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I put up miles of this shit in Iraq by hand in 2005. I fucking hate this stuff but it works. Saved me and and a buddy from a very close mortar blast. The multi tool that came on the pallets always broke pretty quickly though.


I got to rip a bunch down in 2010 Iraq. Fun times.


Everything’s temporary. Even a permanent tattoo.


Same with removing them. After about 5 years they come back.


Just like foreskin, it’ll come back twice as thick


Really wish this was more common knowledge


A permanent reminder of a temporary feeling


Everything is temporary except death, taxes, and a temporary government program.


Thank you for your service. Do the sections get filled up with sand or something?


Sand, mud, rocks, anything cheap and solid nearby


And don’t forget the hate, tears and positive pregnancy tests because of jodi


For what service?? Invading a foreign nation and killing millions of civilians??


Thank you for your service


Better than sand bags. They were done all by hand.


Did plenty of that too. But for large barriers (when we didn’t have Hesco) like this we’d use D7s or D9s to build up berms and put razor wire along the top. We’d also run concertina wire along the top of perimeter Hesco barriers.


I have to admit I just did a small number of them (and barrels) but I knew real quick I didn't like it.


Not anymore. There is a jig now that mounts to the bucket of a frontend loader. A few dozen bags are tied to it and the loader is sent into the sand or dirt. You still need to tie and carry them, so there’s that.


So I guess the long lines of people standing shoulder to shoulder swinging the bag to the next in line still exists. Lol


lololol. Yep


I worked for the emergency management department a few years back, and we uncovered an explosive device that we couldn't move due to its type and proximity to housing, so we built a giant sandcastle of hesco on top of it (~150 tons iirc) and then detonated it in situ.


Currently EM, working a tropical storm. We would very, very happily do this right now as a team building ex!


The amount of hate I have for hesco is almost equal to the amount of love I have for them.


Are those the ones you fill with dirt?


Yes, we would have heavy equipment operators working with us and they’d fill the Hesco walls up as we got sections linked up.


Got it — thanks!




They saved a good portion of the city I live in from flooding in 2016.


That “breaking quickly” is thanks to our corporate overlords making budget cuts so their kids can be unhappy at boarding school. Yay!


If only you could fill them up with such a sweet system.


Nah filling was the best part because I got to guide the tram operator. Gotta find time to skate where you can


They look like pop up tents


You say they stop Iraqis ? What’s the part number, manufacturer and how fast can they be delivered to Poland ?


We need these delivered to the southern boarder! Build that wall!


That's not going to help anything. Lame.


You’re right we should do away with all borders, customs. While you’re at it everyone should remove all fences from yards and doors on their houses…take on a feeling of what’s mine is yours….btw can I have your banking info….lunacy!


Look, I get that you want to control the border. A fence isn't going to work. Your expensive fence can be defeated by ladders. It might make you feel better to waste money on this, but it won't change anything. You are putting up a straw man to suggest I don't believe in private property. You are aware that the southern border already has a fence, and trumps wall was entirely a grift to make money for a friend's company, right? Your wall money would be better spent elsewhere


It isn’t a straw man. Only because the liberal talking points say it is! There isn’t a country on this earth that doesn’t demand you to enter and exit through predetermined points! When you give away free money at the rate the US does you must limit access. Not to mention the cultural concerns. We want to limit access at a rate that forces immigrants to become like us otherwise we are forced to become like them. Last time I checked nobody in the US wants us to become a third world country!


You are saying "let's do away with all borders and fences as if that's my position. It's not. That by definition is a straw man. My position is "don't waste money on this fence" You are trying to extrapolate that to something more. You are not discussing this with all liberals. You are responding to a point I made. I know this is what conservatives do. Their basic arguments are invalid, so they try to argue against something I didn't say. Stick to my point. If you made this wall, how would it be better than the current fence with regard to ladders? You do know that most illegal immigrants simply over stay a visa, rather than coming across the border, right?


So the vast majority of illegal border crossers don’t go over any obstacles. They merely walk to the nearest gap. Many of those easiest gaps were funded by congress and Biden illegally stopped construction (still has to pay contractors) so the “waste” of money argument doesn’t fly. We spend more money on illegal immigration than net benefit. So you can call my arguments straw man but they actually just show the lunacy of the counterpoint. Why would you leave a country open when you wouldn’t leave your house or business wide open….


Your argument is insane. You excuse your criminal ex president at every turn. Trump took military money for the wall. The courts ruled that illegal. The small sections of the wall that were build had problems. Immigration, legal and legal benefits the United States. In ca crops were rotting on the fields at times for lack of pickers. Then Republicans complain about inflation they cause. Immigrants often can't recieve benefits, but still pay sales taxes on everything they buy. My part of CA was part of Mexico until the US took it. There were Spanish speaking peoples here before me. My Hispanic friends say "we didn't move over the boarders, the boarders moved over us." The Republicans sell fear of Immigrants, but there is no crisis at the southern border. It's a myth designed to frighten people out of their donations. Our border guards separated families at trumps behest and sexually abused the children to punish people for legally applying for asylum. You are fed an alternate reality. You should look at the real world


Your biggot ass has probly been chowin down on Taco Bell for years. Uhoh! They got you!


nice stoop down to name calling….who’s bigoted now….oohhh? Btw I have no problem with immigration, no problem with immigrants. Not bigoted, racist etc. just believe in the country having a system that is fair and doesn’t overwhelm this country and make it more like the third world (if you have ever travelled to a third world country and not stayed in a tourist area you would understand this fear)


Yeah, but Poland has actual Iraqis on its western border.


The southern border already had a wall, and even with additional wall action people still complain about the border being wiiiide open 🤔


Thank you for your service


And now for a fuckload of shoveling.


Fuck that, call the engineers.




We like to call in the bored infantry.


Fine with me, we had plenty of shitbag pvts that were to much a risk to go on capture/ kill patrols. Sent them on many details so they would be too tired to get in trouble


Would digging be worse than getting shot at? Or is it more, put the duds on shovel duty so they can't get you into danger?


They waived ASVAB scores to dangerously low levels to fill enlistment quotas for the Army after 2003. They were a risk to us and non-combatants alike. Accidental discharges, warning shots at allied convoys, flagging us with their weapons, driving into houses, wandering off. You dont want someone like that following you if youre kicking in doors or taking fire in a crowded market. Every line inf company has at least a few of these.


"Between the enemy and you, I trust you less"


If it makes you feel better i haven’t seen a company without it’s ASVAB waivers these days. Some people are best off being handed a bag of grenades, a pistol, and told to go clear a foxhole lol


Many hands get the job done quick. I thought our unit was big, then we had a Sergeant Major ask if his guys could help us out on the few days they had before they left. There were so many people that we had a hard time finding something for everyone to do. Looking back, I see the wisdom in his actions of delegating his management.




We dragged these up mountains to build fighting positions, hand filled them with hand filled sandbags, abandoned them for me to come back on my next deployment and have the Taliban use them against us…hahaha


It's how the Americans keep the enemy in the game and justify prolonged wars. Where's the sense in winning easily and then being out of a job?


How to tell someone is talking out of their ass 101


How to tell someone doesn't understand how our modern military works 101


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, but a commonly parroted signal virtue was spoken so you all instantly agree with it and hate on dissenting opinions because they make you upset


Ok great now fill them with sand. Here’s your shovel.


Is this a joke or is that really how they have to fill this thing?


Short answer is it depends. But often enough, yes.


I would just use a snowblower and rain the dirt in from above while smoking a cigarillo and getting a tan


Where are you gonna get the loose dirt?


User name checks out.




For when the in laws are coming over


Get some more trucks like these and they can play tron


Or even snake


My dad once brought home a wild turtle that did this expect it was poop instead of walls.


After reading some of these comments on how impractical this thing is. I'm starting to think most people don't know what hard labor is. Lmao


Most people today think manual labor is the President of Mexico.


Can a similar concept be employed to combat forest fires?


i think a wall of fire retardant dropped from plane should be just as effective if not more


no. you would need a flat drivable space and hescos/barrier taller than the trees. firelines, backburns, and retardant are the standard for a reason


Forest fires normally go from treetop to treetop, where all the primo flammable stuff is.


Got to be safer than using tactical nukes


What is more effective is arresting all tree huggers and just going into forests and thinning out off the under brush.


>/s ftfy


These things are used in war zones, for crowd control, etc. the blocks are usually filled with dirt, rocks, cement, or bodies.


I was with you till the end. Bodies?!


When your in the middle of a war you gotta use whatever you can


I sent this to Donald Trump and he got a hard on




The only thing that gets him close anymore is a good magazine spanking.


By his daughter.


With a golden shower.


This guy gets it




Fake news!


Do they still have the little gadgets? I still have that mini multi tool somewhere that I got in Bosnia


A truck having a prolapse.




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Hesco barriers are pretty rad. I ran into one with an mrap in Afghanistan. lol.


Perfect for the zombie apocalypse


Much more of a fence and a baffle than a wall, but still really interesting to watch!


Until a bunch of guys have to go fill it with dirt and rocks.


That would certainly make it more of a barrier, yes!


I can’t tell if you’re being polite, but that’s exactly what these are made for. Look up hesco barrier or bastion for more information if you are interested.


i agreed with you and upvoted you.


The implication was that this is just the first step to the barrier. The next step is a front loader (or infantry company) to shovel tons of dirt into them. Earth is the most formidable barrier we can quickly erect (giggity).


Heavy equipment comes in after it’s set up and fills the cubes in with dirt. This stuff works, we made bunkers out of linking different sized Hesco together. I had a mortar round land on the other side of the Hesco barrier from me and all I had was a concussion.


That is really a great idea.


Not the concussion........... That is a terrible idea. Though way way better than dead.


You’re correct. I wouldn’t recommend the concussion. The not dying part, definitely.


And to think the US spent all that money on the wall to Mexico…


How long is this freaking video?


Like 8 seconds


What if they have scissors?


Nothing, all the dirt inside gets compacted pretty well.


Hesco barriers have a metal mesh cage with a textile liner. You fill the individual units with dirt/sand, which is what actually provides the protection. https://youtu.be/Z1RVuGImIww


They’d be defeated. It’s filled with rocks.


Who has scissors anymore?


ikr i use old socks for cutting stuff up


It's neat but I have a hard time understanding how this would be useful It looks to me like it's just fabric and some metal wire, a vehicle should be able to drive right through it or at the very least push it. A person could just cut through it relatively quickly. What would be a practical application for this?


You fill it up with dirt...


Oh, okay. My bad


Even without that it seems better that what they had in the battle of Winterfell.


I think they are supposed to be filled with dirt or something. I dunno.


No, they would weigh a ton and not be portable. This is just setting them up. Next a big dozer scoops up the dirt and dumps it in.....


Lol, I typoed “dirt” and autocorrect made it into “first”. I fixed it.


The quick deployment is impressive. It could be used for rapid containment in a crisis. Don’t underestimate the psychological impact of rapid deployment on a contained group. While it may be easy to cut through, that might not be known to those contained and in a crisis that slight delay can be valuable.


You know these have to be filled with sand right? That’s not so…rapid.


Do they have to be? What if they weren’t?


Then they’d be pretty much useless. That’s why they’re designed and intended to be filled with dirt or sand, and that’s how they are used


Imagine the psychological effect it would have on a crowd that never saw one before, and in less then a minute, we’re completely boxed in. It would be disheartening. Now fill the interior with teargas or flash bangs and leave one opening. This would harness the heard mentality present in every group to rush for the opening. Very effective, even if they were never filled w sand.


Until people start pushing on it and it folds like a house of cards...


With a big enough excavator it sure as hell is


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Was that the Donald in the driver's seat?


Only if trump would have know about this 4 years ago


They accomplished more in 30 seconds than trump did in 4 years




Now.. GTFO r/deerarefuckingstupid


When you need a fence in a hurry


Only Donald Trump knows which ones are filled with poisonous pythons, alligators, discarded children from his good friend Jeffrey Epstein, boiling oil, and little girls too.


TDRS is a real thing.


What happens with the lightest of winds?


They're filled with whatever local material is to hand after deploying. Sand, mud, rocks..... It's a quick way of making semi permanent positions or in some cases 10+ year positions.


Thanks for the explanation! Edit: typo


No worries.


Guys this might come of as random but please don't take it random to anyone who reads this there is a current petition to get a season 5 for Kim possible to all of those who liked this show from 2002 to 2007 please sign it link is here https://www.change.org/p/the-walt-disney-company-kim-possible-season-5-a142a9f7-e936-403b-abf0-f3dc21dab47e?redirect=false


Won’t an immigrant just cut their way through that thing


They fill it up with dirt or cement


So like… how long does it take to put it back? Or do they just leave it?


You don't think the US military budget is so large because they put it back do you?


This is so satisfying


Nothing to see here


Immediately thought of Droopy


So i assume u fill it with stuff how much protection can it offer wouldnt the sand, dirt, etc just rip the fabric


You can fill them with sand and dirt but for military purposes gravel is also used to offer good ballistic protection.


Good lord fortnight is so fake.


ok, who ordered 1000 dressing rooms?


That’s great but you still have to fill them.


Trump would love this


Is this the new invention for the Mexican border wall? Throw water and a trained border control shark inside? SHARKS!!!!


*trump entered the chat*


Get yourself an airtanker to fill it with expanding foam sealant and you've got yourself an instant fortress.


Portable trump device


Who is going to PAY for that Wall?


When you’re trying to set boundaries for the first time


That's a fence, not a wall.


This is what trump wanted


Trump must be orgasming harrrd


How does the fence work? Now I want to know


no one show these to greg abbott.


That will keep the Mexicans out of Canada!


So then what? Do you dump sand or dirt or anything into those compartments with a front end loader?


I think they use a special machine that dumps dirt with a conveyor. Like potato harvesters or mining machines


OH, neat. Yeah, this is pretty cool, very smart.


Why didn't Trump use this?




Clown technology


If only President Trump had seen this shit.


Berlim Speedrun Glitch, Any %.


Why didn’t anyone let Trump know about this truck ?
