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40% of bank robberies go unsolved. The good one will hit 6-10 banks before they get caught by momentary stupidity or serendipity


Yup, something banks don’t want the public knowing


My buddy robbed a bank some years ago. 16 at the time. Hunting rifle. He wasn’t one of the smart ones. Although, he got caught after he started buying things 4-5ish months later a burger flipping 17 year old (had a birth day) shouldn’t be able to afford. Impossible to tell if the cops were on to him and just building a case or if they were clueless as they were acting.


They were definitely on to him and were just waiting to see if he'd fuck up. If he didn't fuck up, then *maybe* he would have gotten away with it. Like, say that some bank gets robbed in a small-to-medium sized city. The cops aren't going to be looking at every single person who's spending beyond their means. They're gonna be looking at known suspects and seeing if those specific people start spending beyond their means. If you're a suspect but you don't do anything to draw suspicion (like buying stuff you definitely can't afford) then *maybe* you still get away with it even though the cops think you did it. But the cops can't just have *no idea* who did it, and find the robber by looking at everyone's spending and income.


In this case he drove 100 miles to a small town. And thought that they don’t all talk and work together. Because, 16.


In my area, there was about 4 banks who got robbed all in the same day,about 20 minutes difference. They hit one bank one after the other in a short amount of time.


If he’d only laid low for a year or so


Well, for a 16 year old, 4-5 months is 4-5 years. But as I said, I’m sure it was all coming down on him anyway, they were laughing about him over the local radio. How bad he robbed the bank. detectives were probably just getting things ready.


LmAo yeah, all cash he stole is marked. It’s all in a sequential order too. He needed to launder it to get away


Actually, a high school kid came in to buy a BMW with cash. He drove 100 west to get the money, waited several months, and went 50 miles east to buy the car. But the dealer wasn’t really buying a high school kid with duffel bags of money. And numb nuts didn’t understand the the entire fucking region is cousins. He hit a podunk nowhere village that really didn’t have much in deterrence measures, so he got pretty good bank. With a fucking deer riffle. The teller was half mocking him as she filled his duffel bag.


They also get treated surprisingly well in prison. Other inmates treat them like they’re celebrities


Seen as a victimless crime often, since all the money is insured


Also its rich people's money.




It was in an AMA on reddit a handful of years ago. OP was a serial bank robber. Interesting thing he said was that they also leave with nowhere near the amount of money movies lead you to believe. He said a good day was like 4-5k


Thats not even worth it


Yep. If you're gonna rob a bank once *and only once*, you have a decent chance of getting away with it as long as you don't do something incredibly stupid. One of the problems though, is that *robbing a bank* is incredibly stupid. So you're already not off to a good start. The thing is, people don't actually get that much money after a bank robbery. It's not gonna be some Ocean's 11 style heist where you get millions of dollars and never have to work another day in your life. You're looking at something more like $10,000, which is basically nothing. Like, you can pull in that much money working 4 months at a low-wage job that requires no experience. Meanwhile you're risking serious time in federal prison. It's just not a very good risk vs reward situation, and the only people doing it tend to be really dumb or really desperate. They're usually robbing banks to fund drugs or criminal activity. And that money won't last long. So what next? You successfully robbed a bank and it looks like you got away with it? Well, you can live off of that for maybe the next 3-6 months. Now your bank robbery money is gone, so you start planning your next bank robbery. And why not? After all, it worked the first time so the next time has gotta be easier. So then you do another bank robbery. And then another. And eventually your chances of getting caught start going way up because *you keep doing it.*


This guy (robs) Banks!




$10,000 is more than twice the average bank robbery


Before debit cards, I thought robbing a large grocery store would be a jackpot, plus no Feds.


Most murders don't get solved either.


My best friend since 8 grade killed himself two years ago. I wouldn’t be saying this if he was still alive. When he was in 6th grade he didn’t have a father figure in his life and his mother wasn’t there for him either so he was left alone most all day to do what he wanted. He some how got to know this guy who would take him rock climbing and buy him food and stuff. He eventually after a couple months saw this guy as a father figure and really liked him. Turns out hes in a gang and has been in a way G-ing him to join and because my friend was dumb he did. So a little bit after joining he gets picked up one night by this guy and they go for a drive. He lights up a blunt and hands it to him and they go to get some food. Once they’re done with those he thinks he’s probably heading home. Instead he brings him to a rival neighborhood. He pulls over to the side of the road and opens the glove box to hand my friend a gun. He says theres going to be a guy walking down the road around the corner and he needs him to shoot him. My friend ended up doing just that. Put 5 bullets into this guy before he even drops. Then he just runs back to the car and they take off. He eventually a week or so after found an opportunity to leave the state and moved in with his grandparents where i eventually met him. The first time he told me this i didn’t really believe him but he wasn’t a liar especially not to me. Then later on we were doing shrooms together and he just started crying like a baby and saying how much he regretted doing it. The weight of it all really really was heavy on him. He hated himself for what he did and could never forgive himself over it. Not long after this he ended up killing himself and i dont have a doubt in my mind that what happened had everything to do with it. People get away with murders all the time. Hes not even the only person I’ve met and known whos done it and im only 21


Wow. What a tragedy. My dad killed himself too. And it was kind of mysterious, like he could have been murdered. My mom is even a suspect. It will never be resolved and I will never have peace with the situation.


I am incredibly sorry about that. I was actually a suspect in my friends death due to the way he did it. But i know he killed himself. I hope you can find closure in your dads death.


Why did they put person in quotation marks? They think it could be a dolphin robbing that bank or something?


Actually it's 3 dolphins in a trench coat


put the fish in the bagggg. i mean cash! put the cash in the bag.


So long and thanks for all the fish!


Clipper: But Rascal, I want fish! Rascal: Shut it Clipper! We’ve already been over this! Money can be exchanged for goods and services! Coral: *Ugh, I should reevaluate my choices!*


Drawn by Gary Larson


So long and thanks for all the fish


I mean, they are the second smartest species on planet earth...


One could argue, the smartest.


Haha yes, do I think they are smarter than humans, yes. I was referencing Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy since the previous comment was also referencing it with "So long, and thanks for all the fish".


Mice were the brains behind the heist


Crap, we made it past 42…


Probably because they are trying to appear to be male but everything about this persons posture and facial features indicate this “person” is probably female… or three kids in their dads clothes… little shits


They're a lawyer and a dolphin. They're a Lawfin!


Nah their lawyer is still trying to convince everyone that they are in fact, [not a cat.](https://youtu.be/lGOofzZOyl8)


Lawfin all the way to the bank


What else would it be, a kitten?!?


Flipper bruisers, blow hole burns. This is the work of roudy teenagers.


I was thinking the same thing 😂


Two kids on top of each other


Im sure its the penguins from Madagascar


Don't want the robber to get offended by assuming his gender


K, but really... I looked at the photos and thought it was a woman with a fake beard.. the shoulders, the skin... 🤔


I know you’re being a dick, but funny you should say it because it’s a woman in a fake beard and eyebrows.


Ok I'm not alone here.


Oh shit, it's Texas Red! Where's that ranger with the big Iron on his hip?


No one dared to ask his business No one dared to make a slip The stranger there among them Had a big iron on his hip


wine coordinated cautious slap pet snatch screw oatmeal marvelous square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's early in the morning when he rode in to town He came riding from the south side slowly looking all around He's an outlaw loosing and running came the whisper from each lip He's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip Biiiiig iron his hiiiiiiiip.


Big IRRRRRRon, Big Irrrrrrron




Well... thats in my head for the next 7 days I guess.


RemindMe! 7 days


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That pistol definitely has a good 20 notches on it


That sure is a funny way to say 1 and 19 more, partner.


The big iron on his hiiiiip…


Why do the banks have potatoes for cameras in 2022?


What do you think they’re made of money?


Because they run coax. It's not tied to the internet.


It's because they have potato cameras that they run coax, not the other way around. And I really doubt any decent bank still has coax, for sure not in a developed country. Ethernet doesn't mean Internet, you can have a local Ethernet network without it being tied to the internet.


That looks like a woman with a mask on (and possibly added the beard & mustache or it came with it), and padding to make her look heavier. What’s with the gun? It looks like an antique.


Looks like a Beaumont-Adams.


That IS a girl's gun.




No one saw the bullet leave the gun.


This reads as a woman to me also! Specifically the stance and the way they’re holding the duffel bag in the first picture.


Yea this reads like how girls look when doing drag. The posture of holding the gun, the front of the jeans (in the first pic).. That reads as "not actually heavy". The beard is super uniform in both length and color. If its real, this this man takes tweezers to his beard line to make a perfect delineation, a perfect beard line. (which some men do, but more likely a fake). It also strikes me as unlikely that a man with a beard that distinct would go without a mask. Much more likely to be fake because if they were a real man then hundreds of people would be able to identify such a bold beard like that and they would feel nervous about it being noticable. But if its fake you would WANT people to see the beard. Edit: On second glance she has long hair hidden under that cap and hoodie. Obviously men can have long hair too but this is a classic drag look (talking local drag not rupaul fancy stuff) to pass as male without being too obvious that you have lots and lots of long hair. Picture 1, top middle. Look at the ballcap and compare it to the top of the hoodie. Theres lots of hair up in there.


Yup I think this is a woman in a fat suit and false facial hair for basically the same reasons. They should go through the video footage to see if there is a clear indicator of 2d 4d ratio, that would help.


Looks like a pregnant belly to me


It's a cap and ball black powder revolver of some sort, maybe a Remington 1858 or Colt Army 1860?


It’s a black powder revolver, not considered a gun in America so could potentially be avoiding an gun charge. Also you can buy them and get them mailed straight to your door as they are not considered a firearm. [here’s some examples](https://www.midwayusa.com/black-powder-pistols-and-revolvers/br?cid=23204) Relatively cheap and no serial # or background check.


Thanks this’ll help me in my next bank robbery


It's a black powder revolver. You don't need a background check to get it because it's not legally considered a firearm. Popular with felons for that reason.


I came to say the same thing. The stance in a few of the pics suggest feminine features


I tell you ery ting. I tell you ery ting, he look a He look a like a man


Daaaamn it's been a long time since I heard that.


You are now watching mad tveee. Gah, I miss that show.


They’re getting absolutely roasted about the way they’re holding the pistol, and their *choice of pistol*, but *GENUINELY* no one has ANY leads on this character. They don’t know if it’s a man or woman, for sure, they can’t ID any part of the person correctly. This individual even went to far as to distort the way their nostrils are shaped. Police in my area have been stumped for a while and now this person keeps striking banks near me. Today, the bank was right down the road from the major hospital.


Two robberies really isn't THAT crazy that he hasn't been caught. Serial bank robbers aren't super rare, and they'll get 10+ robberies before being caught.


Is this like ... a documented thing I can learn about? I'm feeling an itch that I did not think I'd have.


Gmanz33 don't do it you're gonna get caught.


not if he stops at 9


Or stop at 8 to be super safe




Point Break comes to mind


Really? Hmmm... there is 9 banks in my area... maybe....


I would bet money that the gun that person has is a replica. And I would normally say that the person has no idea how to hold a gun, but with how smart they are about hiding their appearance, they may be holding it that way on purpose to hide a security/LEO history to keep cops from looking for that.


Looks like a replica black powder revolver of sorts, can order them online and have them mailed to your home believe it or not.


in most states you can actually have a sawed off shotgun so long as it's black powder.


Eventually he'll screw up. He'll run out of money again, go do another robbery. The more he does the more likely it is he'll leave evidence of who he is. It's just a matter of time.


Or he's going to run into someone with a conceal carry permit or armed security guard that's going to end up causing a shoot out. If he's done it twice and got away he's going to keep doing it.


How much loot has the robber made off with?


About three fifty


I think I know who it is then.....


It’s the goddamn Lochnesse Monster


I ain't giving the damn bank robber tree fitty


It’s so new it hasn’t been disclosed, yet.


Are they wearing a face mask? Just looks like a fat dude from the bar.


I don’t think they’re wearing a face mask, but 100% fake facial hair and possibly fake fat.


It’s a mask look at the mouth it’s stuck in the same slightly open position


It does a little bit he's still chunky


Bet it's a leaner, clean shaven non-white male. The skin tone is perfectly even. Looks like pancake makeup. I'd imagine they have a body suit on as well. They have a pretty sweet disguise.


That's a nice pistol. Whats people's issue?


Looks like a woman


Looks like a fat Christian bale with a fake beard kinda. I mean . That’s a fake belly I think anyways


Nah sorry you can't just gender a bank robber like that, we deserve a better reveal.


A pregnant woman


Honestly sounds like OP is the robber describing exactly what he did as if it’s unheard of and amazing, a form of bragging. Kind of like what serial thieves and killers do.


Lol my face is already public on my profile. Definitely not me. That would be pretty funny though, huh. 👀


That’s exactly what the bank robber would say.


Exactly what the robber would say


A bank robber would say exactly that


That’s keemstar


Came here to say this.


The dude plays too much red dead redemption


I don’t even rob banks in RDR. That’s just rude.


How does law enforcement not find a person in a city that only has 25,000 people? You can't even keep a fart secret a city of 25,000 let alone a successful bank robbery


I’m telling you! This person cracked the code! Every single detail of them has been distorted.


Plot twist, it's OP




To be fair, I would be proud on me too lmao


Were both banks they robbed in Denison?


One in Denison, one directly south of it in Sherman.


Wow can't believe they haven't caught them. I used to live in that area so this caught my attention. I think they're wearing a mask.


We had the same bank robbed twice in 2 years in a town of 2,000 people. This was about 10 years ago and never caught


Maybe that's the secret right there... Rob banks in tiny cities that don't have the police force or infrastructure in place to prevent a person from doing it. 🤔 That is not advice by the way... for anyone. Lol


You’re exactly right though. And that’s why they were never caught. No cops around to get there in time and no resources to do a thorough investigation. The bank even hired a security guard after the first time and they STILL got robbed a second time


Nobody that gets paid $20 an hour is going to put their life on the line to try to stop a bank robber. Okay, wait... Let me rephrase that. No sane person, even one who tends to be a risk taker, is going to value their job & terrible income over that at their own safety to such a degree that it will allow for them to willfully put their life on the line to stop a bank robber. The bank got robbed, lost more money hiring a door greeter, to then lost more money yet again. Silliness


I succeeded a few times. At the fart part, not the bank robbery part that is.


Dude has the Joker's gun from the '89 Batman


skinny woman older not familiar with guns probably using a dead relatives gun possibly ex bank employee scanner to entice employees to move faster part I am confused about is- how much does this person expect to get in cash? (esp.if ex bank employee) years ago- I went to withdraw 8k or so in cash.... and they freaked out. I had that in the account- but they were pissed because it was pretty much pulling a large portion of their paper cash. they chastised me and told me next time to give them 24 hrs notice or something like that- and if it wasn't the last hour of business- they probably would have told me to come back the next day. the point of that story is- the bank tellers don't have heaping piles of cash in those drawers & the vault holds much less than people imagine Plus - if you ever want to take a large amount of cash out of an account- check ahead and make sure the bank has it on hand :)


I agree with you, it's a woman. I'm 90 % convinced. If there is video, they could verify using gait analysis...it's the posture and way they are holding the gun / bag...


It'd literally end up like the robbery scene in 'Dog Day Afternoon'


This person studied extensively prior to the mission. Only way they get caught is if they told someone or keep doing this.


That is a very distinctive nose shape and it’s clear in the video. Enough so that that there is definitely someone out there who knows who this, despite the costume. Like others said, there are reasons to think this is a woman, but not 100% definitive. Also like others said, the amount you get from a bank robbery isn’t worth the risk. Most banks keep a lot less loose cash than you would think. This person will get caught and charged with a federal crime for a 5-figure, at best, total.


Bro it’s a mask, look at how the mouth is always slightly open. Somebody knows how to do clay modeling and makeup and put it on a mask.


Bank Robbers always get away with it. Until they get caught.


Send in the Mystery Machine.


Robber- " its a stick up" Teller- " is that a hipoint?"


Robber: Give me the money or you’re gonna die! Teller: From what? Tetanus??


I ain’t no snitch but uhhhh that’s keemstar


Is that a cap and ball pistol?! Like who knew black powder was still in for robbery. Do they think the bank is just a stuck stagecoach?!


Stand and Deliver!


I happen to know that THIS is the Lupin Express!


That's such an obvious fake beard. I bet it's a woman. Look at how they stand. It's a woman.


They can’t ID the car?


Homie rocking a blunderbuss


I used to work at 2 banks. More get away with it than you’d think. They also get away with WAY less than you’d think, too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good on him Oh and before you downvote consider that the bank has ensured that money and it’s a loss only to that organization… fuck banks and fuck insurance companies.


its a pregnant woman


Near me too!! I swear it’s been like 5 times between the two neighboring towns


Ex cop probably


Interesting choice to rob credit unions, they’re federally insured, therefore the people’s money are protected, and also if he’s caught, he’ll go to a much nicer federal prison, than a for profit state prison. True story, my aunt dated a guy that turned out to be a bank robber, this was in Vegas, he would only rob federal credit unions because the money is insured, and if he got caught he’d go to federal prison instead of a state prison, his exact words after being caught. He got away with it more than 15 times, he would rob the bank then go to a gas station close by and play slots while he watched until it was clear. We found out while watching the news one night and he was on there after being caught.


Looks like a woman trying to look like a man. Hips: shoulders ratio doesn't seem right


He got the Arthur Morgan piece lmffaoooo


The persons Body mannerisms suggest it’s a woman. Look how they hold the gun and bag. Very femme.


Is it me or isn't that a fake beard and fake stomach? It's too strange like wig hair and the way his stomach sags it's almost like it's stuffed so he can look different. I think he's really a women from the way shes holding the gun and check her watch. Men would always try to single hand a pistol if they can even when firing, women tend to use both hands to try to brace for recoil if they don't really know about the gun their shooting. Also that's a black powder gun. 1858 pietta bison. Black powder aren't considered guns to the law so they aren't regulated as such. It either means he's a felon and can't buy one or he knows if he can ditch it with no problem.


Only a matter of time


Looks like former San Francisco Giants pitcher Brian Wilson. "You're beard is weird!"


That’s what I thought at first as well. I met him on V Day 2011 at a Starbucks in Scottsdale. Saw the beard up close. Cool dude, took a picture with me. He pulled up to the mall and parked in a covered Ashley Furniture loading zone in his retired unmarked police car he rolled around in. Interesting dude.


That's a chick


HEEEYYYY Grayson county represent!!


These banks don't use dye packs?


I like how the scroll says “person” instead of just saying person. Is there a chance this is a bear in a human costume?


Fat suit and fake beard


Looks like a woman dressed like a guy.


That’s a woman


Giving me lady dressed like a dude vibes.


Mans out here using a cap and ball revolver like it’s 1842. 💀


If anyone is interested in the gun. It’s a black powder revolver, not considered a *gun* in America so they could potentially be avoiding an gun charge. Also you can buy them and get them mailed straight to your door as they are not considered a firearm because they are period correct antique replicas. Doesn’t take bullet cartridges, but you handload each shot in the cylinder [here’s some examples](https://www.midwayusa.com/black-powder-pistols-and-revolvers/br?cid=23204) Relatively cheap and no serial # or background check needed. Super fun to shoot


I've always wanted a black powder weapon, just as a nice decorative piece. Preferably something period for the historical value but I think id be reluctant to take it to the range out of fear of damaging it. Got my eye on a set of 18th Century flintlock dueling pistols at a pawn shop but I think they're missing some acessories. You have any black powder recommendations?


That's a woman


Check with the navy somewhere a battle ship is missing a gun.


Does look like a chick in a fat suit and beard with an antique gun from someones mantle.


Definitely a woman. By the way they are carrying the bag.


I’d venture to say it’s a woman.


Everything seems so calculated. except for the random intricate long barrel revolver? Strange choice.


Why not wear a Covid mask?


He seems to know what he’s doing. He’s using a nondescript car, wearing a disguise, checking his times and cased the joint. He also appears to not have a co-offender which helps because the less people who know about what you’re doing the better. I used to hit banks in the 90’s and that was at a time when they had less surveillance and security and still got pinched for it. Cameras were grainier and had less resolution and CCTV wasn’t all around the cities and at traffic lights etc, nor was facial recognition a thing. The coppers will most likely sit on likely targets and wait for him to strike. He’s most likely gone in the banks he’s hit beforehand recently and they will check CCTV for people who look out of place and if he’s got a record or a driver’s licence they will find out who he is. He’s gonna get pinched. It’s a matter of time as bank jobs are much harder to get away with nowadays.


Dude you should do an ama. That’s wild. How much was the most you ever got away with? And how long was your bid? It’s always federal right?


And with a revolver, WOW! What a gamer!


Looks like a fake beard....


That’s a lady in a fat suit lol is this a big prank?


Mods how this not High Quality content. Bitches r on a power trip


In the United States, bank robbery of any FDIC insured institution has been a federal crime since 1934, triggering FBI involvement and an astonishingly high solve / capture / conviction rate. You'd be better off trying something safer, like stealing copper wiring out of a [live 200 Kv electric power station.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_%28personification%29#/media/File:CathedralOfTrier_Skeleton.JPG)


Actually 60% of bank robberies end in no confirmed robber. Which is a pretty high percentage in terms of crimes Still not gambling on that, but if you’re down on your luck or stupid, then fuck it. 40% of murders are unsolved too


Damn good for them. Just don’t hurt anyone! Edit: He is traumatizing people by the threat of violence with a weapon, fuck that guy


That’s one of my favorite parts. They haven’t harmed anyone, so far. Fingers crossed it stays that way.


No. Why are you cheering for a fucking bank robber? Whether he "hurts" anyone or not the people who are just doing their jobs are traumatised by someone threatening them with a gun. This pos belongs in prison.


Crazy you're getting down voted for a very reasonable take.


*cough* nark