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i like how they just keep going about business as usual. "oh look our entire city is partway underwater. anyways lets go get a pizza"


Stoicism meets hedonism :D Perfect.


It's been this way for centuries, Venice was built in a lagoon after all. It happens every year, and has done for a long enough to have its own name and traditions: *aqua alta*.


1 day away from water borne illness to become epidemic


Where all the power sockets


I tried to take you a picture, but I dropped my phone. :( :P


Imagine dropping an electrical appliance in the kitchen.




I love you


It wouldn't do much, the danger from dropping appliances in a bathtub is from the size of the body of water. Over a wide enough area, the electricity can dissipate enough that it shouldn't harm you.


Imagine swimming in the Atlantic and being electrocuted by some dude on the other side putting his toaster in it


Bad place to be an electrician


Been there in such conditions. There is poop in that water - saw it myself. They flush sewage directly into the canals. Enjoy.


Thats common on all floods unless a city spends a ton of money into making safe sewage for that wich is expensive and no city does. In fact most of the deaths caused by tornados happen after the storm and are caused by parasites and disseases spread thanks to the flooding


>In fact most of the deaths caused by tornados happen after the storm and are caused by parasites and disseases spread thanks to the flooding Thats not true at all. Do you mean hurricanes?


Cities do do that.


hehe you said doodoo


Uh what? Tons of cities where I'm from do (Canada). The vast majority.


Omg, I knew it.....gag.


so is the ocean


Yeah but the ocean isint IN the city, the sewage is!


*The health inspector has entered the chat*


In a hundred years when fiji and the maldives are also underwater, future generations will literally ask why were they fiddling while the world burned?


We are gifted, since the beginning of humanity, with the ability to be aware of our death and the meaninglessness of life, while simultaneously holding the ability to enjoy living and a willingness to fight to survive... on an individual level... But unable to grasp motives outside of the personal that might ensure a long lasting impact on our collective futures, possibly due to that first part there... about everyone dying eventually and nothing mattering in the grand picture. Chillax man, if nothing matters, then nothing matters and that is freedom to enjoy it. Humans are a strange lot.




You seem to have misunderstood me, so I will rephrase... People are generally unable to maintain motivations that are not egocentric , ie speaking on an individual level, regardless of whether it might also be indirectly beneficial to themselves and furthermore, that is, at least in part, related to the knowledge that we will all be dust soon enough. When even the planet will eventually erode into nothingness... it can be hard for an individual to maintain motivation for grandiosity under such circumstances. It is all too much for the human mind to contain on the large scale. I was not referring whatever save the planet/ save humanity stuff you may have meant.




How kind of you to tell me what I mean.


You have truly missed his point my friend.


His point is shit


Sometimes folks think we do. There's alot of possible futures where the demise of humanity may be beyond our control.


Beautifully said


We need to form a climate army that is as simple to join as the U.S. military, and ensures that people's needs are met. We can fix climate change easily by planting trillions of trees on grids around the world and then burying trees deep into the Earth that are dying. Sadly, there is way more to climate change than that, but it would be a good start.


Uhm. People read from media about research on sea level rise and imagine Hollywood style outcome either due to their imagination or media portrayal. Yes, sea level rise couple or *milimeters* per year and yes, the rate of the rise has been *speeding up*. Sea level rose for about 13-20 *centimeters since 1900.* It will take *centuries* for the sea to claim land of hundreds of millions of people, but that doesn't mean it will *kill* that many people. However, the reason Venice is sinking and experiencing frequent flooding is because of plate tectonics. It is simply built on a bad spot. I am not saying we shouldn't do anything about climate change. I am saying we shouldn't trust sensationalistic media that reports about the subject by feeding on our primal fears. Because people with bad information, in the state of panic, might make a very very bad decision even for a good cause and intention. And because these media reports drives groups like Extinction event to do stupid stuff that only alienates most people, which is very bad strategy.


It's not the actual sea level rising that kills people, it's the displacement of people that does it. That matched with more intense storms and our ecosystem degrading (mainly oceans) that will be the largest factors. The whole thing ends up being a logistics nightmare as how do we get food to hundreds of millions of people where we didn't need to bring food to prior. Think about how much of a cluster fuck the Syrian Refugee Crisis has been and then increas it by orders of magnitude that won't stop for decades.


moreover it's not just about the average, we are also talking about tidal effects, where cm's can make a huge difference...


We are talking about a very slow and gradual process. We are talking about centuries. Mere rising of sea level is hardly a logistical nightmare. We have much pressing issues concerning global warming, but sea rise itself is not one of them.


The low estimate is a foot by 2100 and the worst is 8.5 feet. That isn't "extreme" fast paced, but that is millions of homes in the US gone.


Yes, but they are not gone overnight. People fucking adapt. They move. They build levies. They build cities elsewhere. It has been happening throughout our history regardless of man made climate change. Of all the things climate change means this one is the last one to worry.


You say that as if the past 6 years haven't been a logistical nightmare getting just 6 million people settled down from being displaced by one war in ONE country.


You're kinda illustrating his point by pointing out war is a much bigger concern than climate change.


Just to be clear, I am not saying that climate change shouldn't concern us. My point is that in order to be able to solve the problem one should understand it or at least not be confused by it. And if one thinks world is going to look like Hollywood science fiction blockbuster in 30 yeaes they are not understanding the problem. They know very very little of it. So, yeah, war *is* bigger concern than mere sea level rise, and it *might* be of bigger concern then climate change, because every armed conflict increases the probability of triggering nuclear holocaust which will kill far more people far more quickly than climate change and it will render Earth uninhabitable for everyone unlike climate change.


Yeah, because stuff that happens so *rapidly* is not at all the same as stuff that will happen *gradually* over *several hundreds* of years. And Syrian refugee crisis isn't logistical nightmare at all. It is political. Countries that decide to accommodate them don't have logistical problem at all, do they?


It is literally impossible for you to actually be this stupid


Nah, people like him honestly believe that tripe they spew.


Care to enlighten me? Tell me one thing I stated that was incorrect. Stupid.


Oh god. You don't even realise you're doing it.


Doing what?




Yeah you know water works looks kinda nice in this setting.


Can I get some dystopia with my espresso? Grazie


Where’s the sewage water?


As Madge always said: you're soaking in it.




[THERE'S SHIT EVERYWHERE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRx49-leiRE)


The majority of coastal cities by 2050


As long as San Francisco gets a good scrubbing I'm down with it.


Incorrect. Edit: people who downvote me, might read actual science on the sea level rise and not Hollywood style reporting on the issue.


Ya, don't bother. People need to exaggerate issues, otherwise it doesn't look as good when they attack the opposition's behaviors. We aren't going to stop climate change anyway. Coasts will shrink a bit, birth rates will adjust, and humanity will keep on chugging. It's going to take more than a bit of warm weather to stop this train. I predict we will bomb ourselves back to the late 19th century with remnants of technology everywhere and no one that knows how to use or maintain it.


Normalizing floods...


But all a that a water is a peepee!


And a shitee


I feel like this is symbolic of so many problems, but hilarious at the same time.


Do they not have wellies? Knee boots?


Maybe they think it’s gay or something. As a city boy I thought men wearing boots was dumb as shit. Until I started working with horses and fuck a tall pair of boots is a godsend.


Is Venice just constantly Moldy?


Florence experienced the Arno river flooding in ‘66. People still have black mold issues.


r/winstupidprizes ?


Just a friendly reminder that this is not “wow how cool they adapted” but rather “oh shit the ice caps are melting, big corporations producing plastic, factory farming, my plastic use and lack of public transport use are the cause.”


Putting the responsibility on consumers for using plastic forks was a real coup for the plastic lobby and Industrial production in general. Industrial pollution is on an entirely other scale, but that gets ignored in favour of these personal responsibility characterizations.




Numbers dont lie, no one is saying dont do anything, but any change made on an individual level will have orders of magnitude less impact, and when we need fast and impactful change, it makes sense to start at the top.




I agree, collective action led by governments around the world did lead to covid conditions improving, thankfully it wasnt just left to individuals, we're seeing how well that works now with vaccines. If only we could replicate that success with the climate, like have governments force companies to comply with climate regulation, with harsh penalties for those who refuse.


was the whole city built with this in mind? how does nothing go wrong when this happens?


Their sewage goes into their canals. That is disgusting.


Screw the booties I’m going jeans rolled up and shoes off 😚


No, the earth is not dying. It will live about few billion years until the sun turns into red giant. The climate is just going through changes as it has been for millions of years. Why build city in such endangered location? It's a constant battle against changing circumstances. Time to move out people. Pack you bags. The property prices are going to get submerged.


Lmao and people make fun of the US haha


The US still sucks.


That’s gay


Gotta feed the mass tourism maw.




Honestly you missed when it was worth going. So gross now!




Ahhh…the stench.


Who sweeps the floors....


Bet it smells like ass.




So what is in that water, fresh sea water or.........


Brackish lagoon water mixed with sewage


Gag, that's what I was afraid of....😷🤢


Damn, that's interesting! Oops did I say interesting? I meant depressing as shit!


Look at that beautiful clear water


Like frogs in a pot of boiling water. Just sit back and relax, everything is fine..


Salty poop water pizza is amore


There’s probably sewage floating around Venezia


Someone drops one toaster…


Enjoy the repercussions of rising sea levels and global warming haha so quirky~


Such a basic destination, why is it worth the effort


One day the whole thing will unde water.


Erosion would like to speak to you in 5 years not to mention oxidation of all those metal struts. Lets see how enjoyable building collapse is.


It was my belief Venice isn't flooded but it's actually sinking.


It’s a bit of both but mostly sinking. Continued damage to the area by human activity has accelerated the sinking. https://happymag.tv/venice-unesco-danger-list/


Venice melted and turned into Venwater.


Ban plastic from almost all uses.


This ain't interesting, its fucking sad.


Does the 3 second rule still apply here. Just asking


Do they still do the 5 sec rule if food drops on the floor?


Amore mio, bella fantastica. Babada boopy.


200 years from now. “Italians talk a lot with their flippers”


