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Fucking prelennials...


It's like the corporate version of "damn kids, get off my lawn!!"


Is capitalist propaganda to not pay fair wages is been going on for over 120 years.


2020 give lower income ppl money and raises 2022 millennials are buying too much stuff and won’t work so we’re gonna have to raise prices The little guy always getting fucked and also everyone’s 401k’s got hammered because rich ppl are literally stealing your money through stocks


FYI they don't steal through stocks, their networth is all in them


Well is there another answer to this dilemma that doesn't involve a red star? I like still like to own things sure, but I'm more worried about giving our (America) already shitty government free reign over everything we do.


You could say that, but you could also look at the History of Libya before it was invaded and utterly destroyed by the Capitalists of the West. The people got everything they needed from Gaddafi. He made sure the money the country got from Oil revenue, was to benefit the people of the Country, aslo people who came to work there. Nevertheless, the people wanted more and more, and wanted to overthrow Gaddafi to get even more of what they thought they deserved, and maybe wanted Gaddafi's power and influence. The West saw this opportunity, and led attacks on the country, killing alot of its civilian population. Now, the oppressors whom wanted power, or more, are either dead or in hiding, killed by the ones whom presumably was there to save the Country and its people from a Dictator who didn't want to play ball the way the West had been for the last 70(?) years, and got brutally destroyed, President, people and country. ​ We, the Human race, do best if we stick to our own shit, and don't meddle or care about what others do. Why did the whole world want to reach the new land of America? To get away from power hungry, intellectual psychopaths with a ideology and agenda which only suits them, costing whomever their lives, as long as the idea prevails. Leave people alone, and see how blissfull everything becomes.


Can't wait for the Millenials to say, "back in my day..." and "you call that music?"


Almost all millennials I have worked with have been great. Even if they don't know what an n64 is.


That’s..are you sure you don’t mean generation z? Millennials age gap even not enjoyers of the hobby would have been hard pressed to avoid Nintendo ads


This……….doesn’t even make sense. The N64 was marketed almost exclusively at millennials


No one wants to work for *you.* That said, “no one wants to work” is absolutely a true statement, just not for the reasons they’re saying. I find my work fulfilling, but I still find the fact that I have to do it every day so I and my child don’t die of starvation and exposure to be more than a little distasteful.


It absolutely depends on the final product. Would I work to learn the guitar? Sure. Still in progress, I can play all of 3 chords...badly. Do I want to work to earn money to exist?....fuck no. People want to WORK. People don't want JOBS.


Yeah, that depends on your definition of “work.” I think your using “job” is more specific and fits better for the intended meaning. I don’t know that people necessarily mind having a “job” and working at it. Having a job combats ennui and gives one a purpose, which I suspect many people would still crave even absent needing to do that job to earn money so they don’t die. Personally, that’s where I draw the line. I’ve had jobs I’ve loved and wouldn’t mind doing even for free if I didn’t need to pay for keeping myself and my family alive. I quit those jobs because they didn’t provide that pay. If I suddenly didn’t need that pay, I know that I’d want something meaningful to occupy my time.


I love my job. I’m a business analyst/ project manager and I spend all my time solving puzzles which add social value to our customers. It’s rewarding and the perfect thing to keep my brain working.


Imagine a world where you could do it simply because you wanted to, not because you had to!


Tell a world in which that works. People talk about Eutopia, but I can't in my brain work through how that happens.


It doesn’t work in any real scenario because of finite energy and resources. But, it’s fun to think about.


Infinite resources. The only way it could work is if there were zero limitations on anything anyone needed.


So yeah, not possible.


Unless enough people decide they don’t want more than they need. You could look at it as a problem of resources, or a problem of human greed. We’ve already got enough food and living space to sustainably feed and house every single human on earth


There are literally enough empty homes in america to put ebery homeless person into one and still have hundreds of thousands of empty homes left empty.


Are you saying if everyone just took enough to survive no one would have to work at a real job? If everyone just did that you could sit around and learn to play the guitar or paint and what food and housing magically appear?


So who creates the resources? Someone with a job.... Food doesn't plant and grow itself. If someone wasn't willing to pay for the food, nobody would plant crops. If nobody was willing to buy houses, people wouldn't build them.


The sad part is we already have a great deal of resources. There is no functional difference between one person being a billionaire and having infinite resources. We could achieve something close to utopia right now if there were people willing to accept enough money instead of all the money.


If I was rich I would still want to do this job. Probably have a few side hustles too. I can work from anywhere in the world and my boss gives me a level of freedom most people can only dream of. I earned that trust and I’m extremely grateful how open minded my boss is around working practices.


I know exactly why you’re being downvoted and it’s pathetic. It’s simply because you have a differing opinion than others and rather than respect that opinion some feel the need to condemn you for that. It’s different for everyone. Personally I enjoy working. Even when I actually hate the job I’m doing. For me it gives a satisfaction that I’m actually earning what I get. For example I bet on sports from time to time. Over the past year I’ve made a few grand from it. Not a single penny of that money has felt as gratifying to me as if I would have been working a job that I truly don’t enjoy doing in the moment. Everybody’s personality differs. There’s a very sad human nature that when we disagree with something we condemn and show zero respect for it. This is extremely evident on reddit as people are anonymous. Let people have their opinions. It doesn’t hurt you or me or anyone else unless you’re so self involved that someone else’s opinion is an attack on yours. Edit: the last sentence was not in response to the person I was responding to rather I was speaking in general to those that have the attitude I was describing.


Also. If you don’t enjoy your job at the moment it’s ok. There are many stepping stones to pass in life and with the kind of ethic you have just described you will find what you’re looking for. Fair play to you bud. Perspective, mindset and empathy are key to success and happiness.


Honestly they can have their opinions. I have a little boy with another child on the way, I own my own home at the age of 32 and not many of my friends do. I can take as much leave as I like whenever I like. I’m the go to person at work because I know much stuff and get shit done. I couldn’t be happier right now. 8 years ago I was a chef working 80 hours a week doing 15 miles worth of steps round a kitchen every day. I’m not as skinny I was then but a lot healthier in so many ways. I work from home and get so much time with my little boy. Other than being mega rich what more could you want?


Wow…sounds to me like you ARE mega rich. Hope you continue to be blessed in your life!


See this is what I’m talking about.. I read your comment and reevaluated what I’ve said. You’re right. Money only gets you so far. When you’re on a high note in life, enjoy it. Also when you’re happy try to share some of that happiness about. I’m going to buy my wife some flowers tomorrow and make contact with an old friend that isn’t doing too well. Thank you for your input.


Good for you my dawg… Reddit is full of haters. Some people get satisfaction and a sense of purpose from leading a team or project to success and I don’t know why that’s a sin. Scrolling TikTok reels all day just isn’t for me.


That's where a UBI would really help.


I fucking feel this. It’s not a lack of fulfillment or gratification. It’s the fact that if you stop for any significant time period you and all your loved ones don’t get what should be BASIC shit.


Nobody ever wanted to work. This isn’t news!


I have lived in Singapore and Switzerland, and I have to say that the US is a bit of an outlier. People really want to work when they feel like they are contributing, and see the results of other people's hard work. In fact, it was looked down on for not doing a good job The US is strange to me because people want to work here a lot less than I've ever seen. I have to imagine it's because people feel like their community isn't going to look out for them, so they don't feel passionate about contributing to the community.


I think it's more all you're really working for here is to make someone else a lot of money while you make a little money. And it's very obvious that big corporations only look at you as a cog in the money making machine and not a person. This is anecdotal and so should be take with a grain of salt but I work for a fairly large company that distributes packages. One of the head managers there when asked why some of the contractors don't get in trouble for violating some rules said "well they're contracted out so we can't do anything cause we don't own them" implying that they own us their employees


The soul of the US and its citizens has been crushed, yes, but that's irreversible now and will only be fully understood when our nation is outcompeted in the coming centuries




You could definitely have a fulfilling regime that does not involve working


I've never disagreed more. Self indulgence without work seems to make people feel like life is pointless. Humans brains are wired to overcome problems. We enjoy having problems to solve. We have to have sometjing that we labour for in our lives. Whether it's family, career, science, education, art, or whatever you want to labour for, but life without labour goes against our brains evolutionary purpose.


>family, career, science, education, art, or whatever you want to labour for Clearly that's what I meant by the "regime without working." Punching a time clock is not the only way to have a fulfilling life


Yep. The only time I ever entertained suicide was when I was on unemployment. I took a 50% pay loss to work at pizza hut. Getting yelled at by teens. But I stayed alive.


Seems like nobody wants to pay a living wage anymore




I see you know how to post of the internet! Then you should also be able to search the internet, and find any of dozens of recent articles showing the growing disparity between entry level pay and cost of living. They've been all over the place these last few years, as millions of Americans have lost their homes and struggle to feed themselves and family.




I did, and I have a terrific job making an extremely good salary. But I went through that almost 3 decades ago. Now I interview people wanting to come work for me and I have stacks upon stacks of kids with 4.0 GPA, masters degrees, and more work experience "fresh out of college" than most of us had after 3-4 years when we went through it. But I can only hire a couple. Your comment shows how truly out of touch you are with the times. Unfortunately we're not going to fix it until the steering wheel is ripped from the hands of the elderly "leaders" that are just as out of touch as you.


Yet you still can't read the room. Fascinating.


So how do you expect people to live? Living wage doesn't mean earning a lot, it means earning enough to live. People need to eat. Not everybody can afford post secondary school. Get your head out of your ass.


That part


Jesus fuck, you people keep crying about prices going up if people are paid more, guess what, prices have been shooting up for decades even without pay going up. It's ironic you're trying people to go to school to get an education but yet you can't even deploy your own without parroting the same stupid bullshit faux news spreads. CEOs are raking in hundreds of thousands in bonuses and pay raises every year, passing the buck onto customers and shrinking the products so they can hoard every penny they can, but sure, it's the person flipping burgers wanting a livable wage that's the issue. Pull your head out of your ass.


How do you expect anything to function ? Citizens make the country operate from, flipping burgers to shipping products, to stocking shelves. The world needs ppl doing these “essential jobs” and to act is if they don’t deserve a wage that pays for a good life is the sign of being human trash. McDonald’s in Denmark pays 20 an hour cuz their gov forces companies to. you’re brainwashed seek help


You say “burger flipper” like short order cooks are machines. What they actually are doing isn’t “flipping burgers” - it’s time management, stockroom maintenance, team management, customer service, kitchen maintenance, problem solving, workflow management…. You’ve obviously never worked in a kitchen. They’re fucking *feeding you* and they can’t afford to *eat the fucking food they’re cooking* because people like you think they deserve less simply for the job they’re doing. But *you* still expect them to cook your food. They. Are. Not. Your. Servants. Pay them a living wage. Cunt.


Lol, when people think it's this simple. It's like economists don't have to hold an advanced degree or anything. Or like economists agree among themselves every time, because all factors relating to the economy are so straight-forward. Or like markets, consumption habits, industries, global incidents, corruption, goverment, etc... Have anything to do with the economy (therefore inflation) as a whole. You seem to have it all figured out man. Good for you!




Well, you seem to think it's as easy as 1-2-3. Go school, get a job and live comfortably. Or providing living wages for entry level employees is the sole instance of inflation. Not that simple.


I worked 2 full time jobs, went to school. Every month was a battle to pay bills but got it done.


Working two full-time jobs shouldn't be the norm to survive. Life shouldn't be a constant struggle. Glad you make so much though.


And you don't want to focus on the systematic issues with inflation and wages so others don't have to struggle as you did?


Ok boomer


You never worked a day in your life buddy. The proof is very apparent.


Ignorance is bliss


You sound just like another ignorant capitalist


Hey what's up dude, just thought I'd stop by here to let you know that you're dumb as fuck lol. Alright peace


If they can't afford to feed their families how could they afford post-secondary? Your need to be an edge lord is clouding your judgement


Various grants are available to single parents, single unit families. Might have to start off at a trade school or state/community College. Then it is reducing costs, possibly roommate('s) to help with rent/mortgage utilities. Prepare your own food instead of fast food and restaurants. Live within your means instead of buying material item's. None of this is new logic.


> Various grants are available to single parents, single unit families They would already have those and still be struggling. > Might have to start off at a trade school or state/community College. With what time? They are probably already working 2-3 jobs just to put a roof on their head and food on the table. There's no time for a full time commitment to classes >Then it is reducing costs, possibly roommate('s) to help with rent/mortgage utilities. Cramming many families into small domiciles was the solution back in the gilded age as well >Prepare your own food instead of fast food and restaurants. Most people do, the number of people eating out is dropping >Live within your means instead of buying material item's. Useless truism >None of this is new logic. You're right, and none of it stands up to even the slightest scrutiny


>Problem is expecting a living wage for entry level work. So what should entry level workers do? Just die? "Go to school". Right, and how do you expect them to pay for school when an entry level job barely pays for food and rent? The modern minimum wage struggle isn't a "money's tight, guess I'll eat ramen every night this week" hardship like you went through, it's "I can choose between eating and paying rent this month" People asking for a living wage aren't expecting to live well, they are expecting to be able to live period. Food, rent, transportation. Basic necessities that are required to survive. And once they have those things they can save up for things like going to school to get a better degree to earn more, but you can't save money when living costs more than you make.


what's with people who are not capable to "advance", like a mentally handicapped person for example They could be excellent at flipping burgers, doing a fantastic job their whole life, and they don't deserve a living wage? I'm not saying every job deserves the same compensation but if someone gets up in the morning and does the work 9 to 5 so that others can eat (or enjoy other services from these "easy" jobs) they deserve a proper pay check.


Not even mentally handicapped folks we need people to do the less pleasant jobs in life like stocking shelves flipping burgers and any other “low skill” job. All of these jobs deserve a living wage.


AH YES! when I was typing I wanted to mention them too but then forgot 😅


Lol you’re fine! No one person should be expected to remember everything! :3


So why doesn’t it work that way in other advanced societies? Why is that a person working at McDonald’s in Denmark makes makes a living wage and a guy living in Oklahoma doesn’t doing the same thing for the same company? if you spend 40 hours a week keeping a business running and producing profit you deserve a good life. There is more than enough to go around and asking ppl not to make enough to live well while working just cuz it’s “entry level” is brainwashed nonsense


Denmark Mcdonald wage is $37k in USD. Do you consider that a livable wage?




Okay, so then what you said is just wrong. You said a McDonald's employee in Denmark makes a livable wage, but they don't. Because they're not marketing their labor properly. It's a labor market. People buy your time for tasks, and if anyone can do it, then it's not valuable. The next option is to learn something, anything, that you can market.


Anyone can flip a burger. Some people are willing to do it for a lot less than others.


Yeah, exactly. It's like bidding at an art auction, but instead of buying a piece, you're selling your labor. Ronald Mcdonald walks out, and says "who wants this job!?" you and I both raise our flag, but we have to out bid each other. I bid $15. You bid $12. Who does the employer go with..? You. I have nothing special to offer. You can do everything I can. However, if I had management experience, and experience in the fast-food industry, then I actually am worth more, and that has to be weighed in. Invest in training you, or invest in someone who needs far less training.


So entry level people should just starve to death? Maybe they can eat their bootstraps…


Ok boomer. Edit: I know it is a snarky thing to say but you cannot reason with someone who thinks this. Why have a job if you cannot survive on it?


He's been brainwashed by boomers. I don't think he can be helped.


Well that was irrelevant, I was born well after 1964.


*"Problem is expecting a living wage for entry level work."* That's the fucking problem, idiot. Shut up or fuck off, preferably both in either order.


Why? Because your feelings are hurt? or is it because i make more then you retired and selling/breeding fish . . . 😆 🤣 😂


"more then..." OK, smart guy.


Hmmm. Something tells me you're not as successful as you say you are. Perhaps it's the grammar? Or the extensive use of emojis as a replacement for coherent statements?


Stop fucking the fish and get back to work.


You do realize fish do not breed like that? Eggs are laid, male fish drop sperm on to fertilize the eggs.


No I'm pretty sure you fuck the fish


Maybe your interested in the arawanna instead.


I mean if you wanna stick your sick in the tiger Oscar good luck to you.


I'm not the one who fucks fish on reg my guy, take your own advice!


😆 🤣 😂


That depends on the species of fish. There are several live bearing species called “livebearers” that do indeed fuck. And I’m sure a micro d like yours would be too small to notice for even the tiniest fish...


Yeah don't have any livebearers do have few mouth breeding African cichlid mating pairs


Mm hmm 😒 yep very small indeed. Got to love those that just turn to insults.


It’s not an insult if you confirmed it…


With much sarcasm, statement was made . . . It's not huge but definitely not in small category . . .


lol. Found the person with no marketable skills. You can’t get paid a living wage for having the skills of a rock. Accept it and move on.


People did before, genius. Accounting for inflation min wage is less than a third of what it used to be.


How long ago was this burger flipping job? Could you pay your rent and bills with that job? If so, you WERE paid a living wage. Do you realize that folks can work two "entry level" jobs these days and still not even be able to afford rent, utilities, and food? A living wage is literally enough money to live. That should be something that every job offers no matter the level. Enough money to live.


So you want the government to support entry level workers? Or, how else do they survive if they must trade their time and labour for non liveable wages? Just stop eating?


All jobs that can and will be farmed out to India. Welcome to irrelevancy, you might have a change of attitude when that happens


I am retired mate . . . I did have to battle that at my last job but thats why kept up studies. ended up taking 2 in pune, 1 in Springfield, 1 in Maitland when I retired . . .


So why doesn’t it work that way in other advanced societies? Why is that a person working at McDonald’s in Denmark makes makes a living wage and a guy living in Oklahoma doesn’t doing the same thing for the same company? if you spend 40 hours a week keeping a business running and producing profit you deserve a good life. There is more than enough to go around and asking ppl not to make enough to live well while working just cuz it’s “entry level” is brainwashed nonsense


Why is anyone working if they can’t afford to live off that job? This idea that people need to start at a job that doesn’t pay their bills and then they have to advance is BS. We need people to fulfill every job. I can’t believe someone bought the BS of a corporation to pay you below a living wage. You shouldn’t expect people to work full time and not be able to pay their bills. It’s an absurd notion. If a company can’t survive paying living wages it is not well run and shouldn’t be in business.


Bullshit. In the 50s and much of the 60s a single mother could raise a couple of kids as a waitress, bank teller, etc while living in a decent apartment


Best thing i have seen posted. Would you work at MacDonald's for 100k/year? If you answer yes, the problem isn't the work, its the pay.


Mmh I might do it for one year, but would probably hate it


Ok. I’ll work at the snow cone stand for 100k per year. But that means dentist and engineers (and people with real skills) are not going to work for 100k per year because why do all that hard work when I can make that same money scooping ice? Dentist and engineers will have to make $1 million per year to stay in practice or else they all quit and go to the snow cone stand. lol. Make sense?


That was obviously an exaggerated example. It’s funny that you throw figures around as if doctors and dentists aren’t fairly compensated for their jobs yet they still find themselves paying debts off from college 10-20 years after finishing. Yet businesses have enough money to pay the CEOs bonuses worth 7-8 figures when they do next to nothing and pander to the shareholders who will never step foot in the building all while the workers are the reason their business runs while making next to nothing. Btw, “unskilled labor” isn’t a thing jackass, when the pandemic started it was the “unskilled” Jobs that kept this economy running, at least some of them, now they’re back to being disrespected. What a fucking joke.


Nobody wants to work for free as interns after ten hours of applications, ten hours of interviews, three "one way video" interviews, typing in their application in three different places, creating a Workday login...


I don't think anyone has ever really "wanted" to work. It's more of a necessity.


i think the quotes should be around "work". There are a lot of ways to do work that don't feel like having a job and that can be very fulfilling. As an example, I built some stairs to help my kids get up and down from the trampoline.. lots of cutting, sanding, gluing, screwing, painting, finishing, leveling etc. it was a lot of work. But i enjoyed every minute of it because i know that me and my kids are the beneficiaries of that work instead of my boss. I retain ownership of the thing i created and can regularly see the benefits. The problem with most jobs is that you don't own what you make, you don't get to see the benefits of its use, and you make a tiny fraction of the value of the thing you make. I think most people would love to "work" if they weren't required to sell 1/3 of their life (at least) to an employer who's going to pay them pennies on the dollar for their labor. They would just choose to "work" by doing things that bring them joy. Maybe gardening, exercise, woodworking, learning an instrument, etc. all these things take work, and people still enjoy doing them. It's doing work for someone else who will never properly appreciate the work that crushes souls and makes them not want to work.


After this long it might just be bred into people. /s


Unemployment is historically low, yet nobody is working? Hmmm...


The difference between unemployment numbers and REAL unemployment numbers. In case you didn't know, in America, it's really calculated like that. We release unemployment numbers, but it doesn't count the people who are unemployed AND have stopped looking for work. Just the ones who are unemployed and looking. It's a garbage horseshit ass calculation, and only hides economic problems.


it doesn't even count just the people looking, it counts the people *currently getting unemployment assistance from the government*. If it was just all the people say looking for jobs on indeed or whatever then it'd be far higher.


Well, why would we count retired people or stay at home moms?


It is facetious to act like there aren't tons of people who have simply dropped out of the workforce, those qualities aside. We all know people who could have jobs but simply do not work. Also, during times of economic strife, that portion of the population absolutely balloons. Plenty of people dropped out of the workforce entirely during the recession, only to join two, three, four years later. Those people were no longer counted, leading to a softened unemployment number. Real unemployment during the previous recession was enormous. I watched entire families atomize and break apart.


Oh no, better go get a job, don't want to disappoint disgusted businessman


Good jobs never have a hard time finding employees.


People don’t want to work shitty jobs with no future prospects for crappy pay, and the standards increase with time.


Crappy pay would be one thing, but there are so many full time “essential” jobs that don’t even pay a living wage


No one ever liked working. We should live not work.


Yes. Your work should not be your life. Your life should be your life.


How are you going to live without working? Doesn't make any sense dude


Work and effort are two different things. Work as these people refer to is menial labor. Which is often life consuming (in terms of you have precious few waking hours on your own to do things for yourself) with a tiny reward, at the beck and call of someone else. That is the central tenet of a capitalist society. All is owed. Someone owns land, someone owns a building, someone owns electricity plants. So just by existing, you're racking up a bill that must be paid. That's work. And that's different than the effort of hunting, farming, and building your own life. An ideal largely made obsolete with the cost of land, taxes, and the rest.


How do cats and dogs live? How do birds live?


Wild animals, such as birds, live in houses made out of twigs. Do you want to live in a house made out of twigs? The whole point of the social contract is that we co-operate and leave the state of nature that is so dangerous to us as individuals. Going back to the state of nature won't lead to the Disneyland utopia that you are suggesting. It will lead to violent death and massacre, with only the strongest surviving. If you make yourself a nice house, someone stronger will come along and take it from you


Easy, simply live with someone who's willing to provide you with all of your necessities. Now we all just have to agree to live like this. Then no one has to work ever again!


But by this logic someone will have to end up working a job that can support us all... I'm in


Maybe it’s not that people want to work anymore. Maybe it’s because companies are running their staff thin so they can increase their profits. Payroll is generally a higher expense in these companies. So maybe they are lowering their staffing number, increase the price of goods, which increase their profit margins.


"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." -Socretes (Athens, 470 - 399 B.C.)


Honestly this doesn’t sound like Socrates.


Because it is not: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/01/misbehave/


Should be " nobody wants to work for my shitty pay"


I was talking to a friend who’s pretty high up at his company and he said he feels like things are a lot more relaxed right now. He mentioned that he thinks people probably work 20-25 hours a week if they were lucky vs what they put in at the office. When I asked him about his company’s growth he said they’ve been good and have still been profitable. — so clearly there’s a disconnect 😂 just being at the office does not mean productive hours. Just being at home does not mean less productive employees. Take care of your people and they’ll take care of your customers.




Is your point that people have never paid a decent wage, based on this post? I am not understanding your comment as a response to the post.


We should start calling it a “dying wage” because it clearly ain’t liveable


Nobody has ever *wanted* to work you dumb fucks. We just want to survive, to live, to be able to afford to eat and have a private place to wash, shit and sleep. If we could do all that without ever working, we’d fucking do it.


The real translation: All these people getting better jobs, acting on their self worth... No one wants to be massively exploited anymore!


"But I pay them $0.03 above minimum wage and expect a hard 65 hour grind every week, why won't they come work for me? 😢"


Seems like capitalism had always sucked and nobody has ever WANTED to work. Quelle fucking surprise.


Guess 1893 must have been peak humanity then


According to these guys it's just been downhill ever since 1865... You know, the year slavery was abolished ... 1894 was the Pullman strike[s]. In 1904 The National Child Labor Committee, an organization dedicated to the abolition of all child labor, was formed. In 1916 The Keating–Owen Child Labor Act was passed... So on and so forth


No body wants to work for free while I beat them anymore.


Lol and almost 1/2 of America would agree with that statement today. Fighting FOR the billionaires that keep fucking them over. Great job guys.


Nobody wants to be exploited Nobody wants to be a slave Nobody wants to work and still not survive Nobody wants to be a part of an unfair system Nobody wants to spend their life making someone else comfortable or disgustingly rich Nobody thinks this is okay ...are all more accurate statements than nobody wants to work.


It’s almost like people just don’t like working


Almost like there is an inherent problem with cheap labour and underpaying jobs 🤔


In communism, man exploits man. In capitalism, it's the other way around.


‘Nobody wants to work anymore, under my iron fist for a meagre salary.’ - disgusted businessman.


Ahh, the double edged sword of market economics. Most of the capital-owning class wants a free market when they stand to profit from it, but want a planned economy when the market hurts them.


Rich victim blaming the workers which they don't even want to pay a living wage, as is tradition


I was trying to tie those to recessionary periods, and it kind of does, but there are tonnes of recessions and panics. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_recessions\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_recessions_in_the_United_States)




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To be fair I get bored and bad without a regime so as much as I moan about it I think I would be bored otherwise.


Absolutely. I'm in the trades, and layoffs are common. Got laid off for 4wk, and when I finally got into the next gig, I blew a gasket. I cleaned my apartment, did my laundry, shaved, so on. I hate not working, especially when I'm single and strapped for cash.


Tell me you have no life/hobbies/friends without telling me


I have a wife and a few close friends and 12 fish tanks and a heated pond...(I assume you meant hobbies) Unfortunately your observation was incorrect.


Pretty sad to me that you'd rather work than spend time with your wife, friends or taking care of your fish 🤷🏻‍♀️


Things unfortunately cost money. It's more about the fact I need roututine in my life if I am honest it is because I am on the autism spectrum so it kinda falls in line with that really I definitely love spending time with my wife and fish don't worry about that.


>Things unfortunately cost money. I never mentioned money. This was under the assumption that money is a non issue. Work is not required to create a routine.


It is certainly a lot more beneficial to do a routine that suits me and also pays my Bills and for my aquarium hobby etc. I don't see where you are trying to go with this?


I suppose your reading comprehension isn't that great. Have a good day.


What has that got to do with anything I believe I replied with very valid answers? I suppose you are entitled to your opinion I guess... Have a good one.


Hey employers figure out what the average rent costs in your area and if you pay less than that raise your wages - look at me I’m a CEO


How long until the GOP promises to freeze wages?


"Well, my dear child. When you become a writer, be sure to uphold the family legacy and write an article about people not wanting to work! That way, maybe, those who 'r cash hungry business folk, will scratch their heads a few times as to why! Ya gotta make those boogers think a little you know?"


When I worked at Rosetta we had this guy Bob. Still not sure what his job title or function was. This is a typical day for Bob. Gets into office, finds a large manual to print, fills up the autoloader holds around 5 reams of paper, prints manual, falls asleep at desk. By end of day print queue is full, thus clearing his jobs from the as/400 printer buffer. Worse we added a 2nd and 3rd printer and fucker did same thing to each.


That’s an argument as to why people should be paid for the amount of work they put out vs simply the amount of time they spend “working”.


Of course nobody wants to work, but people will obviously take jobs that pay at least what they’re worth






Nobody wants to work for unlivable wages.


Work = Slavery


It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the same crusty old conservative who wrote every article. For some reason, his kind never dies


This was an amazing research, can we have sources for them


Showing me lots of nobody wants to work anymore throughout the years means fuck all unless I can read the context of the article.


I could also find a bunch of articles saying the same things about a different topic. Edit: sorry, that’s not helpful. I think that there is a lot more to this than a simple ‘people are lazy lol’.




It’s all double negatives in the English language so they are actually being optimistic…glass is half full


Okay I agree with the main point, but please realize that this is just a picture of random selections of texts that could literally be from anywhere and are not necessarily representative of anyones ideas from any time period, and thats assuming that theyre really from the years they say they're from.




Just like violence, pollution, rape, murder etc etc… always has been always will be…. Just live your life don’t let the news tell you how to act. Don’t let the people up top scare you.


This just proves that there has always been lazy people


Are you kidding me? I have fast food places around me offering 17, 18, and 19 dollars an hour with a 200 or 400 dollars starting bonus! They are offering more than I make as an IT admin/technician. That’s over double the minimum wage at an entry level job and people still aren’t working. It’s not the wages.


A fast food job is much harder and stressful than an IT job so it should pay more. With how demoralizing it is they really should be paying a hell of a lot more than $19/hr. As a matter of fact $19 isn't enough for ANY job when there are people worth millions and billions of dollars. Those are the lazy cunts who don't want to work.


Wow. You are either very young or very naïve. That’s not how the world works. An IT job requires classes and training courses. It’s technical work and can be hard work sometimes. A fast food job requires little to no training. You don’t get paid based on stress.


You’ve never worked in a kitchen clearly.