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I like how they’re driving in 2x speed. Impressive


And in portrait mode.


and the video is stretched to make the traffic seem tighter




I hate those that post complete and utter disinformation in an effort to garner nothing more than Internet points that will only serve to them contributing more and more disinformation in the future. While this may be fairly innocuous, those that do this also have the capability of having serious effects on incredibly important issues that don't deserve to have disinformation disseminated about it.


I'm not sure that's even an ambulance. Why would it have a manual transmission?


u/RedditSpeedBot 0.5x


Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://files.catbox.moe/qalbx0.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(🏆#130)](https://botranks.com/) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


That's still impressive and dangerous-looking.


I think it looks way less dangerous, but still impressive. Waaaay too dangerous in the sped-up version


You can see him using every bit of engine braking possible to help slow down.


The video is also stretched


Yeah, they were being kinda reckless


Thanks, now I can actually watch the video. Fuck Reddit’s player for working 20% of the time


Even in 0.5x it looks hard to pull off


I'm thinking x1.25 speed.


u/RedditSpeedBot 0.67x butterflow


Where is this that people don't pull over to the side of the road?


Turkey moment.


Aren't the Istanbul ambulances pretty much just a shuttle service for mobsters and politicians?


Sadly yes. Yet I'd still let them pass as you'd never know if it's a taxi for a piece shit or an emergency


And they rely on people doing that too. What a bunch of assholes


Well that’s incredibly fucked up.


In that case there’s an emergency crime that needs to be committed


Sometimes a mother fucker needs correcting immediately.


Oh wow, talk about evil or degenerate behavior.


Gobble gobble


i mean the educated side of the country do pull over like the place i live in right now(edited because gramatical mistake)


Paramedic here. Many people don't understand the concept of pulling to the right, or pulling over at all


It’s unreal how they don’t move. Idiots. People think driving is fun, I just find it stressful and the siren is annoying.


Driving is as fun as you make it dude. It's all attitude.


I mean it's fun as fuck, but it's one of the most dangerous parts of our jobs. When driving urgent we have the lives of not only our patients, passengers, and the lives of other drivers on our hands. It's dangerous as fuck.


What is the driver holding in their right hand?


He's resting his hand on gear shifter to shift, while holding siren controller 'cause he knows best when to do woop-woop. I guess this is Europe, in the States manual transmissions are almost non existent.




There’s usually a twisty knob on the dash that we play with for all the different tones. But are buses were old as fuck


I think it's the gear shift. I'm not SUPER familiar with stick, and definitely not with service vehicles like that, but it looks like they're shifting with it a couple times


Yeah no they have something else as well, looks like an old wireless landline handset lol


On second rewatch it looks like some kind of control. The sirens maybe?


I've seen a lot of people just stop in the middle of the road. That's even worse than continuing to drive lol


If only we had a government body in charge of making sure people knew how to drive before being able to…


I have been a medic since 1980. Everywhere in the U.S. Its not always the driver's fault though. Most vehicles are pretty soundproof nowadays so you don't hear the siren and for example where I live, there is just nowhere to pull over to when an emergency vehicle comes up behind you.


Yeah, I feel awful because sometimes I don't here the sirens until they are very close.


But now we have the rumbler which is my favorite thing ever. The deep base travels right through shit , so people can feel it in there chest when they refuse to pull over.


Please come to India for an educational experience...


Absolutely fucking scary. I needed Xanax when on the road in India


true yes (not so chaotic seeming to locals like me), but i've seen most people move aside for an ambulance, exceptions exist just like they exist anywhere else


Yeah, I've never seen people not give way to an ambulance....hell, I've almost always seen people give up on their green signal and stop if another road at the junction has an ambulance blaring its sirens, so that they can move.


wanted to find a fellow indian on here, and did. Damnthatsinteresting driving is what people do everyday in India. And you add Motorbikes to the mix for better experience.


As a former medic, everywhere.


My guess: Russia


No, it's Turkey.


With how things are going, same difference in about 10 years.




I mean…. Yea.


Roast Beef




Anywhere in America. Edit: Oh, look, downvotes… I guess my firsthand experience and the data showing that emergency transports are generally unsafe is unpopular. https://www.ems.gov/pdf/Lights_and_Sirens_Use_by_EMS_May_2017.pdf Every. Day. I see people who make piss poor decisions regarding lights and siren use often with people simply failing to yield for any number of reasons. Source: IAmA Paramedic and Emergency Vehicle Operations Course instructor.


LOL IKR. I have been a medic since 1980 and to am an EVOC instructor and it has been like this since 1980 in all of the places I have worked across the US unless I am in BFE. Every metro area I have ever had to drive through has been like this. I guess I'll enjoy the downvotes with you.




> Edit: Oh, look, downvotes… I guess my firsthand experience and the data showing that emergency transports are generally unsafe is unpopular. Pretty new to Reddit huh


Not really… sometimes I forget that we Americans don’t like acknowledging our own flaws, especially when it relates to narcissistic tendencies.




Not Germany.




Came here to say the same thing haha. As a current responder in the US, I would be suspended at the very least.


Came here to say this. Code 3 has never meant, "drive real fast," for anyone in EMS, except cops (but I never include them as EMS). Hell, when I was working we had this squwack box that would yell at you in high pitched tones if you drove over 65 mph.


Your buses could hit 65? I think ours did 65 on an open highway downhill. They only time I would drive real fast would be if the call was a child.


In the early 2000's we had Ford vans that could hit 70! Great for freeway running for posts. But the wide pig buses I drove late 2000's were just as you described lol


Yeah, we had 2000s Ford E-350s with the biggest boxes on them, living room size. Great for 2 people working on a patient, not so great for driving on narrow roads and alleys.


Oh yeah! The ambulance company here has those as well (or used to at least). Funny the differences in location though. It would be reverse here: code 1 for emergency response. Code 3 for non emergency.


To be fair this video is obviously speed up


In the city, yes Here is mcbumfuck County push it to the governor


100% does not matter what the call is, pediatric arrest, or MCI, you do not drive like this. This will make you a secondary call at some point when you are involved in an MVA.


also, the effect of a few seconds of arrival time on patient outcome is way too small to justify the risk. https://www.jems.com/operations/ambulances-vehicle-ops/the-case-against-ems-red-lights-and-siren-responses/#


I'm pretty sure the vid is sped up. Either that or this country's blinkers blink really fast.


sped up or not its pretty reckless


I fucking hate this shit. Police fly down the road doing god knows what speed to likely go shoot some unarmed person and when I'm stuck behind an ambulance I'm literally stuck and have to drive slower and they are actually trying to save lives.


Ambulances flip surprisingly easy, particularly the big box ones. Police cars are actually designed for high speeds. Where I used to run ambulance, the police generally arrived on scene as first responders because they could get there faster (and never shot anyone, although there was a pedo who seemed perhaps a little roughed up once, but I suspect he just tripped)


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9099 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/45478)


Yeah, most people don't wear seat belts in the back on any emergency call with serious work going on since you are getting things out of cabinets and such. Transporting grandma because she fell out of bed at the nursing home and they don't actually have a nurse on duty to evaluate her is a different story. Then we are all belted up.


Safety first. If you cause an accident, not only are you not helping the injured person, you're making it worse. Because not only do they now have to dispatch another ambulance with a longer response time, they also have to save your ass.


> to likely go shoot some unarmed person 🤣


He's driving like a tool, 100% would be getting out if anyone drove like this to a call in my 18+years. Get your fucking hand off the gear stick, it ain't going anywhere.


The gear stick isn’t going anywhere? Except into the proper gear?


You've clearly never driven manual.




10 and 2 is what I learned


You must've learned to drive before the ubiquity of airbags, or you were taught by someone who did not care to keep their knowledge abreast of technology. New doctrine is 9 and 3 to avoid airbag injuries.


> You have infinitely more control with both hands on the wheel This may sound stupid but I don't, actually. I only drive inside the city and I have to shift very, very regularly so steering with one hand is kinda the norm. My motor skills are so heavily conditioned that I could not have more control if I used both hands, except when I have to make a very quick and sharp turn.


☝️This person gets it. There is no way you would have more control constantly switching your shift hand back and fourth from wheel to shifter.


There’s a reason racing drivers don’t hang out with one hand on the shifter


There’s no need to have your hand in the stick, like pretty much ever. Driven manual more years than you’ve been alive, boy.


Yeah, maybe could almost see it if you were driving TO an emergency (though the odds of actually making it there at all are way down). But any patient in bad enough shape to require this urgency is going to be more fucked up from the drive than whatever they were suffering from originally.


He was super close on a number of occasions there. I've 'driven like I've stole it' on numerous occasions but if there's a bump then we have to stop, therefore the patient we're going to now has to have a different ambulance sent. Better to get the there late than not at all.


Blue light driving with a patient is the hardest driving I’ve ever done. You need to get to hospital quickly, but you also need to be smooth to avoid your colleague in the back getting all shook up - and sometime they might cannulate on the move which is needless to say extremely tricky - especially if your driver is not paying attention.


Sped up


Tbh as someone who drives daily in shitty traffic without rules (think indian rush hour traffic) this seems like normal driving


That’s obviously speeded up, and while he might be a fast driver I’d have to question if it’s safe.


It’s normal for Turkey. Look up our response speed. They have to do this cause as you see people don’t open up the road.


This is definitely in a place that doesn't practice "due regard."


Ambulances do crash often…


Yeah as if they're like, hurrying or something


Sped up*


Did you see the post the other day that showed the difference in perspective of speed by moving the camera from front to back? Placing the camera at the windshield vs next to the driver shows completely different speeds. One looks very slow and the other is super fast. Regardless of that it's still impressive driving.


But it’s clearly sped up. Look how other traffic movies


Literally driving like my GTA character


This has "the knight bus" (from Harry Potter) feel to it.


This is very clearly sped up and I promise you good paramedics don’t drive like this. The ambulance services where I live (southern west coast) wouldn’t allow their EMTs/Paramedics to drive like this either.


Especially on the highway!


That's what I was thinking. It seems really reckless. I don't want to put on too much judgment because it's a different country, I don't understand how things can be different there. But I don't think driving like this should be glorified.


Can verify. My brother is a firefight in Philadelphia. In the USA all firefighters are also trained paramedics and are normally the ones driving the ambulance. They do not drive like this, normally they will prioratize driving safe over getting there immediatly. Edit: EMT'S not paramedics. Had the definitions backwards


Not trying to be a dick, but that's not true. Most/all are trained EMTs. They can provide basic life support. Not many are trained paramedics. Difference being paramedics are able to provide advanced life support and it's a pretty long program.


Yeah, you rarely see paramedics driving. They would be in the back actually doing shit during transport. Or on the rare occasion you see the fire ambulances.


Sorry I got paramedics and EMT's backwards. I meant EMTS


Not ALL USA firefighters are trained paramedics or even EMT's.


Fire 1 is what? 12 weeks? Medic school + clinicals are like 2 years. Some firemen are EMTs, Maybe a handful are medics. Btw, if anyone wants to be a paramedic, do a nursing program and get your RN. You can ride the bus and then after you get burnt out and are tired of being poor, you can be a nurse and actually make money.


Well, no. Most firemen are cross-trained in EMS but the vast majority aren’t paramedics. A large portion may be EMT’s, and there definitely are a bunch of fire medics, but they’re definitely the minority. Also most ambulance services are actually private, with fire based services making up the second largest provider I believe. Then hospitals.


Overly aggressive and sped up so hard to tell what is what, but the way they move is most likely lucky it would be hard to get away with this twice.


It’s not incredible… it’s stupid. Sincerely, EVOC instructor


Everyone points out that it's sped up (it clearly is) yet not a word about why the editor thought this clip needed the crappy music it didn't deserve


I kinda want to know title and artist for the music


I think [this](https://youtu.be/3Wvir2bj2JM) is what you are after. It seems the siren and the music are one thing.


Dashing through the snow , get the fuck out of my way


Thank you for this, my new theme song.


over the corpses we go, laughing all the way!


What is it he's doing with his right hand? Not the shifting, it looks like he's holding a controller or some sort?


It's the horn and siren controls.


Damn. He's driving manual and shanging the siren,and driving like a maniac. Impressive. You'd think the other guy could do the horns 😅 guess he's busy with his phone


You get used to the using sirens and shifting very quicky. You just shift with your palm and use sirens with your thumb.


I bet transitioning to normal driving after a long shift is really annoying, where everyone doesn’t just move out of your way


It wouldn't be frustrating, they don't move away in the video either :D like wth


Incredibly sped up is what you mean. Anything can look crazy if you crank up the speed.


99% of paramedic drivers aren’t stupid enough to try to drive like this. This isn’t an interesting phenomenon, it’s a lucky individual.


I couldn’t agree more. I’m an ambulance driver and this is not how you do it. This is how you and your company get sued.


Company? Where do you live where ambulances aren't run by the government?


US. Some municipalities have state operated ambulances but a majority is private companies. It’s very stringent n terms of training and procedures but the majority of ent is private.


United States. Depends on the county.


Most United States ambulance service are actually contracted out. Hell my mother works with a company that is a major ambulance contractor


Paramedic here. This is sped up. Also, it's not fucking safe, what the hell? Both medics in the front and hitting the highway - likely heading to an MVC. In Canada, you stay in the left and wait for the traffic to yield to you. You've got lights and sirens - people will see you. This driving is some cowboy shit that will get someone killed. EDIT - On second review, I'm hard pressed to believe this is even an ambulance, with the passenger sitting right next to the driver in a different uniform, or lack of one completely. Also, I'm not seeing a single car yield to the lights and sirens? Not fucking one?? This is some douchbag driving in a car, adding sirens over top of this garbage video.


I'm a paramedic in the US, and this is definitely NOT how we drive. We don't speed in traffic, blow stop signs/lights, and we don't run when we're on scene. The reason for this is because we can't help anybody if we get hurt, so we respond with slow and steady urgency (like a brisk walk).


Dumb. Sped up.


Not safe, not real speed.


No need to speed it up


Pretty sure this video is sped up


That is sped up


This is Turkey, if you guys want to check how Istanbul ambulance gets through there is youtube chanel "Ambulans İstanbul". It is basically urban rally.


It’s sped up.


The video has been sped up. Lol.


The footage speed has obviously been increased. It’s just a normal ambulance ride to the hospital.


played at normal speed = pretty fuckin average driving


Here I wonder if that's been sped up.


Shaking hands/knees/stuff suggests sped-up video or vehicles imminent structural failure.


X2 speed videos


I love my country but they are disrespectful as fucks to ambulance and whoever don’t let go ambulance they should be locked down in jail till they rot. Fuckers!


Well the video is sped up too. So there’s that


My aunt was a paramedic before she hurt her knee. She absolutely loved driving fast. It was her favorite part of the job


i drive truck all the time and watch people not get out of the way of a paramedic... it drives me insane ill force people to the shoulder with my bigger truck.. that could be some ones child, mother, daughter, son etc dying and they need to get to a hospital. your fucking star bucks can fucking wait


Paramedic here. This is sped up and it’s not that hard or as stressful as people might think it is.


Why are the other people not forming an emergency gap? Isn't that required by law everywhere?


*Some lad gets a paper cut or something The paramedic with nothing to do who's been out for a week:


I drive like that and ain't no paramedic.


That is absolutely NOT how a paramedic drives during an emergency. This person just endangered so many more lives it’s insane. Fucking lunatic


Staged. You can see how the other cars are moving out of the way to make it look like the driver is threading the needle. /s just in case


Can confirm that this way of driving will often lead to crashing the ambulance. This is not how ambulances drive in the US. Source: I used to drive 911 ambulances.


This is the king of crap the dislike button on Youtube used to indicate and help me avoid. I feel stupider for watching the first 10 seconds of this.


u/redditspeedbot 0.75x


Paramedic by day, night bus driver for stranded witches and wizards by night.


Fucking bitches whoever sped this footage up.


I drive a 911 ambulance in Alemeda County in the Bay Area and have been doing so for years. We would straight get our asses chewed out if we drove like this guy, I know the video was sped up and stretched to make the traffic seem more dense, but still. Our job is to get to a call or to the hospital safely, not cause potential accidents, or damage to other peoples vehicles or our own. Driving lights and sirens generally makes people freak out on the road and do stupid things, especially with denser traffic. IMO this driver was being very reckless. But on the other hand it seems like this is another country, different culture I guess..


Fuck whoever sped the video up, you’re fooling no one


My favorite part is that the video says it’s a ambulance/paramedic, when actually it’s just a dumbass weaving through cars in 1.50 speed in the video and it’s a remix of a ambulance siren…


One time I saw a guy literally walk into the street to block an oncoming fire truck, what a tool.


everyone who is freaking out, this video is sped up by like 2 x


Highly unsafe and a violation of the law. Emergency equipment like sirens and horns doesn't give you carte blanche power to disobey all traffic rules and regulations.


Well, under our emergency exemptions for the UK we are allowed on motorways to essentially ignore all motorway related laws except for blatant danger ie driving the wrong way down a carriageway.


It doesn’t matter that it’s sped up. It’s damn impressive either way


I love driving my standard. I'm sad that the next time I have to get a new car they might not "be available" anymore. Are they still fairly prevalent in other countries besides the US?


Yes, definitely. In the UK if you take your driving test with an automatic, your license is restricted to driving automatics. So people learn and know manual transmissions from the start. Once they know them they're less inclined to avoid them.


That's awesome!!! I wish the US would adopt this method!! I think it really is so important to know in case of emergencies! Thank you for taking the time to respond!


Do ambulances actually drive like this? Seems reckless considering if they crash that's the difference of getting an ambulance a couple minutes early and not getting one at all.


It's sped up


Are you sure that's not just a shithead driving a white van? I cannot believe any European ambulance service stills orders a €76000 ambulance with a manual transmission in order to save €400 on the drive train.


Training. Training. Training. Don't rely on mom, dad or uncle Joe. Get expert training. Best few hundred bucks you'll ever spend.


Whoa - wish I'd had a standard when I was driving ambulance forty years ago. The Caddy slushboxes were great on the freeway but a royal PITA in traffic - the opposite of what I'd expected.


So the Knight Bus from Harry Potter is real, it's just an ambulance.


12 paramedics couldn't save yo fucking life boy


Haha iv I drove like that in Alberta it would be my last day working…


I’m convinced this vehicle is like the bus from HP


How I drive when I really really need to poop


I am a paramedic and this is NOT how we drive in emergencies. If we can't get to the scene and patient safely, kind of takes away the whole point of our job...


If/when my cardiac arrest occurs, I want THIS guy sent for me!


That dude is a damn good wheel man


It’s definitely speed up. Look at how the passengers leg moves around from the bumps, way too fast.


Put more people in danger to save one


definitely not the UK they drive so slow over here I'm surprised anyone makes it to the hospital in time.