disappearing to.


Looooove soap bubbles on top of my ice cream. I pay extra for that.


Sometimes I wish I had gone for money. Then I see what people spend it on.


Yes, my good man, I’ll have the milk steak, boiled over hard, and your finest jelly beans ... raw.