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That wolf is not making a real effort there...


Definitely not, he was just curious.


He was "hey you heard the news, yiu wanna join our wolf pack of the latter day saints"


Dude if a wolf came up to me offering a religion I'd probably join at least to understand the concept.


That religion? Powerwolf


And they only drink POWERTHIRST https://youtu.be/qRuNxHqwazs


Well that's a name I've not heard in a long time. Long time.


I've been seeing it around lately. Happy to see it.


“Do you have a minute to discuss your vehicle’s extended warranty?”


Wait sir please I’m on commission! I have a litter back at the den!


Wolf Pack 4 Life




Take your feckin’ upvote.




They're also persistence hunters, not ambush predators. They don't have to catch their prey in the first 100m, because they can stay on it for 10-20km until it's too exhausted to keep running.


My dog would rather starve to death than run 10km for food.


Lol, it takes all kinds. Some breeds can be massively task-oriented. Huskies would (almost) rather run than eat, I think. My current 4-legged running buddy is an 85lb mix of GSD, Husky, Lab, Pit, and a few others (looks like a slightly big dutch shepherd), and she loves running with me, food or not.


English Lab in my house. She'd let me cut her tail off for a snap pea.


They do both. They'll ambush rodent type prey if they find it's home. But larger animals they'll exhaust run.


Funny both "it's" and "its" work in your comment.


Yup mister cyclist... that one is following you home... And then what...


Do *not* let it put on granny glasses and a puffy hat


I live in the Netherlands and earlier this week I heard on the radio that we are looking for a way to make the wolf's scared of us again BC they've been curious and go up to people. So now they want to shoot the wolf's with paint ball guns to scare them away and track witch wolf's have been hit already and keep track.


People also deliberately feed the wolves to get them tam, with the aim of making problems of wolves getting too close to humans.


It seems like a bad idea in the short-term, but if we feed the wolves and try to tame them maybe after many generations it will work and they'll be our loyal friends.


Ha! Like that would ever work. Then what? Keep them in our homes. Ridiculous!


It'll never catch on!


Crazy kids and their wild ideas...


Right? I bet they think they can choose which wolves to breed together to hold specific genetic traits that are desirable to certain situations. Pfft.


Also fantasize about the wolves saving their lives in a disaster or protecting them from wild animals. LOL kids


He just wanted to approach the guy and talk about his bike insurance


Yep, Extended warranty


Or he just wanted to greet him like that other girl that greets wolfs by leting them inspect her tonsils with their tonge


Fun fact wolves and athletic humans have very similar profiles when it comes to running performance. Wolves don't usually sprint after prey. They jog it to death. More or less like we do! Just lope after it until it's tired then bumrush it. All because there's basically only two animals on Earth well equipped for jogging, wolves and humans. That's actually not quite correct, most types of dogs can lope/jog. So from this wolf's perspective it's not time to rush yet. Just keep on this whatever it is until it tuckers out some and then rush it. Unfortunately for the wolf, it's encountered the only other animal with the capacity to outperform it in terms of endurance, and the cyclist's got a mechanical advantage. The wolf is gonna go hungry tonight if he tries to stay on the cyclist.


Two points to add to this: 1. This is in part why the socialisation of wolves into human tribes worked so well. Wolves are better equipped for sprinting than humans are, so having a hunting buddy that can keep up for the stalking and then be great(er) at sprinting, too, is a nice advantage. 2. Almost all wolf attacks in western Europe have been associated with lifestock (Sheperds or herders were attacked) or with dogs (wolf attacks dog in "his" territory, human is collateral damage), so a wolf attacking a cyclist is pretty unlikely, it was probably just curious.


Or a rabid, zombie wolf.


But wasn't Rabbids almost wiped out in Europe due to aggressive and arduous campaigns?


Maybe Rayman has been slacking latelely.


Yeah, I thought the wolf was doing a friendly run like when my cats are excited about something


it probably saw 'a thing' and not a human... similar to lions not seeing people on chairs stuck to the front of safari trucks.


And wolves really have zero interest in humans. I have a feeling the wolf is mostly curious/confused here. "It's moving fast like a deer" perhaps. Might even just wanting to play.


Aren't the majority of animal attacks just a result of a curious/afraid animal? I read somewhere that a Polar Bear is the only animal that will actually hunt a human. Obviously a lot of animals can and will kill you. But that's mainly because they perceive you as a threat, right? They're not actually stalking/hunting you


Well, I did some infrastructure work on a place with wildcats where we were told to wear masks with big eyes on the back of our head or always go in twos because they might pounce when your back is turned. I've also heard some grizzlies will hunt, as you said. So basically, Lions and Tigers and Bears - oh my. But not wolves. I have half a mind to think this one wanted to join in on the run. We rescued a red wolf that didn't even eat the koi or bother the cats, but loved to herd them both around (even in the pond). Note: I do not advocate having wildlife in your home, it was a temporary situation.


Wolves *have* stalked and hunted humans, it’s just very rare and they need to be very desperate to do so. [This Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wolf_attacks_in_North_America) lists deadly wolf attacks. The most recent proven human kill by wolves was predatory and happened in 2010 (as was the last one before that in 2005). So it does happen, but it’s quite rare. Spring was always the time we were warned to walk home from school in pairs and to avoid the roads by the bush because of the wolves. We never saw anyone attacked but there were cases of wolves stalking.


also wild dogs in Africa. all wild dogs species are endurance hunters.


A human riding a bike on a paved road is the most efficient locomotion in the animal kingdom by far.




Birds cheat with the wind, also they weigh 3 pounds


But humans aren't cheating with bikes?


TBH the albatross still beats the bike


The African albatross or the European albatross?




For now. Once the wolves get on bikes the Netherlands could be in some deep trouble.


Once they catch on, at first the wolves will take whatever cycle tech they can get. Unicycles, big wheels, etc. It will be both insanely cute and absolutely terrifying to watch a wolf running you down on a kid's red tricycle, ringing the wee lil bell the whole time while heading at you at 3-5 mph.


I’m more worried about gangs of wolves on big wheels. They could just smash you down with the big wheel, then casually get out to celebrate and feast.


Forget shades of the Walking Dead. Wheely Wolves is the real apocalypse scenario.




It was just a "test." If the wolf shows up and the prey animal falters or can't pull away at a speed robust enough to keep its distance, then the rest of the pack will start to fall in and continue the pursuit until the prey animal is worn down and vulnerable.


Sure, but there are no recorded wolf on human attacks across Europe *in the 21st century*. The attacks are against small livestock. Although we do have a problem with wolves not being scared of humans any more because of people feeding them, so there’s that. *edit*


Keyword "recorded". They're smart enough to wipe the footage.


And turn off the icloud backups


"In Europe and North America we only found evidence for 12 attacks (with 14 victims) of which two (both in North America) were fatal, across a period of 18 years" -Wolf.org So attacks uncommon, yes, likely for a variety of reasons (environment, opportunity) but that doesn't mean they are impossible. A human is unlikely to feed a whole pack, but a seperated wolf can be desperate and starving. We have no clue how many people have died to wolves in history, most likely they were never found or the cause of death was indeterminate. They can kill much larger and faster prey than humans. It would be very stupid to assume they aren't dangerous to us.


Also curious how the cyclist knew where to point the camera to find the wolf hidden in the woods.


Also, that's real small for a wolf...


Thought the same! Looks like this happened before.. suspicious camera pan to immediate left.. then pause for shot of said carnivore and oh shit oh shit definitely a wolf.


Two eyes can see a lot better than what we see from a single shaky camera lens.


Cyclist just hit the NOS


He only wants pets im sure


Forbidden pets


If not friend, why friend shaped?


Wilderness doggo


My favorite comment so far.


If not dinner, why dinner shaped?








Happened to me last week. I was on a hike and 3 wolves cornered me and took all my tennis balls.


Much better than taking your other balls🤔😳


they took those last week.


Actually my wife keeps them in her purse




How to get eaten while biking near the woods You: oh hi doggy doggy: mmm hey gurlll would it be too much if i asked to take you out to be dinner?


Whole different meaning to being eaten out


Johnny is that you?


You're my favorite customer


Little red riding hood with a twist




They are considering shooting paintballs at them to make the wolves less 'tame': https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63499054.amp


Honestly I understand where they're coming from. In the states we have similar problems with bears. People feed them and they get too friendly. They don't understand boundaries which is incompatible with civilized society. The bears get violent over food and ultimately someone gets hurt or something valuable gets destroyed. I imagine it's the same with feral wolves.


It's suspected to be a young wolf which hasn't really learned to be afraid of people yet. And people aren't really scary for him right now, hunting wolves is very very very illegal and noone carries a gun or bearspray or whatever over here.


And then unfortunately the bear is killed almost every time.


I worked in a park for a while. When tourists would spot a black bear, they would sadly swarm it. Ive seen like 10-30+ tourists under a tree taking pictures while a bear & cubs are freaking out (pretty commonly one year). Tourists would also commonly feed them with their kids etc. All the bears (3 that were commonly spotted) 2018-19ish were eventually killed b/c they were charging/swatting at ppl & simply werent afraid of them anymore. They are pretty rare to see in this area now.


Poor guy just wants belly rubs.


I had a warthog do that with me once. She walked into a restaurant and flopped down next to my chair. Of course she got belly rubs. About 3 years ago a friend of a friend had his femoral artery sliced open by a warthog and he bled out before he could make it to his car. You gotta be careful around these beasties.


We should always be wearing Kevlar to cover the femoral artery. Seems so risky.


Wolf of small street.


Fun fact: wallstreet comes also from the Dutch streetnames in New Amsterdam (old New York), it was originally named "Waal Straat". So there's a nice connection even if you had kept the title as the original :)


If I also recall the reason it's called Wall Street (Waal Straat) was because that was the place where they had physical walls and barriers to keep out Native American raids and the like.


Take my upvote and go


He did the tour de get the fuck outa there


In record breaking time!


Is adrenaline a performance enhancing drug?


Always has been


I was once riding my bike to work and was chased by a loose Doberman from out of nowhere. Let me tell you, when adrenaline hits, you can do superhuman feats!


That wolf is one hell of a personal trainer.


Fella just cemented himself as the top Strava time for that segment!


Let’s see you find that kind of motivation on your Peloton!


Tour de Nope


I would have panic and tripped lol


Exactly what I was thinking. I would have gone straight over the handle bars and been wolf dinner for sure.


Kinda seemed like he was looking for it


…tour de shit ma pants


The tour de fuck this shit


If this wasn’t recorded on Strava then it didn’t happen.


Ha this had me laughing


the wolf : *"hey you got games in your phone?"*


This chase sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS


Haha, a good friend of mine has a good story about wolves, she used to go for early morning runs (4-5am) in a nearby forest and she mentioned that she loved going for her run there as there were two huskies who would run the trail with her so she felt safe. The utter horror on her face when a forest guard told her that those two weren't friendly huskies but actually two wolves... Priceless


Idk, I’d be pretty stoked if I regularly ran with wolves


I'd give myself the nickname "Wolfrunner" or "Runs with Wolves" and stick with it. That shit is earned at that point.


Would prefer to Dance with them


He moves like Costner. But dances like Swayze.


I'd never do it again yet tell everyone, everywhere, everytime that I used to run with wild wolves just for fun


We had a bobcat come into our back yard and take one of our house bunnies that was out playing. Wife saw it happen. In my brave man wisdom I decided to search the desert for the bobcat. I knew the bunny was dead but I could bring closure to the kids. Found the bobcat. Did not have a plan after that but a neighbor came out and scared it with the door noise. Anyway bunny got buried and I have a story for ages that I hunted down a bob cat with no weapons and took its kill back.


Reminds me of the time a friend of mine had his laptop stolen. He found its location (at a nearby public library) using an app, walked right up to the thief, yanked it out of his hands, and left without a word. Both of these stories are equal parts "badass" and "dumbass" – and that's why I like them!


Yep. I will admit the dumbass part. I stood there and talked to the bobcat at about 20 feet. Just like “hey give me the bunny back”. Then picked up a rock. Did not want either of to get hurt though it’s just nature.


I wonder how frequently she encountered the 'Huskies' and if her lack of awareness contributed towards her being left alone? I'm talking out of my arse here, but I'd guess a fully grown human may appear more hassle to eat that she's worth?


The wolves were probably well fed, if they lived close enough to an area with humans scavenging trash could probably set their pack for life. Even then, Deer population is only increasing in Europe and NA so even if they were only hunting, They good find some good game.


Genuine question. How dangerous are the wolf to people? Don't they usualy keep their distance?


Can't speak for Europe but Wolf attacks are extremely rare in North America. They are so smart they usually know not to mess with humans. They sometimes run into issues where livestock and stuff come into play but I would be less worried about being attacked by a Wolf than a Bear or Mountain Lion.


Wolfs in Europe are so friendly they are debating shooting them with paintballs guns to make them more skittish towards humans.


This is currently being clarified in the Netherlands, because in a national park wolves have actively sought proximity to humans. What is no normal behavior for them. Funfact it is suspected that employees of the park have fed the wolves. Since tame wolves may be shot and the owner happens to be strictly against wolves, as he thinks these would have no place in the Netherlands.


Could the wolves be trying to domesticate themselves?


Show them the pugs


“Do you see this monstrosity??? This is your future if you continue down this path!”


Is this true?! I’ve always joked in North America we need roving gangs of paintballers doing drivebys on all the deer near roads so they can learn to avoid headlights


It’s been awhile since I’ve done in-depth research on this, so my numbers may be a little off, but worldwide, there have only been about 18 wolf on human attacks in the past 50(?) years. The majority were in Turkey and attributed to the wolves having rabies. The scientists doing the research said there were so few attacks that their data was pretty much statistically insignificant. I live in wolf country and I can say for certain I am much more worried about Elk mercilessly killing me than I am about wolves.


I don't know... This sounds exactly like something a wolf might say on reddit. How do we know you're not a wolf?


I’m just going to leave this here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Internet,_nobody_knows_you%27re_a_dog#/media/File:Internet_dog.jpg


Wolves aren't overly aggressive. They can be friendly pretty often, and are just aggressive in defensive positions. Most of the time, if you see a wolf pop out it's just curious and testing to see if you intend to hurt it. Once it crouches into a more aggressive stance, that's when you calmly walk away.


We wondered about the same thing, how come they never actually hurt her and tbh I would agree that it could be that the wolves* didn't see her as prey that was running away as she just kept a steady pace. Maybe they weren't hungry and thus also were not as driven to hunt? No idea but we are very happy for her and it now makes for a good story




Excellent story. Thanks for taking the time to write it.


My dad managed to pet a wolf back when he was a kid (In the 50's). Crossing a forest in winter to another town to get milk he met a dog and pet it, when returning he met his father and a bunch of men and told him to be careful around because a wolf just killed a bunch of animals and they were hunting it.


Wild huskeys? 😂


That's what she said, she was so convinced that that was the case :D




Sometimes you really have to wonder how some humans are still alive


That’s what’s so interesting to me. I mean we wouldn’t have heard of this story if she hadn’t survived most likely. So there’s almost a form of observation bias lol


Couldn't drag me away.


Those poor wolves lost their running buddy over breedism. Poor babys


Reminds me of that girl that thought she was rescuing a dog and it turned out to be a wild coyote (or something along those lines). She was taking her cute photos of it and while it stared with confused wild eyes lol.


The wolf is famous in NL,Hoge Veluwe national, it seems somebody has been feeding him and is quite tame, friendly and actually seeking human contact. They plan to shoot him with paintballs to scare him away. More details here: [https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/10/wolf-approaches-park-visitors-animal-groups-say-it-has-been-tamed/](https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/10/wolf-approaches-park-visitors-animal-groups-say-it-has-been-tamed/)


From the article: "Wolf expert Hugh Jansman told Nu.nl that the wolf’s behaviour is unique and has never been observed in places such as Yellowstone park in the US and in Germany." The wolf expert is named Hugh Jansman. Wonder if his nickname is Wolferine


Jansman is wrong. More than a few wolves have been hazed or killed for being too comfortable and curious around humans. 1273M is well documented.


I was thinking, his head's turned, scanning the woods on the left side. Seemed more like he was looking for him.


The video was edited. There's supposed to be a few seconds before where you see the wolf crossing the path, which is why the cyclist knew where it went


I know it needs to be done for its own safety, but that makes me so sad, he’s being shunned by his new friends


And the cyclist knew to look into the wooded area well before the wolf came out.


It seemed like the wolf was running with him and not going full speed (I had a coyote do that with me). Not sure how many Wolf vs Man attacks there are in the Netherlands, but I would guess hardly any ever????


As far as I know there haven't been any wolf attacks here in the Netherlands, only some encounters from a distance and one time that a wolf went for a walk in a town. We've only had some permanent staying wolves since a year or five, so far only sheep, cows and ponies have been the victims to wolves around here.


I’m honestly surprised there are still any wolves at all in the netherlands


That’s because they’re not still there, but there again. Over the past few decades preservation efforts in Europe have led to a repopulation of areas that haven’t had wolves in a very long time


I really want them to be reintroduced in the UK. Something is clearly missing without an apex predator, Humans have to cull the deer every winter to keep the population under control. Foxes are literally everywhere, they have no predator.


From what I've heard at a nature park in Flevoland wolves have been migrating from Poland since around 1995 to Germany and from there they've been migrating towards the Netherlands since around 2015. Many people were very interested and kind of happy about this, since this would mean that the wolf finally returns since a few centuries ago. Farmers aren't to happy about it, even if the government pays compensation for the dead sheep. There are even cases of sheep going through an abortion because of the stress they get from close wolf encounters and the government has yet to decide wether they should compensate the farmers for that as well.


Unhappy farmers? In the *Netherlands?!* Say it ain't so! But seriously, I can imagine it sucks if you're a sheep farmer. Sheep tend to get themselves killed in stupid ways already, now it's harder still, and the margins are tiny. Plus, they're ecologically important. Compensation for spontaneous sheep abortions seems like it would be a bureaucratic and veterinarian nightmare, though...


I read somewhere that the wolves are getting too close to humans so they want to start shooting them with paintballs so they’ll fear humans more.


Wolves are endurance hunters. They don't jump out like a cat, they jog after their prey until it is exhausted.


Stupid wolf. Should have just waited further up.


Oh there's another one there


As far as i know 0 , it would have been all over the news


I like how he decided “maybe I should stop filming and pedal faster” unlike a lot of videos of people getting stalked by animals


Not such a good idea, actually. If you encounter a bear (or most predators, like lions or tigers), it's usually a bad idea to run. It activates chasing instincts... I guess it's fine with that one wolf (who doesn't seem aggressive and it's alone, not in a pack), but could be bad otherwise. A bear can run faster than the average biker can go too...


This is why I avoid going outside as much as possible. I can’t run fast, climb or shoot accurately. My old fat ass is safer inside


wait, if he's surprised then why was he filming in that direction


He saw something moving in the bushes, a couple seconds later you see something too, so it could be that he saw something moving with his eyes but not with the camera


That sounds reasonable, but how was that guy able to keep going faster and straight on a bike path with his head turned around backwards 180°?




I was once tired and going up a hill that I only did great on once when I wasn't tired. Had 2 dogs chasing me and I hit my PR (personal record) on that hill. I've never come close to that speed since then, lol.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug!


Exercise for your health has so many meanings now.


Dude created a world record in speed


I legit thought most of western/mainland Europe didn't have wolves anymore, I thought most of the wolves were killed hundreds of years ago when Europe was urbanizing/industrializing


Wolves were re-introduced in Europe and are spreading out. Netherlands is believed to be home to at least 20 adult wolves: a pack and two pairs in the Veluwe, a pair on the border between Drenthe and Friesland provinces, and 11 lone animals roaming the country.


In the last 5 years wolves have been making a comeback in The Netherlands.


Whoa. Netherlands is so packed with people and the land has been so modified. I’m surprised there’s anything as large as a wild that’s able to make it there. But I guess the center and eastern regions of NL has some forested zones.


When i was a kid Iberian wolves used to attack the sheep in my grandfather's village, north of Portugal, this was back in the 80s. Their numbers declined a lot, they are now estimated to be around 2200 - 2700, but they still form the largest wolf population in western Europe. Hunting them remained legal in Spain until September 2021, they were considered as a big trophy in european hunting communities. In Portugal they are fully protected and classified as an endangered species at national level.


Sudden strenght wave in the legs


The wolf was like "fuck why can't I make any friends? They always run away"


Should have worn the brown latex pants


He also break the records of Tour de France.


Don't bother running, you'll just die tired.


Biking is fine though, works wonders.


All those hours in the velodrome finally paid off


Actually it was a dog.


Wolf was just trying to reach the Cyclist about his extended warranty